• Who’s Next To Fail In The Post-COVID World?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 5:00am EDT

    Who’s Next To Fail In The Post-COVID World? Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog, As much as I hate to invoke The Ayn Rand lest I give off the impression I’m some kind of Objectivist, which I am most certainly not, the engine of the world is coming to a halt. […]

  • Europe & Iran Complete First INSTEX Transaction, Dodging US Sanctions 

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 4:15am EDT

    Europe & Iran Complete First INSTEX Transaction, Dodging US Sanctions  The very first transaction of the INSTEX special purpose ‘alternative’ vehicle between Europe and Iran has been successfully completed, according Germany’s Foreign Ministry Tuesday. “France, Germany and the United Kingdom confirm that INSTEX has successfully concluded its first transaction, facilitating the export of medical goods from […]

  • Spanish Government Being Sued For Encouraging Mass Gatherings Right As COVID-19 Hit

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 3:30am EDT

    Spanish Government Being Sued For Encouraging Mass Gatherings Right As COVID-19 Hit Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The Spanish government is being sued for gross negligence after it encouraged citizens to attend giant feminist rallies across the country on March 8, potentially exposing hundreds of thousands of people to coronavirus. “A class […]

  • Iran Blames “Terrorists” For Pipeline Explosion On Turkish Border, Gas Exports Halted

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 2:45am EDT

    Iran Blames “Terrorists” For Pipeline Explosion On Turkish Border, Gas Exports Halted On Tuesday a key pipeline carrying gas between Turkey and Iran exploded at the Gurbulak border gate on the Turkish side near the Iranian border, temporarily halting gas exports from Iran. Though most international reports treated the blast as mysterious in origin, including some Turkish […]

  • Sweden: Culture Of Silence

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 2:00am EDT

    Sweden: Culture Of Silence Authored by Judith Bergman via The Gatestone Institute, A recent report published by Linköping University about the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), “Can Brå be trusted?” has claimed that Brå’s reports are politically biased. According to Brå’s own website, “Brå is an agency under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and […]

  • Is America Able To Handle COVID-19? – Global Prospects Hang On This Question

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 12:05am EDT

    Is America Able To Handle COVID-19? – Global Prospects Hang On This Question Authored by Alastair Crooke via The Strategic Culture Foundation, As the lockdowns across Europe began to bite, the U.S. Establishment began its ‘wobble’. The more elegant amongst élite circles pointed to a dangerous mis-match in timelines: The medical advice has been: ‘lockdown […]

  • It’s Happening: Oil Producers Are Now Paying Clients As Wyoming Sour Price Turns Negative

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 11:57pm EDT

    It’s Happening: Oil Producers Are Now Paying Clients As Wyoming Sour Price Turns Negative When Goldman’s crude oil analysts wrote on Monday that “This Is The Largest Economic Shock Of Our Lifetimes”, they echoed something we said last week – nameley that the record surge in excess oil output amounting to a mindblowing 20 million […]

  • Harvard Acceptance Rates Rise As Most Ivy League Schools Become Less Selective

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 11:45pm EDT

    Harvard Acceptance Rates Rise As Most Ivy League Schools Become Less Selective Ivy League schools, known for being the most selective colleges in the nation, became a little less selective this year. Names like Harvard, Dartmouth and Penn have all posted increased acceptance rates for classes that will begin this fall, according to a new […]

  • The Places In America With The Most “At Risk Populations” For COVID-19

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 11:25pm EDT

    The Places In America With The Most “At Risk Populations” For COVID-19 Authored by Jen Hood, via MastersOfBusinessAnalytics.com, The coronavirus crisis has turned many Americans into amateur data scientists who are studying health data and statistics on a daily basis. Are the rates of infections rising? Are they rising but accelerating or decelerating? Are the […]

  • UBS: Does Anyone Know What Is Happening?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 11:10pm EDT

    UBS: Does Anyone Know What Is Happening? Authored by UBS Chief Economist, Paul Donovan Does anyone know what is happening? Economic data is likely to become increasingly unreliable as a result of the coronavirus lockdown. We know the global economy will be bad. We will not know, with much accuracy, just how bad. Annualizing data […]

  • ‘Relax, Eat Out & Shop’: China In Desperate Bid To Jump-Start Consumer Economy As Rest Of Globe In Lockdown

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 11:05pm EDT

    ‘Relax, Eat Out & Shop’: China In Desperate Bid To Jump-Start Consumer Economy As Rest Of Globe In Lockdown As China believes it’s over the coronavirus hump, with signs that “normal” could be just around the corner, leaders in Beijing are attempting to jump-start the economy once again. “Relax, eat out and shop. That’s the latest message […]

  • China’s Fake Number Parade Continues: Caixin PMI Soars, Prints Just Barely In “Expansion”

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 10:48pm EDT

    China’s Fake Number Parade Continues: Caixin PMI Soars, Prints Just Barely In “Expansion” One day after China’s official National Bureau of Statistics decided to have some fun at the expense of the sinking US economy, and despite suffering an unprecedented economic crash itself, reported laughably high March PMI numbers, with both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing […]

  • Is The Pandemic Killing Biden’s Bid?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 10:45pm EDT

    Is The Pandemic Killing Biden’s Bid? Authored by Patrick Buchanan via Buchanan.org, “This is the question that is going to dominate the election: How did you perform in the great crisis?” So says GOP Congressman Tom Cole of Oklahoma in today’s New York Times. GOP National Committeeman Henry Barbour of Mississippi calls the crisis “a […]

