• The Speed With Which They Built The Empire State Building, 1931

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 11:00am EDT

    Listen The entire building went up in just over a year, under budget (at $40 million) and well ahead of schedule. The idea for the Empire State Building is said to have been born of a competition between Walter Chrysler of the Chrysler Corporation and John Jakob Raskob of General Motors, to see who could […]

  • Media Matters complains about Sneako hosting Nick on his show

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 10:15am EDT

    Listen The Israel lobby that is hellbent on destroying Nick Fuentes and his mission to put America First is getting concerned over the fact he now has a presence on Rumble. Sneako and Leafy have had Nick on their channels on Rumble numerous times and Nick has a Rumble channel that is gaining traction. So […]

  • The Rubes and the Carnies

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 8:00am EDT

    Listen IN OUR LAST TWO broadcasts we have talked about the Jewish trade in White slaves and about why the Jews engage in such activity. Today we’ll expand that discussion to some related subjects. First, however, let me tell you that after last week’s broadcast, just as after the broadcast of the previous week, a […]

  • St. Augustine On Respecting Racial Differences

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 5:00am EDT

    Listen Gic Serry When I penned my piece on Kinism in the Early Church, I was unaware of perhaps the most explicitly kinist quote of the patristic period, namely a comment by St. Augustine on Galatians 3:28: Difference of race or condition or sex is indeed taken away by the unity of faith, but it remains imbedded in […]

  • On The Irish Martyrs

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 8th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Listen Pope John Paul II’s words on the beatification of the Irish Martyrs in 1992. The invitation of the Liturgy finds in us today, gathered in the solemn scenery of this square, a particularly prompt and joyful response. How can we not praise the Lord in the face of the exhilarating spectacle of the new […]

  • Christ, Nietzsche, & Caesar

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 7th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen Translations: Ukrainian, Russian, French Our opponents allege that Fascism has no historic background or philosophy, and it is my task this afternoon to suggest that Fascism has roots deep in history and has been sustained by some of the finest flights of the speculative mind. I am, of course, aware that not much philosophy […]

  • Fear And Doubt

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 7th 2023 5:00pm EDT

    Listen Written: May 15, 1967 Source: Pamphlet titled Essays From the Minister of Defense published by the Black Panther Party, 1968, Oakland Transcription/Markup: 2021 by Philip Mooney Public Domain: Marxist Internet Archive 2021. This work is completely free. The lower socio-economic Black male is a man of confusion. He faces a hostile environment and is not sure that is is not his […]

  • The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 7th 2023 3:00pm EDT

    Listen Source: most of one chapter from Dialectic of Enlightenment; Transcribed: by Andy Blunden 1998; proofed and corrected Feb. 2005. THE sociological theory that the loss of the support of objectively established religion, the dissolution of the last remnants of pre-capitalism, together with technological and social differentiation or specialisation, have led to cultural chaos is disproved every day; for culture […]

  • Race, Economics & Kindness: The Ideal World

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 6th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Listen Chapter 11 of Savitri Devi’s manifesto of animal rights and deep ecology Impeachment of Man(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1959), available for purchase here. All that we have just written will seem rather unpractical to a great number of readers. And we ourselves cannot but admit that, for all but a very few people, exceptionally […]

  • Civil Disobedience

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 6th 2023 12:00am EDT

    Listen I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe – “That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, […]

  • The Road To Revolution

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 10:00pm EDT

    Listen The revolution is not a dinner party…[1] — Mao Zedong A great revolution is brewing. What this means is that the necessary preconditions for revolution are being created. Whether the revolution will become a reality will depend on the courage, determination, persistence, and effectiveness of revolutionaries. The necessary preconditions for revolution[2] are these: There […]

  • Mind’s Eye Society

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 8:00pm EDT

    Listen $lave’s Note: Nick recently brought up book clubs as a good way of meeting and organizing so I figured I’d write this resource. This page will be linked to in the sidebar and on the main menu. The goal of this is to give you an outline for offline activity. This page will be […]

  • You Can Murder A Liberator, But You Can’t Murder Liberation

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 6:00pm EDT

    Listen April 27, 1969 ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE. What we are basically going to be talking about today is what the pig is doing to the Panthers all around the country. We are going to have to talk about what we are going to have to do about the repression that they are putting […]

