• Hearing Loss in Children Leads to Changes in How Brain Processes Sound

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:50am EDT

    Researchers analyze how brain repurposes itself to respond more to visual stimuli

  • Eugenics and the Racist Underbelly of the American Left

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:45am EDT

    It’s tragic when people come to believe that the very policies making them worse off are the policies that will lead them to a better life

  • Devastating Compilation: MSM Promotes 6th Grade Hate Hoaxer’s Claims

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:36am EDT

    Media caught with major egg on face after 12-year-old admits claims all made up.

  • Jussie Smollett Triggered After Being Compared To 6th Grade Race Hoaxer

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:32am EDT

    ‘Y’all can continue to be misinformed, internalized sheep, who believe what actual proven liars feed you or you can read the actual docs,’ he fumes.

  • Photo Shows Joe, Hunter Biden Golfing with Ukraine Gas Exec

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:07am EDT

    Casts doubts on Biden’s claims he never discussed Ukraine business with son.

  • Journalists Create False Call For Violence At Joker Movie

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:02am EDT

    The Liberal media claims that disillusioned white men will resonate with the story of the Joker and lash out in violence. In reality it is the media that is begging for a tragedy to happen to justify their hatred of middle class white Americans. They cry that we must never give platform to people they […]

  • Expert Asks If Fed Has Economy on Life Support

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 10:00am EDT

    Interest rates remain historically low

  • Pop Quiz on The Beach, Part 2

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 8:58am EDT

    Can Americans answer extremely basic questions?

  • Journalists Create False Call For Violence At Joker Movie

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 8:49am EDT

    Find out why in this Infowars exclusive.

  • Pop Quiz on the Beach, Part 2

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 8:48am EDT

    Kaitlin asks beach goers in Jacksonville simple questions. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!”

  • Watch Live: China Unleashed As Deep State Goes Rogue

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 6:20am EDT

    Get the latest on the Hong Kong protests and the elite’s plan to impeach Trump.

  • FOX Report: Barr Asked Trump To Reach Out To Other Countries In Criminal Probe

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 5:15am EDT

    This Fox news report directly contradicts the NY Times Fake News report. Alex Jones breaks it all down By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale! **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** […]

  • What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 3:27am EDT

    It’s been two years since Stephen Paddock allegedly shot hundreds of people in Las Vegas from his room in Mandalay Bay, killing 58 before ending his own life. But do we really know more about what happened now than we did after the FBI investigated the matter for over a year? If anything, eyewitness accounts, […]

  • Crowdstrike: The DNC Hoax

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 2:29am EDT

    They are owned by Google. They have the “only” evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC’s emails before the 2016 election. When the FBI tapped Crowdstrike to provide their evidence, Crowdstrike refused. Roger Stone recently requested evidence from the company to aid him in the indictment he faces for allegedly lying to Congress. But as […]

  • The NWO Reprograms America

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 2:18am EDT

    The Big Lie just won’t end. American culture has been completely hijacked to present the illusion that anyone with a shred of independent thought is unpopular. And as this trend continues your liberties as you knew them will dissolve. There are already two Generations knee deep in the propaganda and self loathing. Where will America […]

  • Dems Struggle To Protect The Chicoms

    Infowars - Oct 1st 2019 2:17am EDT

    They are pulling out all the stops. The Democrats don’t care if President Trump is operating the Oval Office as past Presidents have. Utilizing the Constitutional protection of Executive privilege to carry the sovereign message of freedom and liberty to all corners of the planet. What is important to the Democrats is that our Republic […]

  • If Trump Falls, You And Your Family Are Next – FULL SHOW 9/30/19

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 8:43pm EDT

    From the show that told you first, learn what comes next! President Trump warns that the country is heading into another civil war. Desperate globalists will try to turn over the chestboard once they realize they’re losing. How politically active we are will determine how hard of a crash landing we’ll experience! “By the way, […]

  • Democrats Launch Cold Civil War Against President Trump – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 8:09pm EDT

    A busy broadcast week kicks off with major propaganda coming out of the Deep State, the Democrat Party and the corrupt members of the corporate press. We identify the coup attempt against President Trump as the next level kicks off. We take calls asking Americans what they are doing to save The Republic. Also, we […]

  • Questions Remain On The 2 Year Anniversary Of The Las Vegas Massacre

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 7:55pm EDT

    A hard-hitting report from Infowars’ Greg Reese reveals the anomalies that surround the deadliest mass shooting in American history. By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!

  • War Room Recap 09.30.19

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 7:47pm EDT

    Short on time, but still want to stay informed? The War Room daily recap covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast! By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!

  • How The Average American Can Fight The Democrat Takeover Of America

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 7:31pm EDT

    As the left and the MSM continue their takeover of America, Owen explains what patriots can do to take action right where they are and fight against the globalist agenda. By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with [double Patriot Points and free shipping](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext) during our Black […]

  • How to Counter Trump Impeachment

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 4:55pm EDT

    Watch Fire Power With Will Johnson NOW!

  • Barr Asks Trump to Reach Out to Other Countries in Criminal Probe of Deep State Coup Ring

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 4:35pm EDT

    Fox News report directly contradicts NYT article!

  • Leftist Climate Propaganda Pushes Children’s Outrage Over Scientists’ Claims

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 4:08pm EDT

    As Greta Thurnberg is unable to operate without a prepared script, actual scientists are overlooked for not backing the political platform propaganda of the left. “By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! Get 50% off products with double Patriot Points and free shipping during our Black Friday Comes Early Sale!” https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=xbwse&utm_campaign=BlackFridayComesEarly&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=BFCEundervideotext […]

  • Watch: What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas

    Infowars - Sep 30th 2019 4:04pm EDT

    Do we really know what happened two years after the most deadly mass shooting in US history?