• Rigging, Fraud, Lies & Dark Winter Coming – FF Ep100

    Red Ice TV - Nov 14th 2020 12:16am EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover the latest election fraud news. The media continue their lies and irresponsible reporting. What are Trump’s chances? We also go through the latest Covid news, the Vaxx and much more. […]

  • No-Go Zone: Dangerous Times, Media Lies, Crisis & Violence

    Red Ice TV - Nov 12th 2020 3:33am EST

    Henrik covers the latest election scandal news. The media continues to be irresponsible as both rhetoric and violence escalates. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | Rumble | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • No-Go Zone: Dangerous Times, Media Lies, Crisis & Violence

    Red Ice TV - Nov 12th 2020 3:33am EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik covers the latest election scandal news. The media continues to be irresponsible as both rhetoric and violence escalates. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to […]

  • Conflict Coming: Neither Side Is Backing Down

    Red Ice TV - Nov 11th 2020 1:17pm EST

    Get ready for a color revolution. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Odysee | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show on the members website here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show […]

  • Election Coup

    Red Ice TV - Nov 10th 2020 3:46am EST

    Henrik covers the latest election coup news. + More national ballot counting time series data Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show on the members website here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, […]

  • Voter Fraud & Election Meddling Evidence Floods Social Media

    Red Ice TV - Nov 9th 2020 3:38pm EST

    Since Election Day (November 3, 2020) we have been witnessing the most blatant instance of election fraud in the history of the USA! pic.twitter.com/aWLsQPxX28 — Illustrous Jingo (@Kyudo_hankyu) November 9, 2020 As we watched the election results unfold and we were going back and forth between Fox News and CNN, they all started to panic as President Trump’s numbers […]

  • UNBELIEVABLE Election Theft, Recounts Begin – FF Ep99

    Red Ice TV - Nov 6th 2020 10:46pm EST

    Henrik covers the latest election news, evidence of theft and recounts with Hard Bastard from Hard News Network. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, […]

  • UNBELIEVABLE Election Theft, Recounts Begin – FF Ep99

    Red Ice TV - Nov 6th 2020 10:46pm EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik covers the latest election news, evidence of theft and recounts with Hard Bastard from Hard News Network. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all […]

  • Election Chaos, What Happens Now?

    Red Ice TV - Nov 6th 2020 12:17am EST

    Special live coverage of the ongoing Election Chaos. Special guests: James Edwards, Blonde in the Belly, Vincent James, Kevin MacDonald, Jason Köhne, Jared Taylor & Jared George. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show at the members website here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch […]

  • No-Go Zone: CHAOS & FRAUD: Dems Stole The Election While We Slept

    Red Ice TV - Nov 4th 2020 11:01pm EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik covers the latest news and election results updates. We look at the evidence for massive fraud in WI, MI, PA & AZ. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, […]

  • No-Go Zone: CHAOS & FRAUD: Dems Stole The Election While We Slept

    Red Ice TV - Nov 4th 2020 10:46pm EST

    Henrik covers the latest news and election results updates. We look at the evidence for massive fraud in WI, MI, PA & AZ. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream […]

  • Pre-Election Coverage

    Red Ice TV - Nov 3rd 2020 10:46pm EST

    Henrik covers some news and updates before the polls close and results come in. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You […]

  • Halloween Special – FF Ep98

    Red Ice TV - Oct 30th 2020 11:01pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana are joined by Robyn Riley and Ryan Dawson for our Halloween special. We cover many spooky zombie themes and talk about the massive Biden corruption web. Lots of fun, don’t miss it. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to […]

  • Halloween Special – FF Ep98

    Red Ice TV - Oct 30th 2020 11:01pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana are joined by Robyn Riley and Ryan Dawson for our Halloween special. We cover many spooky zombie themes and talk about the massive Biden corruption web. Lots of fun, don’t miss it. […]

  • Our Bright Future

    Red Ice TV - Oct 30th 2020 1:46am EDT

    Jim Goad joins Henrik for a discussion about his latest books “The Bomb Inside My Brain” and “Gender Psychosis” + a lot more: the election, the Philly riots of peace and where America is heading. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access […]

  • Our Bright Future – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 30th 2020 1:46am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Jim Goad joins Henrik for a discussion about his latest books “The Bomb Inside My Brain” and “Gender Psychosis” + a lot more: the election, the Philly riots of peace and where America is […]

  • No-Go Zone: Philly + Dorsey/Zuck Face Censorship & Sec. 230 Questions

    Red Ice TV - Oct 29th 2020 12:46pm EDT

    Henrik cover the latest news and important stories. Links to the last videos we covered: Ending BitChute video about Les Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad: an interview with Maria Farmer and Pedogate 3.0 This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover the […]

  • No-Go Zone: Philly + Dorsey/Zuck Face Censorship & Sec. 230 Questions

    Red Ice TV - Oct 29th 2020 12:34pm EDT

    Henrik cover the latest news and important stories. Links to the last videos we covered: Ending BitChute video about Les Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad: an interview with Maria Farmer and Pedogate 3.0 Henrik and Lana cover the latest news and important stories. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | Odysee | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign […]

  • The Real Pandemic – FF Ep97

    Red Ice TV - Oct 23rd 2020 10:46pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana cover the latest news and important stories. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our […]

  • The Real Pandemic – FF Ep97

    Red Ice TV - Oct 23rd 2020 10:46pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover the latest news and important stories. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, […]

  • Last Presidential Debate 2020, Trump vs Biden

    Red Ice TV - Oct 23rd 2020 12:46pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana cover the last presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Guest hosting is Dave Reilly from CultureWars.com. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show on the members’ website here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Massive Big Tech Suppression, New Lockdowns & South Africa To Erupt? – FF Ep96

    Red Ice TV - Oct 17th 2020 1:03am EDT

    Henrik is joined by Raging Humanist to cover the latest news and important stories. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, […]

  • Massive Big Tech Suppression, New Lockdowns & South Africa To Erupt? – FF Ep96

    Red Ice TV - Oct 17th 2020 1:02am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik is joined by Raging Humanist to cover the latest news and important stories. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Australia’s New World Order Covid Lockdown Madness

    Red Ice TV - Oct 17th 2020 12:47am EDT

    Emma Down Under discusses Australia’s full on government clamp down because of Covid-19. We’ll watch clips of anti-lockdown protests and outrageous arrests. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | VK | Twitter | BrandNewTube | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Australia’s New World Order Covid Lockdown Madness

    Red Ice TV - Oct 17th 2020 12:47am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Emma Down Under discusses Australia’s full on government clamp down because of Covid-19. We’ll watch clips of anti-lockdown protests and outrageous arrests. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch […]