• Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/07/08

    James Edwards - Jul 9th 2023 12:42am EDT

    TPC’s special presentation from South Carolina concludes with special guests and audience participation.

  • Listen to The Political Cesspool Radio Program LIVE Tonight / Saturday, July 8, 6-9 PM CT

    James Edwards - Jul 8th 2023 5:00am EDT

    James Edwards is once again taking the show on the road and will host another rollicking remote broadcast of TPC from South Carolina! These shows have become absolute fan favorites. Expect a real treat tonight! This is what listeners said after last year’s installment: Your show from South Carolina was on steroids. No wonder this […]

  • Thank You

    James Edwards - Jul 6th 2023 5:00am EDT

    Dear TPC Family, The enemy can take away our means to communicate with listeners on social media and rob us of the ability to process online contributions, making it more difficult to bring in the support required to fund our work. But as long as people like you stand by our side, we will persevere. […]

  • Covid Disappears

    James Edwards - Jul 6th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by John Young Where are the new Covid-19 variants? To be fair, they are occurring. It’s just that the regime has moved on to the next Thing(tm), so they aren’t being put on the news. They basically realized that they were expending far too much of their credibility pushing the Covid thing, so they let […]

  • Independence Day Reflections

    James Edwards - Jul 5th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by Brad Griffin There were no women who signed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. It would have been scandalous at the time. It was White men who fought and died in the American Revolution. There were no BIPOC people who signed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. It was only White men. […]

  • What Did the Founding Fathers REALLY Believe?

    James Edwards - Jul 4th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by Jared Taylor Today, the United States officially takes the position that all races are equal. Our country is also committed legally and morally to the view that race is not a fit criterion for decision-making of any kind, except for promoting “diversity” or for the purpose of redressing past wrongs done by Whites to […]

  • America Is Not a “Proposition Nation”

    James Edwards - Jul 3rd 2023 1:00pm EDT

    by Charles Tallis When I was studying French in school we used an elementary reader that was published in France ages ago. On one page it had the pictures of the peoples of different nations with their corresponding names in French. These pictures were stereotypes — French, German, English, American, African, Chinese, Egyptian, etc. — […]

  • TPC’s 4th of July Spectacular

    James Edwards - Jul 2nd 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the July 1 broadcast: Radio Show Hour 1 Former U.S. Representative Steve King returns to the program and provides the fireworks during our Independence Day extravaganza! Radio Show Hour 2 Is America a “proposition” nation? What did the Founding Fathers really believe? Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander […]

  • My Country, ‘Tis of Thee

    James Edwards - Jul 2nd 2023 3:00am EDT

    I realize that it is incredibly difficult to get excited about or celebrate anything associated with modern-day America because the country now stands for everything that is ugly and vile. However, I ask that you watch the inspirational video below and let your mind slip back to a time when our nation actually attempted to […]

  • Radio Show Hour 1 – 2023/07/01

    James Edwards - Jul 1st 2023 10:18pm EDT

    Former U.S. Representative Steve King returns to the program and provides the fireworks during our Independence Day extravaganza!

  • Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/07/01

    James Edwards - Jul 1st 2023 10:17pm EDT

    Is America a “proposition” nation? What did the Founding Fathers really believe? Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander set the record straight as our 4th of July spectacular rolls on!

  • Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/07/01

    James Edwards - Jul 1st 2023 10:15pm EDT

    We touch on the spate of recent Supreme Court rulings before wrapping up this special holiday broadcast with two of our regular contributors.

