• Socialism In America, 31 Years Ago

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 8:05pm EST

    Socialism In America, 31 Years Ago Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation, In my article “A Life of the Lie on Socialism,” I pointed out that one of the big challenges we libertarians face is the fact that so many Americans are still suffering from the indoctrination that has led them […]

  • Trump “Won’t Change His Mind” On Iran Attack Headaches Quip Despite Growing Troop Injury Count

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 7:45pm EST

    Trump “Won’t Change His Mind” On Iran Attack Headaches Quip Despite Growing Troop Injury Count As part of the continuing saga of the evolving “truth” behind American troop injuries as a result of the Jan.8 Iranian ballistic missile attack on Ain al-Asad Air Base in Iraq, which by the Pentagon’s (seemingly weekly) changing count now remains at 109 […]

  • If You Want To Understand The Constitution, Don’t Ask A Lawyer

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 7:25pm EST

    If You Want To Understand The Constitution, Don’t Ask A Lawyer Authored by Michael Maharrey via SchiffGold.com, Most Americans say the Constitution is important. Most Americans say it’s crucial for the government to stay within its constitutional bounds. But what exactly are the constitutional limits on federal power? How do we know? Well, whatever you […]

  • China Vows To Put An End To “Lab Leakage Of Pathogenic Samples”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 7:05pm EST

    China Vows To Put An End To “Lab Leakage Of Pathogenic Samples” Seemingly providing more anecdotal evidence that the Covid-19 outbreak was caused by an accidental leak of a bio-engineered virus and not by some freak of nature in Wuhan’s market, China’s Communist Party has issued a serious “Wartime Order” demanding more care and containment […]

  • Here Is What Dan Loeb’s Third Point Bought And Sold In The Fourth Quarter

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 6:54pm EST

    Here Is What Dan Loeb’s Third Point Bought And Sold In The Fourth Quarter In an age when hedge funds which still invest using fundamental analysis are a quaint anachronism of a bygone era (all that matters now is Fed liquidity and what ETFs are doing), a handful of asset managers – and their holdings […]

  • Foreign Aid Just Empowers Corrupt Regimes. End It!

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 6:45pm EST

    Foreign Aid Just Empowers Corrupt Regimes. End It! Authored by José Niño via The Mises Institute, The Senate’s vote to acquit Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment this month brought a much-needed end to the tiring impeachment saga America has been subject to in the last few months. The impeachment controversy arose when President Donald Trump initially withheld […]

  • Experts Say North Korea “Clearly Lying” About Coronavirus Outbreak – “They Don’t Want To Show Any Weakness”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 6:25pm EST

    Experts Say North Korea “Clearly Lying” About Coronavirus Outbreak – “They Don’t Want To Show Any Weakness” Despite the “thaw” in relations with the US over the past few year (a thaw that former Trump chief of staff John Kelly recently claimed was simply an example Kim Jong Un “playing” the US), the flow of […]

  • London Coronavirus Patient Took Uber To Hospital – Then They Sent Her Home

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 6:15pm EST

    London Coronavirus Patient Took Uber To Hospital – Then They Sent Her Home The UK’s first coronavirus patient, a Chinese national who had recently been to China, took an Uber taxi to Lewisham hospital in South London after falling ill, according to The Guardian. Then they sent her home to wait for her lab results. […]

  • Who Will Want To Be A Millionaire In Illinois?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 6:05pm EST

    Who Will Want To Be A Millionaire In Illinois? Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via Wirepoints.org, At the rate Illinois is losing people, it wouldn’t take long at all for Pritzker’s progressive tax hike to bleed away Illinois’ million-plus earners. There just aren’t that many of them to begin with. And faced with a […]

  • ‘The Most Expensive Home In LA’ – Bezos Buys $165 Million Bachelor Pad

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 5:45pm EST

    ‘The Most Expensive Home In LA’ – Bezos Buys $165 Million Bachelor Pad After the absolutely bonkers revelations about how MbS phished Jeff Bezos, hacking his phone after sending a link to a video that Bezos apparently clicked, it appears the Amazon executive is celebrating his company’s $1 trillion milestone and its spectacular Q4 earnings […]

  • Why It’s Too Late To Contain COVID-19

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 5:25pm EST

    Why It’s Too Late To Contain COVID-19 Authored by Emad Mostaque via LinkedIn.com, While we may have reservations about Chinese data, there is no doubting they have done a sterling job in trying to contain the COVID-19 outbreak (as the new coronavirus symptoms are now known). However, it is not enough and we have now […]

  • US Navy Intercepts Advanced Iranian Weapons Bound For Yemen In Arabian Sea

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 5:05pm EST

    US Navy Intercepts Advanced Iranian Weapons Bound For Yemen In Arabian Sea On Thursday the US Navy announced it has seized a vessel in the Arabian Sea bound for Yemen that was transporting advanced weaponry to Shia Houthi rebels.  Crucially, a CENTCOM statement described the weapons as “of Iranian design and manufacture” and included such advanced […]

  • Autopilot Engaged: “The Entire Rally Has Been A Fed-Induced Perversion”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 4:45pm EST

    Autopilot Engaged: “The Entire Rally Has Been A Fed-Induced Perversion” Authored by Sven Henrich via NorthmanTrader.com, Another overnight coronavirus related scare as China had to greatly up its estimates of the infected, yet no worries, the market remains as much on autopilot as the Fed remains in denial about how their actions drive market behavior. […]

