Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 16th 2022 12:19am EDT Twitter For over two years, our seminal paper on multi-drug ambulatory treatment remains the “most read” paper published by the American Journal of Medicine which has 5.928 2021 Impact Factor, 6.065, 2021 5-Year Impact Factor.
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 15th 2022 7:16pm EDT Twitter Ethorsson, JAMA Inf Diseases, adjusted higher reinfection risk among double+ patients. Consistent with “immune imprinting” repeated stimulation with obsolete S-antigen “distracts” immune system from appropriate protection from prevalent strain.
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 15th 2022 3:45pm EDT Truth Social Peter McCullough, MD MPH (@petermcculloughmd) This is what I said on national TV whether intentional or not the CDC mislead Americans creating years of unnecessary hardship and loss. @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 15th 2022 3:41pm EDT Twitter Markowicz, NY Post, “dissolve” strong word, I suggest: 1) new clinical leadership, 2) COI resolution with big pharma, 3) outbreak investigation data analytics, 4) overdue safety reports from public program, 5) rescind remaining pandemic guidance and support…
The initial public health aspiration of global eradication like smallpox or polio was a fantasy. “Zero” evolved into “I…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 15th 2022 3:39pm EDTThe initial public health aspiration of global eradication like smallpox or polio was a fantasy. “Zero” evolved into “Inevitable” Thankfully, the illness has become progressively milder and easily treatable in all high-risk cases regardless of status. @PeterMcCulloughMD
While he is “feeling it” he should: 1) rescind mandates, 2) apologize, 3) readmit all forced out with back-pay, 4) begi…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 15th 2022 3:37pm EDTWhile he is “feeling it” he should: 1) rescind mandates, 2) apologize, 3) readmit all forced out with back-pay, 4) begin treatment, breakthrough, and injury research programs in our military and lead the long way to resolving this disastrous time of military health policy.
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 10:18pm EDT Rumble Joseph Arthur theme song for “Courage to Face COVID-19” by Leake and McCullough Joseph Arthur, soloist musician and TNT radio host does an introduction into the pursuit of Dr. McCullough by the biopharmaceutical complex using censorship and reprisal as their weapons of choice. Th @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 10:15pm EDT Twitter Joseph Arthur, soloist musician, TNT radio host describes man-hunting by the biopharmaceutical complex using big-tech censorship and reprisal as weapons of choice. This is followed by Arthur’s rendition of “Courage to Face It” theme song for our new book.…
If you would like to help us out battle medical censorship and reprisal at your local level make sure you sign up to VOL…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 10:14pm EDTIf you would like to help us out battle medical censorship and reprisal at your local level make sure you sign up to VOLUNTEER for our upcoming events! @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 9:53pm EDT Twitter Cardoso, et al, JAMA, Brazil, far less olfactory dysfunction (loss of taste/smell) with Omicron variant. Unaccounted confounder was the phase-in of nasal/oral viricidal washes and gargles. Good news nonetheless that fewer have persistent loss of critical… @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 2:52pm EDT Twitter Wikipedia can falsify and defame with impunity. Google can filter and suppress. Twitter can unfollow, suspend, and delete. Books cannot be stopped. 300 pages > 300 citations. It’s a true story about the perps, motives, and victims—global crime of all time.… @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 1:49pm EDT Twitter Scientific discourse is “healthy”. No one can claim “information” or “misinformation”. That is an old totalitarian propaganda technique. Don’t fall for it! Always two or more interpretations of scientific data. Can listen to Dr and Mrs Saunders with me… @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 1:46pm EDT Twitter Wikipedia can falsify and defame with impunity. Google can filter and suppress. Twitter can unfollow, suspend, and delete. Books cannot be stopped. 300 pages > 300 citations. It’s a true story about the perps, motives, and victims—global crime of all time.… @PeterMcCulloughMDwww.PeterM…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 14th 2022 1:18pm EDT Twitter Just what America needs at this inflection point. Dynamic, strong, principled, dedicated to protection of civil rights, medical autonomy, and committed to bringing us away from the brink of totalitarianism. Go Kari!
