• TPC Broadcasts Live From AmRen

    James Edwards - Aug 13th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the August 12 broadcast: Radio Show Hour 1 (Part One) TPC broadcasts live from the American Renaissance conference. Appearing this hour: Ruuben Kaalep, Stephen McNallen, and Brad Griffin Radio Show Hour 2 (Part Two) TPC broadcasts live from the American Renaissance conference. Appearing this hour: Peter Brimelow, Roger […]

  • Wild Night

    James Edwards - Aug 13th 2023 3:00am EDT

    Every episode is an adventure, but nothing has quite the same energy as our remote broadcasts. We had a wonderful time presenting TPC live from the American Renaissance conference last night and will be heading down to Alabama from here for another great show on the road next week!

  • Radio Show Hour 1 – 2023/08/12

    James Edwards - Aug 12th 2023 10:14pm EDT

    (Part One) TPC broadcasts live from the American Renaissance conference. Appearing this hour: Ruuben Kaalep, Stephen McNallen, and Brad Griffin

  • Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/08/12

    James Edwards - Aug 12th 2023 10:12pm EDT

    (Part Two) TPC broadcasts live from the American Renaissance conference. Appearing this hour: Peter Brimelow, Roger Devlin, Mark Weber, and others

  • Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/08/12

    James Edwards - Aug 12th 2023 10:10pm EDT

    (Part Three) TPC broadcasts live from the American Renaissance conference. Appearing this hour: More friends and fun from AmRen 2023!

  • Listen to The Political Cesspool Radio Program LIVE Tonight / Saturday, August 12, 6-9 PM CT

    James Edwards - Aug 12th 2023 5:00am EDT

    We will be broadcasting live tonight from the American Renaissance conference! Tune in and join us as we talk with various special guests and attendees from the floor of this annual event. Listen to TPC live! (Saturdays, 6-9 PM Central Time) Click here to listen live online via the internet or click here to listen […]

  • Reasons for Optimism

    James Edwards - Aug 11th 2023 5:00am EDT

    I’m about to talk at AmRen tomorrow and thought it might be fun to revisit a similar speech that I delivered at the Counter-Currents conference last fall. From Counter-Currents: James Edwards offers some white pills in this video regarding why now is the perfect time to get involved in the pro-white movement, as things are […]

  • White Americans Are Being Attacked

    James Edwards - Aug 10th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by Paul Craig Roberts In the United States, the majority of the population remains white despite 58 years of mass immigration of non-whites. Despite remaining a large majority, white Americans are not only being replaced but are being disappeared along with their history. You no longer see white families in corporate ads. If a family […]

  • Yet Another Indictment for Trump

    James Edwards - Aug 8th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by Brad Griffin While Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 and 2020, we have never had a presidential election where the leading opposition candidate is facing spending the rest of his life in prison. This has also never happened before in a political atmosphere as charged and polarized as this one. Trump is currently […]

  • Padraig Martin Speaks

    James Edwards - Aug 7th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Padraig Martin, co-editor of The Honorable Cause, spoke at a recent event sponsored by the League of the South. Righteous indignation is a gift from God. See also: John Friend Reviews The Honorable Cause And: Spencer Quinn Reviews The Honorable Cause And: Roger Devlin Reviews The Honorable Cause And: Rémi Tremblay Reviews The Honorable Cause […]

  • Charlottesville Retrospective

    James Edwards - Aug 6th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the August 5 broadcast: Radio Show Hour 1 Do all citizens enjoy the freedom of speech and assembly on the public square? Journalist Jason Kessler joins us for a Charlottesville retrospective as we approach the ominous anniversary. Radio Show Hour 2 The aftermath of Unite the Right dramatically […]

  • Count Me In

    James Edwards - Aug 6th 2023 3:00am EDT

    You can always count on TPC. Talk to y’all again next week!

  • Radio Show Hour 1 – 2023/08/05

    James Edwards - Aug 5th 2023 10:50pm EDT

    Do all citizens enjoy the freedom of speech and assembly on the public square? Journalist Jason Kessler joins us for a Charlottesville retrospective as we approach the ominous anniversary.

  • Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/08/05

    James Edwards - Aug 5th 2023 10:47pm EDT

    The aftermath of Unite the Right dramatically altered the political landscape. Dr. Michael Hill remembers that fateful day before Anne Wilson Smith, author of Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right, joins the conversation.

  • Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/08/05

    James Edwards - Aug 5th 2023 10:35pm EDT

    Donald Trump, currently leading in the polls over Joe Biden, has just been indicted…again. We are entering into a phase of American history that has no precedent. Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander discuss.

  • Listen to The Political Cesspool Radio Program LIVE Tonight / Saturday, August 5, 6-9 PM CT

    James Edwards - Aug 5th 2023 5:00am EDT

    Charlottesville is back in the news and peaceful protesters are now being arrested for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights of free speech and assembly six years after the fact. Tonight, we will look back on the anniversary of that historic event with Jason Kessler. Afterward, Dr. Michael Hill and Anne Wilson Smith, author of Charlottesville […]

  • Thank You Isn’t Enough

    James Edwards - Aug 4th 2023 5:00am EDT

    Dear TPC Family, It’s hard to believe that it’s August, now well beyond the halfway mark of another stellar year of broadcasting. Through all the seasons and all the scars, your prayerful and financial support continues to sustain us. And as we like to do from time to time, I invite you to please read […]

  • John Friend Reviews The Honorable Cause

    James Edwards - Aug 3rd 2023 5:00am EDT

    It’s amazing to see the book continue to get such publicity four months after its release. The following review appeared in the July/August edition of The Barnes Review. – James by John Friend As America’s political landscape continues to crumble, with vehement division and disagreement dominating our political discourse, the inevitable rise of identity politics […]

  • Keeping America Ignorant

    James Edwards - Aug 1st 2023 5:00am EDT

    Things you must not know, even if ignorance kills you. Jared Taylor talks about the campaign to subvert, degrade, and eventually destroy everything. See also: I Was There And: Meet James Edwards at AmRen 2023

  • TPC’s Jubilant July

    James Edwards - Jul 31st 2023 1:00pm EDT

    It truly was a jubilant July on TPC that was filled with special events and programming! That won’t stop as we sprint into August, which will be another busy month featuring live remote broadcasts from the American Renaissance conference and the Southern Cultural Center. James Edwards will also be speaking at both events, and you […]

  • TPC Tackles Another Race Hoax

    James Edwards - Jul 30th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the July 29 broadcast: Radio Show Hour 1 Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander discuss the latest race hoax to receive national attention. Radio Show Hour 2 Political commentator and activist Warren Balogh returns to the program to discuss his latest efforts and the current cultural landscape. Radio […]

  • I Will Follow Him

    James Edwards - Jul 30th 2023 3:00am EDT

    Traditional women still exist and will be the future. Get in a church and marry one.

  • Radio Show Hour 1 – 2023/07/29

    James Edwards - Jul 29th 2023 10:14pm EDT

    Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander discuss the latest race hoax to receive national attention.

  • Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/07/29

    James Edwards - Jul 29th 2023 10:12pm EDT

    We continue our survey of the cultural landscape with political commentator and activist Warren Balough.

  • Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/07/29

    James Edwards - Jul 29th 2023 10:10pm EDT

    We take a quick trip to the Great White North and talk with Canadian writer and translator C.J. Miller.