  • On Pentecost

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    Listen DIVINUM ILLUD MUNUS ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON THE HOLY SPIRIT That divine office which Jesus Christ received from His Father for the welfare of mankind, and most perfectly fulfilled, had for its final object to put men in possession of the eternal life of glory, and proximately during the course of ages […]

  • The Immortal Words of Adolf Hitler

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 2:00pm EDT

    Listen Benjamin Garland April 20, 2014 Adolf Hilter 125 years ago today, a great prophet and leader named Adolf Hitler was born. Hitler fought against our common enemy, the Eternal Jew, and succeeded in temporarily freeing the German people from them in 1933. The German nation rose to unprecedented heights under his leadership and guidance, […]

  • Prelude? Ukraine launches their offensive.

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 12:35pm EDT

    Listen It first started in January of this year. “A major Ukraine spring offensive is imminent” read the headlines of Western media companies for months, seemingly endless articles about the supply of Western training, equipment, and intelligence to the AFU army. And still weeks went by with no sign of an offensive anywhere with the […]

  • Somebody Must Be Blamed

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 12:00pm EDT

    Listen What of democracy as well as what of capitalism? Oh, capitalism shall never again flourish as once it did. Capitalism has been almost taxed out of existence in an effort to meet the coupons and the bonds, in an effort to meet the dole system that is absolutely unnecessary in a country of our […]

  • A Real Case Against The Jews

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 10:00am EDT

    Listen OF COURSE, YOU DO RESENT US. It is no good telling me you don’t. So let us not waste any time on denials and alibis. You know you do, and I know it, and we understand each other. To be sure, some of your best friends are Jews, and all that. I have heard […]

  • Zion

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 5th 2023 8:00am EDT

    Listen April 20, 1943 If or when one mentions the Protocols alleged to be of the Elders of Zion, one is frequently met with the reply: Oh, but they are a forgery. Certainly they are a forgery, and that is the one proof we have of their authenticity. The Jews have worked with forged documents […]

  • Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 4th 2023 2:00pm EDT

    Listen Todd Hayen It has always been astounding to me that people think for even a second that their government makes decisions to help the people—that has never been the case. If a government’s decision helps anyone it is always an after effect…or an afterthought or a collateral unintended benefit. The primary intent is for power, control, […]

  • In Historic Step Backward, The Supreme Court Limits The Right To Strike

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 4th 2023 12:00pm EDT

    Listen June 2, 2023 The Supreme Court has ruled against Teamsters Local 174, the union whose workers were sued by their employer, Glacier Northwest, for allegedly causing intentional damage to the company’s cement trucks during a strike. | Background photo: Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons / Collage by People’s World   WASHINGTON—By an […]

  • Nearly One Thousand Seattle Amazon Workers Walk Off The Job

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 4th 2023 10:00am EDT

    Listen June 2, 2023 On May 31, nearly one thousand Amazon workers walked off the job in Seattle to meet at the company headquarters and speak out against a range of company policies. They were accompanied by hundreds more Amazon workers around the world. The action demonstrates widespread discontent and frustration among employees. The walkout […]

  • America: The Ongoing Slaughter

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 4th 2023 6:00am EDT

    Listen David Sims IN 2019, there were 566 Black-on-White murders. In that same year, there were 246 “White”-on-Black murders. Of the “White” perpetrators, 95 were really non-Whites that the FBI/DoJ misleadingly categorizes as Whites when counting crime offenders, hence the necessity to use quotation marks. So, in 2019, there were 151 White-on-Black murders. In 2019, […]

  • New Hampshire state rep denounces Trump for offending m’lady

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 3rd 2023 11:19am EDT

    Listen What is up with these Con inc people being such simps for random “conservative” women. Their a cancer on the movement and every time Trump or Nick makes fun of them they end up denouncing it because how dare you say such things to hekin based woman. A New Hampshire state representative has withdrawn […]

  • “Pizzagate”: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washington’s Occult Elite

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 2nd 2023 5:00pm EDT

    Listen Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: They’ve apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network that celebrates its tendencies using code words and disturbing artworks. Warning: This article contains disturbing material In my […]
