• Vaccination, English Style, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Jan 28th 2021 10:00am EST

    A General Practitioner is the English term for what in other countries is called a Family Doctor. She rang us up last week to offer us vaccinations, asking three questions: are you fit and well; have you had a flu vaccination in the last week; have you had allergic reactions to anything? Then we were…

  • National Justice Exclusive: Lead FBI Investigator In “Ricky Vaughn” Case Revealed to be Gay Liberal, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Jan 28th 2021 8:38am EST

    The FBI’s arrest of social media influencer Douglass Mackey, aka “Ricky Vaughn,” over satirical memes he posted on the internet in 2016 has provoked indignation from the public. The case is a dramatic new escalation in the war on the First Amendment. According to a complaint filed last week by FBI Special Agent Maegan Rees…

  • With “Biden” in the White House, the Kremlin Now Needs to Change Gear, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Jan 27th 2021 7:07pm EST

    First, a clarification. When I speak of “Biden” I don’t mean the fungus (to use Tom Luongo’s apt expression) which was recently planted in the White House, I am referring to the “collective Biden” which I defined here . With this caveat, now let’s see why Russia might want to change gears in 2021. First,…

  • How Long Before Washington’s Demonization of Russia, China, and Iran Leads to War?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 27th 2021 9:53am EST

    Biden, the current occupant of the White House, and President Putin of Russia have had their first telephone meeting. President Putin stressed that it is in the interest of the US, Russia, and the entire world for the tense relationship between Washington and the Kremlin to be normalized. Biden apparently, was noncommittal on this overriding…

  • To Remind: More Than One Year in Advance I Predicted President Trump’s Demise at the Hands of the Establishment., by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 27th 2021 8:37am EST

    Trump Is History and So Is the USA

  • The Trump Administration Viewed from the Right, by John Morgan

    The Unz Review - Jan 26th 2021 8:36am EST

    The Trump experiment is over, and the strange journey that the last five years have been is now at an end. There are already lots of assessments being made about the meaning of Trump’s presidency, but most of them are from either liberal or conservative viewpoints. It also needs to be evaluated from the viewpoint…

  • America Descends Into Virtual Night, by Israel Shamir

    The Unz Review - Jan 26th 2021 7:23am EST

    At 78, after a prolonged illness and without recovering consciousness, Joe Biden succumbed to the Presidency. The last hopes of the last QAnon believers vanished like smoke in the night, with Biden assuming the mighty US throne. This is truly a dark day for America and for the world, as the US example will be…

  • Coexistence or Cold War with China?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Jan 26th 2021 12:00am EST

    “The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States… does not challenge that position.” Thus did President Nixon, in the Shanghai Communique of 1972, accept China’s territorial claim to the island of Taiwan….

  • Trump’s Unpardonable Pardons, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Jan 26th 2021 12:00am EST

    One keeps hearing that former President Donald Trump will be judged well by the history books because he was the only American head of state in recent memory who did not start any new wars. Well, the claim is itself questionable as Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed to avoid entering into any new…

  • Vaccines and Trust: Shortages, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Jan 25th 2021 11:46am EST

    In the continuing story of coronavirus, this week brings two stories about limitations. The first is that production of both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines in Europe is faltering, and from Monday supplies will be reduced for the next few weeks. There have been production problems, of the sort which happen in all manufacturing. It should…

  • Down the Path Into Tyranny, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 25th 2021 10:07am EST

    Presstitute propaganda of a white supremacist insurrection on inauguration day caused 26,000 national guardsmen to be sent by states to D.C. to put down the Trump sedition. Of course, there was no insurrection. It was all just another media hoax, and the National Guardsmen experienced no security incidents. But now that the propaganda show is…

  • You Tell Me Why Americans Elected Biden When All Knew Biden Did Not Represent Them, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 25th 2021 9:52am EST

    Sexual deviants, pedophiles, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, illegal aliens, feminist-indoctrinated women who think they are superior, defense contractors, organized interest groups that pay well and their Washington lobbies are Biden’s base. Numerically Biden’s base is very small. It is comprised of the least desirable elements in the country. Here is Biden Giving the Bird to…

  • Trump and His Greatest Contribution to America, by Mark Allen

    The Unz Review - Jan 24th 2021 7:37am EST

    The Trump presidency is over. But whether you loved him, despised him, admired him, or merely tolerated him, there is one thing he did for America that makes him the most important figure in modern American history: He exposed the farce that America is a healthy, functioning democracy. Trump has shown Americans, without meaning to,…

