Do you know your Password?
Varg Vikernes - Nov 20th 2024 9:49am ESTExoteric Paganism has always existed, because it has a real purpose. The idea that “Santa Claus is real” is important, and I will explain why… In the distant past we were different. We were undomesticated, physically stronger, and more intelligent. We were, because life was more difficult for us back then. For hundreds of thousands […]
The Password
Varg Vikernes - Nov 20th 2024 6:26am ESTExoteric Paganism has always existed, because it has a real purpose. The idea that “Santa Claus is real” is important, and I will explain why… In the distant past we were different. We were undomesticated, physically stronger, and more intelligent. We were, because life was more difficult for us back then. For hundreds of thousands […]
Varg Vikernes - Nov 10th 2024 8:03am ESTQuite often, I see Judeo-Christians attack Pagan deities for “cross-dressing”. At the same time, their clergy, priests as well as monks, literally cross-dress 100% of the time. Yes! Your priests and monks are wearing DRESSES (robes). They are ALL cross-dressers. Now, I know WHY they do this, so let me explain…. Our (Pagan) traditions are […]
Why did Himmler ban SS soldiers from attacking Christianity?
Varg Vikernes - Sep 15th 2024 2:59pm EDTHeinrich Himmler, the head of the SS (Schutzstaffel), banned SS soldiers from openly attacking Christianity, despite his own personal disdain for the religion, for several strategic and political reasons: 1. Maintaining Public Support: Christianity, particularly in its Catholic and Protestant forms, was deeply entrenched in German society during the NS era. Openly attacking Christianity would […]
2The White Ice & The Dancing Light
Varg Vikernes - Jun 2nd 2024 12:35pm EDTUnless you have fallen for the “global warming” hoax, or even worse, some Biblical-Abrahamic delusion about a “flood”, you will be able to understand that we are entering a new Ice Age. No, not a “small one”, like we did some 500 years ago, but the next big Ice Age. We are at the end […]
Divine Advice
Varg Vikernes - May 12th 2024 8:44am EDTOne of the most recurring themes of our pre-Christian history, is the topic of asking the gods for advice. You find it in the Norse sagas, in the form of “divination”, you find it in Greek sources, in Celtic sources as well as in Roman sources. Asking the gods for advice on what to do […]
The Divine Runes
Varg Vikernes - Apr 21st 2024 7:16am EDTIf you go to Amazon to look for books about runes you find dozens upon dozens of books about rune divination. Some thin and some thick, and they all offer you a way to divinate with runes; to predict the future. Many of them combine their “rune lore” with tarot cards, meditation, Yoga and all […]
Ettins & Trolls
Varg Vikernes - Apr 17th 2024 5:42am EDTSome claim that what I say is in direct conflict with what we know about our heritage. I can assume that they can even produce evidence proving me wrong some times. Yet I am not wrong… How can that be? Let me give you an example. We all know what a troll is. Right? A […]
Skulls and Brains
Varg Vikernes - Mar 29th 2024 8:17am EDTOne of the most common arguments I hear when I say that we descend from Neanderthals, is that we do not look like they did, cranially. Their skulls were so different from our own, that we cannot possibly have come from them! This is an utterly bizarre response though, because if we do not stem […]
What is WRONG with the Indo-European Invasion Myth?