We are in a high-stakes game were only the bravest and strongest will survive! Those who hold the truth will prevail–g…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 13th 2022 10:23am EDTWe are in a high-stakes game were only the bravest and strongest will survive! Those who hold the truth will prevail–good over evil. A vaccine syndicate wants a needle of genetic code in every arm every six months in every human being down to age 6 months. Who is going to stop them! I say […]
Harvard meta-analysis Garcia-Albeniz et al, modest but solid 28% relative risk reduction for prophylactic HCQ taken once…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 13th 2022 9:46am EDTHarvard meta-analysis Garcia-Albeniz et al, modest but solid 28% relative risk reduction for prophylactic HCQ taken once a week to prevent COVID-19 in high risk persons. Weekly HCQ combined with viricidal nasal washes/oral gargles using dilute povidone iodine or hydrogen peroxide is the best approach given the failure of the COVID-19 vaccines. Substack Harvard […]
Finally CDC harmonizes with WHO on NO routine asymptomatic testing. Millions inconvenienced and tortured with routine n…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 12th 2022 10:09pm EDTFinally CDC harmonizes with WHO on NO routine asymptomatic testing. Millions inconvenienced and tortured with routine nasal testing for work, school, travel that had Visit my social media@PeterMcCulloughMDlisted on my website www.PeterMcCulloughMD.comClick here to volunteer at your local level!
Why was a worldwide public health emergency declared when most doctors had never seen a single case? How can a global c…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 12th 2022 3:32pm EDTWhy was a worldwide public health emergency declared when most doctors had never seen a single case? How can a global crisis exist without hoards of patients overwhelming clinics and emergency rooms? Drs. Vaughn and Tankersley explain on PULSE. Visit my social media@PeterMcCulloughMDlisted on my website www.PeterMcCulloughMD.comClick here to volunteer at your local level! […] my social media@PeterMc…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 12th 2022 3:31pm EDT Visit my social media@PeterMcCulloughMDlisted on my website www.PeterMcCulloughMD.comClick here to volunteer at your local level!
When it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, much of the major medical literature has published fraudulent analyses on efficacy….
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 12th 2022 6:31am EDTWhen it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, much of the major medical literature has published fraudulent analyses on efficacy. The BMJ Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise? – The BMJ Health research is based on trust. Health professionals and journal editors reading the results of a clinical trial assume that […]
We see collaboration and professional courtesy on only one side of this controversy. This group is meeting publicly, rev…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 11th 2022 9:46pm EDTWe see collaboration and professional courtesy on only one side of this controversy. This group is meeting publicly, reviewing data, interchanging viewpoints, and fielding questions from the public. Other side is dictatorial, authoritarian, and closed.
“Table Talk” with Joni Lamb on Daystar aired today. Conversation was on our new book “Courage to Face It”. The group…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 11th 2022 9:32pm EDT“Table Talk” with Joni Lamb on Daystar aired today. Conversation was on our new book “Courage to Face It”. The group found the stories to be relatable and the chapters moved quickly. Anyone touched by the crisis needs this read to understand the complex reality unfolding now.–Peter-McCullough-e1m659q
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 11th 2022 12:13am EDT–Peter-McCullough-e1m659q Anchor The Call To Act with Dr. Peter McCullough by Healthy Discourse with Dr. Wiggy and Emily Saunders In our favorite episode to date, Dr. Peter McCullough, joins Dr. Wiggy and Emily to discuss why and how he keeps fighting for truth and compassionate patient care despite being stripped from most every accolade and […] my social media@PeterMcCulloughMDlisted on my websit…
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 11th 2022 12:05am EDT Visit my social media@PeterMcCulloughMDlisted on my website
Dr. Peter McCullough MD - Aug 10th 2022 11:00pm EDT America Out Loud Propaganda is a House of Cards – America Out Loud The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – As for vaccines – that house of cards is crumbling, globally, where adverse reactions and the deaths of young, healthy people pile up around leaders who mandated compliance against every social norm. You […]