US Sanctions Hong Kong Chief Executive And Beijing “Puppet” Carrie Lam
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 9:24am EDT US Sanctions Hong Kong Chief Executive And Beijing “Puppet” Carrie Lam Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 09:24 Weeks after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would strip Hong Kong of its “special status” after a controversial national security law imposed by Beijing allegedly robbed the administrative region of its legal autonomy, the White […]Chinese Military Commander Confronts Esper About America’s “Dangerous Moves”
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 9:11am EDT Chinese Military Commander Confronts Esper About America’s “Dangerous Moves” Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 09:11 Attempting to cool or at least find a way forward through soaring tensions Defense Secretary Mark Esper spoke with his Chinese counterpart Wei Fenghe for over an hour and a half on Thursday in a tense phone call. Focused on avoiding […]‘Global Splintering’ Escalates Amid “Delusional” Markets
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 8:52am EDT‘Global Splintering’ Escalates Amid “Delusional” Markets Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 08:52 Authored by Michael Every via Rabobank, For those who don’t read this Daily regularly, I have been warning that the US and China were heading for a real Cold War since late 2017, and I have been stating openly that the US was […]
Trump Was Right: “Big” Payroll Number Smashes Expectations As 1.76 Million Jobs Added
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 8:39am EDT Trump Was Right: “Big” Payroll Number Smashes Expectations As 1.76 Million Jobs Added Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 08:39 With analyst and trader expectations about today’s payrolls report fluctuating wildly, with some expecting a sizable drop after this week’s disappointing ADP report and ISM employment components not to mention rolling over high frequency date… … […]If The “Market” Never Goes Down, The System Is Doomed
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 8:25am EDT If The “Market” Never Goes Down, The System Is Doomed Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 08:25 Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, The reliance on “good news” narratives dooms our financial system and economy to a death spiral once reality breaks through the induced euphoria. “Markets” that never go down aren’t markets, they’re […]California Struggles To Fix Under-Counting ‘Bug’ As Global COVID-19 Cases Top 19 Million: Live Updates
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 8:13am EDT California Struggles To Fix Under-Counting ‘Bug’ As Global COVID-19 Cases Top 19 Million: Live Updates Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 08:13 The biggest news in the US on Friday has been brewing since at least Tuesday, when California public health official acknowledged that the country’s largest testing-and-tracing effort may have accidentally undercounted cases over the […]Goldman’s ‘Blockbuster’ Q2 Profits Erased By $2 Billion Legal Provision, Bank Says
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 7:37am EDT Goldman’s ‘Blockbuster’ Q2 Profits Erased By $2 Billion Legal Provision, Bank Says Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 07:37 Goldman Sachs made an unfortunate revelation deep in the bowels of its 10Q filed Friday: Nearly all of the storied investment bank’s blockbuster Q2 profits – driven by a surge in trading revenue, would be allocated to […]Futures Slide After Trump Opens A “Most Unwelcome Can Of Worms” With TikTok, WeChat Executive Order
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 7:19am EDT Futures Slide After Trump Opens A “Most Unwelcome Can Of Worms” With TikTok, WeChat Executive Order Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 07:19 World stocks ended a four day rally overnight that pushed the MSCI World index to green for the year, after U.S. President Trump cranked up simmering tensions with China after late on Thursday […]TikTok “Shocked” By Trump Ban, Insists Order “Undermines Trust In Rule Of Law”
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 7:02am EDT TikTok “Shocked” By Trump Ban, Insists Order “Undermines Trust In Rule Of Law” Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 07:02 Update (1900ET): As TikTok lashes out at the Trump Administration, Tencent has been conspicuously quiet. But CNBC reported a few moments ago, citing a domestic poll, that Chinese consumers would retaliate against Apple if WeChat is […]European Funds Post Stunning $835 Billion In Trading Losses For First Half Of 2020
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 5:30am EDT European Funds Post Stunning $835 Billion In Trading Losses For First Half Of 2020 Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 05:30 Putting a face to some of the very real economic impact from the coronavirus are European funds that suffered a combined 706.4 billion euros in trading losses ($835 billion USD) over the first half of […]Von Greyerz: The Nightmare Scenario For The World
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 5:00am EDT Von Greyerz: The Nightmare Scenario For The World Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 05:00 Authored by Egon von Greyerz via, “Gold has no role in portfolio of wealthy clients” said the chief investment officer of Goldman Sachs’ private wealth management in the week that gold in US dollars went up by over $100 and […]Spain’s Virus Cases Surge, Lockdown Imposed, Investors Derisk Stocks
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 4:15am EDT Spain’s Virus Cases Surge, Lockdown Imposed, Investors Derisk Stocks Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 04:15 A second coronavirus wave is quickly emerging in Europe. Spanish officials are set to reimpose lockdowns in part of the country as virus cases surge. A town of 32,000 people in northwestern Spain will begin lockdown Friday amid a local […]Danish Immigration Minister Admits Integration Policy Is A “Fiasco”
