• Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 10th 2021 3:18am EST

    On December 9, I interviewed Alix Mayer, President, Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter. She’s vaccine injured from a set of vaccines she took prior to a business trip. She’s never recovered. Here’s the interview on Rumble. Key things I learned from talking with Alix: All the 16 childhood vaccines should be considered unsafe because all the […]

  • Did former NFL star wide receiver Demaryius Thomas die at age 33 from the COVID vaccine?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 10th 2021 2:39am EST

    CNN reported this: Demaryius Thomas, who played 10 seasons in the NFL and is considered one of the best wide receivers in Denver Broncos history, was found dead at his home in Roswell, Georgia, according to officials. He was 33 years old. Based on preliminary information, his death stemmed from a medical issue, Officer Tim […]

  • Robert Malone LIVE tonight at 4pm PST: join us!

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 9th 2021 2:22pm EST

    Register at the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation website. It’s free. You’ll get a zoom link for the call via email. This is a special 2-hour call which we will fill with questions from the audience. And I’ve asked Robert to keep his answers under 60 seconds (which he admits will be a stretch for him) […]

  • Los Angeles Unified School district likely to lose court fight to impose vaccine mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 7:24pm EST

    December 8, 2021 Now for some good news for a change… Children’s Health Defense California chapter employed attorney Nicole Pearson to challenge the LA school district’s ability to impose a vaccine mandate for kids. The papers were filed last week for a preliminary injunction. At Nicole’s request, I was one of about 10 experts who […]

  • COVID pandemic: The ten biggest lies

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 3:30pm EST

    Here is my list: The vaccines are safe and effective Masks work The vaccines are the only way out Vaccine mandates are necessary Do whatever the authorities (CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO) tell you to do. Do not hold them accountable. Trust your doctor Early treatments using repurposed drugs don’t work Full liability protection is necessary […]

  • Eric Topol is now a “Writer in Residence” on substack. Time to speak out.

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 2:25pm EST

    I just got this announcement from Substack: Substack Dr. Eric Topol is Substack’s newest Writer in Residence Last year, writer, physician, and researcher Eric Topol took to Twitter to share ongoing analysis of the data around the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching an audience of half a million followers with his straightforward daily updates. Now, he’s bringing […]

  • The most important lesson from Auschwitz

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 8th 2021 2:25am EST

    Here is Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski’s speech on January 27, 2020. Excerpt: “Auschwitz did not fall from the sky. It began with small forms of persecution of Jews. It happened, it means it can happen anywhere. That is why human rights and democratic constitutions must be defended. The eleventh commandment is important: Don’t be indifferent. […]

  • Stories that the press will not cover

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 7th 2021 11:39pm EST

    I hear so many incredible stories you’ll never see in the mainstream media, I thought I’d start an article to collect them. I plan to add more to this list over time. Why am I doing this? Because the press isn’t reporting these stories and these stories need to be told. Nurse is COVID recovered […]

  • NPR proves once again, critical thinking is dead in America

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 7th 2021 3:31pm EST

    A friend sent me this NPR story this morning claiming Trump counties have 3 times the COVID death rates than counties who voted for Biden and that misinformation was the cause. Stunning. This proves critical thinking is dead in America. If you had any doubts before, you can now put those doubts aside. The NPR […]

  • What is going on and how it will end

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 7th 2021 12:36am EST

    What is going on is known as “mass formation.” Essentially, it looks like this: 30% of the population are severely affected/indoctrinated (“brainwashed”) 40% in the middle are persuadable 30% of us are immune for some reason The way you break it is that you must keep getting the word out. This is why it is […]

  • RFK Jr. has been trying to get a debate on vaccine safety for 20 years

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 7th 2021 12:10am EST

    Nobody in the medical community is willing to debate RFK, Jr on vaccine safety. On Jul 23, 2020, Alan Dershowitz agreed to a debate moderated by Patrick Bet-David, founder of Valuetainment. Dershowitz lost the debate handily. I knew this had happened, but it wasn’t until today that I saw the video. The best part in […]

  • Former Pfizer Chief Medical Officer turns down my interview request

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 6th 2021 1:59pm EST

    Former Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer declined my interview request. At least he had a sense of humor about it. I give him a lot of credit for that.

  • Dr. John Su: interview request

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 6th 2021 9:24am EST

    I just sent this email to the CDC. What a great opportunity for them to persuade the vaccine hesitant! What do you think they will do?

  • Why did Gavin Newsom and family take a vacation in Cabo, Mexico?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 10:24pm EST

    Gavin Newsom and his family were Mexico from around November 22 to approximately November 28. I’m guessing it was to get stem cell treatments for his GBS. What do you think? There was a press announcement on Monday, Nov 22 announcing the “vacation.” Here’s the full story (with pictures of Newsom in Cabo) that appeared […]

  • 28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 6:34pm EST

    Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada in Fully Vaccinated Mothers.  Video: Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes the exploding cases of stillbirths in Canadian women and tells Canadians what they can do about it.  November 23, 2021 This is a story we hear nowadays from everywhere, especially from morticians who’ve been horrified by the huge increase in deaths of […]

  • Do you know why there isn’t an EUA for fluvoxamine?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 6:34pm EST

    The reason is simple. We tried. And after 6 weeks of waiting, we were told that to get an EUA for a repurposed drug, you have to partner with a drug company in the EUA application. Because no drug company will partner with us, even if we pay all the filing costs, there won’t be […]

  • FDA/CDC whistleblower wanted: Name your price

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 6:34pm EST

    I sent the email below to various people I know at the FDA and CDC. But my contacts there are limited. If you know anyone at the CDC and FDA who may have a change of heart, please forward them a link to this article. The short story is I’m willing to pay whatever it […]

  • My interview on Brighteon

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 6:34pm EST

    Mike Adams, founder of Brighteon.com, who has been de-platformed, just like me, interviews me about vaccines, masks, and early treatment. I’ve heard it’s a great interview from many of my followers. The key message is public opinion backed by government and pharma misrepresentations is not science. Ignoring the data and trusting “authorities” is never a […]

  • Nobody can explain why the vaccinated are more likely to get COVID and die

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 5th 2021 4:36pm EST

    ICYMI, here’s a chart from a recent post by my good friend Mathew Crawford. It basically shows, the more you vaccinate, the more cases and deaths you get. Critics would argue, “it’s confounded! more elderly are vaccinated.” But the same critics cannot show us this is false. They can only do “hand-waving” arguments that it […]