• Brave New Cancel Culture World, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - May 3rd 2021 8:03am EDT

    In 2020, we saw the enshrinement of techno-feudalism – one of the overarching themes of my latest book, Raging Twenties. In lightning speed, the techno-feudalism virus is metastasizing into an even more lethal, wilderness of mirrors variant, where cancel culture is enforced by Big Tech all across the spectrum, science is routinely debased as fake… […]

  • Joel Kotkin’s NEO-FEUDALISM: Just “Bravery Signalling”?, by Lance Welton

    The Unz Review - May 1st 2021 11:47pm EDT

    Joel Kotkin is a funny fellow. His review of VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow’s 1995 immigration book Alien Nation was a vicious smear, even echoing the common paranoid complaint that Brimelow “repeatedly” referred to his blue-eyed blond baby boy (there was actually only one reference, in the unimpeachable context of the destructive effect of the interaction… […]

  • Biden’s Left Feint, by Ted Rall

    The Unz Review - Apr 30th 2021 9:47pm EDT

    If you don’t dig deep, Joe Biden appears to be governing as the most liberal president since Lyndon Johnson. But conservatives needn’t worry. Biden is no progressive in centrist’s clothing. True, the president’s legislative agenda — after the coronavirus relief bill, which was undeniably progressive — would expand the social safety net, increase direct aid… […]

  • Review: Black Narcissus, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Apr 30th 2021 2:32pm EDT

    Michael Powell (1905–1990) is one of the tragic geniuses of film: a genius because he is one of the most visually dazzling directors in the history of cinema, tragic because he too often he wasted his talents on inferior scripts, most of them provided by his longtime collaborator, Emeric Pressburger, a Hungarian-Jewish refugee to whom… […]

  • The U.S. Congress Turns on Itself, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Apr 30th 2021 10:17am EDT

    Recently there have been some appalling cases that underline how far the American Congress has separated itself from any tangible national interest. Mark Twain once wrote that “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.” Some developments over the past several weeks would… […]

  • Mark Steyn Lies As Naturally As He Breathes, by Tobias Langdon

    The Unz Review - Apr 29th 2021 1:47pm EDT

    Mark Steyn is a highly intelligent man and an excellent, erudite writer. I admire (and envy) his ability to write so much so fast and so entertainingly. Unfortunately, Steyn is also a liar and fraud. And I can prove that very easily. Here goes. As Kevin MacDonald set out in two recent articles at the… […]

  • Baseball – Another Woke Disaster, by Carl Boggs

    The Unz Review - Apr 29th 2021 12:00am EDT

    As the woke virus spreads across American society faster than Covid, baseball – supposedly the national pastime – has been turned into yet another cesspool of sanctimony, hypocrisy, and sheer stupidity. In fact the recent trend toward major-league descent into political desolation is being fed by a deeper, more protracted legacy of institutional corruption and… […]

  • Nick Fuentes Put on the No-Fly List by the Feds – Conservative Twitter Forms Convoy!, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Apr 28th 2021 11:47pm EDT

    America First host Nick Fuentes has been put on the No-Fly List by the feds for attending the January 6 rally against the election hoax. For those who do not recall this information: the No-Fly List was created after 911, ostensibly to ban potential Islamic terrorists from getting on planes. It has been suspected for… […]

  • The Fall of Chile, by Steven Yates

    The Unz Review - Apr 28th 2021 3:02pm EDT

    I moved to Santiago, Chile during the Obama years: 2012, to be exact. I believed, as did many others, that the real financial reckoning was still to come, that race relations would worsen (bullseye there and then some!!), and that other countries were better prospects as havens for individual freedoms than a U.S. in decline…. […]

  • Can War with Russia be Avoided?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 28th 2021 2:32pm EDT

    The Russian Free Press (svpressa) Interviewed me on the Topic of Avoiding Conflict Between the Russian Federation and the United States. The interview in English can be found here: The film date of the interview is April 23, 2021. The Interview in Russian is here: and here: Considering the level of tension between the nuclear… […]

  • Will Whites Support A Globalist American Empire That Picks Fights Abroad and Wars Against Them At Home?, by James Kirkpatrick

    The Unz Review - Apr 27th 2021 8:47pm EDT

    The American Ruling Class is deliberately attacking the country’s core demographic group at just the same time that it is picking fights with major powers like Russia, China, and even Turkey. The Biden Administration is demonizing whites as the main domestic threat and is developing a complicated racial caste system that punishes whites for their… […]

  • Vienna Shadow Play Hangs Over Iran Nuke Deal, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - Apr 27th 2021 4:02pm EDT

