The women rights movement paved the way for the alternative lifestyle’s civil rights movement and the way they have paid…
Linda Catalina - Oct 8th 2022 9:48pm EDTThe women rights movement paved the way for the alternative lifestyle’s civil rights movement and the way they have paid us back is by erasing our gender and making a mockery of it. You can cry about my opinion, you can call me “ignorant”, but the fact is that we are being FORCED to coexist […]
Stop asking me to be part of your feminist buffoonery social justice causes here or anywhere else around the world! Have…
Linda Catalina - Oct 7th 2022 7:57pm EDTStop asking me to be part of your feminist buffoonery social justice causes here or anywhere else around the world! Have you not seen the cultural damage these movements have caused to all of us? I shed enough light on this platform about the issues in my community and the country. I don’t know if […]
It’s very sad how the liberal establishment that pushes for gender “affirming care” and radical gender theory in schools…
Linda Catalina - Sep 26th 2022 5:53am EDTIt’s very sad how the liberal establishment that pushes for gender “affirming care” and radical gender theory in schools, omits testimonies from young people who have been damaged by this ideology. @luciabaezgeller is this misinformation too? We can have differences in opinions and politics but as adults & community members, we must agree to protect […]
The democrats have been crafting a narrative for the past year or more that DeSantis barely won the 2018 election but th…
Linda Catalina - Sep 19th 2022 3:08pm EDTThe democrats have been crafting a narrative for the past year or more that DeSantis barely won the 2018 election but the reality is that democrats “kept counting votes” for Andrew Gillum for an entire week to “finesse” the Florida gubernatorial election. The 2022 Florida election is not safe by any means and overconfidence from […]
It’s very sad how the liberal establishment that pushes for gender “affirming care” and radical gender theory in schools…
Linda Catalina - Sep 15th 2022 5:42pm EDTIt’s very sad how the liberal establishment that pushes for gender “affirming care” and radical gender theory in schools, omits testimonies from young people who have been damaged by this ideology. @luciabaezgeller is this misinformation too? We can have differences in opinions and politics but we adults & community members, we must agree to protect […]
Citizens of Miami-Dade in collaboration with @gaysagainstgroomers sent a message to the Miami-Dade School board, teacher…
Linda Catalina - Sep 9th 2022 11:15am EDTCitizens of Miami-Dade in collaboration with @gaysagainstgroomers sent a message to the Miami-Dade School board, teacher’s union, Karla Marx and democrat operatives who have been working against the best interests of children and silencing their voices! In a 8-1 vote, the Miami Dade school board voted against making October LGBTQ history month. October is traditionally […]
Color me shocked: John Podesta to become Senior Advisor to Biden
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 2:23pm EDTColor me shocked: John Podesta to become Senior Advisor to Biden
Billy Corben’s pedo idol
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 2:23pm EDTBilly Corben’s pedo idol
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 12:39pm EDT
Professor at Saint Thomas university. Would probably be a good times to get him cancelled and fired from there for polit…
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 9:13am EDTProfessor at Saint Thomas university. Would probably be a good times to get him cancelled and fired from there for political bias.
Reminder that many of these people try to keep up a normal image to the world but they are extremists and incite politic…
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 9:03am EDTReminder that many of these people try to keep up a normal image to the world but they are extremists and incite political violence. Stay protected and train as much as you can.
Good morning, a reminder that people like this are excited because they get to continue to incite violence and hate agai…
Linda Catalina - Sep 2nd 2022 9:02am EDTGood morning, a reminder that people like this are excited because they get to continue to incite violence and hate against republicans. They can continue to politically persecute their opposition and think it’s okay because “muhhh fascism”. Biden supporters like Billy Corben (William COHEN) hides behind fake ANTIFA pages, which have brainwashed extremists and led […]
Founding Fathers would like a word Brandon…
Linda Catalina - Sep 1st 2022 9:16pm EDTFounding Fathers would like a word Brandon…
New episode just dropped! We discuss Karla Hernandez being selected as Charlie Crist’s running mate, armed ANTIFA in Tex…
Linda Catalina - Sep 1st 2022 8:31pm EDTNew episode just dropped! We discuss Karla Hernandez being selected as Charlie Crist’s running mate, armed ANTIFA in Texas guarding a drag show for children, the importance of getting involved in the midterm election by volunteering and more! Watch below: YouTube Charlie Crist Selects Karla Hernadez As Running Mate/ Armed Antifa Guard Drag Show […]
What an embarrassing moment for humans. Imagine going along with this stupidity! Changing the English language and makin…
Linda Catalina - Sep 1st 2022 12:46am EDTWhat an embarrassing moment for humans. Imagine going along with this stupidity! Changing the English language and making up words to be inclusive.
Thanks to all who follow me on Twitter and shared the video, DeSantis ex Press Sec and right hand woman to DeSantis just…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 8:32pm EDTThanks to all who follow me on Twitter and shared the video, DeSantis ex Press Sec and right hand woman to DeSantis just retweeted the video on her attack on US Veterans
Amazing work, Anthony! It’s so important to show the people who Karla Marx is.
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 8:32pm EDTAmazing work, Anthony! It’s so important to show the people who Karla Marx is.
The group that organized the family-friendly PrideFest in Douglas County, Colo. on Aug. 27 has apologized after video em…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 4:27pm EDTThe group that organized the family-friendly PrideFest in Douglas County, Colo. on Aug. 27 has apologized after video emerged showing a performer’s fake breasts being exposed during a children’s show. Leftists criticized the apology, saying that nipples aren’t sexual. Read my report:
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 2:33pm EDT YouTube Addressing Billy Corben attempt at canceling me Billy Corben has been recirculating a baseless article about me… heres my piece…
Let’s not forget when Billy The Bitch tried to get local comedian Marcos aka El caballo cancelled by recirculating some…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 2:33pm EDTLet’s not forget when Billy The Bitch tried to get local comedian Marcos aka El caballo cancelled by recirculating some old article about him getting a PPP loan. Billy LOVES to shame people who got PPP loans because “mUh SoCiALiSm”. Billy has tried to get Marcos cancelled for years. Fuck Corben!
Staging their own false flags and blaming it on the opposition is typical liberal behavior.
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 12:40pm EDTStaging their own false flags and blaming it on the opposition is typical liberal behavior.
Billy Corben constantly attacks Catholics in Miami-Dade because I guess he thinks his religion/ethnicity is superior to…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 12:39pm EDTBilly Corben constantly attacks Catholics in Miami-Dade because I guess he thinks his religion/ethnicity is superior to ours! What a despicable little troll
This is who Billy Corben is… constantly attacking Christian Latinos without ever being checked. The rumor is billy actua…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 12:36pm EDTThis is who Billy Corben is… constantly attacking Christian Latinos without ever being checked. The rumor is billy actually sends people to write anti Semitic propaganda all over the city to then blame the Cuban American republican population. Here he is blaming the mayor of coral gables for this graffiti. William Cohen is a Jewish […]
Look at Billy Corben defending body mutilation and chemical castration of children. A HUGE groomer that needs to be expo…
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 12:06pm EDTLook at Billy Corben defending body mutilation and chemical castration of children. A HUGE groomer that needs to be exposed and exiled from the community
Reminder that William Cohen is a groomer and agrees advocates for genital mutilation of children
Linda Catalina - Aug 31st 2022 12:06pm EDTReminder that William Cohen is a groomer and agrees advocates for genital mutilation of children