• Fighting To Save The Faith: Catholics Taking Back The Church From The NWO

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:19pm EDT

    Michael Voris from https://www.churchmilitant.com/ joins David to discuss some of his articles and videos.

  • 19Sep19 Bernie Admits Medicare-For-All Costs Would Destroy Country; Elizabeth Warren’s 43 Plans to C

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:16pm EDT

    1987 & Bernie Sanders admits that Medicare-For-All would collapse the economy. And that’s just ONE giveaway program. Is that the plan? Elizabeth Warren has 43 “plans” on her website to centrally control & direct the economy for our own good. Then, the Children’s Climate crusade, complete with die-in, a “savior” Greta & all the trappings […]

  • Terrorism, Welfare Fraud and Ilhan Omar

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:16pm EDT

    The other Portland (Maine) also has a problem. Not Antifa terrorists but ”refugees” (who travel a circuitous route of 12,000 miles) overwhelming the welfare & education system. But there’s also welfare fraud in Australia (like that in “Little Mogadishu” Minnesota) supporting a global network of Somali terrorists. Mainstream media & govt go to great lengths […]

  • Children’s Climate Crusade: It’s Takes a Village (of the Damned)

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:16pm EDT

    Children are being bullied by so badly by the climate alarmism pushed by schools, media & Hollywood that they can’t sleep anymore. It’s a burgeoning new field for psychologists. And they’re turning the children into an army of political activists marching to the Pied Piper — the United Nations.

  • BootyGay’s Baby Boneyard

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:16pm EDT

    The skeletons are out of the closet. What’s is Buttigieg’s connection to the abortionist on whose property were found the skeletal remains of 2,000 babies?

  • Religion of Climate Change

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Sin, indulgences, guilt — they don’t even try to hide it as NBC, Greta & seminaries openly talk about the RELIGION of climate change being taught to our children

  • 18Sep19 Pentagon Cancels Wall for “Being Over Budget”? Facebook Creates Pages for ISIS & Al Qaeda Au

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Pentagon finally discovers fiscal budgets — when it comes to the wall. Will Facebook create automatic pages for YOUR business or for YOU like it did for ISIS & Al Qaeda? Then an in-depth look at the contents of Snowden’s book released yesterday. What does it tell us about CIA, NSA , surveillance programs & […]

  • Snowden PERMANENT RECORD: The Good, Bad & Misinformation

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Is Snowden’s book, released yesterday, a CIA tool? Why is the DOJ suing for money but allowing the book to be sold? Why would a major publisher print the book w/o first clearing it with the intelligence agencies? David Knight examines in detail what Snowden says — what does the CIA’s secret “WikiLeaks” say about […]

  • Vatican Continues to Defend Pell, Push Secular Humanism for Kids

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Leo Zagamai, LeoZagami.com, joins to talk about the Vatican using its clout to get an appeal for convicted pedophile, Cardinal Pell, as the Pope pushes a global educational agenda of secular humanism. Then, what does the ouster of Salvini mean for Italy & the globalist and is the secret order, the Carboneri, rising again?

  • Universal Gun Registration: App Required for Private Gun Sales

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Both political parties are pushing universal background checks. Both Mexico & the UN are reviving calls about controlling small arms moving across borders. And it’s reported that Trump favors a smart phone app that would be mandated to report private sales.

  • 16Sep19 Real Energy Threatened, World Economy Shaken

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Markets & militaries are reacting to the drone strike that shut down half of Saudi oil production. Pompeo & the Pentagon says only sophisticated cruise missiles could blow up oil & gas installations, but men in caves can take down 3 skyscrapers with 2 planes. Something doesn’t add up. — a real-life Dr. Strangelove, Bolton’s […]

  • Realtor’s License Threatened for “Jesus Loves You”

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    A case in Virginia threatens to extend the purging of Christianity to anyone who uses a commercial license for their business or trade — realtors, plumbers, hair stylists, lawyers, etc — since merely saying “Jesus Loves You” is now considered a hate crime. In Virginia. So much for Thomas Jefferson’s “Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom”, […]