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 3:30am EDT Danish Immigration Minister Admits Integration Policy Is A “Fiasco” Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 03:30 Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Denmark’s immigration minister has admitted that his country’s integration policy is a “fiasco,” noting that just 17 per cent of Syrian women are in work 5 years after moving to the country. […]Chinese Drones Now Deployed In Balkans After Serbia Deal – NATO On Edge
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 2:45am EDT Chinese Drones Now Deployed In Balkans After Serbia Deal – NATO On Edge Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 02:45 China has delivered six military drones to Serbia after the Balkan country moved to purchase them in a controversial deal a year ago which has put NATO on edge. Though Serbia has an official policy of military […]China And The EU Vie For Hydrogen Supremacy
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 2:00am EDT China And The EU Vie For Hydrogen Supremacy Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 02:00 Authored by Venand Meliksetian via, Not so long ago the energy transition was primarily an idealistic concept driven by environmentalists and researchers. The most important impediment was the high costs of clean technologies. The drastically reduced price of PVs, for […]Meanwhile, In Russia…
ZeroHedge - Aug 7th 2020 1:00am EDTMeanwhile, In Russia… Tyler Durden Fri, 08/07/2020 – 01:00 A naked man standing in the middle of a bustling Russian street received a stiff knuckle sandwich from a driver who was clearly feeling a little impatient that day. Cell phone video shows the pudgy naked man strolling down the middle of a street as cars […]
Payrolls Preview: Just How “Big” Will Friday’s “Big Number” Be
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 11:30pm EDT Payrolls Preview: Just How “Big” Will Friday’s “Big Number” Be Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 23:30 Going into tomorrow’s July nonfarms payroll, the picture is mixed: The rate of jobless claims rose in the survey week, against expectations it would fall; continuing claims also rose in the reference period, even after stripping out the effect […]Russian S-300 Air Defense System Spotted In Libya?
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 11:05pm EDTRussian S-300 Air Defense System Spotted In Libya? Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 23:05 Submitted by SouthFront Russia has deployed an advanced S-300 air defense system to Libya to support the forces of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar against the Turkish military and its proxies, local media reported on August 5. According to photos surfacing online, […]
The Bogus “Recovery”, Stress, & Burnout
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 10:35pm EDT The Bogus “Recovery”, Stress, & Burnout Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 22:35 Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, We have three basic ways to counter the destructive consequences of stress. We have all experienced the disorientation and “brain freeze” that stress triggers. The pandemic and the responses to the pandemic have been continuous sources […]‘Kansas Should Go F*** Itself’: Taibbi Opines On Liberal Arrogance In Lieu Of Introspection
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 10:05pm EDT‘Kansas Should Go F*** Itself’: Taibbi Opines On Liberal Arrogance In Lieu Of Introspection Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 22:05 “America’s financial and political establishment has always been most terrified of an inclusive underclass movement. So it evangelizes a bizarre transgressive politics that tells white conservatives to fuck themselves and embraces a leftist sub-theology that […]
Trump Signs Executive Order Banning TikTok, WeChat
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 9:50pm EDTTrump Signs Executive Order Banning TikTok, WeChat Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 21:50 President Trump signed an executive order banning U.S. residents from doing any business with TikTok or the apps’ Chinese owner ByteDance 45 days from now. Trump said the U.S. “must take aggressive action against the owners of TikTok to protect our national […]
Freddie Mac Warns Apartment Loan Supply May Plunge As Virus Crushes Working-Poor
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 9:25pm EDT Freddie Mac Warns Apartment Loan Supply May Plunge As Virus Crushes Working-Poor Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 21:25 Freddie Mac’s multi-year lending outlook for apartment buildings reveals the economic devastation among the working poor due to the virus-induced recession. Multi-family loan origination volume for apartment buildings could plunge as much as 40% in 2020 compared […]Voting Fraud Is Real: The Electoral System Is Vulnerable
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 9:05pm EDT Voting Fraud Is Real: The Electoral System Is Vulnerable Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 21:05 Authored by Philip Giraldi via The Strategic Cultuire Foundation, The United States national election is now only three months away and it should be expected that the out-and-out lies emanating from both parties will increase geometrically as the polling date […]Walmart Is Turning Its Parking Lots Into Drive-In Movie Theaters For Its Customers
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 8:45pm EDT Walmart Is Turning Its Parking Lots Into Drive-In Movie Theaters For Its Customers Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 20:45 In an announcement that will certainly come as welcome news for the homeless and unemployed already living in their cars in Walmart parking lots, the retailer said yesterday that effective August 14, it is going to be kicking […]John Cleese: Woke People Have “Zero Sense Of Humour”; They’re Killing Comedy
ZeroHedge - Aug 6th 2020 8:25pm EDT John Cleese: Woke People Have “Zero Sense Of Humour”; They’re Killing Comedy Tyler Durden Thu, 08/06/2020 – 20:25 Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, Legendary British comedian John Cleese has hit out at permanently offended woke people, insisting that they have no sense of humour and are contributing to the death of comedy. In […]