• Kamala “The Border Czar” Harris

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 26th 2024 6:00pm EDT

    The mainstream media has been working overtime ever since Sleepy Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the new Democrat nominee. But they aren’t working to highlight Kamala Harris’s disastrous handling of the southern border. Instead, they are doing everything in their power to cover it up. Axios was […]

  • I’m taking on those who wish DEATH upon President Trump

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 16th 2024 1:58pm EDT

    Fellow Patriot, I’ve been absolutely SICK to my stomach these last few days. A deranged lunatic, who we still know very little about, somehow was able to fire MULTIPLE SHOTS at the best president of our lifetimes: President Donald J. Trump. Unfortunately, a brave patriot and father – Corey Comperatore – was killed protecting his […]

  • Woke Teacher Resigns, Woke Judge Defeated

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 12th 2024 7:53pm EDT

    Ever heard of a teacher who wants to answer students’ questions about sex and gender that they wouldn’t ask their parents about? Well, that just happened. On Wednesday this week, I exposed Seth McCollough, a middle school teacher at Auburn City Schools in Alabama. Seth was having conversations with students about sex and gender and […]

  • WEEKEND RECAP: “Transition Tragedy, Radio Host Fired, Pronoun Bracelets, and More.”

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 8th 2024 5:01pm EDT

    WOMAN SHOWCASES DISTURBING TRANSFORMATION POST SEX CHANGE SURGERY Pictures of a woman pre- and post-sex change surgery display just how tragic and horrifying dangerous ideology can be. Doctors responsible for this kind of “care” should be in prison for life. FOLLOW THE STORY RADIO STATION “CUTS TIES” WITH HOST WHO REVEALED WHITE HOUSE QUESTIONS Pennsylvania […]

  • Biden Gets CRUSHED by Libs of TikTok

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 5th 2024 7:00pm EDT

    Typically, the President of the United States takes the lead in honoring our nation’s birth. However, when it comes to Joe Biden, it seems he’s more concerned with promoting radical gender ideology instead. Read more

  • WEEKEND RECAP: “Nude Pride Parade, Wokeness Corruption, Cops Allow Nudity, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - Jul 2nd 2024 5:00pm EDT

    PEOPLE MARCH NAKED THROUGH STREETS AT “FAMILY FRIENDLY” PRIDE PARADE At the Toronto Pride Parade, scores of individuals walked around naked with their junk hanging out. The event was supposedly supposed to be “family-friendly” for all ages. WATCH THE VIDEO GIRL GOES THROUGH DISTURBING PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION DUE TO WOKENESS A girl posted a timelapse video […]

  • Libs of TikTok 2, Joe Biden 0.

    Libs of TikTok - Jun 28th 2024 7:00pm EDT

    We did it, everyone… We made it through the final week of Pride Month. And what better to cap off the month than with more Libs of TikTok wins! Read more

  • Democrat Laughs Over American Victims

    Libs of TikTok - Jun 21st 2024 7:00pm EDT

    The Democrat’s disastrous border policies have led to massive amounts of illegal aliens pouring into our country. We have no idea who these people are or why they are here. Democrats like Rep. Pramilia Jayapal are joining MSNBC’s Joy Reid to laugh about Americans being violently targeted by illegal alien predators. I contacted Rep. Jayapal’s […]

  • Trans Murder Manhunt

    Libs of TikTok - Jun 20th 2024 1:50pm EDT

    If you can count on the mainstream media for one thing, it’s that they will do their best to cover up stories they don’t want the American people to hear. One such case is the recent story of Mia Bailey, or more accurately, Collin Bailey, a man pretending to be a woman who was just […]

  • One Week Down, Three To Go.

    Libs of TikTok - Jun 7th 2024 7:01pm EDT

    Congratulations on surviving the first full week of Pride Month! While companies and the media have begun to virtual signal to the radical LGBTQ movement, I exposed some truly insane stories that the media would never want to cover. Read more

  • WEEKEND RECAP: “Adele Defends Pride, Trump On TikTok, Pride vs Palestine, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - Jun 3rd 2024 11:40am EDT

    ADELE CURSES AT FANS AFTER THEY SHOUT “PRIDE SUCKS” During a show in Las Vegas, Adele yells and curses at fans after they shout “pride sucks.” She responds saying, “Did you come to my f***ing show and say that Pride sucks? Are you f***ng stupid? WATCH THE VIDEO TRUMP GAINS 1.4 MILLION TIKTOK FOLLOWERS IN […]

  • Pride Month Is Here, But We Keep Winning

    Libs of TikTok - May 31st 2024 7:00pm EDT

    It’s the last day before Pride Month begins but don’t let that get you down! Add this week to an ongoing trend of wins! My reporting this past week not only shifted the results of a crucial school board election but also exposed a new promotional campaign from our not-so-favorite gym franchise, Planet Fitness. Read […]


    Libs of TikTok - May 29th 2024 3:45pm EDT

    Over the weekend, Libs of TikTok was one of the first to report on the identity the perpetrator in an insane unprovoked stabbing spree that occurred in Massachusetts. The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Jared Ravizza, a radical left-wing transgender activist. We confirmed his identity after searching his social media accounts where we uncovered various […]

  • Tired of Winning? I’m not!

