• Brandon Promotes “Israel Model” for the Ukraine! HA!

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 14th 2023 10:00pm EDT

    Listen Andrew Anglin I thought the Ukraine was already on the “Israel model.” They are a Jewish controlled country trying to steal other people’s land. But seriously: this is an entirely new narrative, that comes after the fall of Bakhmut and then this lunatic “counteroffensive” that is seeing all American equipment just destroyed on sight, […]

  • Jewish DHS Extends Protection Status for Invader Scum

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 14th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen   The Jewish Department of Homeland Security will be extending a temporary protected status for over 300,000 invaders. The Department of Homeland Security announces an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations for four countries. https://t.co/6SVAMDGSkd — ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2023   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the extension of the […]

  • Anti communism is when you lust for Trannies

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 13th 2023 10:38pm EDT

    Listen Con inc always seems to amaze me on how they rally against the Troon mobs and then accept them and even now post gay fantasies on their Twitter. Jesse Kelly describes himself as the “first anti-communist” and wrote the anti communist manifesto which is the usual hyper capitalism good workers right bad. To him […]

  • Building 7 Is Not A Magic Bullet

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 13th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Listen Or: why you cannot truth-bomb Normies into Awakeness Back in the days when I was still considered safe enough to have my own ‘Me’ column in the Spectator, my brother Dick bumped into one of my more red-pilled fans at a party and got a bit of feedback. “Tell your brother he’s right on […]

  • Genuine Americanism IS Fascism

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 10:00pm EDT

    Listen Clement Pulaski December 10, 2013 Hail! Patriotic Americans are becoming increasingly aware that our nation is facing a serious crisis. In order to successfully deal with our problems, we need to have a clear understanding of the essence of Americanism, of the true American spirit. In order to arrive at this understanding we must […]

  • Reasons, Not Excuses

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen We have ourselves to attest to the fact that no one has to submit to the tyranny that today reigns. Who and what did it for us? The answer is no one and nothing. We did it ourselves, individually. We did it even though our backgrounds at that early time were practically identical to […]

  • Run, Sheep, Run

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    Listen THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, which should now be called Tel-Aviv-on-the-Potomac, had long been the crime capital of the United States, at least since 1860, when it was occupied by the gangsters called the Republican Party, but their crimes were perpetrated in the Federal government and almost never involved violence. (1) Washington was a city […]

  • The Doctrine of Higher Forms

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Listen Since the war I have stressed altogether five main objectives. The true union of Europe; the union of government with science; the power of government to act rapidly and decisively, subject to parliamentary control; the effective leadership of government to solve the economic problem by use of the wage-price mechanism at the two key-points […]

  • Don Quixote

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 10:00am EDT

    Listen A Spanish knight, about fifty years of age, who lived in great poverty in a village of La Mancha, gave himself up so entirely to reading the romances of chivalry, of which he had a large collection, that in the end they turned his brain, and nothing would satisfy him but that he must […]

  • On Destroying Books

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 7:00am EDT

    Listen “It says in the paper” that over two million volumes have been presented to the troops by the public. It would be interesting to inspect them. Most of them, no doubt, are quite ordinary and suitable; but it was publicly stated the other day that some people were sending the oddest things, such as […]

  • I Lie A Lot

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 3:33am EDT

    Listen you know what, I feel like telling about lies. I lie a lot. almost constant. and to everybody, just to keep my own ass out of the water. and by the way (side note) I dont think I am doing this for attention, as some people may think. lets see, what are some big […]

  • Military outreaches to immigrants due to recruiting shortage

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 11th 2023 3:40pm EDT

    Listen Long ago most of the military came from middle class White men who joined in the idea they were fighting for their country. Nowadays most White men aren’t joining the military anymore. Why is that? Its because White Christian men see that joining the military means you’re fighting for the “freedom” of letting trannies […]

  • Biden Zerg Rush To Cost Taxpayers $135 Million For Food And Housing In NYC Alone

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 11th 2023 6:00am EDT

    Listen The bill for the Biden Regime Zerg Rushat the border is expanding. For New York City alone the additional Federal aid will be $105 million in addition to the previously budgeted $35.5 million. This week, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced that American taxpayers will foot […]

