• More Regime Narrative Collapse: Updates On Charlottesville Unite the Right Lawfare, by Jason Kessler

    The Unz Review - Apr 6th 2021 12:03am EDT

    The impending ritual sacrifice of Police Officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, and the Regime Media’s increasingly absurd determination to sustain the January 6 Capitol “Insurrection” Hoax Narrative, were both presaged by the reaction to the 2017 Charlottesville VA Unite The Right Rally, of which I was the permit holder. Unfortunately, we had no U.S. Senators… […]

  • For What Should We Fight Russia or China?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Apr 6th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Last Monday, in a single six-hour period, NATO launched 10 air intercepts to shadow six separate groups of Russian bombers and fighters over the Arctic, North Atlantic, North Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea. Last week also brought reports that Moscow is increasing its troop presence in Crimea and along its borders with Ukraine. Joe… […]

  • Would Israel Blackmail a US Congressman?, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Apr 6th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Israel has been involved in several stories currently making their way through the US media. The most fascinating tale concerns Republican Party Congressman from Florida Matt Gaetz. Gaetz is a Donald Trump loyalist who has up until recently been touted as the party’s future. Young, photogenic and a “firebrand” defender of GOP priorities, he has… […]

  • How Much Longer Will the United States Exist?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 5th 2021 8:48am EDT

    As a geographical location, the US, not necessarily under that name, can exist for a long time. But as a nation the US no longer exists. A nation requires a homogeneous population, which the US does not have, and far more unity than exists today in the US. Once past the colonial era when the… […]

  • Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, and MLB Oppose Election Integrity, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 5th 2021 8:48am EDT

    If you are a Democrat or a woke idiot, you think that it is racism or fascism or undemocratic for election laws to require an ID to vote. It is not racism or fascism or undemocratic to require an ID to purchase a bottle of wine or a firearm, to cash a check, or apply… […]

  • UK: Political Judge Sentences Woman to Jail for Calling Holocaust A “Cash Cow”, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Apr 4th 2021 5:47pm EDT

    ‘I’m not sentencing you on the basis that you are anti-Semitic, I’m not sentencing you on the basis that you are a Holocaust denier,” said Westminster District judge Michael Snow, after doing exactly that. This was Snow’s confusing message to 56-year-old Alison Chabloz, a political commentator who was dragged to court for stating that the… […]

  • War with China? What Fun!, by Fred Reed

    The Unz Review - Apr 3rd 2021 8:47pm EDT

    There is no limit to misjudgement. If the psychic curiosities in the Federal bunker start a war with China, or push Beijing into starting one, it will be blamed on a proximate cause, such as a collision of warships after which some lieutenant who joined on waivers lost it and opened fire. After all, historians… […]

  • When Islam and Judaism Make Friends…, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - Apr 3rd 2021 7:47am EDT

    On Thursday evening at 8pm, every Israeli news channel broadcasted live primetime televised speech delivered by the new Israeli kingmaker, Mansour Abbas, the Leader of the Israeli Islamic party, Ra’am. “Now is the time for change,” the conservative Muslim leader told his Hebrew-speaking audience, in Hebrew. Abbas seems to be the only one who can… […]

  • Fred Reed, Joe Biden and John Cassavetes, by Linh Dinh

    The Unz Review - Apr 3rd 2021 7:17am EDT

    My illness is mostly over, I think. There’s still residual coughing, weak, tremulous breathing and difficulty sleeping, but I’ve been able to walk for miles each day, a restorative act that gets my blood flowing, and, of course, seeing people lifts my spirits. Here in Tirana, there are enough benches and green spaces to rest,… […]

  • Demented Thinking About Joe Biden, by Ted Rall

    The Unz Review - Apr 2nd 2021 7:03pm EDT

    The president has dementia. I’m a cartoonist and a writer, and I am most assuredly not a gerontologist. I did not go to medical school. If I am not an expert in aging and cognitive decline, how do I know President Biden has dementia? The same way you and I and everyone else know things… […]

  • War with Russia? Is It Inevitable?, by Yvonne Lorenzo

    The Unz Review - Apr 2nd 2021 6:33pm EDT

    I wrote the first draft of my recent article for LewRockwell.com a day after Biden’s statement and Putin’s response, then revised it with later information. Overall, it was a depressing subject on the topic of war with Russia—certainly upsetting, because it seems the answer to Professor’s Cohen’s Book titled War with Russia?: From Putin &… […]

  • The Kremlin Has Allowed the US/Ukraine Attack on Donbass to Go on Far Too Long. Will War be the Result?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Apr 2nd 2021 3:18pm EDT

    Kiev now claims a US “guarantee.” This is a situation similar to the “guarantee” the idiot British government gave to Poland, thus encouraging Poland to provoke Germany into war. The worst decision the present-day Kremiln has made is to refuse the request of Donbass to reunite with Russia. This deplorable decision has produced ongoing conflict,… […]