Varg Vikernes - Mar 29th 2024 7:10am EDTThere is plenty of evidence supporting the claim that Indo-Europeans spread out from what is today Ukraine, or the Pontic Steppes, if you like. Their language became dominant almost all over Europe, and there is ample scientific evidence proving that they had a significant impact on the genetic make-up of Europe. So what am I […]
The Glorious Cathedrals of Europe
Varg Vikernes - Mar 27th 2024 7:47am EDTWhen I argue that Christianity suffocated Europe intellectually and spiritually, and left our culture and populations dramatically reduced in all ways, the standard reaction from Christians is to show images of the “magnificent” cathedrals built by the Christians in the Middle Ages. This is supposed to prove that I am wrong, and that Christianity did […]
Donkeys in a Stable identifying as Horses
Varg Vikernes - Mar 14th 2024 6:47am EDTIn Europe today, we see “a certain group of people” propagate the idea that Afro-Asian immigrants “have always been here”, and that in fact “they built Europe”. To all people with some basic history understanding, this is of course just ludicrous, and sounds like nothing more than a joke. A bad joke. Yet, some immigrants […]
The Ancient Mystery Cults
Varg Vikernes - Mar 1st 2024 7:09am ESTWe know of several mystery cults from the Classical world; the most famous being the Eleusian Mysteries and Mithraism. What was common to them all was that they all included an initiation using sacred objects and a mystery chamber. Another thing they had in common was that they all appeared in the civilized parts of […]
Understanding IQ in Europe
Varg Vikernes - Feb 23rd 2024 4:16am ESTQuite often I use the argument that eye- and hair-color are good indicators of racial purity for Europeans. Those are recessive traits, and if your phenotype is recessive, then of course your genotype is too. If you look Nordic, you are Nordic! And yes: the Nordic look is the original European look: for all Europeans! […]
More gods!?
Varg Vikernes - Apr 14th 2023 11:05am EDTThe Pagan gods of Europe are a complex topic. As I explained yesterday (in the blog post I linked to), our forebears impersonated the deities and thus became them, but the gods are more than that! The May King and the May Queen impersonated deities too, and the May King would get his title from […]
Our Gods
Varg Vikernes - Apr 13th 2023 4:57pm EDTOur gods. What are they? Are they to be “worshipped”? To be prayed to and kneeled before? Are they real, in flesh and blood!? Actually, our gods are to be impersonated. A marked individual will take the role of a god. Yes, he LARPs as a god. In fact, the Norse masculine term for “Pagan […]
Whence do we come?
Varg Vikernes - Apr 10th 2023 12:20pm EDTModern “Western” science has as you know been seriously compromised, not just lately, with C19, Pfizer and “scientific” papers claiming the increase in heart disease are from people tying their shoe laces or watching TV two or more hours a day, or the like. “Western” science has always in the context of our origins been […]
To Hell & Back Again
Varg Vikernes - Mar 2nd 2023 3:33pm ESTIn our Native European heritage the grave is the home of the dead, but the dead is only meant to be there for some time. Therefore the grave has an entrance. You might need to dig a bit to find the door, and the door is heavy and made of stone, but there is indeed […]
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTThe problem when you reject the “lost souls” of our race is that many if these individuals have children. Not yet broken. Not yet ruined. Not yet soiled. Not yet “educated” (read: brainwashed) into worthlessness. Not yet as useless, destructive, self-hating and suicidal as their parents. You can always argue that today we all have […]
The End is Nigh
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTThe world has changed. Not by our hands. Not by our thoughts. Not without our resistance. What used to be high ideals are now cast into the deepest mud and trampled on. Light is now darkness. Darkness is now light. Love is now hatred. Hatred is now love. The tallest mountain is now the deepest […]
Burnt Bridges
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTAs you might know, I have burnt most bridges in life, and most of the time I knew very well what I was doing, and I did it of my own free will. Quite often it was done to force myself into a situation that would make me do the right thing. You see, if […]
The Black Chasm
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTMy Twitter:
Galadriel’s Lamp
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTJoin the Fellowship, and help us destroy The One Ring, and thus Sauron:
The Treason of Saruman
Varg Vikernes - Jan 28th 2023 1:26pm ESTA re-upload of one of my Gandalf the White video on YT. That channel is now SHUT DOWN, and I focus on my Twitter account these days, to fight the Shadow of Sauron:
What once was
Varg Vikernes - Nov 20th 2022 2:49pm ESTWhat went wrong? Agriculture. We became farmers. Civilization. We became civilized. Christianity. We lost our roots. Industrialization. We became slaves. Feminism. We lost our families. Capitalism. We lost all direction. Globalization. We lost our homelands. High-tech. We lost ourselves. We lost everything. Start anew. Do better the next time.