  • Vdare.com Faces Mortal Threat From Lawfare Thug Nyag Letitia James!”—The Tl;dr Version

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 11th 2023 1:27am EDT

    Listen Peter Brimelow Earlier: VDARE.com FACING MORTAL THREAT! NY Attorney General Letitia James Mugs Us (As Well As Donald Trump, NRA etc.) Various helpful friends have told me that my Completely Definitive Account of New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawfare against the VDARE Foundation was too long and too rhetorical (a.k.a. too vitriolic about […]

  • The Dark Age

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 10th 2023 8:00am EDT

    Listen Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from chapter 16 of Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun. The title is editorial. A more and more glaring sign of fate is to be observed in the shocking increase of the population of the globe from year to year,[1] especially in the increase of the lower races […]

  • Soberly

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 10th 2023 5:08am EDT

    Listen May 23, 1943 The moment is serious, just as serious for you as it is for anyone else. For twenty years you have fought against shadows. And now a real danger affronts you. In fact several enemies confront you. Quite solid dangers. You have been stirred up against a Germany that did not exist. […]

  • Old Photographs Of Detroit During The Early 1940s

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 9th 2023 12:00am EDT

    Listen Detroit and the industrial region surrounding it, was plunged into semi-darkness as all except street lights and in war factories went out for fifteen minutes during a blackout drill on May 4, 1942. Thirty vivid, oversize black-and-white photos from the Library of Congress show Detroit in the 1940s. Full-screen scenes show vintage vehicles, fashions, […]

  • House GOP lets FBI director go

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 10:33pm EDT

    Listen MTG and her cohorts and waving this piece of paper proving Biden accepted bribes and how they are going to bring Brandon down this time. We hear this all the time that the house GOP are going to get them and then never do. Well they wanted to vote to charge FBI director guilty […]

  • Governor Hutchinson says Trump needs to suspend his campaign

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 9:57pm EDT

    Listen All the Never Trumpers are celebrating the fact that a president who committed no wrongdoing is being hauled off to prison for bogus charges. They know with him behind bars Trump is defacto out of the race and they can return the GOP back to the Bush status quo. Governor Hutchinson a man who […]

  • Europe’s Fate Is At Stake

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 8:00pm EDT

    Listen 18th July, 1938 Our fight is a crusade in which Europe’s fate is at stake. That is why since the beginning Russia has taken her place unconditionally on the side of the Spanish Republic by sending tanks and a thousand war-planes, and by mobilizing the undesirables of all Europe to fight for the Red […]

  • Jordan Peterstein endorses Mike Pence for “normalcy”

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 7:24pm EDT

    Listen Ever since Jordan was forced to take his meds he has been downhill ever since. From becoming a slave to Jews the meds fried his brain and now he just spouts liberal nonsense. He has now endorsed Mike Pence for the presidency because he feels that a Pence presidency will return to “normalcy”. Normalcy […]

  • Ukrainian offensive officially begins

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 5:22pm EDT

    Listen The Ukrainians, after much delay have finally launched their counteroffensive/offensive in the Zaporozhe direction. The offensive is probably the most awaited and “hyped up” military action since the start of the war back in February 2022. There was minor “probing” attacks near the front since June 5th, but now it seems the offensive is […]

  • The Reasoning For My Torture

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 5:00pm EDT

    Listen Wednesday, 15 June When I had finished reading the Gospels, I understood that I found myself here, in prison, because of God’s Will; that, despite not being guilty of anything from a legal standpoint, He was punishing me for my sins and putting my faith to the test. That reassured me. Peace came upon […]

  • A Classic Example

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 2:00pm EDT

    Listen Background: This article is dated 19 September 1943.The Allies had landed in Sicily in July and Mussolini had been deposed by the Badoglio group on 25 July 1943. This caught the Germans by complete surprise. Goebbels failed to produce his weekly article for Das Reich, leading to considerable speculation. The new government began making peace feelers. Shortly […]

  • Desimps use ai images to “own” Trump

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 12:42pm EDT

    Listen Desimps are just getting worse and worse by the minute. They are losing the argument about how Desantis is a hekin populist and the more these never Trumpers come the more they carve out his vote share for the primary. So now they are getting so desperate they are using deepfakes to try to […]