• LOL: Angry Mom Tells Off Twerking Climate Protesters For Making Kids Late to School

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 9:31am EDT

    ‘I’m trying to get my kids to school… and he twerking on the front of my f***ing car!’

  • Powerful! Father Who Lost Daughter At Parkland Exposes Leftist Crimes

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 9:24am EDT

    The mainstream media doesn’t want this man to be heard.

  • Watch Live: Americans Outraged at Greta’s Hate-Filled Threats

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 9:24am EDT

    Big Tech & the Left are working around the clock to censor Infowars. Defeat them by sharing this link and telling everyone you know!

  • Iran Warns US To Stay Away, Or Else

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 9:15am EDT

    Iran has warned the United States that any military action against the middle-eastern nation will be very costly. Many in the US have pushed for a strike on Iran, attributing to them the recent missile strike against two Saudi oil plants. Watch the uncensored video streams at: https://infowars.com/show ***Download The Official Infowars Free App Infowars […]

  • Population Control Is the Ultimate Goal of the Climate-change Cult

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 8:07am EDT

    ‘Eating bugs, cannibalism, sewer pipe housing: Are these people really attempting to solve climate change or just humiliate the population of the Earth?’

  • Watch Greta Thunberg Channel Hitler In Hate-Filled Rant

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 7:43am EDT

    The new face of eco-fascism speaks!

  • Watch Live: Democrats Move To Impeach… Again

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 6:28am EDT

    The desperate left will not stop until the Trump administration is completely derailed.

  • Beto Makes Bizarre Claim That Trans Women Of Color Can Be Murdered With ‘Complete Impunity’

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 2:52am EDT

    What the hell is he talking about?

  • FOX NFL Sunday Goes Full Libtard!

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 2:48am EDT

    Warning! Explicit Language. This video exposes how liberals are allowed to be as vile and disgusting as they want while conservatives get banished by the establishment for simply speaking their minds. Radical leftist Michael Rapaport, one of the most dreadfully obnoxious anti-Trumpers in America, currently holds a job at Fox Sports where he appears on […]

  • Demonic Puppets Revel In Our Demise

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 2:02am EDT

    The fools threatening our natural rights to Life, Liberty, and Property are ultimately waging a war against the creator. Time and time again, providence has laid waste to their plans. Yet a new crop of power hungry puppets always rise to their heights of arrogance only to fall to the depths of hell in their […]

  • The Formula For Gun Confiscation And Civil War

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 1:47am EDT

    If ever there was a war on for the minds of free thinking Americans it is now. As the tyrannical technocratic globalist system wreaks havoc on the public knowledge of the actual threats facing America. Utilizing the brainwashing of upcoming generations and the sheep inhabiting the left/right paradigm, a formula for gun confiscation is gradually […]

  • Twitter Rules Don’t Apply To Dictators

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 1:23am EDT

    Recently, during another Capitol Hill butt kissing session between our Silicon Valley overlords and the clueless government hacks being unwittingly goaded into submission by a growing stranglehold on free speech. Nick Pickles, who handles public policy for Twitter argued this doozy of hypocrisy for all to witness. No… Maduro hasn’t violated anything. Unless you count […]

  • Kids Lead Humanity Into Carbon Taxation Hell

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 1:03am EDT

    Climate change madness is upon us. Without any consideration of the consequences they will surely face, a generation blinded by junk science and blame accepts the carbon taxation scheme of a corpracratic elite class largely responsible for the very pollution and erosion plaguing the Earth. Failed Presidential candidate and worthless NYC Mayor DeBlasio, guided by […]

  • Watch Greta Thunberg Channel Hitler In Hate Filled Rant

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 12:39am EDT

    Eco Fascist Greta Thunberg Released A Hate Filled Rant and Looked at Donald Trump with a gaze that would turn mortal men to stone. **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** http://www.infowarsapk.com/ ** Backup website>> https://www.newswars.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter **EXPERIENCE THE BENEFITS OF ULTIMATE KRILL OIL>> https://www.infowarsstore.com/ultimate-krill-oil.html

  • Alex Jones & Son Exercise Their Second Amendment At Range

    Infowars - Sep 24th 2019 12:19am EDT

    Alex Jones and his son Rex show us how exercising our Second Amendment right is crucial to maintaining sovereignty and preserving personal freedom. Follow Rex Jones on Twitter! @rexjonesnews **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** http://www.infowarsapk.com/ ** Backup website>> https://www.newswars.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter ** GET YOUR…Come And Take It, Beto: You’ll Never Get Our […]

  • SHOCK: Alex Jones Joins Bill Gates And The Global Elites To Destroy Humanity

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 11:44pm EDT

    Alex Jones joins bill gates and the global elites to destroy humanity **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** http://www.infowarsapk.com/ ** Backup website>> https://www.newswars.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter

  • Alex Jones Puts Beto On Notice

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 11:05pm EDT

    Alex Jones Puts Beto On Notice. **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** www.infowarsapk.com/ ** Backup website>> https://www.newswars.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter ** GET YOUR…Come And Take It, Beto: You’ll Never Get Our Guns T-SHIRTS TODAY>> https://www.infowarsstore.com/beto-not-come-and-take-it.html

  • Why Does Ed Buck Look Demon Possessed?

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 8:47pm EDT

    Owen comments on photos of Democrat donor Ed Buck that show him looking demon possessed while attending his court trial.

  • Powerful! Father Who Lost Daughter At Parkland Exposes Leftist Crimes

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 8:28pm EDT

    Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack who was a victim of the Parkland shooting, joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the crimes of leftists and their damaging policies. :web: http://infowars.com http://newswars.com http://europe.infowars.com http://prisonplanet.com http://infowarsstore.com

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Kindergarten Congresswomen

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 8:16pm EDT

    Owen explains why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is actually nothing more than a “Kindergatener pretending to be a congresswoman”.

  • Joe Biden Has A Russian Collusion Problem, Not Trump!

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 8:13pm EDT

    Joe Biden claims President Trump abused his power because of the whistleblower being reported on in the media. Owen explains why Biden is the one with the problem!

  • Climate Change Activists Unleashed, Dozens Arrested During UN Protest – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 7:51pm EDT

    Climate change activists go wild to start the week as Greta ‘The Climate Change Girl’ gives a dystopic and frightening speech at the UN and protesters out in the street are getting arrested. Donald Trump’s Ukraine problem is actually Joe Biden’s as the Democrat coup continues. We’re also joined by former NFL running back Larry […]

  • Bombshell: DOJ Memos Reveal Rosenstein Planned To Wiretap Trump

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 7:29pm EDT

    Former AG Rosenstein denied existence of plot to overthrow president.

  • Climate Change Activists Give Kids A Day Off School To Join Protest

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 7:11pm EDT

    School children nationwide were encouraged to skip school and “protest climate change” on Friday of last week. Savanah Hernandez joins Owen in-studio to reveal the extent of indoctrination of America’s youth.

  • Climate Activists Say We Have Less Than 12 Years To Live

    Infowars - Sep 23rd 2019 7:00pm EDT

    Climate change activists swear that we have less than 12 years to live, citing mainstream media talking points and buzzwords. In so doing they reveal that fear is the primary driver of this climate hysteria. **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** http://www.infowarsapk.com/ ** Backup website>> https://www.newswars.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter