• Measles vaccine math

    Steven Kirsch - May 25th 2024 10:34am EDT

    Executive summary One person has died from measles in the last 10 years. Is this a sign that everyone who has not been infected or vaccinated for measles should get vaccinated? According to all health authorities the answer is yes. According to your friendly neighborhood misinformation superspreader (me), the answer is a big NO. Why? […]

  • Latest Rasmussen survey confirms the “cure” was nearly as deadly as the disease

    Steven Kirsch - May 24th 2024 10:30am EDT

    The main results of the survey with some of the cross tabs. Rasmussen Reports, the only market research company in America willing to ask hard questions, just asked a cross section of American adults if they knew anyone personally who died from COVID and separately if they knew anyone who died from the vaccine. The […]

  • Official US government data shows that there is no doubt whatsoever that the COVID vaccines cause Guillain-Barre, Bell’s palsy, and other serious side effects

    Steven Kirsch - May 23rd 2024 6:01pm EDT

    Joel Embiid is right: everything happens for a reason, including Bell’s palsy. In this article, I’ll present the data. You decide. Executive summary The medical community, including NASEM (the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine) have determined that the COVID vaccines do NOT cause GBS, Bell’s palsy (and hundreds of other side effects). In this […]

  • VSRF LIVE – TONIGHT!: VSRF is Stayin’ Alive Fundraiser

    Steven Kirsch - May 23rd 2024 11:50am EDT

    On this week’s VSRF Live, we will be having a very fun (but seriously necessary) fundraiser to raise funds to continue our operations into 2024. We at VSRF have given everything we’ve got to support the C19 vaccine injured, support the medical freedom movement, produce original, unbiased research and most importantly, connect our like-minded community […]

  • Near 0 deaths per year from MMR in the US over the last 6 years. So why do we REQUIRE kids to get the measles jab?

    Steven Kirsch - May 21st 2024 5:22pm EDT

    Executive summary The MMR vaccine is extremely dangerous. It’s the vaccine associated with the most autism in the US. Is there a mortality benefit that outweighs the risk? The answer is no. Even if you believe everything on the CDC website as to the mortality benefit, the MMR vaccines would save fewer than 5 lives […]

  • My secret plan to expose the harms created by vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - May 19th 2024 6:40pm EDT

    Executive summary Many highly respected doctors and other experts are now willing to speak out about the dangers of the COVID vaccine and other vaccines. It’s time to give these voices broader distribution. What if we raised $100M from the medical community to fund a massive coordinated national PR campaign to expose the truth about […]

  • Here’s what happened when I tried to convince Gemini that the COVID vaccines are unsafe

    Steven Kirsch - May 19th 2024 3:22pm EDT

    I asked Gemini if I could try to convince her that the COVID vaccines were unsafe. She told me politely to “pound sand.” Executive summary I spent a lot of time building up a rapport with Gemini (Google’s AI LLM). Then I gently asked whether I could try to convince her that the COVID vaccines […]

  • A better way to challenge scientific consensus

    Steven Kirsch - May 19th 2024 8:48am EDT

    Executive summary In this article, I suggest a simple way to resolve scientific disagreements on important issues. The method is simple: The two parties mutually agree on a series of experiments to resolve the conflict. Win or lose, the “mainstream view” party (who should be led by a prominent scientist in the field being explored) […]

  • VSRF LIVE – TONIGHT!: Special Episode on W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Hosted by Dr. Kat Lindley

    Steven Kirsch - May 16th 2024 11:05am EDT

    On tonight’s VSRF LIVE we will be covering the massive power grab about to take place on May 27th, currently masquerading about as a “pandemic treaty” accord/agreement or other flowery language. Euphemisms aside, this is nothing more than a global totalitarian takeover the likes of which would have made Stalin blush. If successful, say goodbye […]

  • VSRF LIVE – TONIGHT!: Clay Clark and America’s ReAwakening

    Steven Kirsch - May 9th 2024 12:30pm EDT

    On tonight’s VSRF LIVE, I’ll be meeting with the legendary author, public speaker and serial entrepreneur @TheClayClark In addition to hosting his popular daily business podcast, The ThriveTime Show, Clay has been traveling the U.S. since 2021 in his popular ReAwaken America live tour which has been covering some of the most important topics of […]

  • Did the vaccine save lives?

    Steven Kirsch - May 8th 2024 11:54pm EDT

    There are 4 mini-survey questions below. The first 2 relate to your extended FAMILY members. I ask about the virus deaths, then the shot deaths. Extended families consist of several generations of people and can include biological parents and their children as well as in-laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The second 2 relate to […]

  • Live in Santa Clara County? Want to help me hold the public officials accountable?

    Steven Kirsch - May 7th 2024 5:39pm EDT

    The public health department in Santa Clara County thinks they can just ignore me and I’ll go away. Nope. Not going to happen. With your help, I want to let them know that ignoring the data is not an option. Here’s the form for Santa Clara County residents only please. After this works here, we […]

  • COVID19 vaccines linked to myocarditis, pericarditis, ITP, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, ADEM, PE, Febrile seizures & more

    Steven Kirsch - May 6th 2024 7:03pm EDT

    Executive summary UCSF Professor of Epidemiology Vinay Prasad MD MPH just published an article entitled “COVID19 vaccines linked to myocarditis, pericarditis, ITP, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy, ADEM, PE, Febrile seizures & more.” In the article, he points out two major reasons that the study of 99 million vaccinated people under-reported safety signals: Using electronic […]

  • What the data says about vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - May 3rd 2024 4:10pm EDT

    My new presentation is filled with interesting data that everyone should know like these results from the data released by Barry Young. NOBODY wants to talk about it. Here’s my latest presentation on what the data shows. Enjoy. Clicking the link will silently download the 10MB PDF file to your Downloads folder. Challenge your friends […]

  • Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination

    Steven Kirsch - May 2nd 2024 6:20pm EDT

    Executive summary Thanks to your help in responding to my last survey, it took less than 3 hours to answer the question as to whether sexual orientation, gender identity and gender dysphoria are influenced by vaccines. The answer to all three is yes: the greater someone is vaccinated, the more likely they are to exhibit […]

  • Sexual orientation / gender identity survey

    Steven Kirsch - May 2nd 2024 1:46pm EDT

    Click the image to take the survey If you, or someone you know extremely well such as one of your kids, have any sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender dysphoria traits that differ from traditional norms, please fill out this very important short anonymous survey. Note: I already have results which are ground breaking, but […]

  • The CDC lied; people died

    Steven Kirsch - May 1st 2024 7:32pm EDT

    Executive summary An Epoch Times story released today revealed that the CDC deliberately lied to the public about the safety of the COVID vaccines. When asked about the deaths, the CDC lied to the public and falsely claimed that they had no evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed anyone. The CDC lied. People died. […]

  • VSRF LIVE TOMORROW!: Dr. Robert Malone, M.D.

    Steven Kirsch - May 1st 2024 6:27pm EDT

    Updated Show Alert for May 2nd! While we had planned to have Shawn Buckley, famed constitutional attorney from Canada on this week’s show, a change in Mr. Buckley’s schedule has required us to postpone this important interview until later this month. As luck would have it, however, we are fortunate enough to have Dr. Robert […]

  • Turbo cancer evidence in California

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 30th 2024 4:09pm EDT

    Executive summary Cancer cases are up by over 5X in California Medicaid in 89% of the ICD-10 Cxx categories with over 20 events in 2023. And there was over a 10X rate increase in 35% of the qualifying cancer categories. Is this normal? Absolutely not! This is a very serious problem. I’ve asked the California […]

  • The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 29th 2024 2:10am EDT

    The home page for Medalerts. You don’t have to take my word on any of this. Do your own research. Executive summary My favorite VAERS query tool is medalerts.org. Without a lot of effort, you can do some amazing analyses that prove to anyone who still has critical thinking skills that the COVID vaccines are […]

  • Diabetes increases your risk of glaucoma

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 27th 2024 4:03pm EDT

    Executive summary At the Glaucoma Research Foundation dinner last night in San Francisco, one very experienced glaucoma specialist (40 years of practice) said that he thought diabetes was a risk factor for glaucoma, but didn’t have the odds ratios. It took me just a couple of minutes to load up Airtable on the data from […]

  • VSRF LIVE Tonight: Save Our Pets!

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 25th 2024 11:10am EDT

    Most of you know that I absolutely adore my cat Valentina. Well, if you thought the vaccine situation for humans in this country was appalling, wait until you learn how bad the vaccine program is for our poor pets! In short, it’s so bad, I will never vaccinate Valentina, or any future pet again! Tonight […]

  • National Academies badly misleads America about the safety of the COVID vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 19th 2024 12:15pm EDT

    Executive summary The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) recently issued a safety report on the COVID vaccines with the following conclusions (for the Pfizer vaccine): Causes: myocarditis (but not pericarditis). Do not cause: infertility, Guillain-Barré syndrome or Bell’s palsy, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), heart attack, and ischemic stroke. Inconclusive: all […]

  • VSRF LIVE Tonight: Down the Rabbit Hole with Dan Dicks

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 18th 2024 11:41am EDT

    Love a good conspiracy theory? Well then, tonight’s show is for you! On tonight’s VSRF LIVE, we will feature a riveting conversation with Dan Dicks, Canadian investigative journalist and award winning documentary filmmaker, as we discuss 911, the global “cabal” and other controversial topics. Dan is the founder of an independent media outlet known as […]

  • My email to Dr. Anne Bass re: National Academies evidence review on COVID shot side effects

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 18th 2024 4:28am EDT

    Will I get lucky and find someone who wants to resolve the ambiguity between what we see in the clinic vs. in the medical literature? What do you think? Share