• White House Backs Deal for Microsoft to Buy TikTok

    TruNews - Aug 3rd 2020 2:00pm EDT

    President Donald Trump reportedly now supports Microsoft acquiring the social media app TikTok from ByteDance, as long as a deal is put in place by mid-September. The U.S. Treasury and the Committee on Foreign Investments set the September 15 deadline, and Reuters reported Monday morning that Trump’s shifting stance comes after several Republican lawmakers and […]

  • TruNews Headlines – August 3, 2020

    TruNews - Aug 3rd 2020 1:39pm EDT

    TruNews Headlines – August 3, 2020

  • New Zion Assembly – 8/2/20 – “The Kingdom of God and Israel”

    TruNews - Aug 2nd 2020 10:25am EDT

    New Zion Assembly is a digital online New Covenant congregation for true Israelites – the Body of Christ! Teaching Presbyter – Rick Wiles; Preaching Presbyter – Doc Burkhart. Airdate: 8/2/2020

  • Epstein insider Part 2: Hoffenberg Talks About Wexner, Maxwell, Clinton, and Trump

    TruNews - Jul 31st 2020 6:18pm EDT

    Today on TruNews we share part two of an exclusive interview with Epstein insider Steven Hoffenberg and detail the role now-indicted Ghislaine Maxwell, and her super spy father Robert Maxwell, played in the largest, state-backed, child sex spy blackmail operation in history. Mr. Hoffenberg also discusses his time working on the 2016 Trump campaign, his […]

  • Part 2 – Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Mentor’ Talks to TruNews

    TruNews - Jul 31st 2020 4:00pm EDT

    EDITOR’S NOTE: Over the past two years, TruNews has relentlessly pursued those who sought to rape our children and loot the kingdom in the Jeffrey Epstein case. There have been heroes who risked death to reveal the secrets of the largest State backed international blackmail sex trafficking spy operation in modern history. Likewise, there have […]

  • TruNews Headlines – July 31, 2020

    TruNews - Jul 31st 2020 3:12pm EDT

    Jim Jordan hammers Dr. Fauci for favoritism in COVID-19 science, the Ohio Congressman says to Fauci, ‘No limit to protests but, boy you can’t go to church on Sunday,’ Dr. Simone Gold, the doctor censored by big tech over hydroxychloroquine viral video, has been fired, Tucker Carlson asks, what does a video have to do […]

  • Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies: Epstein’s Former Employer Steven Hoffenberg Exposes Blackmail Operation

    TruNews - Jul 30th 2020 5:07pm EDT

    Today on TruNews we share part one of an exclusive interview with Epstein insider Steven Hoffenberg, who worked with the superspy pedophile at the initiation of his clandestine international blackmail operations, and can reveal actionable details about other co-conspirators and their missions, like infamous Saudi warlords Adnan Khashoggi and Prince Bandar Bush, architects in the […]

  • Part 1 – Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Mentor’ Talks to TruNews

    TruNews - Jul 30th 2020 4:00pm EDT

    EDITOR’S NOTE: Over the past two years, TruNews has relentlessly pursued those who sought to rape our children and loot the kingdom in the Jeffrey Epstein case. There have been heroes who risked death to reveal the secrets of the largest State backed international blackmail sex trafficking spy operation in modern history. Likewise, there have […]

  • TruNews Headlines – July 30, 2020

    TruNews - Jul 30th 2020 3:05pm EDT

    Dr. Fauci recommends wearing goggles to prevent catching the coronavirus, Florida man accused of firing gun in hotel lobby over lack of social distancing , WABC-TV says 1st dog with COVID in US dies, but two weeks ago a dog died of Covid in South Carolina after being put down. Is the media trying to […]

  • October Surprise: China Fears Trump Will Seize Islands Before November Election

    TruNews - Jul 29th 2020 6:05pm EDT

    October Surprise: China Fears Trump Will Seize Islands Before November Election

  • The Thucydides Trap: Australian Lawmakers Warned War Between China, U.S. Likely

    TruNews - Jul 29th 2020 3:00pm EDT

    With the “normalization” policy of U.S. foreign affairs with China of the past 50 years thrown out the window, experts are now warning that springing the Thucydides Trap between the major powers is “likely” to occur in the next 12 to 36 months. Translation: the experts are warning that a shooting war will break out […]

  • TruNews Headlines – July 29, 2020

    TruNews - Jul 29th 2020 2:27pm EDT

    Tucker Carlson says Big Tech censorship of doctors offering hope for Covid happened because the Dems must frighten people to win in November, he says on reopening schools; ‘Children must suffer so that Joe Biden can win an election.’ Carlson says when one doctor used the word ‘hope’ that was mocking the saintly Dr. Anthony […]

  • Fake COVID Testing: Rick Wiles talks to Armstrong Williams

    TruNews - Jul 29th 2020 11:50am EDT

    Fake COVID Testing: Rick Wiles talks to Armstrong Williams

  • Seeds of Fire: Are Mysterious Seeds an Agricultural Bioterrorism Attack on USA?

