• Group At Center Of Iowa Caucus App Chaos Birthed By Billionaire-Funder Of Alabama DisInfo Campaign

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 10:05pm EST

    Group At Center Of Iowa Caucus App Chaos Birthed By Billionaire-Funder Of Alabama DisInfo Campaign Authored by Max Blumenthal via TheGrayZone.com, Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman funded the creation of ACRONYM, the group that sabotaged the Iowa caucus results, after bankrolling voter manipulation campaigns including the notorious online “false flag operation” in Alabama’s 2017 senate […]

  • Smaller Restaurants Forced Into Bankruptcy As Foot Traffic Collapses

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 9:45pm EST

    Smaller Restaurants Forced Into Bankruptcy As Foot Traffic Collapses While the big names in eating out – McDonald’s, Popeye’s, Chick-Fil-A and Olive Garden, to name a few – are all working diligently to get customers through the door at a time when the American eater is staying home more, lesser known restaurants are bearing the […]

  • What’s Next For The Virginia Sanctuary Movement?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 9:25pm EST

    What’s Next For The Virginia Sanctuary Movement? Authored by José Niño via The Mises Institute, Despite the media’s fearmongering, the Virginia Citizens Defense League Lobby Day 2020, which took place on January 20, turned out to be a normal event. The pro-gun demonstration drew twenty-two thousand people, who peacefully protested several gun control measures that Virginia governor Ralph Northam […]

  • Mike Bloomberg’s Campaign Is Paying ‘Micro-Influencers’ To Make Him Look Cool

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 9:05pm EST

    Mike Bloomberg’s Campaign Is Paying ‘Micro-Influencers’ To Make Him Look Cool It’s almost ironic because they basically represent the alpha and the omega of the political spectrum within the modern Democratic Party, but there’s no question that the Iowa Democrats massive fuck-up during the caucus hurt Bernie Sanders more than any other candidate, and helped […]

  • Visualizing The Problem Of An Aging Global Population

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 8:25pm EST

    Visualizing The Problem Of An Aging Global Population The world is experiencing a seismic demographic shift and, as Visual Capitalist’s Katie Jones details below, no country is immune to the consequences. While increasing life expectancy and declining birth rates are considered major achievements in modern science and healthcare, they will have a significant impact on […]

  • Students Call Number Of White Male Oscar Nominees “A Problem”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 8:05pm EST

    Students Call Number Of White Male Oscar Nominees “A Problem” Authored by Eduardo Neret via Campus Reform, Ahead of this year’s Academy Awards, Campus Reform Digital Reporter Eduardo Neret went to American University to ask students to react to claims that the nominees are “too white” and not diverse enough. “I definitely think there’s a problem,” one student said of the mostly white […]

  • Iraq & Russia Look To Boost Military Ties While US Threatens Sanctions

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 7:45pm EST

    Iraq & Russia Look To Boost Military Ties While US Threatens Sanctions In more continuing fallout over the Jan.3 assassination by drone of the IRGC’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iraq and Russia are preparing for deepening military coordination, reports the AP.  Iraq’s Defense Ministry announced Thursday that increased “cooperation and coordination” is being discussed with Moscow amid worsened […]

  • Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 7:25pm EST

    Absurdistan: Government-Funded Feminists Suggest Banning Heterosexual Relationships Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com, Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, your finances, and your prosperity. Feminist group thinks heterosexual relationships are “violent” and should be banned […]

  • Dems Triggered After Trump Tweets ‘Misleading’ Montage Of Pelosi Insulting SOTU Honorees

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 7:05pm EST

    Dems Triggered After Trump Tweets ‘Misleading’ Montage Of Pelosi Insulting SOTU Honorees Democrats have caught the vapors after President Trump tweeted a montage of Nancy Pelosi tearing up a copy of his State of the Union speech after various honorees received accolades. While Pelosi actually tore up the speech after Trump was finished giving it, […]

