• Massive Auto Inventory Begins To Stockpile As Coronavirus Zaps An Already Anemic Chinese Car Market

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 11:05pm EST

    Massive Auto Inventory Begins To Stockpile As Coronavirus Zaps An Already Anemic Chinese Car Market Things couldn’t possibly be looking any worse for the Chinese auto industry. Even before the coronavirus scare, the industry had already been mired in a steep recession that we have been covering at length for nearly the last two years. To […]

  • ‘Puppet Pete’ Says Revolution And The Status Quo Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:45pm EST

    ‘Puppet Pete’ Says Revolution And The Status Quo Aren’t Mutually Exclusive Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Medium.com, The world’s first laboratory-grown presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg met with boos and chants of “Wall Street Pete” at a recent Democratic Party event in New Hampshire for taking a dig at the revolution-minded rhetoric favored by Bernie Sanders and his supporters. “We […]

  • “We’re Definitely Not Prepared” – African Healthcare Officials Fear Virus Spread

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:25pm EST

    “We’re Definitely Not Prepared” – African Healthcare Officials Fear Virus Spread While the African continent continues to battle plagues of locust and food shortages, an even bigger worry is looming on the horizon, that some of the Chinese workers have carried the virus to Ethiopia or the African countries they work in, and will those […]

  • South Korean TV Show Reunites Mother With Dead Daughter Via Virtual Reality

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 10:05pm EST

    South Korean TV Show Reunites Mother With Dead Daughter Via Virtual Reality Authored by Paul Jospeh Watson via Summit News, A TV show in South Korea reunited a mother with her deceased 7-year-old daughter via a virtual reality recreation in what some observers thought was a dystopian and exploitative move. A clip from the show […]

  • China’s Smartphone Sales And Production To Crater Amid Supply Chain Shock

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:45pm EST

    China’s Smartphone Sales And Production To Crater Amid Supply Chain Shock One major threat to the recovery in global growth this year is the coronavirus outbreak that is centered around Greater China. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now labeled the deadly virus a global health emergency as more than 902 people have died, surpassing all of […]

  • 2020 Is Going To Get Much Crazier – Prioritize Your Mental Health

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:25pm EST

    2020 Is Going To Get Much Crazier – Prioritize Your Mental Health Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via Medium.com, The outrage over the Iowa caucus scandal has continued to burn white hot as more and more establishment manipulations against the Bernie Sanders campaign come into view. At the beginning of a CNN town hall with Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg […]

  • Trump Cleans House At NSC: Vindmans Were Tip Of Iceberg As 70 Obama Holdovers Axed

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 9:05pm EST

    Trump Cleans House At NSC: Vindmans Were Tip Of Iceberg As 70 Obama Holdovers Axed President Trump has reportedly cleaned house at the National Security Council – firing 70 Obama-era holdovers, according to the Washington Examiner. Officials confirmed that Trump and national security adviser Robert O’Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack […]

  • Gold: A Modern Investment Framework For An Ancient Asset

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:45pm EST

    Gold: A Modern Investment Framework For An Ancient Asset Authored by John Butler via MacroHive.com, Gold no longer serves as an official money in the modern financial system, yet it is still considered an important asset due to its established diversification and store of value properties. But what framework(s) should we use to understand the […]

  • Chinese Firms Ask For Billions In Loans Amid Virus OutbreakĀ 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:25pm EST

    Chinese Firms Ask For Billions In Loans Amid Virus Outbreak  In response to the economic paralysis brought about by the coronavirus, Chinese banks are offering billions of dollars in loans to Chinese companies, according to two banking sources via Reuters. About 300 Chinese firms, including top food delivery company Meituan Dianping and smartphone maker Xiaomi, have […]

  • Iowaaaaahhh & Bernie Sanders’ Commie Kill Swarm

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 8:05pm EST

    Iowaaaaahhh & Bernie Sanders’ Commie Kill Swarm Authored (satirically) by CJ Hopkins via The Unz Review, America just can’t catch a break. After three long years of brutal oppression under Donald Trump’s Russia-backed Nazi Reich, it turns out the only Democratic candidate with a chance of unseating him in November and rescuing the world from […]

  • Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers: Doyle, Moynihan vs. IRS

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:45pm EST

    Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers: Doyle, Moynihan vs. IRS In a December 2018 Congressional hearing on Not-for-Profit Charities with a Specific Case Study on the Clinton Foundation, our nation was introduced to two private individuals who had undertaken a multi-year investigative probe of the 43rd President’s foundation. Larry Doyle and John Moynihan informed those observing that they […]

  • Does The Coronavirus Threaten The Chinese Communist Party’s Grip On Power?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:25pm EST

    Does The Coronavirus Threaten The Chinese Communist Party’s Grip On Power? Authored by Cary Huang, op-ed via The South China Morning Post, Authoritarianism has made this outbreak worse, not better. The state’s strength in controlling information and suppressing dissent is a weakness in fighting disease… Nature is unpredictable and sometimes vengeful. Different societies and political systems […]

  • Prosecutors Recommend 7-9 Year Prison Sentence For Roger Stone

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 7:05pm EST

    Prosecutors Recommend 7-9 Year Prison Sentence For Roger Stone The prosecutors who successfully convicted Republican strategist and decades-old Trump pal Roger Stone on charges of witness tampering and lying to Congress are now lobbying the judge presiding over his Feb. 20 sentencing to give Stone seven to nine years in prison. In the sentencing memo, […]

