• Dissatisfaction With Democracy Reaches All-Time High

    ZeroHedge - Feb 10th 2020 2:00am EST

    Dissatisfaction With Democracy Reaches All-Time High Authored by Michela Palese via TruePublica.org, A new report by the recently established Centre for the Future of Democracy at the University of Cambridge has found that dissatisfaction with democracy has reached an all-time global high. Westminster-style democracies (the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US) typically fare particularly badly in […]

  • The Clinton Machine Will Do Anything To Stop Bernie Sanders

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 11:45pm EST

    The Clinton Machine Will Do Anything To Stop Bernie Sanders Authored by Robert Scheer via TruthDig.com, The botched Iowa caucuses have raised many legitimate questions about the Democratic establishment, but to understand the point we’re at now, it’s necessary to think back several years. According to Grayzone journalist and editor Max Blumenthal, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer’s guest on […]

  • Which Stock Sector Has The Highest Revenue Exposure To China

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 11:20pm EST

    Which Stock Sector Has The Highest Revenue Exposure To China Earlier this week, when discussing Goldman’s latest downgrade to global GDP which the bank now expects to be cut as much as 2% in Q1 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, only to rebound in subsequent quarters as the spread of the virus is […]

  • In The Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 10:55pm EST

    In The Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com, Barely into the New Year, 2020 vision has brought many revelations into better focus, making several ongoing observations perfectly clear.  Although there are those who’ve been watching the dots of The Matrix assemble into the big picture for decades […]

  • Ford’s Lending Arm Does The Dirty Work For Parent Company, Generating More Profit Now Than Ever

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 10:30pm EST

    Ford’s Lending Arm Does The Dirty Work For Parent Company, Generating More Profit Now Than Ever At a time when the global automotive market is mired in deep recession – and things likely aren’t going to be getting any better, with China in the midst of an epidemic – Ford’s lending arm is acting as […]

  • “The Death Rate Is Up To 5%”: The Harrowing Admission Of A Wuhan Doctor

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 10:05pm EST

    “The Death Rate Is Up To 5%”: The Harrowing Admission Of A Wuhan Doctor A front-line coronavirus doctor tells of life in death in the ICU… Translated by Sun Huixia and Dave Yin via The Straits Times, WUHAN (CAIXIN GLOBAL) – In the coronavirus epidemic, doctors on the front lines take on the greatest risk and […]

  • China Suddenly Has Another Major “Virus” Problem, As Soaring Food Prices Put A Lid On Central Bank Intervention

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 10:03pm EST

    China Suddenly Has Another Major “Virus” Problem, As Soaring Food Prices Put A Lid On Central Bank Intervention Soon the only food that will be affordable in China, is coronabat stew. With over 400 million people across dozens of Chinese cities living in lock down as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, crippling global supply […]

  • Is Tesla The Next Amazon Of Auto Companies? One Investment Bank Offers Their Answer

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 9:40pm EST

    Is Tesla The Next Amazon Of Auto Companies? One Investment Bank Offers Their Answer We often rib on Morgan Stanley’s Adam Jonas for blindingly supporting Tesla with egregious price targets based on things like “Tesla Mobility”, which don’t even exist. But every once in a while Jonas produces an actual piece of analysis that can be […]

  • “This Is A Ticking Timebomb”: Here’s The Chart That Convinced Albert Edwards That Helicopter Money Is On Its Way

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 9:15pm EST

    “This Is A Ticking Timebomb”: Here’s The Chart That Convinced Albert Edwards That Helicopter Money Is On Its Way Two weeks ago, when looking at the latest CBO forecast which predicted that the cumulative US deficits would hit $13.1 trillion by 2030, we highlighted perhaps the most troubling chart in all of finance right now, […]

  • Futures Erase 0.7% Drop After Reuters Reports Foxconn Will Restart Some Production Monday

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 9:15pm EST

    Futures Erase 0.7% Drop After Reuters Reports Foxconn Will Restart Some Production Monday With traders anxiously eyeing the surge in overnight coronavirus deaths in China as evidence the pandemic is far from contained, amid fears that China will not be able to reopen for business tomorrow despite the government’s assurance that somehow everything will be […]

  • Nine Members Of Hong Kong Family Infected WIth Coronavirus After Sharing Meal

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 8:51pm EST

    Nine Members Of Hong Kong Family Infected WIth Coronavirus After Sharing Meal One of the biggest clinical surprises involving the coronavirus epidemic in recent days was the discovery that in addition to targeting ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) receptors in the respiratory tract, resulting in an aggravated “cytokine storm” in the lungs and lethal pneumonia […]

  • Who Can Now Say America Hasn’t Become A Mega-Corporate Dictatorship?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 8:50pm EST

    Who Can Now Say America Hasn’t Become A Mega-Corporate Dictatorship? Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Jon Hellevig posted on January 16th at The Saker, “Capitalism in America: How a Dismal Decimal is Robbing Americans Blind” the most extensive and up-to-date compendium anywhere, of data on economic inequality in America, and one fact especially […]

  • Oil Heading For “Mid $40’s” In Few Weeks On Lack Of Demand: Starfuels Brokerage

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 8:25pm EST

    Oil Heading For “Mid $40’s” In Few Weeks On Lack Of Demand: Starfuels Brokerage With WTI sliding below $50 on Sunday evening, expect even more downside according to S&P Global Platts’ Claudia Carpenter, who writes that oil prices will probably drop to the “mid-$40s” a barrel in the next couple of weeks because of weak […]

