Fitton: Trump Justice Dept. fighting to protect Hillary Clinton and shield her emails from discovery
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 2:09pm EDT(Natural News) If you still wondered whether the “deep state” was a real thing and that our various government agencies and institutions are populated with careerists hell-bent on protecting their own power and influence, this story should convince you. If there has been one organization dedicated to getting to the very bottom of the various… […]
Back-to-school students are being subjected to a whole new wave of transgender indoctrination and left-wing lunacy
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 2:06pm EDT(Natural News) Children attending public schools in the greater Washington, D.C., area of northern Virginia had to endure a barrage of LGBTQ propaganda during their recent back-to-school orientation proceedings. According to reports, Arlington Public Schools (APS) has implemented a new ‘policy implementation procedure,’ or PIP, this year that covers topics like “preferred pronouns” for “gender-nonconforming”… […]
More proof that Netflix is a pedophile operation: Show creator admits to stalking, lusting over 14-year-old boy
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 2:06pm EDT(Natural News) The creator of a popular Netflix cartoon series for children has been outed for a post she once shared on her Tumblr account detailing how she stalked and lusted over a 14-year-old boy she spotted at a local fair. Julia Vickerman, the mind behind Twelve Forever, tagged the now-deleted Tumblr post with the… […]
10 Natural remedies for radiation exposure
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 2:05pm EDTEvery dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: For more updates, visit:
5 surprising scientific facts about Earth’s climate
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 1:40pm EDT(Natural News) On the weekend of August 10–11, as if in chorus, major online news websites called on people to stop consuming meat. The calls echoed a recent United Nations report that recommended doing so to fight climate change. (Article by Vijay Jayaraj republished from It surprised many, but there are other more surprising facts about climate change that are hardly published… […]
Stop it, America. Politicians can not make our lives better
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 1:39pm EDT(Natural News) Here’s the deal, if you are looking to this president, or you were looking to the past president, or you are looking to a future president to make your life better you’re on a fool’s errand. It was the furthest thing from the minds of the Founders and Framers that any individual should… […]
Single-use no more: Plastic bottles can be upcycled to more durable materials
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 9:04am EDT(Natural News) Single-use plastics cause plastic pollution, a problem that affects rivers, lakes, and oceans. To address this concern, researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed a recycling process that turns various materials made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into other useful products that will last longer. NREL’s research was published in the journal Joule…. […]
Being defeated by A.I. makes people feel “horrible,” reveals study
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 9:02am EDT(Natural News) “Nobody likes a sore loser,” is a phrase you hear a lot in sports. For the most part, it is true: Teaching the value of good sportsmanship instills respect and self-control, especially in children, where these two traits extend to parts of their life outside sports. But if you’re playing against a robot – and… […]
SHOCKING! Researchers find way to harvest electricity from bacteria
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 9:00am EDT(Natural News) A Swedish-led research group succeeded in increasing the amount of electrical current that they can harvest from bacteria. The jump in efficiency is a big step toward the use of bacteria as sources of clean and renewable energy. In light of the dwindling supply of fossil fuels and the increasing demand for energy, researchers are exploring… […]
Heavy metals: Walmart tests EVERYTHING it sells, while Amazon tests almost NOTHING
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) As part of his ongoing investigatory work into product safety through his Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) Labs initiative, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has come to learn that Walmart, if you can believe it, actually does test the products that are sold through its website. But the same cannot be said for Amazon,… […]
Microsoft’s relationship with the Chinese government could be considered treasonous – as they assist in espionage against America
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) Why is Microsoft working with Huawei, a Chinese telecommunications company that is under federal investigation for carrying out espionage against America? Senator Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio penned a letter to Microsoft on August 7. The letter demands answers from Microsoft because they have been working with Huawei and the Chinese… […]
Failing Democratic presidential contender “Beto” O’Rourke’s manager calls on Big Tech to accelerate censorship of conservatives before 2020 vote
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 8:45am EDT(Natural News) If you still don’t believe that the big tech behemoths are intentionally censoring Republican, conservative and pro-Trump voices, then this ought to finally convince you that it’s happening. Failing 2020 presidential contender Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, after having unsuccessfully challenged Sen. Ted Cruz for his seat in 2018, is now struggling to the point… […]
Bernie Sanders announces support for global eugenics and depopulation, calls on accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color
Natural News - Sep 5th 2019 3:14am EDT(Natural News) In a bizarre, almost surreal CNN town hall event that repeatedly claimed hurricanes are all man-made, Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders called for a global-scale eugenics program to reduce human population by accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color. Advocacy for all this came from Sanders’ response to a pre-screened question… […]
Scientists recommend vitamin D supplementation for people with chronic kidney disease
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 8:00pm EDT(Natural News) Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease should take vitamin D supplements to improve their mineral intake and prevent complications, according to a study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. An international team from India and the U.K. investigated whether taking in cholecalciferol – the most widely known form of vitamin D – can… […]
Rough cocklebur, a folk medicine, can treat bronchitis, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 8:00pm EDT(Natural News) Inflammation is a double-edged sword. While it is a part of normal immune response, chronic inflammation is the root of various health conditions. The treatment of these conditions has been the focus of many studies that investigate the medicinal properties of plants used in traditional healing practices. One such plant is the rough… […]
How can quercetin benefit muscle health?