    Few people, apart from specialists, may have heard of the JCPOA Joint Commission. That’s the group in charge of a Sisyphean task: the attempt to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal through a series of negotiations in Vienna. The Iranian negotiating team was back in Vienna yesterday, led by Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi…. […]

  • New FBI Documents Reveal Seth Rich May Have Been Assassinated In Murder for Hire Plot After al, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Apr 27th 2021 12:02am EDT

    For years, officials in the US government have held that Democratic National Convention voter expansion data director Seth Rich was killed during a random robbery in July 2016. Nothing was taken and there are currently no suspects in the case. Julian Assange and others have suggested that Rich was in fact the source for the… […]

  • Rampaging Israeli Settlers, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Apr 27th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Last week there were some interesting stories that were very definitely underreported partly due to the fact that the mainstream media was heavily into the distraction provided by its beatification of George Floyd. For example, the tale of how a mob consisting of hundreds of Israeli Jews, composed mostly of settlers and the extremist so-called… […]

  • Media Claims Dan Kaminsky Didn’t Die from Vaccine and Asking About It Is “Trolling”, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 4:17pm EDT

    After the Daily Stormer published a piece on Sunday speculating that the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine had almost certainly played a role in the death of 42-year-old internet scientist Dan Kaminsky, the media has responded. Because there is some kind of general blackout on mentioning the Daily Stormer in the media, as a result of some… […]

  • White Supremacist Asians March Against White Supremacist Blacks, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 4:17pm EDT

    So, they did this “anti-black racism is white supremacy” thing. Then they started with an “anti-Asian attacks are white supremacy” thing. But the blacks are doing the Asian attacks. And the Asians are protesting against the blacks. Within the doctrine of the current system, this is white supremacists marching against white supremacists – while no… […]

  • The Fate of the Peoples of the World, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 1:02pm EDT

    This article is not about global warming, nuclear war, Covid or some other plague orchestrated or real. It is about the confidence of peoples of the world. Of all the peoples the white ethnicities of the Western World have the poorest outlook. The reason is the white peoples have lost confidence from decades of indoctrination… […]

  • Police Problems? Embrace Liberty!, by Ron Paul

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 1:02pm EDT

    Many Americans saw former policeman Derek Chauvin’s conviction on all counts last week as affirming the principle that no one is above the law. Many others were concerned that the jury was scared that anything less than a full conviction would result in riots, and even violence against themselves and their families. Was the jury’s… […]

  • Richard Strauss and the Survival of Western Culture, by Boyd D. Cathey

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 1:02pm EDT

    For a number of years I’ve greatly admired and enjoyed the music of the German composer Richard Strauss (1864-1949). In his early years prior to the First World War, he was considered forward-looking, even musically avant-garde. Indeed, the aged defender of the German classical tradition—and another favorite—Max Bruch (d. 1920), found Strauss’ compositions too advanced… […]

  • Open Thread #5, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - Apr 26th 2021 8:15am EDT

    A New Dedicated Open Thread.

  • What Just Happened in the Ukraine?, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Apr 25th 2021 7:32pm EDT

    Before we look into what just happened in the Ukraine, we need to first recall the sequence of events which lead to the current situation. I will try to make a short summary (skipping a lot of details) in the bullet-point style: Whether Ze initially intended to stop the war in the eastern Ukraine we… […]

  • Uncharted Waters, by Israel Shamir

    The Unz Review - Apr 25th 2021 4:02pm EDT

    The US has been fighting two wars: with Ukraine against Russia, and with Russia against Climate. Both are very costly, both bring no profit to Americans, both are entirely unnecessary, but both are essential for the Biden regime at this time, as the Covid pandemic runs out of steam. How will matters proceed? The Ukrainian… […]

  • The “Russian Threat”, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 25th 2021 10:32am EDT

    During 2016 CIA director John Brennan and FBI director James Comey, together with the corrupt Democrat party, began orchestrating Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from reducing the risk of nuclear war by normalizing relations with Russia. President Trump tried to nip a New Cold War in the bud, but that was not in the… […]

  • Fake CVs, Fake Results?, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Apr 24th 2021 11:13am EDT

    I recently commented on the UK report “Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities”, which dared to suggest that systemic racism was not the major cause of race differences in Britain. The wave of criticism continues. One line of attack is that the Commission did not give sufficient weight to studies which show that racial minorities… […]

  • Breece D’J Pancake’s Quiet Magnificence, by Linh Dinh

    The Unz Review - Apr 24th 2021 9:32am EDT

    In the visual arts, there’s Egon Schiele who died at 28, Seurat at 31, and the photographer Francesca Woodman, who leapt from a window of a Lower East Side building at just 22 years of age. In literature, there’s Hart Crane. Chugging from Mexico to NYC on a steamship, the 32-year-old poet couldn’t help but… […]