  • Body Count Bull$hit

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 6:45pm EST

    Body Count Bull$hit Authored by Ben Hunt via EpsilonTheory.com, Over time, continual bad news will discourage any civilian population, and Americans had the lowest tolerance on the planet for bad news. Karl Marlantes, “Matterhorn” (2009) Have you read Matterhorn, by Karl Marlantes? You should. It’s not just the best novel I’ve ever read about the Vietnam […]

  • Couple Quarantined On Virus-Infected Cruise Ship Claim Wine Delivered By DroneĀ 

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 6:25pm EST

    Couple Quarantined On Virus-Infected Cruise Ship Claim Wine Delivered By Drone  The nightmare cruise from hell got even worse on Monday for the thousands of passengers still aboard. The Diamond Princess, the cruise ship that has been quarantined off the coast of Yokohama, Japan for a week now, saw a jump in a total number of […]

  • Even The Mainstream Media Is Now Admitting That Humanity Is Facing “A Perfect Storm”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 6:05pm EST

    Even The Mainstream Media Is Now Admitting That Humanity Is Facing “A Perfect Storm” Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, Over the last several decades, have we ever seen a year start as strangely as 2020 has?  Global weather patterns have gone completely nuts, large earthquakes are popping off like firecrackers, it […]

  • Netanyahu’s Likud Leaks Names, Addresses & Other Private Info Of Nearly 7 Million Israeli Voters

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 5:45pm EST

    Netanyahu’s Likud Leaks Names, Addresses & Other Private Info Of Nearly 7 Million Israeli Voters Israel’s Likud just made the Democratic Party look almost competent by comparison. According to Haaretz, Likud, the party of embattled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accidentally uploaded a complete register of Israelis registered to vote (a massive chunk of the […]

  • Rosenberg: “In 2020, I Smell A Rat”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 5:25pm EST

    Rosenberg: “In 2020, I Smell A Rat” Authored by David Rosenberg via The Financial Post, There have probably never been as many characteristics of a top as we are experiencing today… It is clear that it would have been a very hard sell a year ago that every single risk-on asset class from equities, to […]

  • Turkey Deploys Hundreds Of Tanks, APCs And Commandos To Idlib; Attacks Syrian Army

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 5:05pm EST

    Turkey Deploys Hundreds Of Tanks, APCs And Commandos To Idlib; Attacks Syrian Army With the geopolitical situation now firmly on the backburner, we remind readers that the last time we checked into the flurry of recent events in Syria over the weekend, we found that the Syrian Army was making major gains inside Idlib in […]

  • Slack Shares Crash After-Hours Following IBM “No News” Update

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 4:49pm EST

    Slack Shares Crash After-Hours Following IBM “No News” Update Slack shares soared over 15% intraday on 7x normal volume after a Business Insider report said that the company was being used across all of IBM’s business – prompting rejoicing among the company’s investors… There’s just one thing… (shares were halted “news pending” 5 minutes ahead […]

  • A Verdict On Our Times: How The Senate Trial Left Us With Rage Over Reason

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 4:45pm EST

    A Verdict On Our Times: How The Senate Trial Left Us With Rage Over Reason Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column with the BBC on the impeachment verdict and its aftermath. A new Hill/HarrisX poll shows President Donald Trump at a record high of popularity – finding the same 49 percent level of the earlier […]

  • Morgan Stanley: Stocks Are Up Because The Worse Things Get, The More Likely We Will Get Fiscal Stimulus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 4:25pm EST

    Morgan Stanley: Stocks Are Up Because The Worse Things Get, The More Likely We Will Get Fiscal Stimulus Last week, Morgan Stanley’s Micheal Wilson, who now realizes that the only thing that matters in this market is the constant flood of cheap liquidity from central banks, tried to provide a “thoughtful “analysis for where he […]

  • Nasdaq Soars To Another Record High As Crude Crashes & The Yield Curve Re-Inverts

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 4:01pm EST

    Nasdaq Soars To Another Record High As Crude Crashes & The Yield Curve Re-Inverts Another day, another record high for US stocks led by the Nasdaq – despite more quarantines, more cases, more deaths, and more uncertainty about whether any production of anything is back online. Nasdaq surged 1% today – for no good reason […]

  • Ratings For ‘Wokest Oscars Ever’ Tumble To All-Time Low As Exhausted Americans Tune Out

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 3:50pm EST

    Ratings For ‘Wokest Oscars Ever’ Tumble To All-Time Low As Exhausted Americans Tune Out Ricky Gervais might have been on to something… America! Binge-watch #AfterLife on @Netflix tonight. It’s about a man who realises that humanity is a disgusting, narcissistic plague, and so becomes angry & depressed and loses the will to live. Or watch […]

  • Kunstler: We’re In The “Pause Between Past & Future Deep State Seditions”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 3:35pm EST

    Kunstler: We’re In The “Pause Between Past & Future Deep State Seditions” Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, Executive Order In this pause between past and future Deep State seditions, and the full-blown advent of Corona Virus in every region of the world, we pause to consider Mr. Trump’s executive order requiring new federal […]