• Some Simple Lies Out of Washington: Who Is the Terrorist and Who Is the Victim?, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - May 20th 2021 12:32pm EDT

    There have been few surprises coming out of the violence that has erupted in Palestine and Israel. Israel, firmly in control of much of the media in the U.S. and Western Europe has chosen to depict it in simple terms: the Palestinian “terrorist” group Hamas has attacked the Jewish state which has taken proportionate steps… […]

  • A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - May 20th 2021 12:32pm EDT

    So Sergey Lavrov and Tony Blinken met for nearly two hours at the Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, on the sidelines of the ministerial session of the Arctic Council. Frosty? Not really. Even if the get together may not have been a throwback to a Reagan-Gorbachev funfest in the good old Cold War days. After… […]

  • Federal Government’s “Domestic Extremism” Committee Is Being Run By the ADL and SPLC, Leaked Documents Show, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - May 20th 2021 7:47am EDT

    The US government’s war on political dissent is being guided by private left-wing and Zionist organizations, National Justice can report. An internal document regarding the Pentagon’s “Countering Extremism Working Group” (CEWG) from last April names the individuals and groups that are slated for membership in a subcommittee that specializes in setting targets for the Defense… […]

  • Breaking the Silence on the Origins of Covid-19, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - May 19th 2021 1:00pm EDT

    For more than a year now, I’ve been publishing a series of articles and columns discussing the origins of the global Covid-19 epidemic and strongly arguing that the outbreak represented an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran). Here are links to the three major articles, with the last appearing a week ago: American Pravda:… […]

  • Oh, Jerusalem!, by Taxi

    The Unz Review - May 19th 2021 7:17am EDT

    “Hands off Jerusalem and its people.” This is the first, foremost and non-negotiable condition that the Palestinian Resistance is demanding, in exchange for halting rocketry at Israel. But it’s falling on the deaf ears of the terrorist Jewish government, as its military continues pounding hard at civilian targets in Gaza. R.I.P. to the Gaza family… […]

  • Does Wealth Protect Kids from Psychological Disorders?, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - May 18th 2021 8:39am EDT

    If you select for some characteristic, and find that groups differ on other characteristics, it is natural to assume that the variable you selected might be causal. For example, if you select on the basis of genetics, and find differences, it would be understandable if you thought that genetics accounted for the other differences. Equally,… […]

  • Bibi & Hamas — Only Winners in Gaza War, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - May 18th 2021 12:00am EDT

    “Israel is Winning Battles, Hamas is Winning the War.” So ran the headline in the Jerusalem Post atop an analysis of the Gaza war, which began, “The IDF is registering great achievements in Operation Guardian of the Walls, but meanwhile the house appears to be collapsing from within.” Hard to disagree. Consider this New York… […]

  • Netanyahu Warns Biden Not to Get Involved, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - May 18th 2021 12:00am EDT

    An interesting recent article by international lawyer John Whitbeck suggests that the billions of dollars that the United States gives to Israel annually is not technically “foreign aid” as the Jewish state is as measured by per capita GDP the 19th wealthiest in the world, ahead of countries like Germany. It is, instead “tribute,” which… […]

  • Ignore Starmer’s Moral Posturing. He’s the One We Should Blame for Stoking Antisemitism, by Jonathan Cook

    The Unz Review - May 17th 2021 11:17pm EDT

    No one should be surprised that Britain’s rightwing prime minister, Boris Johnson, has had barely anything to say about Israel’s pummelling of Gaza, with nearly 200 Palestinians reported to have been killed by airstrikes and many hundreds more seriously wounded. Nor should we be surprised that Johnson has had nothing to say about the fact… […]

  • The Mask of “Liberal Democracy” Falls with a Bang, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - May 17th 2021 1:08pm EDT

    Nakba, May 15, 2021. Future historians will mark the day when Western “liberal democracy” issued a graphic proclamation: We bomb media offices and destroy “freedom of the press” in an open air concentration camp while we forbid peaceful demonstrations under a state of siege in the heart of Europe. And if you revolt, we cancel… […]

  • If No Election Fraud Why Are Democrats Desperate to Block Maricopa County, Arizona Audit?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - May 17th 2021 12:22pm EDT

    Arizona Democrats have refused to comply with court orders and have declared an audit “racist.” The criminal gang that masquerades as the US Dept of Justice has declared the election audit “voter intimidation” as the DOJ attempts to intimidate Republicans to cease the audit. Obviously, there was massive electoral fraud. If not, why the extraordinary… […]

  • Israel Bombs the Associated Press Offices in Gaza! Building Leveled! What Now, Media???, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - May 16th 2021 10:02pm EDT

    This could possibly be the funniest thing ever. The only reason that the AP has offices in Palestine is to shill for Israel. But Israel goes ahead and bombs them, presumably because they just weren’t shilling hard enough. This is obviously intended to be a message to all journalists worldwide: shill harder. AP: An Israeli… […]

  • My Nation Blessed Israel and All I Got Was a Mulatto Tranny Grandchild, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - May 16th 2021 10:02pm EDT

    When I was a child in the 1990s, evangelical preachers and televangelists were claiming that God would “bless” a nation that “blesses” the genocidal Jew state of Israel. Yet, here were are, 30 years later, and America has consistently “blessed” Israel. We have given them hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, and… […]

  • America’s Superpower Days Are Lost and Gone Forever, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - May 16th 2021 10:03am EDT

    According to the Pentagon, 71% of Americans aged 17 to 24 – roughly 24 million out of 34 million people—are ineligible to join the military because of “obesity, lack of high school diploma, or a criminal record.” — To fill the ranks, the Pentagon and CIA recruit women with two moms and cisgender millenials of… […]

  • Are Women Editors Worsening Our “Frighteningly Orthodox Media Culture”? Probably!, by Lance Welton

    The Unz Review - May 15th 2021 8:47pm EDT

    Earlier by Lance Welton: Are Women Destroying Academia? Probably Washington Post journalist Paul Farhi recently put out a very interesting (if embarrassingly fawning) twitter thread on the occasion of Sally Buzbee being named executive editor of the Washington Post a.k.a. his boss: “Women are now in charge of the newsrooms at the Washington Post, CBS… […]

  • The Same Pattern Everywhere?, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - May 15th 2021 12:03pm EDT

    Covid cases have risen sharply in nearly every country that has launched a mass vaccination campaign.(Please watch this short video before You Tube removes it) Why is this happening? Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the threat of Covid but– in the short-term– it appears to make it much worse. Why? And why is Covid… […]

  • The Yom Kippur Syndrome Revisited, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - May 15th 2021 9:49am EDT

    One of the most interesting aspects of the Yom Kippur War (1973) was that it marked a sudden switch from Israeli manic ‘hubris’ to melancholia, apathy and depression. Following their outstanding military victory in 1967, the Israelis developed an arrogant disrespectful attitude towards Arabs and their military capabilities. Israeli intelligence predicted that it would take… […]

  • End Military Aid to Israel, by Ted Rall

    The Unz Review - May 14th 2021 10:17pm EDT

    Riding in the back of a truck into Afghanistan during the 2001 U.S. invasion, a journalist colleague from Russia who served in the Red Army during the 1980s asseverated that he was happy to be back in country. “Because this time,” he said, swinging his hands to indicate the swarms of refugees, bombed-out villages and… […]

  • Are the Halcyon Days Over for Joe Biden?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - May 14th 2021 12:00am EDT

    On taking the oath of office, Jan. 20, Joe Biden may not have realized it, but history had dealt him a pair of aces. The COVID-19 pandemic had reached its apex, infecting a quarter of a million Americans every day. Yet, due to the discovery and distribution of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the incidence… […]

  • If I Had Made the Closing Argument in Defense of Derek Chauvin…, by Robert S. Griffin

    The Unz Review - May 13th 2021 11:02pm EDT

    At this writing, in mid-May, 2021, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been convicted by a jury of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd during Floyd’s arrest. Chauvin hasn’t been sentenced yet. The first charge carries a maximum of forty years in prison. Chauvin was one of… […]

  • Woke Insanity: Why Is There So Little Pushback?!, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - May 13th 2021 8:47pm EDT

    The Biden Administration has gone out of its way to show itself as absolutely “woke-compatible” and even as a champion of “wokeness” (Foggy Bottom has just allowed US embassies and consulates to fly the “gay pride” flag next to the Stars and Stripes. I bet you they won’t do that in Riyadh!). According to the… […]

  • Butting Heads with China and Russia, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - May 13th 2021 2:04pm EDT

    With the exception of the impending departure of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan, if it occurs, the White House seems to prefer to use aggression to deter adversaries rather than finesse. The recent exchanges between Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a meeting in Alaska demonstrate how Beijing… […]

  • Palestine Has the Right to Defend Itself, by Taxi

    The Unz Review - May 13th 2021 7:47am EDT

    We have entered a new era in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The old days of Israel committing war crimes against the downtrodden, captive Palestinians are over. The world has done zero to address Israel’s fundamental crime of nation-stealing: a megalith crime that can only be described as the longest and most vicious war crime in our… […]

  • Feds Arrest Man for Buying Legal Solvent Trap After Finding Books In His House They Believe Are “Racist”, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - May 13th 2021 7:47am EDT

    The FBI, ATF, Department of Homeland Security, and Customs and Border Patrol orchestrated a joint operation to arrest a Southern California man for buying a completely legal solvent trap on the internet after finding books in his house suggesting he might harbor “racist” beliefs. According to court documents obtained by National Justice, Department of Homeland… […]

  • The American Multicultural State Is Collapsing, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - May 12th 2021 1:17pm EDT

    The lesson of Officer Derek Chauvin’s show trial, a trial as crooked as any experienced by black Americans in the demonized South, is that police training needs to be changed. Chauvin is the victim of many years of media emphasis on police brutality against black Americans. According to reports, US police, or many of them… […]