• Hong Kong Protester’s Message – Communist China Mankind’s Greatest Threat

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 12:18pm EDT

    “If Hong Kong falls, the whole world falls.”

  • While Dems Clamor for Gun Control, Murder Rate Drops in 38 States

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 11:25am EDT

    Dems trying to making gun control front & center despite nationwide collapse in crime

  • Who Wants to Be a Billionaire? Not Liberals

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 11:17am EDT

    Americans try to defend Bernie Sanders after he said he wants to tax billionaires out of existence.

  • Universal Studios Faces Lawsuit After ‘Deplorable Me’ Character Made ‘OK’ Gesture During Family Vacation Photo

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 10:56am EDT

    Today in Clown World…

  • Trump Targeted With Trap Obama Set For Romney

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 10:25am EDT

    Obama gave whistleblower protections to intelligence employees while Romney, who differed in foreign policy, was leading 2012 polls

  • Without Taxes Swans Will Take Over

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 10:18am EDT

    If we don’t raise taxes, swans will take over parks Support Kaitlin and SAVE BIG with Black Friday Comes Early sale! [Get 50% off products and free shipping HERE: https://bit.ly/2VdytgF]

  • Why the WOKE Establishment Hates Joker

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 10:14am EDT

    Because it holds up a mirror to the trash world they’ve created. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” https://banned.video/ https://www.infowars.com/ https://www.infowarsstore.com/

  • Video: James Clapper Admits Obama Made Deep State Officials Spy on Trump

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 9:46am EDT

    Former DNI lets slip Obama’s central role in surveilling Trump campaign.

  • The Joker

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 9:29am EDT

    Why America fears a movie. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” https://banned.video/ https://www.infowars.com/ https://www.infowarsstore.com/

  • Turkish Invasion of Syria Threatens New Middle East War as Planet Awakens to Chinese Takeover

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 9:13am EDT

    Jones is going to cover every angle! A historic broadcast! Tune in! Share this earthshaking information!

  • Twitter Censors President Trump’s Free Speech

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 8:56am EDT

    Many of us in the America First movement have been severely censored by the Big Tech Monopoly, and we have urged the President to do something. Now he has been targeted in the same way; we hope that this will bring the dangerous problem to his attention. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest […]

  • Bernie Sanders Hospitalized; Campaign Over?

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 8:46am EDT

    Bernie Sanders has been hospitalized for a dangerous heart condition, and his campaign is effectively over. Events like this are wake up calls for the reality-denying Democratic party. It is imperative that the American people do everything possible to ensure that the liberals continue to lose power. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest […]

  • Doctor Who Prescribed 500,000 Opioid Pills Faces 40 Years

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 8:37am EDT

    The opioid epidemic is an all-out biological assault on the American people. One doctor is now being held accountable for his reckless abuse of his position. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” […]

  • Louisiana Abortion Law Could Destroy Roe Vs Wade

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 8:30am EDT

    A Louisiana law placing certain restrictions on abortion will be heard by the Supreme Court, and the consequences could be powerful. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” https://banned.video/ https://www.infowars.com/ https://www.infowarsstore.com/

  • Democrats Plan Mass Civil Unrest To Overthrow Trump

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 8:29am EDT

    The Democrat’s impeachment charade came just in time to distract away from the upcoming release of several damning reports including the Inspector General’s report into the illicit origins of the Russia-collusion hoax dossier. However, the Impeachment roll out didn’t go as planned and now the Democrats are caught in a stalemate. If they move forward […]

  • Watch Live: Trump Talks Peace, Neo-Conmen Melt Down

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 6:23am EDT

    The Military Industrial Complex is on notice.

  • Marines Weigh In On Trump Calling Marines To White House

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 4:40am EDT

    Owen Shroyer takes calls from U.S. Marines on what they believe may be President Trump’s motivation behind activating reserve Marines. By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale! [Get 50% off products with double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) right now!

  • And Then They Came for Joe Rogan

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 4:32am EDT

    Cancel culture catches up with podcast megastar.

  • The Book Is About To Close On The Late Great United States Of America

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 2:54am EDT

    We are steamrolling toward oblivion.

  • And Then They Came For Joe Rogan

    Infowars - Oct 8th 2019 12:17am EDT

    “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&;utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter

  • Opioid Kingpins, Sackler, Worse Than El Chappo

    Infowars - Oct 7th 2019 11:08pm EDT

    Purdue Pharmaceutical just cut a deal with several states’ Attorneys General. The AG’s were snookered. Which raises the question: why are the Sacklers allowed to keep billions but El Chappo gets the “civil asset forfeiture” treatment?

  • The Marines Are Ready To Serve America And Not The Deep State

    Infowars - Oct 7th 2019 8:57pm EDT

    President Trump has activated the U.S. Marine reserves to respond to an “emergency within the United States,” citing “threats to the Homeland.” By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale! [Get 50% off products with double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) right now!

  • Meghan McCain Is A War Pig Just Like Her Father

    Infowars - Oct 7th 2019 8:57pm EDT

    Meghan McCain was furious on “The View” where she accused those who want to bring back the troops of being “feckless cowards”. Owen explains how the warmonger seed didn’t fall far from the warmonger tree. By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale! [Get 50% off products […]

  • War Room Daily Countdown 10.07.19

    Infowars - Oct 7th 2019 8:53pm EDT

    Short on time, but still want to stay informed? The War Room Daily Countdown covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast! By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale! [Get 50% off products with double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) right now!

  • Impeachment Brought To You By Deep State Inc.

    Infowars - Oct 7th 2019 5:31pm EDT

    Gerald Celente hosts the last hour of The Alex Jones Show to break down the criminal foundation behind the move to overthrow the President of the United States of America. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with double Patriot Points and free shipping during our Black […]