• Owen of House Bear Approaches

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 29th 2019 1:50pm EDT

    I used to get intro’d with all the titles and credits Hollywood gave me. I don’t use them anymore I use my real credits. Thanks Codd for the trumpet work and everyone who came out last night. Meeting you guys was a blast. Off to Idaho. Unauthorized.tv #owenbenjamin

  • Thanks Portland!

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 29th 2019 7:44am EDT

    Thanks Portland! Unauthorized.tv

  • Nothing new under the sun

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 25th 2019 8:13pm EDT

    This is 1992. I was younger than this girl when she gave this fake warning to the world. Greta is a reboot. Gonna go out on a limb and say this girl had a future. Unauthorized.tv Unbearablesmerchandise.com

  • Relaxing Piano

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 21st 2019 12:52pm EDT

    I improv’d this song on a live stream. people keep asking me to upload just piano. So here ya go. It’s a big bear original called “ballad of Gary the duck.” unauthorized.tv or if you want to tip the piano man PO BOX 727 Gig Harbor WA 98335 If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner […]

  • Hand drawn bear draws Amy and I

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 19th 2019 7:33am EDT

    Amy and I sang this song the other night and hand drawn bear made this video. Very beautiful. Thank you

  • Tour sold out. Thank you

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 18th 2019 10:58pm EDT

    Unauthorized.tv Unbearablesmerchandise.com Can’t keep a good bear down. Thanks to everyone who supports. The rides just getting started. Buckle up buckaroos

  • Piano

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 17th 2019 8:21pm EDT

    If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two Comedy Central specials. I’m tall but suck at basketball, I’m smart but can’t spell, I’m nice but kind of a dick. I’ve been in some movies: House Bunny, […]

  • Wikipedia launders slander but we now all have a way out. (Download link in description)

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 15th 2019 8:06pm EDT

    “If you don’t like it, go make your own!” Ok. We did. Install Info Galactic Transporter & never deal with the lies of wikipedia again. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/Infogalactic%20Transporter

  • Banning in D

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 15th 2019 10:25am EDT

    Subscribe to unauthorized.tv and YouTube.com/owenbenjaminlive

  • The Global Warming Scam

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 15th 2019 10:25am EDT

    Send this to your baby boomer or liberal friends. When they don’t respond check in on them to make sure they are OK. Unauthorized.tv

  • When intelligence agencies find out about the bears

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 13th 2019 1:48pm EDT


  • The Mechanics of Deception (9/11 and The Princess Bride)

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 11th 2019 4:12pm EDT

    There is a tremendous amount of truth in the film “The Princess Bride.” If you understand these patterns it will help you understand the tragedy of 9/11. Let’s analyze the mechanics of deception. unauthorized.tv unbearablesmerchandise.com hugepianist.com/tour If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought […]

  • A look at TIME magazine and the ancient art of fear

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 10th 2019 3:55pm EDT

    subscribe to unauthorized.tv get tour shirts and puppy the bear shirts at unbearablesmerchandise.com hugepianist.com/tour If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two Comedy Central specials. I’m tall but suck at basketball, I’m smart but can’t spell, […]

  • Awesome Day

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 7th 2019 9:25pm EDT

  • There will be nickels

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 7th 2019 6:08pm EDT

    Unauthorized.tv Unbearablesmerchandise.com Hugepianist.com/tour YouTube.com/owenbenjaminlive The licker of lollipops wearer of fancy pants from house toe is no match for the breaker of spells, Miller of goats from house bear.

  • Piano

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 4th 2019 6:36pm EDT

    If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two Comedy Central specials. I’m tall but suck at basketball, I’m smart but can’t spell, I’m nice but kind of a dick. I’ve been in some movies: House Bunny, […]

  • Who Told it Better? Owen Benjamin or Dave Chappelle

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 3rd 2019 10:45am EDT

    I’m honored chappelle used one of my jokes for his news special. For a variety of social and demographic reasons when I told it I was banned from clubs. So it brings me great joy to see a member of the authorized comedy community use his minority status to show the world how funny the […]

  • Who Told it Better? Owen Benjamin or Andrew Shultz?

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 3rd 2019 10:45am EDT

    if you’d like to see the jokes the authorized comedians will be able to say in three years in October, come see me on tour! hugepianist.com/tour unauthorized.tv unbearablesmerchandise.com If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two […]

  • #620 Grabbler football league (joke writing session)

    Owen Benjamin - Sep 3rd 2019 10:45am EDT

    A grabbler/babbler tries to shut down Idaho and Indiana. Let’s discuss. In preparation for my tour lets write some jokes. Larry Johnson getting woke on the NFL becoming feminized was very inspiring to write jokes about the NFL. The daily wire is at it again, the dark crystal looks shockingly familiar, and the tour sales […]