    TruNews - Jul 28th 2020 5:47pm EDT

    Seeds of Fire: Are Mysterious Seeds an Agricultural Bioterrorism Attack on USA?

  • Attorney General Slams ‘Violent Rioters’ During Hill Testimony

    TruNews - Jul 28th 2020 4:00pm EDT

    At the beginning of some very heated testimony on Capitol Hill today, Attorney General Bill Barr blasted the “violent rioters’ in Portland and elsewhere in defending the Justice Department’s response to Antifa and Black Lives Matter “protests” around the country. In his opening statement, the AG paid his respects to civil rights leader-turned-congressman, Rep. John […]

  • TruNews Headlines – July 28, 2020

    TruNews - Jul 28th 2020 3:17pm EDT

    Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference. During that presser Dr. Stella Immanuel , a general practitioner from Houston, Texas said, ‘I have cured 350 COVID-19 patients using hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and antibacterial drug, Zithromax.  She said ‘you can kill me but I’m not going to let Americans die. A Florida gym owner is […]

  • Supreme Court Denies Nevada Church’s Appeal of COVID Lockdown Rule

    TruNews - Jul 27th 2020 5:00pm EDT

    By a 5-4 vote with Chief Justice John Roberts serving as the “swing vote,” the U.S. Supreme Court has once again denied a church’s attempt to block state attendance restrictions due to the coronavirus plandemic. Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, has issued an order that caps church attendance at 50 people. Calvary Chapel Dayton […]

  • Pastors in Prison: Will Governor Newsom Dare to Lock Up Pastor John MacArthur?

    TruNews - Jul 27th 2020 4:54pm EDT

    Pastors in Prison: Will Governor Newsom Dare to Lock Up Pastor John MacArthur?

  • Jacobin ‘Protesters’ Gather Outside DHS Secretary’s Home

    TruNews - Jul 27th 2020 4:00pm EDT

    The group known as ShutDown DC organized a protest Sunday evening outside the home of acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf. Several dozen “protesters” stood outside the secretary’s home in a suburb of Alexandria, Va., chanting, “Fascist Out!” and “Who’s afraid of the big bad Wolf?” The protests came just hours after he had blasted […]

  • TruNews Headlines – July 27, 2020

    TruNews - Jul 27th 2020 1:47pm EDT

    Tennessee man told that he’s COVID-19 Positive Despite Never Being Tested, Florida makes a mistake on child Covid rates, Sinclair pulls interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits slamming Anthony Fauci, woman maces San Diego man for not wearing mask while eating outdoors, prominent pastor John MacArthur won’t comply anymore with California’s Covid-19 restrictions. He says Christ, […]

  • New Zion Assembly – 7/26/2020 – “The King and the Throne of David”

    TruNews - Jul 26th 2020 10:00am EDT

    New Zion Assembly is a digital online New Covenant congregation for true Israelites – the Body of Christ! Teaching Presbyter – Rick Wiles; Preaching Presbyter – Doc Burkhart. Airdate: 7/26/2020

  • Commiefornia: Gov. Newsom Bans Home Bible Study Groups

    TruNews - Jul 24th 2020 5:48pm EDT

    Commiefornia: Gov. Newsom Bans Home Bible Study Groups

  • Trump Announces Jacksonville Component of GOP Convention is Canceled

    TruNews - Jul 24th 2020 4:46pm EDT

    During Thursday afternoon’s White House press briefing, President Donald Trump announced that the Jacksonville, Fla., portions of the upcoming Republican National Convention have been canceled. The president told reporters that his political team came to him earlier in the day with the plans for the convention, but he made the decision that the timing was […]

  • National Hurricane Center Now Tracking 4 Storm Systems

    TruNews - Jul 24th 2020 4:46pm EDT

    The National Hurricane Center in Miami is now tracking four storm systems – three of them named – that could impact parts of the U.S. in the days ahead. The biggest threat is Hurricane Douglas, which is churning along the North Pacific toward Hawaii, where it is forecast to make landfall Sunday afternoon on the […]

  • Anti-Netanyahu Protests in Jerusalem Turn Violent

    TruNews - Jul 24th 2020 4:46pm EDT

    Dozens of Israelis protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were arrested Thursday night outside his residence in Jerusalem after police were forced to fire water cannons as the protests turned violent. Thousands turned out to rail against the Netanyahu government’s corruption, mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, and other issues, turning Jerusalem’s Paris Square into a […]