• Goldman CEO David “DJ D-Sol” Solomon Will Appear In Upcoming Season Of “Billions”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 7:35pm EDT

    Goldman CEO David “DJ D-Sol” Solomon Will Appear In Upcoming Season Of “Billions” Goldman CEO David Solomon was called a Wall Street “trendsetter” for embracing his favorite hobby, DJing under the stagename “DJ D-Sol.” Now, Solomon has once again found himself a step ahead of the curve: While millions of Americans open LetGo accounts, sign […]

  • 6 Obnoxious Spending Habits Of The ‘Sheltering In Place’ Rich & Famous

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 7:15pm EDT

    6 Obnoxious Spending Habits Of The ‘Sheltering In Place’ Rich & Famous Authored by Josh Owens via SafeHaven.com, In the American economic shutdown, the poor are suffering loss of jobs because they’re not benefitting from wealthy spending sprees amid COVID-19, while the rich… well, they’re just on an extended vacation.  Celebrities are making fools of […]

  • Amazon Orders Warehouse Employees Sheltering-At-Home To Return To Work

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 6:55pm EDT

    Amazon Orders Warehouse Employees Sheltering-At-Home To Return To Work There is a new report that as many as 30 Amazon employees have contracted COVID-19 at a warehouse in New Jersey. Despite the transmission risk of the virus rising at some Amazon facilities, the company has requested all US warehouse workers who have sheltered at home to return to […]

  • The Truth About Neighbors, Coworkers, & Friends In Survival Situations

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 6:35pm EDT

    The Truth About Neighbors, Coworkers, & Friends In Survival Situations Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog, It would be nice if the success or failure of our preparedness group was able to be chalked up only to those within our inner circles. The people by whom you’re surrounded can strongly affect the outcome […]

  • Scared Americans Refuse Return To Work And “Risk Losing Unemployment”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 6:15pm EDT

    Scared Americans Refuse Return To Work And “Risk Losing Unemployment” Remember when the Fed said now is not the time to worry about moral hazard? That kind of thinking leads down some uncertain paths. Like the one we’re on now – where workers who have been living a now semi-lavish life provided by increased unemployment checks aren’t […]

  • Pandemic And Economic Collapse: The Next 60 Days

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 5:55pm EDT

    Pandemic And Economic Collapse: The Next 60 Days Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, The news cycle moves so quickly these days writing analysis on current events becomes difficult; the moment you publish an examination of the situation people have already moved on to the next disaster. So, today I’m not going to do that. […]

  • Peloton’s First Post-Lockdown ‘Live’ Class Sparks Record Ridership As Gym Bankruptcies Grow

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 5:35pm EDT

    Peloton’s First Post-Lockdown ‘Live’ Class Sparks Record Ridership As Gym Bankruptcies Grow Anyone who rides a Peloton knows that a single live class in pre-corona times would have drawn several hundred folks, and in some cases, thousands of riders across the country. But since people are canceling their gym memberships and opting for a Peloton […]

  • Governments’ COVID-19 Response “For Your Own Good”: Ban Alcohol, End Free-Speech, & Curb Homeschooling

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 5:15pm EDT

    Governments’ COVID-19 Response “For Your Own Good”: Ban Alcohol, End Free-Speech, & Curb Homeschooling Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com, For this week’s round-up of articles, we’re taking a look at some of the things the government thinks should be banned in response to coronavirus. *  *  * WHO urges governments to ban alcohol during […]

  • “It Wasn’t A Black Swan” – Nassim Taleb Blasts Bail-Outs As Misguided And “Morally Unacceptable”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 4:55pm EDT

    “It Wasn’t A Black Swan” – Nassim Taleb Blasts Bail-Outs As Misguided And “Morally Unacceptable” Throughout his career, Nassim Taleb has always demonstrated an uncanny gift for good timing. The publication of his book “The Black Swan”, in 2007, immediately preceded the financial crisis – one of only a small handful of genuine “Black Swans” […]

  • A Global Backlash Is Coming… In Mostly Good Ways

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 4:35pm EDT

    A Global Backlash Is Coming… In Mostly Good Ways Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research, Two months ago, it had been mandatory in my local grocery to use only shopping bags brought from home. Plastic bags were illegal by local ordinance. Then the virus hit. Suddenly the opposite was true. […]

  • Italy Stick Saved As S&P Refuses To Downgrade To Junk

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 4:22pm EDT

    Italy Stick Saved As S&P Refuses To Downgrade To Junk Heading into Friday’s close, everyone – even the ECB, which earlier this week changed its criteria for bonds it can purchase to include potential fallen angels a move that was clearly meant to provide cover for BBB-rated Italy – expected Italy to finally lose its […]

  • Gold & Cryptos Surge, Stocks & Oil Purge As Global Economy Crashes

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 4:01pm EDT

    Gold & Cryptos Surge, Stocks & Oil Purge As Global Economy Crashes Global economic data disappointed/crashed by the most on record this week, plunging to its weakest since the great financial crisis… Source: Bloomberg But, but, but… stocks are up over the last few weeks right… Source: Bloomberg And then there’s the ongoing increase in […]

  • Record Collapse In Liqudity Means Something Very Odd Takes Place Every Day At 3:50pm