  • IOWAt The Fu*k?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 8:00pm EST

    IOWAt The Fu*k? Authored by Scott Galloway via No Mercy / No Malice blog, If a brand is a function of promise (imagery) and performance (interaction), then the brand Iowa is largely a function of the promise. The Hawkeye state is one of the least visited states in the union, attracting fewer tourists than Nebraska or Kentucky. […]

  • White House Budget To Include ‘War On Waste’ While Boosting Spending On Military, Veterans, And Space

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 7:35pm EST

    White House Budget To Include ‘War On Waste’ While Boosting Spending On Military, Veterans, And Space The Trump administration is expected to release a $4.8 trillion budget Monday which will include a ‘bold and detailed chapter on curbing waste, fraud, corruption and taxpayer abuse,’ according to Forbes’ Adam Andrzejewski, who has seen an advance copy. […]

  • Coronavirus? The Chinese Central Bank Has A “Solution”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 7:10pm EST

    Coronavirus? The Chinese Central Bank Has A “Solution” Authored by Frank Shostak via The Mises Institute, In response to the economic paralysis brought about by the coronavirus, the Chinese central bank has pumped $243 billion into financial markets. On Monday February 3 2020, China’s equity market shed $393 billion of its value. Most experts are of the […]

  • Biden Calls Woman ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 6:45pm EST

    Biden Calls Woman ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’ What’s the first thing a Democratic presidential candidate should do after suffering a monumental defeat in the first caucus of the season? If you’re Joe Biden, call a woman who introduced herself as “Madison” a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” after she says she’s attended a caucus. After a […]

  • Morgan Stanley: “Bulls Are Still In Charge… But Is it Time To Think About The Other Side Of The Story”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 6:20pm EST

    Morgan Stanley: “Bulls Are Still In Charge… But Is it Time To Think About The Other Side Of The Story” Authored by Michael Wilson, chief US equity strategist at Morgan Stanley Heading into 2020, sentiment was at a high. In fact, based on data we track, investors hadn’t collectively been that bullish since January 2018, […]

  • ‘Ungrateful Bastard’: Kyle Bass Unloads On CCP Mouthpiece In Coronavirus Twitter Feud

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 5:56pm EST

    ‘Ungrateful Bastard’: Kyle Bass Unloads On CCP Mouthpiece In Coronavirus Twitter Feud As evidence mounts that China’s response to the coronavirus has been as much (if not more) about controlling the narrative than containing the outbreak, hedge fund manager Kyle Bass put CCP mouthpiece Hu Xijin in his place after the Global Times EIC criticized […]

  • Gun Seizures Could Lead To Civil War

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 5:30pm EST

    Gun Seizures Could Lead To Civil War Authored by James Bovard via The Future of Freedom Foundation, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” declared “Beto” O’Rourke at a Democratic party presidential candidate debate in September. Compelling Americans to surrender their so-called assault weapons is “the newest purity test” for Democratic presidential candidates, according […]

  • Expect “Cascading Global Impact” As Coronavirus Causes Massive Manufacturing Disruptions Worldwide

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 5:00pm EST

    Expect “Cascading Global Impact” As Coronavirus Causes Massive Manufacturing Disruptions Worldwide China has now placed hundreds of millions of its citizens under quarantine, leaving its economy grinding to a halt. Workers can’t leave their homes. Factories are idle. Most (if not all) of China’s ports are no longer shipping. International flights are increasingly banned from […]

  • Key Witness Told Mueller Team That Russia Collusion Evidence Found In Ukraine Was Fabricated

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 4:30pm EST

    Key Witness Told Mueller Team That Russia Collusion Evidence Found In Ukraine Was Fabricated Authored by John Solomon via JustTheNews.com, One of Robert Mueller’s pivotal trial witnesses told the special prosecutor’s team in spring 2018 that a key piece of Russia collusion evidence found in Ukraine known as the “black ledger” was fabricated, according to […]

  • Angry Chinese Ambassador Slams US Senator For “Absolutely Crazy” Theory Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 4:06pm EST

    Angry Chinese Ambassador Slams US Senator For “Absolutely Crazy” Theory Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon Shortly after Zero Hedge asked in the last week of January if the nVoC-2019 Coronavirus pandemic was not, as some early reports claimed, the product of a Wuhan seafood market, where people were allegedly eating infected bats (which we now know […]

  • Socialism Always Fails

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 3:40pm EST

    Socialism Always Fails Authored by William Anderson via The Mises Institute, The Nation, which enthusiastically has supported every totalitarian communist regime that has existed in the past century (and that includes Pol Pot’s Cambodia and North Korea) is now firmly riding the Bernie Sanders bandwagon. This article, entitled “Why American Socialism Failed—and How It Could […]

  • Chinese Copper Buyers Cancel Orders Around The Globe As Economy Grinds To A Halt

    ZeroHedge - Feb 9th 2020 3:15pm EST

    Chinese Copper Buyers Cancel Orders Around The Globe As Economy Grinds To A Halt While Beijing has been doing everything in its power to keep equity markets artificially supported to avoid a collapse in the precious “wealth effect” and investor sentiment, throwing the kitchen sink at equities and in addition to a record liquidity injection… […]