  • ‘Texas Miracle’ “On Ice For Time Being” As Crude-Carnage & COVID-Chaos Double-Whammy Strikes Lone-Star State

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 10:25pm EDT

    ‘Texas Miracle’ “On Ice For Time Being” As Crude-Carnage & COVID-Chaos Double-Whammy Strikes Lone-Star State West Texas Intermediate (WTI) spot prices plunged 7.5% to the 19-handle on Sunday evening, hitting lows not seen since 2002.  WTI has crashed 70% in the last 56 trading sessions amid the COVID-19 crisis triggering a demand bust across the world. As […]

  • How The Fed Sows Social Division And Mistrust

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 10:05pm EDT

    How The Fed Sows Social Division And Mistrust Authored by Nick Hankoff via The Mises Institute, The Federal Reserve’s zero interest rate policy and industry bailouts threaten more than just the fragile economy. The very foundation of the social order risks permanent fracturing under this system of moral hazard. In Human Action, Ludwig von Mises defined society […]

  • Money Market Fund No Longer Accepting New Cash Amid Historic Scramble Into Treasury Bills

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 9:45pm EDT

    Money Market Fund No Longer Accepting New Cash Amid Historic Scramble Into Treasury Bills Even before the March market meltdown, the T-Bill market was starting to exhibit symptoms of shortage which was hardly a surprise: after all, as part of its “not-QE” farce where Powell desperately tried to fool the market that he wasn’t engaging […]

  • “Stop Buying Masks”..? Oh Wait! CDC Considers Asking Public To Wear Face Masks

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 9:25pm EDT

    “Stop Buying Masks”..? Oh Wait! CDC Considers Asking Public To Wear Face Masks Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, This is irony at its finest. The United States Surgeon General used twitter to tell the public to NOT use face masks to protect against the coronavirus because they don’t work, they only work for health […]

  • Airbnb Bails Out Highly Leveraged Superhosts As Travel Industry Crashes 

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 9:05pm EDT

    Airbnb Bails Out Highly Leveraged Superhosts As Travel Industry Crashes  Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky wrote a letter to all hosts informing them that the company is committed to a $250 million bailout to cover some of the cost of COVID-19 cancellations. The canceled check-ins are for March 14 through May 31, Airbnb will pay hosts 25% of […]

  • The World Is Running Out Of Condoms As Factories Face COVID-19 Lockdown

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 8:45pm EDT

    The World Is Running Out Of Condoms As Factories Face COVID-19 Lockdown Authored by Elias Marat via TheMindUnleashed.com, We’ve all seen the jokes on social media about how nine months from now a new generation will be born that will eventually be dubbed “Coronials” – and once they come of age, “quaranteens.” After all, if we’re […]

  • “Sailors Don’t Need To Die”: Captain Of Nuclear Carrier With Over 100 COVID-19 Cases Pleads For Help

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 8:25pm EDT

    “Sailors Don’t Need To Die”: Captain Of Nuclear Carrier With Over 100 COVID-19 Cases Pleads For Help In an astounding plea for help, the captain of the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has urged top command of the US Navy to take drastic action after more than 100 sailors aboard the ship have been infected […]

  • As The Crisis Deepens, Keep An Eye On Illinois’ Unpaid Bills

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 8:05pm EDT

    As The Crisis Deepens, Keep An Eye On Illinois’ Unpaid Bills Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via Wirepoints.org, The depth of the financial and economic impact of the Coronavirus is impossible to predict since we don’t know how far the virus will spread or how long the economic shutdown will last. But we […]

  • Is This What’s Behind Italy’s Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate From COVID-19?

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 7:45pm EDT

    Is This What’s Behind Italy’s Outrageous 10% Mortality Rate From COVID-19? Italy’s 10% mortality rate has been one of the most disturbing mysteries of the global pandemic. Italy’s mortality rate is roughly 20x Germany’s (a relatively benign 0.4%), and many multiples of China’s (roughly 2.5%) rate. As scientists puzzle over the reason, researchers have proposed […]

  • Supplies Are Starting To Get Really Tight Nationwide As Food Distribution Systems Break Down

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 7:25pm EDT

    Supplies Are Starting To Get Really Tight Nationwide As Food Distribution Systems Break Down Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, All across America, store shelves are emptying and people are becoming increasingly frustrated because they can’t get their hands on needed supplies.  Most Americans are blaming “hoarders” for the […]

  • Universities Panic As Dorms Sit Empty: Recruiting, Tuition, & Faculty Contracts In Limbo

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 7:05pm EDT

    Universities Panic As Dorms Sit Empty: Recruiting, Tuition, & Faculty Contracts In Limbo Colleges and universities across the nation are stuck in financial limbo at a moment that key staffing, faculty contracts, student recruiting, and donor revenue-related decisions are typically made for next year, also as controversy erupts over refusal to refund student housing and […]

  • The Cheapest Way For Trump To Save US Oil

    ZeroHedge - Mar 31st 2020 6:45pm EDT

    The Cheapest Way For Trump To Save US Oil Authored by Lourcey Sams via Oilprice.com, The President of the United States has the power, at his sole discretion without any other authority, to place a fee on imported oil or products. It becomes variable when a base price (floor price) is set and a fee […]