The Field Of Spiritual Warfare
Roosh V - Feb 24th 2022 10:00am ESTSaint Ignatius Brianchaninov is a Russian saint who lived in the 19th century, close enough to our times to see the beginnings of society’s great apostasy from Christ. His birth may remind you of many barren-mother stories of the Old Testament: his mother was unable to conceive and only had Saint Ignatius, her lone child, […]
Why Do I Need To Know Everything?
Roosh V - Feb 21st 2022 10:00am ESTWe live in an age where the authorities label truth as falsehood, and falsehood truth. I can’t take anyone’s word for anything, and have to do my own research on the most trivial of matters, such as if a tablespoon of safflower oil in my cashew butter is going to start a cascade reaction in […]
Christian Life Is Futile Without The Church
Roosh V - Feb 17th 2022 10:00am ESTI don’t usually do a review of tracts, but I so enjoyed Christianity Or The Church? by Archbishop Ilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church that I wanted to share my favorite passages. While it discusses many topics, the main one is why participation in the Church and its sacraments are absolutely necessary for salvation. All […]
16 Types Of Thoughts That Assault Me While Praying
Roosh V - Feb 14th 2022 10:00am ESTA common problem for Orthodox Christians is being attacked by worldly thoughts while praying. I’m no exception. Due to my overactive imagination, my thoughts stray during prayer, and rarely does a minute go by where my mind is completely pure and focused on the Lord God. The attacks can be so bad that, even though […]
An Introduction To Byzantine Theology
Roosh V - Feb 10th 2022 10:00am ESTByzantine Theology by John Meyendorff was recommended to me by Jay Dyer, a man gifted with theological and philosophical understanding. I do not have this gift so it was quite a challenge for me to make my way through this book. Even though I did not comprehend much of it, what I did understand was […]
Christ In The Psalms
Roosh V - Feb 7th 2022 10:00am ESTChrist In The Psalms by Father Patrick Henry Reardon, an Antiochian Orthodox priest in Chicago, gives a two-page Orthodox interpretation of every psalm in the Bible. The book points out to the faithful where Lord Jesus Christ can be found in the psalms and which are spoken to us through His voice. This book helped […]
The Orthodox View Of The End Times
Roosh V - Feb 3rd 2022 10:00am ESTUltimate Things by Dennis E. Engleman is an overview of the end times according to the Orthodox Church. Though it was written by a layman, it has received approval from Orthodox figures as being compatible with the faith. Will we have spiritual descendants? Christians concerned with being saved “from this perverse generation” are in a […]
How To Make Italian Neapolitan Pizza In A Home Oven [Recipe + Tutorial]
Roosh V - Jan 31st 2022 10:00am ESTAfter spending more than a year perfecting my pizza recipe, I’m finally ready to share it with the world. Before we get started, I must first stress that this isn’t a standard recipe that you try once for fun—this is an art and a craft that requires time and sacrifice. I’m passing on knowledge that […]
What Christians Outside Of The Orthodox Church Believe
Roosh V - Jan 27th 2022 10:00am ESTThe word “heterodox” is a term that the Orthodox use for the non-Orthodox. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy by Father Andrew Stephen Damick reviews all the major Christian denominations, and even some non-Christian religions, based on what they believe and how their doctrines conflict with the truth of Orthodoxy. Because God’s Church cannot err, it takes only […]
How To React When Relatives Attack Your Conversion To Orthodoxy
Roosh V - Jan 24th 2022 10:00am ESTThere are three assumptions I can make about you if you’re deciding to convert to the Orthodox Church. First, I assume that your family is not Orthodox. Second, I assume that they are not familiar with fasting, praying twice a day, and going to Church multiple times a week to stand for hours at a […]
Roosh Hour #73 – Demons
Roosh V - Jan 22nd 2022 9:40pm ESTI talk about the rise of demonic activity, the unraveling of society, questionable behavior from mothers, coronavirus vaccine side effects, the success of the depopulation agenda, the allegation that viruses are contagious, the latest “predictions” from Bill Gates, the deliberate toxification of the food supply, and a lot more. Watch on Bitchute If you receive […]
29 Secular Articles I Recommend
Roosh V - Jan 21st 2022 10:00am EST1. The persecution of Poles by Jews [Link] 2. Shock doctrine comes home [Link] 3. “No one wants to wife a sex expert.” [Link] 4. Many diseases may be a result of improper gut health [Link] 5. Meditation has led to mental breakdowns, psychosis, and suicide [Link 1 | Link 2] 6. “Large parts of […]
Living According To God’s Will