  • GOP Lawmakers Expect Trump To Withdraw Fed Nominee; White House Denies

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 4:30pm EST

    GOP Lawmakers Expect Trump To Withdraw Fed Nominee; White House Denies GOP lawmakers are expecting President Trump to withdraw his nomination of Judy Shelton to serve on the Federal Reserve Board following what The Hill describes as bipartisan resistance over her controversial views on central bank independence, the gold standard, and core tenets of economic […]

  • AG Barr Blasts Trump ‘Roger Stone’ Tweets For Making It “Impossible To Do My Job”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 4:19pm EST

    AG Barr Blasts Trump ‘Roger Stone’ Tweets For Making It “Impossible To Do My Job” In an unusual break with the president, US Attorney General Bill Barr told ABC News that Trump “has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case” but should stop tweeting about the Justice Department because his tweets “make […]

  • Federal Prosecutors Recommend 5-Year Jail Term For Corrupt Former Baltimore Mayor

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 4:10pm EST

    Federal Prosecutors Recommend 5-Year Jail Term For Corrupt Former Baltimore Mayor Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh could receive upwards of 5-years in jail for her criminal acts of conspiracy and tax evasion, according to The Baltimore Sun.  “The facts establish that Pugh deliberately engaged in a broad range of criminal acts while serving as Maryland state senator […]

  • Fed Liquidity Drain Spoils Virus-Surge-Inspired Stock Buying-Panic

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:59pm EST

    Fed Liquidity Drain Spoils Virus-Surge-Inspired Stock Buying-Panic The US equity market has gone full-Rick-Astley… And everyone knows you should never go full-Rick-Astley. So this happened overnight… And while futures reacted (somewhat rationally to start with), the US open sparked yet another buying panic to erase all those losses… Until, that is, The Fed pooped in […]

  • The Coronavirus Threat Is Greatest In Cities

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:50pm EST

    The Coronavirus Threat Is Greatest In Cities Authored by Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com, The coronavirus continues its spread through China and surrounding Asian countries. The data increasingly show that this virus is wickedly contagious, especially in crowded environments where population density is high – like the densely-packed buildings in cities. As a frightening example: in […]

  • Caterpillar Sales Post Biggest Drop In Over Three Years As North America Plunges

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:35pm EST

    Caterpillar Sales Post Biggest Drop In Over Three Years As North America Plunges If Caterpillar is still the global industrial bellwether and leading manufacturing sector indicator it has been for the past century (and absent the Fed somehow printing buildings or excavating mines, it is), then the world is about to enter the worst manufacturing […]

  • The Belief That Everything Will Be Fine Once Trump’s Gone Is More Dangerous Than Trump

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:20pm EST

    The Belief That Everything Will Be Fine Once Trump’s Gone Is More Dangerous Than Trump Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Medium.com, The New Hampshire primary election, much like the Iowa caucuses, saw Bernie Sanders doing worse than polls anticipated and establishment favorite Pete Buttigieg doing much better than polls anticipated. Buttigieg closed at a tight second place behind Sanders […]

  • Liquidity Warning: Fed Shrinks Overnight Repos By $20BN, Term Repos By $10BN

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:12pm EST

    Liquidity Warning: Fed Shrinks Overnight Repos By $20BN, Term Repos By $10BN With everyone (grudgingly or otherwise) now admitting that the Fed’s repo and QE4 was responsible for the miraculous surge in stocks since the start of Q4 2019 (with the occasional exception of a handful of idiots), traders were especially focused on today’s latest […]

  • China Has Ground To A Halt: “On The Ground” Indicators Confirm Worst-Case Scenario

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 3:05pm EST

    China Has Ground To A Halt: “On The Ground” Indicators Confirm Worst-Case Scenario Back on Monday, when analysts and investors were desperately seeking clues whether China has managed to reboot its economy from the 2-week long hiatus following the Lunar New Year/Coronavirus pandemic amid the information blackout unleashed by the communist party in the already […]

  • Odds Of No Democratic Primary Winner Now Match Bernie’s Chances

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 2:50pm EST

    Odds Of No Democratic Primary Winner Now Match Bernie’s Chances Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Odds of of a contested Democratic convention are high and rising. Early this morning I speculated Bernie Edged Buttigieg But Klobuchar is the Real Winner. Key Takeaways from This Morning I see one clear winner and one runner-up winner. Neither […]

  • In Shocking Admission, WHO Advisor Says Coronavirus May Infect Over 5 Billion People

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 2:35pm EST

    In Shocking Admission, WHO Advisor Says Coronavirus May Infect Over 5 Billion People In yet another sign of the World Health Organization’s about-face on the coronavirus outbreak, a top epidemiologist and advisor to the organization said Thursday that if the virus isn’t contained soon, it could infect 60% of the global population – or more […]

  • Judge Blocks JEDI Cloud Contract Amid Bezos Backlash

    ZeroHedge - Feb 13th 2020 2:21pm EST

    Judge Blocks JEDI Cloud Contract Amid Bezos Backlash Just a day after buying the most expensive home in America, Jeff Bezos had another win today as a judge just ordered a temporary block on the JEDI cloud contract in response to a suit filed by Amazon.  After losing The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI, […]