    Libs of TikTok - May 24th 2024 7:00pm EDT

    It’s no surprise that our school systems have been infiltrated by woke activism and LGBTQ propaganda. But this week, my reports had a clear tangible impact on the fight against the spread of harmful ideologies through our education institutions. Read more

  • Jimmy Heyward: The Young American Patriot

    Libs of TikTok - May 23rd 2024 8:01pm EDT

    In a country where patriotism is under assault by woke left-wing institutions, it’s truly special when someone so young expresses their love for the United States. Jimmy Heyward, a 7th-grade student in California, became an internet sensation after Libs of TikTok shared a video of him delivering an inspirational and patriotic campaign speech for the […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Trans Track Cheater, Racist Biden Speech, Cheerleader Rant, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 20th 2024 12:37pm EDT

    TRANS TRACK RUNNER WINS WOMAN’S 200M CHAMPIONSHIP Aayden Gallagher, a boy who thinks he’s a girl, just came in 1st place in the women’s 200m Oregon State Championship. Listen to the audience’s loud BOOs as they announce him as the winner! WATCH THE VIDEO JOE BIDEN DELIVERS SPEECH AT MOREHOUSE COLLEGE CALLING BLACKS VICTIMS Joe […]


    Libs of TikTok - May 15th 2024 5:46pm EDT

    Social media can be a dangerous tool. The radical left has weaponized social media platforms to push gender ideology and LGBTQ activism onto children and people with clear mental illness. However, there are also times when social media’s power can be utilized to save lives. On May 7th, we received a tip from a follower […]

  • WEEKEND RECAP: “Trans Murderer, SAFER Act Passed, SC Bathroom Bill, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 13th 2024 12:18pm EDT

    TRANS PERSON MURDERS MAN OUTSIDE HIS OWN HOME A man who thinks he’s a woman murdered an innocent man outside his home. He hit the man with his car, backed over him, stabbed his body multiple times, kissed him, and then pranced over his body. WATCH THE VIDEO MISSISSIPPI STATE LEGISLATURE PASSES SAFER ACT The Mississippi State Legislature […]


    Libs of TikTok - May 10th 2024 6:57pm EDT

    It’s not Pride Month yet, but that doesn’t stop the radical left from pushing gender ideology at every turn. And his week was PACKED. It’s no secret that the wokeness has crawled into nearly every institution, plaguing our culture with made-up pronouns with an emphasis on “inclusion”. When it comes to entertainment, it seems like […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Illegal Alien Crash, Newborn Abuse, Protest Training, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 9th 2024 8:02am EDT

    ILLEGAL ALIEN CAUSES FATAL CAR CRASH A driver involved in a four-car crash in Maine which left one woman dead and shut down the highway for hours is in our country illegally. Oguzhan Cildir was described as a Maine resident at the time. WATCH THE VIDEO NEWBORN SURRAGTE BABY FORCED TOGETHER WITH MAN WITH MENTAL […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Racist NY Governor, Trans Mutilation, Abusive Mom, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 8th 2024 9:02am EDT

    NEW YORK GOVERNOR MAKES RACIST COMMENTS ABOUT BLACK KIDS The Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, says young black kids in the Bronx don’t know what the word computer is. WATCH THE VIDEO TWO GIRLS MUTILATE THEMSELVES BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY ARE BOYS Two young girls were sold the lie that if they mutilated their […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Woke Star Wars, Student Loan Rant, Homeless Man Attack, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 7th 2024 9:02am EDT

    NEW STAR WARS SHOW GOES WOKE WITH THEY/THEM PRONOUNS The new Star Wars show on Disney+ ‘Tales of the Empire’ features a non-binary character that uses they/them pronouns. WATCH THE VIDEO WOMAN ATTEMPTS TO JUSTIFY STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS Biden just bought votes by forgiving billions of dollars in student loans and libs are going through […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Ugly Libs Mad, Praising Genocide, Trans Tack Runner, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 6th 2024 9:02am EDT

    UGLY LIBERAL MAD AT LOTT FOR EXPOSING PEDOPHILES Some ugly liberals posted a video venting their frustration that Libs of TikTok is actively exposing pedophiles and groomers. WATCH THE VIDEO TIKTOKERS PRAISE MAO ZEDONG’S GENOCIDE OF HIS OWN CITIZENS Tiktokers are now praising China’s former Communist leader Mao Zedong for killing millions of his own […]


    Libs of TikTok - May 3rd 2024 7:39pm EDT

    Yes, I said “wake up.” The chaos on our campuses is a battle for the West — and radical forces are using entitled, over-educated, under-informed brats to burn the whole thing down. Hi Everybody, Been a week, huh? Is there one institution of higher learning that hasn’t been poisoned by the woke mind virus? (That’s […]

  • DAILY BRIEFING: “Trans Assault, College Patriots, Male Invades Bathroom, and More!”

    Libs of TikTok - May 3rd 2024 9:02am EDT

    TRANS STUDENT ATTACKS FEMALE IN GIRL’S BATHROOM A female student was reportedly assaulted in the women’s bathroom in Arcadia High School in Greece Central School District by a male student who identifies as a girl. WATCH THE VIDEO PATRIOTIC STUDENTS SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM TO COUNTER PRO-TERRORIST PROTEST A large group of America-loving students counter-protested […]