  • That’s All Folks!, by C.J. Hopkins

    The Unz Review - Jan 24th 2021 7:22am EST

    As they used to say at the end of all those wacky Looney Tunes cartoons, that’s all folks! The show is over. Literal Russian-Asset Hitler, the Latest Greatest Threat to Western Democracy, the Monster of Mar-a-Lago, Trumpzilla, Trumpenstein, the Ayatollah of Orange Shinola, has finally been humiliated and given the bum-rush out of Washington by…

  • Will Medical or Religious Exemptions Work Against Forced Vaccination?, by Yvonne Lorenzo

    The Unz Review - Jan 23rd 2021 8:08pm EST

    Mocking the Newly Installed Murderous Regime Let me start with an irreverent tribute to our compassionate political leaders—and I use the term “compassionate” with the greatest irony—by featuring the Freudian slip of humanoid gargoyle Senator Chuck Schumer, speaking about the second impeachment of Donald Trump:

  • Political Importance of the Capitol Invasion May be Greater Than 9/11, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Jan 22nd 2021 9:52pm EST

    I was always worried when I had to enter the Green Zone in Baghdad at a time when its entrances were under frequent attack by suicide bombers driving vehicles filled with explosives. Being blown up by al-Qaeda in Iraq was not the only danger. The soldiers guarding the outer checkpoints of the zone were understandably…

  • Biden’s America: One Nation or Us Versus Them?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Jan 22nd 2021 12:00am EST

    “We have met the enemy and he is us,” said Walt Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo, half a century ago, about what we Americans were doing to our environment. Rereading President Joe Biden’s inaugural address, Pogo’s remark comes to mind. Biden began on a lofty, hopeful and familiar note: “This is a great nation. We are…

  • Death, Probably; Life Even More Likely, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Jan 21st 2021 8:58am EST

    I had always imagined that death had a certainty to it. Taxes are a close second, but death is easier to diagnose. The problem comes when the cause must be written on the certificate. A heavy drinker who falls downstairs has an accidental death, but it was brought on by his habitual drinking. Someone who…

  • Blacks Committed 73% of Mass Shootings In 2020. Many Cases Remain Unsolved. Where Is the FBI?, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Jan 21st 2021 7:08am EST

    As the media, FBI and Anti-Defamation League declare “white supremacy” and “domestic terrorism” the gravest threats to public safety in America, neither played any role in the outbreak of violence in 2020 — one of the deadliest years in American history. Disingenuous political actors often point to the Charleston Church Shooting in 2015, the Tree…

  • Zone B Exists, Thus There Is Hope, I Promise You!, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Jan 20th 2021 8:36pm EST

    Today it appears that the triumph of our adversaries is total. I want to post this column saying that I don’t believe for one second that this is true. All I want to do today is explain why. Thus, just to make clear to those alternatively gifted, this is not a comprehensive analysis and I…

  • An Open Letter to Trump Supporters, by Gregory Hood

    The Unz Review - Jan 20th 2021 4:52pm EST

    Donald Trump is gone. No storm broke. No reckoning came. There was no plan. In his place, a career politician assumed the presidency. Joe Biden muttered some platitudes. Most people have already forgotten them, probably including Joe Biden. We’re told the inauguration was historic and dramatic. It was banal and boring. It celebrated mediocrity. It…

  • Review: the Elephant Man, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Jan 20th 2021 1:52pm EST

    David Lynch’s second feature film, The Elephant Man (1980), is one of his finest works. In many ways, The Elephant Man is Lynch’s most conventional “Hollywood” film. (Dune too is a “Hollywood” film, but a failed one.) The cast of The Elephant Man is quite distinguished, including John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Sir John Gielgud, Dame…

  • Russiagate Redux, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 20th 2021 11:51am EST

    Hillary & Nancy Say It Wasn’t the stolen election that Discredited American Democracy, It Was Putin’s Order to Trump to Cause an Insurrection on January 6 Listen to the Idiots Into Whose Hands Our Country Has Been Put: Hillary Clinton asks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if a new Russiagate investigation is necessary in order to…

  • Momentum: A Week in China, by Godfree Roberts

    The Unz Review - Jan 19th 2021 7:51am EST

    Though China’s population has not changed in decades, the mass of its economy, thirty percent bigger than ours, multiplied by its velocity, gives it momentum unseen anywhere in peacetime: it will add the equivalent of Italy’s GDP this year. I edit a newsletter for the 22,000 US companies doing business in China, covering the economy,…

  • Now, the Left Owns It All, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Jan 19th 2021 12:00am EST

    That mob that split off from the Donald Trump rally of Jan. 6 to invade the Capitol has proven a godsend to the left. The death of a Capitol cop has enabled the left — which spent the summer after George Floyd’s death trashing “racist cops” and shouting, “Defund the Police!” — to posture as…