• TruNews Headlines – May 6, 2020

    TruNews - May 6th 2020 11:45am EDT

    Is it possible we could see a Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden?

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: ‘Dr. Shiva’ Exposed as Disinformation Agent

    TruNews - May 6th 2020 11:30am EDT

    There is a revolution underway in America, working in the shadows of the coronavirus plandemic that—in less than three months—has crushed freedom and liberty in the U.S., doing what no foreign enemy has ever done in our nation’s history. Those who oppose the scare campaign and question the fake numbers thrown out by those leading […]

  • GOP Pushes Tax Cuts in Next Coronavirus Bill

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 5:47pm EDT

    (REUTERS) – Republicans underscored the need for tax cuts and business liability protections in any new coronavirus legislation on Tuesday, while preventing Democrats from requiring transparency for a $650 billion-plus program for struggling small businesses. Republican President Donald Trump outlined his own wish list of policies for Congress to consider, including payroll tax cuts and […]

  • Infamous Imperial College Modeler Resigns for Violating His Own Social Distancing Rules

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 5:00pm EDT

    (DAILY CALLER) – British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, whose coronavirus predictions helped form Britain’s strategy in fighting the pandemic, has resigned his position as an adviser to the U.K. government after violating his own social distancing rules in order to have sex with a married woman. Ferguson had 38-year-old married woman Antonia Staats travel across the […]

  • Corona Creeps Crush Free Speech and Free Enterprise

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 4:11pm EDT

    Corona Creeps Crush Free Speech and Free Enterprise

  • Iran Threatens to ‘Raze Cities to the Ground,’ Israel Launches New Airstrikes

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 2:00pm EDT

    According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, a top Iranian official has repeated a previous threat to “raze Israeli cities to the ground” if its enemy takes any action against the Islamic Republic. Mohsen Rezaei, the former head of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and one of the leading figures of Iran’s powerful Expediency Council, […]

  • TruNews Headlines – May 5, 2020

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 1:51pm EDT

    Instead of breaking our dependence on china, the coronavirus has increased it.

  • DOJ: ‘There’s No Pandemic Exception to the Constitution and Its Bill of Rights’

    TruNews - May 5th 2020 10:00am EDT

    Sunday, the U.S. Justice Department filed a “statement of interest” in a lawsuit filed by a Virginia church against Gov. Ralph Northam over his statewide lockdown rules that prohibit religious gatherings of more than 10 people. Last month, Lighthouse Fellowship Church in Chincoteague Island, Va., held a 16-person worship service in its 225-seat sanctuary while […]

  • Secretary of Senate Says She Cannot Release Joe Biden Sex Abuse Complaint

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 4:47pm EDT

    Former Vice President Joe Biden’s bid to make former Senate staffer Tara Reade’s 27-year-old sexual assault allegations go away hit a major stumbling block today when Senate Secretary Julie Adams said she couldn’t release any documents that may exist from the complaint. The Senate’s arcane system of rules state the secretary “has no discretion to […]

  • Major Grocery Retailers Now Limiting Meat Purchases

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 4:47pm EDT

    First it was the toilet paper and paper towels, now the coronavirus pandemic is creating shortages of meat products, prompting major grocery retailers to impose limits on the number of products that can be purchased. Kroger was the first major chain to impose limits, which apply to ground beef and fresh pork products. Now Costco […]

  • Gilead Says It’s Donating All of Its Remdesivir to U.S. Government

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 4:47pm EDT

    Gilead Sciences CEO Dan O’Day says his company is going to donate all of its available doses of the anti-viral drug Remdesivir to the U.S. government—enough to treat up to 200,000 people—but some doctors are now saying there’s reason to be concerned about the results of a recent trial of the drug. O’Day appeared on […]

  • Coronavirus Tensions Raise War Threat Between U.S., China

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 1:49pm EDT

    Tensions over the coronavirus blame game have been escalating rapidly over the past few days between the U.S. and China after two new intelligence reports were leaked that build Washington’s “Blame Beijing” case for direct confrontation. The first of the leaks occurred Saturday in Australia, when a “Five Eyes” research document was published that claimed […]

  • Experts Warn of New Insect Threat to U.S.