  • Listen to The Political Cesspool Radio Program LIVE Tonight / Saturday, July 1, 6-9 PM CT

    James Edwards - Jul 1st 2023 5:00am EDT

    Don’t you dare miss tonight’s special holiday installment when former U.S. Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) returns to the program for TPC’s annual Independence Day Spectacular! Listen to TPC live! (Saturdays, 6-9 PM Central Time) Click here to listen live online via the internet or click here to listen live via your mobile device. Fans can […]

  • A Peek Inside TPC’s Mailbag

    James Edwards - Jun 30th 2023 3:00am EDT

    Ladies and Gentlemen, We are regularly overwhelmed by an outpouring of affection that arrives via snail and e-mail. The thoughtful correspondence is always a morale boost that keeps us focused and motivated. We enjoy it so much I thought that you might enjoy it, too! Please find below an assorted selection of ten letters, e-mails, […]

  • Permitting the Ukraine Conflict to Continue

    James Edwards - Jun 29th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by Paul Craig Roberts The Western discussion of the conflict in Ukraine is the most nonsensical collection of lies and delusions I have encountered in my lifetime. Nothing reported in the Western media is accurate. Consider this BBC report from June 23, 2023: Some 680 Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine over the past […]

  • When Black Swans Mate

    James Edwards - Jun 28th 2023 5:00am EDT

    by William S. Lind As almost everybody knows, a black swan is a new term for an unexpected event that has major consequences. Like avian black swans, such events are rare. But when they hit, panic, overreaction, and demands for safety at any price tend to follow. Think of Wall Street in October of 1929. […]

  • Sexual Utopia in Stockholm

    James Edwards - Jun 27th 2023 5:00am EDT

    TPC just wrapped up a two-week mini-series during which select individuals who either attended or addressed several different dissident conferences that have bloomed this summer appeared on the show to share their experiences. On our most recent broadcast, Mark Weber and Roger Devlin detailed their multi-nation speaking tours of Europe. Below you will find the […]

  • Mark Weber and Roger Devlin Return to TPC

    James Edwards - Jun 25th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Here’s an hour by hour breakdown of the June 24 broadcast: Radio Show Hour 1 Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review, reports on his recent participation at a conference in Estonia that addressed the future of Europe and the West. He further shares observations from recent visits to the Netherlands, Belgium, and […]

  • A Summer Song

    James Edwards - Jun 25th 2023 3:00am EDT

    Beautiful music. Summer continues and our annual Independence Day show is up next on TPC!

  • Radio Show Hour 1 – 2023/06/24

    James Edwards - Jun 24th 2023 10:14pm EDT

    Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review, reports on his recent participation at a conference in Estonia that addressed the future of Europe and the West. He then shares observations from recent visits to the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria before touching on the developing situation in Russia.

  • Radio Show Hour 2 – 2023/06/24

    James Edwards - Jun 24th 2023 10:12pm EDT

    Dr. F. Roger Devlin, author of Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization, shares details and insights about his own recently completed multi-nation speaking tour of Europe.

  • Radio Show Hour 3 – 2023/06/24

    James Edwards - Jun 24th 2023 10:10pm EDT

    Marty Phillips, a young author of two popular works of fiction, Let Them Look West, and his most recent book, Millennium, joins us for the first time to discuss his novels.

  • Listen to The Political Cesspool Radio Program LIVE Tonight / Saturday, June 24, 6-9 PM CT

    James Edwards - Jun 24th 2023 5:00am EDT

    We are currently in the middle of a two-week period during which TPC is showcasing select individuals who either attended or addressed several different dissident conferences that have bloomed this summer. Join us this evening when Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review, reports on his recent participation at a conference in Estonia […]

  • Juneteenth

    James Edwards - Jun 23rd 2023 7:00am EDT

    by Brad Griffin Here are some thoughts on our third annual national celebration of “Juneteenth” earlier this week: 1. The creation of Juneteenth as a federal holiday was a sop to the Democrat base which marked the end of Joe Biden’s legislative agenda. He wasn’t going to be able to push anything serious through Congress […]

  • 43

    James Edwards - Jun 22nd 2023 3:00am EDT

    Dear TPC Family, I founded TPC when I was 24 years old. Today is my 43rd birthday. Whenever a holiday, anniversary, or birthday comes up, it gives us time to pause and reflect on what we’ve accomplished in life while remembering those who are important to us. Birthdays also remind us how fast the hands […]