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 8:00pm EDT(Natural News) Quercetin is one of the most abundant flavonoids found in food. It is extensively studied due to its various biological activities that are beneficial to human health. These activities include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antihistamine. Recently, studies have emerged demonstrating the ability of quercetin to attenuate indicators of muscle damage. To determine how quercetin can affect… […]
Globalist media ordered to start pushing cannibalism as a food source; planetary collapse of Earth’s biosphere is now being engineered
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 3:18pm EDT(Natural News) This is an abbreviated story format to bring you the most important highlights you need to know. Item 1: The mainstream media has been ordered to start promoting cannibalism A Swedish scientist is now promoting the “food of the future” … and it’s dead humans. And yes, just as you suspected, eating dead… […]
Big Pharma’s BIG LIE: Most new drugs have zero new benefits, research confirms
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 2:01pm EDT(Natural News) No matter what ails you – real or imagined – there’s a drug for that. These days, stopping at the pharmacy on the way home from the doctor’s office has practically become a given. While you might think that medicine has simply evolved so much that we can now fix more problems than… […]
Armed citizens STOPPED mass shootings at Walmart stores, but retail chain’s new policies could now allow customers to be targeted more frequently
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 1:59pm EDT(Natural News) Following a mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas last month, company executives did a little math and figured out they could use the incident to their advantage and virtue signal to a majority of customers by implementing new policies aimed at curbing gun and ammunition sales. (Related: Researchers: Crumbling… […]
The ‘freaks and misfits’ of Antifa want civil war and ‘revolution’ as more than 50 members arrested in August with five indicted on felony riot charges so far
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 1:53pm EDT(Natural News) It appears Portland, Oregon authorities have finally decided to start doing their jobs of arresting the violent thugs that created chaos during the August 17 rally and counter-protest by Antifa, dubbed “Freaks, Hippies, Weirdos, Twerps, Misfits,” by Big League Politics, as Independent Journalist Andy Ngo, one of the only reporters that has documented the… […]
Long before pills, our ancestors used these 11 natural antibiotics to survive infections
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 1:45pm EDTYou can fight infections with natural medicines. Learn more at Every dollar you spend at the Health Ranger Store goes toward helping us achieve important science and content goals for humanity: For more updates, visit:
Who says bedtime snacks are bad? Here are late-night snack options for people with diabetes
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 9:06am EDT(Natural News) Late-night snacking is usually frowned upon if you’re aiming to lose weight. But if you have diabetes, having a high-protein, low-fat snack before you go to bed may help stabilize your blood sugar levels overnight. What late-night snacking does to blood glucose levels Your blood sugar levels change throughout the night. If you have either… […]
6 Mental illnesses that could benefit from inositol
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 9:03am EDT(Natural News) Inositol is often mistaken as a B-vitamin, but it is actually a type of sugar. While the body produces inositol from carbohydrate-rich foods, it can also be obtained from natural sources like beans, fruits, nuts, and grains. Many people believe that an inositol-rich diet can manage a wide range of mental health problems. Inositol… […]
For the elderly, getting more natural antioxidants in their diet can reduce the risk of heart disease
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 9:00am EDT(Natural News) Antioxidants are beneficial substances that boost the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Stress, pollution, and other environmental factors trigger the production of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that contribute to the development of diseases and premature aging. The body produces its own antioxidants, but excessive exposure to… […]
Organic turmeric powder with black pepper is the ultimate combination for optimal health
Natural News - Sep 4th 2019 6:15am EDT(Natural News) (Disclaimer: Story contains a promotional link at the end) Culinary spices date back to nearly the dawn of human civilization itself. For thousands of years, people have traded exotic spices all over the world and used them to add flavor to a wide assortment of cuisines. People have also traditionally used spices as… […]