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 1:49pm EDT

    Experts are now warning that Asian Giant Hornets—also known as “murder hornets”—have now been spotted in the U.S. and Canada for the first time, sparking panic within the scientific community. These hornets, which are native to temperate and tropical climates in East Asia, are responsible for about 50 deaths a year. Measuring nearly 2 inches […]

  • Trump Tweets: President Backs Truckers in Freight Rate Fight

    TruNews - May 4th 2020 1:49pm EDT

    President Donald Trump spent much of the weekend on the offensive on his platform of choice—Twitter—attacking Democrats, the media, and even some of his predecessors in office, but he also came to the aid of one group suffering immensely due to the coronavirus lockdown. Saturday, a convoy of truckers descended upon Washington, D.C., to protest […]

  • New Zion Assembly – 5/3/2020 – Daniels’s Dangerous Dilemma

    TruNews - May 3rd 2020 10:00am EDT

    New Zion Assembly – a digital, online home church for true Israelites. Airdate: 5/3/2020

  • Worshipping God is Essential: Churches Demand End to Lockdowns

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 4:35pm EDT

    Worshipping God is Essential: Churches Demand End to Lockdowns

  • Canada Bans ‘Assault-Style Weapons’ After Mass Shooting

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 3:00pm EDT

    Canada is banning the sale of rifles with scary-looking stocks and magazines as a result of the Nova Scotia mass shooting two weeks ago. Declaring them “military-grade” and “assault-style” weapons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the ban, saying: “These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of […]

  • TruNews 3 p.m. Headlines – May 1, 2020

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 2:58pm EDT

    Joe Biden denies the sexual assault allegations made against him.

  • Jeff Bezos Told to Testify as Antitrust Probe Gains Momentum

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 2:00pm EDT

    (DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION) — Lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee are threatening to subpoena Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos after The Wall Street Journal reported that the company used data from independent sellers to develop competing products. The House panel is engaged in an antitrust investigation targeting Amazon and other major tech companies. Probes against […]

  • South Korean Lawmaker, North Korean Defector: ‘99% Sure’ Kim Jong-un is Dead

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 1:00pm EDT

    Another North Korean defector who was recently elected to the South Korean National Assembly is weighing in on the disappearance of the Hermit Kingdom’s leader, Kim Jong-un, amid reports he is either dead or in critically ill health. It’s been nearly three weeks since the reclusive leader has appeared in public. In the meantime, reports […]

  • New FBI Documents Unveil Even More Troubling Details of ‘Perjury Trap’ Plot

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 12:00pm EDT

    New documents released by the FBI and unsealed by a federal judge on Thursday night have further illuminated the Deep State “perjury trap” plot against former National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. The documents establish that Flynn was given the code name “Crossfire Razor.” They also document that the bureau was trying to determine if he […]

  • TruNews Noon Headlines – May 1, 2020

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 11:54am EDT

    President Trump says people in Michigan want their live back again. 

  • Biden Officially Denies Sexual Assault Allegation

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 11:00am EDT

    Joe Biden has officially denied the claim that he sexually assaulted a staffer nearly 30 years ago when he was a leading Democrat in the U.S. Senate. The former vice president is accused by Tara Reade, who worked for his Senate office staff in the early 1990s, of physically violating her sexually. She first made […]

  • Experts Claim the U.S. Plan-demic will Continue for 2 Full Years

    TruNews - May 1st 2020 10:00am EDT

    A group of epidemiology experts who study pandemics—mainly those involving influenza—have concluded that the U.S. will continue to deal with waves of COVID-19 outbreaks for two full years, and that the country won’t fully re-open anytime soon. The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota has released the first of […]

  • Hidden Hand: FBI Docs Reveal Israeli Involvement in 2016 Trump Campaign

    TruNews - Apr 30th 2020 4:48pm EDT

    Hidden Hand: FBI Docs Reveal Israeli Involvement in 2016 Trump Campaign