If a man lives in sin, away from the Church and its sacrament of confession, his soul becomes burdened with the cumulative weight of his transgressions. Simply put, he feels bad most of the time but doesn’t know why, and continually searches for worldly solutions to relieve his internal pain, guilt, and strife. He does […]
Saint John of Kronstadt was a parish priest who was intensely familiar with interpersonal problems between relatives, neighbors, and friends. In the following passages from My Life In Christ, he describes the Christian way of responding to those who hurt us. Hopefully you are not surprised that he does not advise you to get revenge […]
In 2019, during my road trip across the United States, I visited restaurants all across the country. I noticed that the more gay flags a restaurant had, the tastier its food. How could it be that those who supported the awful act of sodomy make food that I liked the most? The answer is that […]
Saint John Of Kronstadt is a highly esteemed Russian saint and miracle worker who died in the early 20th century. He was a chosen vessel that healed scores of people while foretelling the intense tribulation of the Russian Revolution. His spiritual diary, My Life In Christ, is among the top three Orthodox books I’ve read. […]
There is no greater validation to our ego than for someone to copy our ideas or behaviors. If a man wants to get drunk at a party, he will aggressively convince others to get drunk as well so that his drunkenness is validated and his conscience silenced (i.e., “Since everyone else is doing it, my […]
In the 19th-century book A Hero Of Our Time, Russian author Mikhail Lermontov describes the life of a selfish, nihilistic Casanova who can’t seem to satisfy his itch for adventure and women. The protagonist lived not like a child of God but a beast, and allowed his fallen human nature to hurt others for fun […]
Compared to maintaining an Orthodox relationship (i.e. courtship or marriage), secular relationships are easy. They’re so easy that even I was able to maintain many for varying lengths of time even though I was a narcissistic wretch with not a drop of love in my soul. As long as you are able to pursue various […]
That’s one of the arguments given by revered Orthodox priest Father Josiah Trenham in his book Rock and Sand, which gives a history of Christendom through an Orthodox lens, focusing primarily on the Protestant Reformation and the “fruits” of their dizzying array of denominations. He points out that Catholics are looking more and more like […]
The persecution of Christians is more subtle than in Roman times, when it was absolutely clear that you were being killed for your faith. Satan has become reluctant to send throngs of crowned martyrs into heaven, and has instead refined his strategy to where your persecution garners little attention and ends up looking like “love” […]
Father George Calciu was a saintly Romanian priest who was tortured in Romania’s worst communist prison, Pitesti. He was eventually released and sought asylum in the United States where he gained an understanding of America’s declining spiritual condition. The quotes below are excerpted from the book Father George Calciu— Interviews, Homilies, and Talks. The blasphemy […]
A recent documentary titled Died Suddenly confirms what many of us already know: the coronavirus vaccine is deadly. The documentary shows that the likely mechanism by which it causes injury and death is by befouling a person’s circulatory system. I can conclude with a clear conscious that the vaccine is a blood and heart toxin. […]
A book that answers many Orthodox theological questions in a plain-worded manner is Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Michael Pomazansky. While technically an introductory textbook (for students at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York), it explains dogmas in a way that laymen can understand. Below are a handful of edifying passages. Why God created […]
Now that I got you to click on such an enticing headline, I must deliver the goods or else you will be upset with me. Before I share with you the best podcast in the world, I wanted to first mention six other podcasts that I regularly listen to. From The Amvon This podcast is […]
The Sunflower by Saint John of Tobolsk is an excellent book that helps us understand why God does the things He does, and how we can align our actions to serve His will. In the below excerpts, Saint John explains why bad things happen to members of the flock. Previous Article On “The Sunflower”: 6 […]
When I’m tired, irritated, sick, or merely experiencing a lull in the day, I can choose to console myself in one of two ways: through a worldly comfort or by lifting up my eyes to God with prayer, religious reading, or divine contemplation. Lamentably, I usually look to the world to give my flesh instant […]
Saint John of Tobolsk took a pre-existing Catholic work and revised it to make it compatible with the Orthodox faith. The resulting book is called The Sunflower and focuses almost exclusively on answering the question of how to serve God’s will. Below are six excerpts that Saint John shares to help you identify whether you […]
When the True God is abandoned, false gods rush in to take His place. One of the most treasured false gods in the Western world is the stomach. Whether through satisfying it with food or gaining pride by displaying it externally for others to admire, worshipping this hunk of human anatomy is causing many to […]
Strength In Weakness is a booklet authored by Bishop Irenei of ROCOR that I picked up in the Jordanville monastery bookstore. It offers a simple but clear answer for those who are confused as to why God allows us to suffer. The spiritual fruits of suffering Suffering has the power, despite its origin so often […]
The silenced, censored, and slandered have recently experienced an incredible reversal of fortunes on one of the largest social media platforms on the internet: Twitter. The malodorous fog that has hovered over it for the past decade has been blown away by a man named Elon Musk. While the platform hasn’t quite become perfect, I […]
1. The Cosmic Significance of Tsar Nicholas II [Link] 2. Combating the sexual passions [Link] 3. Refutation of Islam from an Orthodox perspective [Link] 4. Choosing a spouse [Link] 5. “One must not become accustomed to a miracle.” [Link] 6. The incredible vision of Saint John of Kronstadt [Link] 7. “To deny that God can […]
The Ukrainian government, a puppet regime controlled by the United States since 2014, has been making steady progress towards the unthinkable: the complete banning of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). If this happens, it will undoubtedly pave the way for the banning of Orthodox Churches in America. Via Reuters: The Ukrainian government will draw up […]
Last year I published 69 articles. Out of those, here are the top ten most popular based on page views: 10. 7 Ways To Stop Heart Palpitations And Improve Digestion I researched my condition and conducted some experiments to find out what was going on. It turns out that my heart palpitations stem from two […]
The silenced, censored, and slandered have recently experienced an incredible reversal of fortunes on one of the largest social media platforms on the internet: Twitter. The malodorous fog that has hovered over it for the past decade has been blown away by a man named Elon Musk. While the platform hasn’t quite become perfect, I […]
1. The Cosmic Significance of Tsar Nicholas II [Link] 2. Combating the sexual passions [Link] 3. Refutation of Islam from an Orthodox perspective [Link] 4. Choosing a spouse [Link] 5. “One must not become accustomed to a miracle.” [Link] 6. The incredible vision of Saint John of Kronstadt [Link] 7. “To deny that God can […]
The Ukrainian government, a puppet regime controlled by the United States since 2014, has been making steady progress towards the unthinkable: the complete banning of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). If this happens, it will undoubtedly pave the way for the banning of Orthodox Churches in America. Via Reuters: The Ukrainian government will draw up […]
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