Roosh V - Jan 19th 2022 10:00am ESTLiving According To God’s Will was written by Metropolitan Philaret, first hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, whose relics were found to be incorrupt, indicating a saintly life. This book is aimed at those who are new to the Orthodox Church. It offers basic but firm instruction for those who are beginning the path of […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Visit An Orthodox Monastery
Roosh V - Jan 17th 2022 10:00am ESTIt’s no secret that I like to visit monasteries. It took only three months from the time I accepted Lord Jesus Christ in my life to step foot in one. These visits have been so spiritually profitable to me that I recommend all those who believe in Christ to visit a monastery as soon as […]
7 Steps To Stop Heart Palpitations (And Improve Digestion)
Roosh V - Jan 10th 2022 10:00am ESTI’ve suffered heart palpitations since my early twenties. I had a complete heart checkup done twice, once in my mid-20s by an American cardiologist and once in my mid-30s by a Polish cardiologist, and was given a clean bill of health both times. Only now in my early 40s have I come to understand the […]
Forecast Of The End Of The World
Roosh V - Jan 3rd 2022 10:00am ESTFrom studying Orthodox Christian eschatology and observing the political course of the coronavirus pandemic during the past two years, a clear picture has emerged for me about where the rulers of the world are taking us. It is a place of trials and sufferings that will be difficult to endure. Secular people will have to […]
33 Christian Articles I Recommend
Roosh V - Dec 31st 2021 10:00am EST1. “Whoever is not participating in the divine services is dying spiritually by falling away from the Church…” [Link] 2. “The renunciation of the Orthodox monarchy was the renunciation of Divine authority…” [Link] 3. What is Orthodoxy? [Link] 4. The basics of spiritual life [Link] 5. God will allow the Great Apostasy at the End […]
The Importance Of Childhood Discipline
Roosh V - Dec 27th 2021 10:00am ESTBefore I became a Christian, I did not understand what was the big deal about disciplining children. Humans are merely a type of animal, I thought, and young animals will act like animals until they figure it out someday through random osmosis. I was completely wrong. Disciplining children is the best way to prepare fallen […]
3 Lessons From The Novel Frankenstein
Roosh V - Dec 23rd 2021 10:00am ESTFrankenstein is the early 19th century novel by Mary Shelley, mother of pioneering feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, who died after giving birth to Shelley. Shelley had a turbulent life due to being raised by an anarchist father. Before writing Frankenstein, she had an affair with one of her father’s married friends. He went on to remain […]
Is It Time To Move To A Better Place?
Roosh V - Dec 20th 2021 10:00am ESTThe most frequent question I’m asked is if one should move from a degrading city, state, or country for another location that is better. Everyone’s situation is different, and I can’t possibly know what is right for you, but in the vast majority of cases, I’m reluctant to tell any man “Yes.” There are two […]
The Law Of God
Roosh V - Dec 16th 2021 10:00am ESTThe Law Of God was one of the last books I read before getting baptized in the Church. It served as a catechism that taught me both the broad outline of the faith along with curious little details such as how to use a censer in the home or what days prostrations can’t be done […]
Sinful Judgment vs Righteous Judgment
Roosh V - Dec 13th 2021 10:00am ESTA persistent problem for new Christians is judging others. We look at someone, either their appearance or behavior, and develop snap judgments—often negative—from years of doing so out of habit as a non-Christian. At the same time, shouldn’t we judge others around us to understand what is going on in the world to keep ourselves […]
Roosh Hour #72 – Winter Call-In Special
Roosh V - Dec 11th 2021 9:40pm ESTIn this stream, I took calls from listeners on topics ranging from the alleged contagiousness of viruses to building one’s faith. If you receive value from my videos, please support my work by making a donation or buying my new book. Click Here To Make A Donation Listen to the stream in your favorite podcast […]
The Life Of Saint Antony Of Egypt
Roosh V - Dec 9th 2021 10:00am ESTSaint Anthony is perhaps the most well-known monk who has ever lived. His decision to serve Christ in the desert starting in the 3rd century has inspired untold numbers of Christians to follow his example. His teachings have been so normalized in Orthodox monasticism that if you study the monastic saints, you indirectly study him. […]
Should The Divine Liturgy Be Live Streamed?
Roosh V - Dec 6th 2021 10:00am ESTWhen the coronavirus lockdowns first hit, churches scrambled to live stream their services. In April of 2020, microphones, cameras, mixers, and computer HDMI adapters were either impossible to find online or prohibitively expensive. Most churches went on to figure things out and live streaming became commonplace, but how useful have they been in strengthening the […]