  • The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Apr 2nd 2021 8:17am EDT

    All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. Given the present atmosphere in Washington in which there is no lie so outrageous as to keep it out of the mainstream media, a great deal of policy making takes place without even key players in… […]

  • Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Apr 2nd 2021 12:00am EDT

    If Joe Biden’s American Jobs Program, outlined in Pittsburgh, is enacted, then the federal government will take a great leap forward toward irreversible control of the destiny of the Republic. To finance this leap, to subsidize this giant stride toward socialism, U.S. corporations are to be forced to turn over to the government a far… […]

  • Leading Afro-French Journalist Demands White People “Be Quiet” at Coloreds-Only Events, by Guillaume Durocher

    The Unz Review - Apr 1st 2021 7:02am EDT

    The times they are a changin’. Just last week I wrote that “we are witnessing a racialization of French politics as increasingly colorful and woke youths reject the old generation’s quaint commitment to colorblind secularism as the bedrock of national identity.” The latest sign of this is provided by Audrey Pulvar, a prominent TV journalist… […]

  • Review: A Clockwork Orange, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Apr 1st 2021 6:18am EDT

    For years now, readers have been urging me to review Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (1971), which adapts Anthony Burgess’ 1962 novel of the same name. I have resisted, because although A Clockwork Orange is often hailed as a classic, I thought it was dumb, distasteful, and highly overrated, so I didn’t want to watch… […]

  • Understanding Anti-Putin PSYOPs: Preparing for War, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Mar 31st 2021 8:02pm EDT

    Intro: cause vs pretext It is not an exaggeration to say that in the mythology of the AngloZionist Empire Putin is something akin to Satan or, at least, that he is a kind of “Sauron” who is the epitome of evil. And, we all heard that recently, Biden, in a recorded interview, declared that Putin… […]

  • Officer Chauvin’s Show Trial Will Bring the End of Law and Order, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 31st 2021 2:47pm EDT

    he United States now has attributes of the 20th century totalitarian regimes that it opposed. The New York governor is implementing the hated Soviet internal passport that prevents freedom of movement, and the illegitimate Biden regime is working with private firms to create a nationwide internal passport. American elections mean no more than Soviet ones…. […]

  • Digitalisation Is Destroying Humanity, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 31st 2021 2:32pm EDT

    Warnings such as this one from Karl Hecht should ignite expert and public discussion and impact policymakers, but they do not. Has Humanity given up on itself? Even if our minds are not taken away from us, many skills already are being taken. Recent reports are that artificial intelligence (AI) will be used to read… […]

  • Saving Elie Mystal from White Society, by Gregory Hood

    The Unz Review - Mar 31st 2021 12:32pm EDT

    The Nation’s Elie Mystal is one of the country’s most widely read journalists. He recently wrote: “[O]ne of the principal benefits of the pandemic is how I’ve been able to exclude racism and whiteness generally from my day-to-day life.” Though he occasionally must worry about white people “on Zoom,” the good news is that “white… […]

  • Autocracy vs. Democracy or China vs. America?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 30th 2021 12:00am EDT

    “I’ve known Xi Jinping for a long time. … He doesn’t have a democratic — with a small ‘d’ — bone in his body,” said Joe Biden in his first press conference as president, and then he ambled on: “He’s one of the guys, like (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, who thinks that autocracy is the… […]

  • Christians Are White Supremacist Extremists, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Mar 30th 2021 12:00am EDT

    The California State Board of Education has finally passed its Ethnic Studies curriculum including discussion of Jews, emphasizing their victimhood and contributions to the United States, without including any other “white” ethnicities, several of which are far more numerous than are Jewish Americans. Or perhaps the Jewish “advisers” who collaborated on creating an “acceptable” final… […]

  • Covid-19 Origins, EBooks, and Audio Files, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - Mar 29th 2021 10:30am EDT

    Coming on the first anniversary of America’s unprecedented wave of Covid-19 lockdowns, my recent long article on the impact of the viral outbreak and its origins only broke limited new ground, but recapitulated and summarized much of the material I had previously published, beginning with my original April 2020 analysis. Despite the replacement of Donald… […]

  • Israeli Politics and the Metaphysics of the Shtetl, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - Mar 29th 2021 8:32am EDT

    The ongoing political stalemate in Israel brings to mind an old recycled Jewish joke that reads as follows: Q: How many synagogues are needed in a village with one Jew? A: Two, one to go to and one to boycott! Self identified Jews, and especially non-religious one, are hardly defined by what they are but… […]

  • New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 29th 2021 8:32am EDT

    NY Governor Cuomo is establishing a Covid passport that will show vaccination or a recent negative test. It will serve as permission to enter events or venues. Will this passport be efficacious, or is its purpose to get us accustomed to a “your papers please” way of life? Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations… […]