  • US Govt Drone Claims Don’t Ring True

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    The Pentagon, which has LOST every asymmetric war says the strike that took out Saudi oil production could’ve ONLY been done by sophisticated cruise missiles. These are the same people that said 3 steel skyscrapers COLLAPSED after 2 of them were hit by planes. But is the strike that took out half of Saudi oil […]

  • UAW Strike: Another Indicator of Bursting Bubble Economy

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    What wins an election? “It’s the economy stupid.” It’s not just the drone strike on Saudi oil fields & what would happen with a wider Middle East War, the UAW strike on GM may be another signal that the economic bubble is about to burst.

  • Bolton’s Replacement IS Dr. Strangelove -> SERIOUSLY

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Bolton’s replacement, Cupperman, is on record as thinking the US could win a nuclear war — 20 Million killed & we’d be stronger. Dr. Strangelove is advising the President, along with the guy who laughingly said “we lie, we cheat, we steal — we have classes on it”

  • 09Sep13 Dem Debate Aftermath: Beto Comes For Your Guns

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Beto stated at the Democratic Debates that “Hell yeah he is going to take your AR-15”. Guns have been an ongoing debate with the wake of the mass shootings. David breaks down what the candidates talked about, including Andrew Yang and how he wants to give the $1,000 monthly dividend to some American Family. Eric […]

  • Whistleblower Complaint Story And Hashtag Is The Latest Anti-Trump Propaganda

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    A new story claims a whistleblower is being silenced by the Trump administration. Owen exposes this story as fake Anti-Trump propaganda disguising itself as legitimate news.

  • Breaking! US Intelligence Agencies Caught Spying On President Trump – War Room Full Show

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    An exciting edition of the War Room today as Sam Tripoli and Eddie Bravo are in studio to discuss secret societies, the flat Earth and space exploration, the secrets of the Universe and more. Henry Davis joins to discuss how real patriots are trying to help inner cities without the help of Democrat politicians. Aladdin […]

  • Jim Jordan Questions IG Michael Horowitz On Jim Comey’s Lies

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Michael Horowitz is questioned by Jim Jordan about several discrepancies that came to light after Jim Comey was fired by President Trump.

  • Gun Control Doesn’t Work For Inner Cities, But Will Stop And Frisk?

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Henry Davis is a black conservative political activist who has caused controversy because of his support for “stop and frisk” policies in his community. Henry joins Owen to discuss his activism and how patriots can open the eyes of those that don’t yet support Trump.

  • Proof Justin Trudeau Did Not Dress Up As Aladdin As He Claims

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Pictures of Justin Trudeau in black face have surfaced and the political world has been rocked! Owen explains why Justin may be in more trouble than he could ever expect.

  • Kanye West Calls Out Liberal Bullies In Hollywood

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Kanye West was interviewed by David Letterman on his new Netflix show where he called out the bullies on the left. Owen breaks down why Kanye is right on target about the persecution of conservatives.

  • “Flat Earth Chicks Looove To Get Weird!” Sam Tripoli & Eddie Bravo

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Sam Tripoli from The Tin Foil Hat podcast and Eddie Bravo join Owen Shroyer in-studio to break down the hottest topics in politics and even discuss if the earth may be actually be flat! Don’t miss this hilariously epic discussion from another dimension.

  • Major Democrat Donor Ed Buck Arrested And Charged With Running Hollywood Drug House – Full Show

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Owen Shroyer illustrates the total hypocrisy of the media as it breaks that major Democrat Donor Ed Buck has been arrested after a third drug overdose at his L.A. apartment. That doesn’t stop them from covering a fake story all day long like fake accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. Laura Loomer joins the show to discuss […]

  • New PSA Targets Children For Fear Propaganda

    Infowars - Sep 20th 2019 12:15pm EDT

    Owen breaks down a terrible new PSA that’s exposed the hate for the 2nd Amendment that exists on the left as evidenced by the children being exploited in the video.