• What once was

    Varg Vikernes - Nov 20th 2022 2:49pm EST

    What went wrong? Agriculture. We became farmers. Civilization. We became civilized. Christianity. We lost our roots. Industrialization. We became slaves. Feminism. We lost our families. Capitalism. We lost all direction. Globalization. We lost our homelands. High-tech. We lost ourselves. We lost everything. Start anew. Do better the next time.

  • Lighthouses

    Varg Vikernes - Nov 11th 2022 3:37pm EST

    The problem when you reject the “lost souls” of our race is that many if these individuals have children. Not yet broken. Not yet ruined. Not yet soiled. Not yet “educated” (read: brainwashed) into worthlessness. Not yet as useless, destructive, self-hating and suicidal as their parents. You can always argue that today we all have […]

  • The End is Nigh

    Varg Vikernes - Nov 10th 2022 5:19pm EST

    The world has changed. Not by our hands. Not by our thoughts. Not without our resistance. What used to be high ideals are now cast into the deepest mud and trampled on. Light is now darkness. Darkness is now light. Love is now hatred. Hatred is now love. The tallest mountain is now the deepest […]

  • Burnt Bridges

    Varg Vikernes - Nov 7th 2022 3:15pm EST

    As you might know, I have burnt most bridges in life, and most of the time I knew very well what I was doing, and I did it of my own free will. Quite often it was done to force myself into a situation that would make me do the right thing. You see, if […]

  • Finding back to yourself

    Varg Vikernes - Jun 17th 2022 1:05pm EDT

    The biggest problems of finding back to our own heritage is of course that the Judeo-Christians have actively tried to destroy it, murder those who kept it alive and replace it or at best empty it and fill it to the brim with their own alien contents. They have even done this for more than […]

  • About Prayers

    Varg Vikernes - Jun 17th 2022 1:05pm EDT

    There seem to be a discussion going on amongst Pagans regarding the nature, use and purpose of prayers. On one side we have those who say that prayers are useless and on the other those who pray to the gods like Judeo-Christians (and Muslims) pray to their “god”. So let us shed some light on […]

  • About Elves

    Varg Vikernes - Jun 17th 2022 1:05pm EDT

    In this text I am going to discuss the origins of elves. Where do they come from? What were they originally? What does the term itself mean? Why are they misunderstood and misrepresented today? The elf was originally a term used by Scandinavian peoples for their ancestral spirits. They believed in reincarnation and therefore buried […]

  • Gríma Wormtongue is here….

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT


  • The Black Chasm

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    My Twitter: https://twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19

  • Galadriel’s Lamp

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Join the Fellowship, and help us destroy The One Ring, and thus Sauron: https://twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19

  • The Treason of Saruman

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    A re-upload of one of my Gandalf the White video on YT. That channel is now SHUT DOWN, and I focus on my Twitter account these days, to fight the Shadow of Sauron: https://twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19

  • About the YT D-DAY (some reflections)

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Many are working for the enemy without even knowing it themselves, without even wanting too. But they are cursed with not enough wits to see it. So yes, I don’t think they are all willingly and witfully supporting the system of the enemy.

  • Shutting down the down shutters

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Stop wasting (y)our time!

  • The Grey Wolf has become the White

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    From now on I will be using Twitter mainly. My Twitter account: https://twitter.com/GandalftheWhi19

  • Zero Tolerance for Truth (on YT)

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT


  • The Dream (for all Sane Native European Men)

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Re-uploaded, without the kids having fun in muddy puddles. Because YT claimed that was “sexualization of children”, and therefore removed the video…

  • The Dream (for all Sane European Men)

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Yup: to live a simple life with a traditional Pagan woman.

  • The POISON of the MERCHANT

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Just say no….

  • How to be a Successful YouTuber!

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    If you’re a regular viewer please DON’T try to become a Patreon supporter for as little as $1 per video because they are of course free for me to make, and I don’t even have a Patreon account. I have NO EXPENSES when I make these videos. I only invest my time in them, and […]

  • Music – The Right Way

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    In other words: listening to music whilst driving a car… nothing special, just a little egocentric music video. Yes, a little chill-our video here on Will of WôdanaR

  • Under Attack! (Fylgjan lífsins tré)

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    Odelsarven’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSINzlNFh4r6P75UGveOrA Marie Cachet’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLM6JlQkQ9tltBL9Bipci9g The World Tree’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxPWgo_ujtjKT6vn1-Obm2g Carolyn Emerick Norðfolc’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTD9uyL2JFFe2dZhg_1k7Eg Fylgjan lífsins tré (“The placenta tree of life”) Some sources: https://www.visir.is/g/2014140309288 https://static1.squarespace.com/static/537fb379e4b0fe1778d0f178/t/59cd5b669f745636317841ef/1506630510057/Placenta+burial+rituals+from+around+the+world+handout.pdf

  • #NativeEuropeMatters

    Varg Vikernes - Aug 30th 2019 5:30pm EDT

    The link I talked about in the video: http://trnerr.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ABCBirds_predation.pdf This is just a random link though. You can find TONS of sources supporting what I say, with a simple Google search.