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 3:46pm EDT

    Record Collapse In Liqudity Means Something Very Odd Takes Place Every Day At 3:50pm First the good news: global index implied volatility has fallen sharply as markets rallied from their lows, even if volatility is by no means low. Markets both in and out of equities are pricing in a longer duration of high volatility; […]

  • BofA: The End Of The Lockdown Will Be The Catalyst That Ends The Stock Rally

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 3:25pm EDT

    BofA: The End Of The Lockdown Will Be The Catalyst That Ends The Stock Rally Earlier this week we noted that the most confusing thing in the market at the moment is the huge dichotomy between what will be one of the worst synchronized global economic slumps in history, against what is now the largest […]

  • The One Certain Victor In The Pandemic War

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 3:10pm EDT

    The One Certain Victor In The Pandemic War Authored by Patrick Buchanan via Buchanan.org, “War is the health of the state,” wrote the progressive Randolph Bourne during the First World War, after which he succumbed to the Spanish flu. America’s war on the coronavirus pandemic promises to be no exception to the axiom. However long […]

  • Brazil In Turmoil, Markets Plummet After Justice Minister’s Shock Resignation Over Bolsonaro “Political Interference”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 2:55pm EDT

    Brazil In Turmoil, Markets Plummet After Justice Minister’s Shock Resignation Over Bolsonaro “Political Interference” Political chaos has struck the heart of the Jair Bolsonaro administration after the Friday shock resignation of his celebrity justice minister Sérgio Moro, angry over Bolsonaro’s sacking the head of Brazil’s federal police hours earlier.  Brazilian markets plunged immediately upon Moro’s fiery speech accusing […]

  • Fed Cuts Pace Of Treasury QE To Just $10 Billion Per Day

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 2:48pm EDT

    Fed Cuts Pace Of Treasury QE To Just $10 Billion Per Day From an initial $75 billion per day when the Fed announced the launch of Unlimited QE, the US central bank first reduced its daily buying to $60 billion per day, then  three weeks ago announced another ‘taper’ in its bond-buying program to $50 […]

  • Zoom Tumbles After Facebook Launches Free Video Calling For Up To 50 People

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 2:30pm EDT

    Zoom Tumbles After Facebook Launches Free Video Calling For Up To 50 People Facebook stock has jumped to session highs and Zoom slumped negative, after an announcement from the world’s biggest social network that it is directly taking on the video chat market dominated by Zoom, and is launching a slew of new video-calling features […]

  • Hickey: “This Is A Perfect Environment For Gold”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 2:14pm EDT

    Hickey: “This Is A Perfect Environment For Gold” Authored by Christoph Gisiger via TheMarket.ch, Fred Hickey, editor of the investment newsletter «The High-Tech Strategist», warns that the stock market is still in a bubble. The veteran investor says why he avoids red hot technology stocks like Amazon and instead bets his money on gold mining […]

  • After Holding Up Small Business Relief Funds, Democrats Go Full Throttle On Bailing Out Blue States

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 2:00pm EDT

    After Holding Up Small Business Relief Funds, Democrats Go Full Throttle On Bailing Out Blue States While small business owners continue to die on the vine, Nancy Pelosi held up a GOP plan for emergency funding to replenish the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) with a ‘clean’ (pork-free) bill. Now, Pelosi is champing at the bit […]

  • Kunstler: “The Old System Is Permanently Broken Now”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 1:45pm EDT

    Kunstler: “The Old System Is Permanently Broken Now” Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, It’s one thing to get sandbagged by a public health crisis ­– a plague being about the worst kind – and quite another for an advanced, complex economy to fall away under your feet like a freight elevator that snapped […]

  • Here Are The Key Dates As The World Reopens From The Coronavirus Coma

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 1:30pm EDT

    Here Are The Key Dates As The World Reopens From The Coronavirus Coma On April 16, the Trump administration released guidelines for reopening of the US. The Administration has suggested that Governors base their plans on criteria consisting of three aspects: a downward trend in documented cases over 14 days, or a downward trend in […]

  • As The US Rig Count Collapses Most Since 2014, Will The Fed Bail Out Oil Companies?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 1:14pm EDT

    As The US Rig Count Collapses Most Since 2014, Will The Fed Bail Out Oil Companies? After a chaotic week in the energy complex, today’s data from Baker Hughes suggests American oil companies are finally starting to draw the line as rig counts collapse to their lowest since July 2016, having collapsed at the fastest […]

  • The “Hiro” They Deserve: Tesla Brings On Vocal Anti-Short-Selling-Official As “Independent” Director

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 12:59pm EDT

    The “Hiro” They Deserve: Tesla Brings On Vocal Anti-Short-Selling-Official As “Independent” Director Hiromichi Mizuno has been appointed to Tesla’s Board of Directors, the company announced on Thursday. He will also serve on the company’s audit committee, according to filings made on Thursday.  And who better to help oversee Tesla? After all, Mizuno’s track record includes […]

  • Bitcoin Bid? To Halve And To Hold…

    ZeroHedge - Apr 24th 2020 12:45pm EDT

    Bitcoin Bid? To Halve And To Hold… Authored by Ashish Singhal via CoinTelegraph.com, The upcoming Bitcoin halving may result in greater demand and higher prices, but what are the challenges for the 2020 halving? image courtesy of CoinTelegraph Sometimes less is more. That’s a tenet of modern design, but it’s also a central belief of […]