  • US Attorney Who Declined To Charge Cops For Killing Innocent Man Is Nominated For Treasury Role

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 6:45pm EST

    US Attorney Who Declined To Charge Cops For Killing Innocent Man Is Nominated For Treasury Role Op-Ed authored by attorney and journalist Techno Fog In November of 2019, Jessie Liu, the former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, declined to press charges against two U.S. Park Police officers who fatally shot a harmless […]

  • Doctor Warns Up To 30% Of Medical Staff Working In Wuhan Hospital Now Infected With nCoV

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 6:25pm EST

    Doctor Warns Up To 30% Of Medical Staff Working In Wuhan Hospital Now Infected With nCoV As we noted earlier, the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, which was confirmed early Friday by Wuhan City Central Hospital, the same hospital where Dr. Li worked, and where he was punished for warning medical students about the novel […]

  • 2020 Democrats Running Low On Cash As Trump Builds Up War Chest

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 6:05pm EST

    2020 Democrats Running Low On Cash As Trump Builds Up War Chest Authored by Karl Evers-Hillstrom via OpenSecrets.org President Donald Trump has more campaign cash on hand than the entire Democratic field combined, building on his money advantage as 2020 Democrats burn through their reserves to woo voters in early primary states.  Trump’s campaign has nearly $103 […]

  • NASA Blasts Boeing’s Software Certification Process: Missed “Potentially Catastrophic” Glitch

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 5:45pm EST

    NASA Blasts Boeing’s Software Certification Process: Missed “Potentially Catastrophic” Glitch In what is clearly not a good sign for the ongoing re-certification of the disastrous 737 MAX, Boeing faced more criticism this week as a NASA safety panel recommended a review of the planemaker’s software verification processes after revealing there was a second software problem […]

  • Yes, The Rich Are Fleeing Illinois… And They’re Taking Billions With Them

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 5:25pm EST

    Yes, The Rich Are Fleeing Illinois… And They’re Taking Billions With Them Authored by Mark Glennon and John Klingner via Wirepoints.org, We’re often told that Illinois is not losing its highly taxed residents. For example, a Chicago Magazine article last week had a headline saying exactly that. Don’t worry about lost income from the rich leaving, we’re […]

  • This Is How Americans Paid For That Record Holiday Spending: Credit Card Debt Exploded In December

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 5:05pm EST

    This Is How Americans Paid For That Record Holiday Spending: Credit Card Debt Exploded In December There was something strange in last month’s consumer credit data from the Federal Reserve: at a time when Americans were getting ready to unleash a record holiday spending spree, revolving, i.e., credit card debt actually contract the most since […]

  • White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 4:45pm EST

    White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered A week ago, we published details that raised questions about the source of the Wuhan novel coronavirus, specifically questioning the official theory for the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic, namely because someone ate bat soup at a Wuhan seafood and animal market as a fabricated […]

  • The Consequence Of Globalism Is World Instability

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 4:25pm EST

    The Consequence Of Globalism Is World Instability Authored by Paul Craig Roberts, If the coronavirus proves to be serious, as it does not appear to be at the present time, many economies could be adversely affected. China is the source of many parts supplied to producers in other countries, and China is the source of […]

  • “Political Retribution”: New York To Sue Trump Admin Over Suspension Of Global Entry Program

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 3:56pm EST

    “Political Retribution”: New York To Sue Trump Admin Over Suspension Of Global Entry Program New York state is suing the Trump administration over the Department of Homeland Security’s decision to ban New Yorkers from the Trusted Traveler Program in what Attorney General Letitia James called “political retribution” after the state passed a law blocking immigration […]

  • Kunstler: The Democratic Party “Has Entered The Slapstick Phase Of Its Self-Destruction”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 3:30pm EST

    Kunstler: The Democratic Party “Has Entered The Slapstick Phase Of Its Self-Destruction” Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, Slapstick Suicide With Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler cast as Laurel and Hardy, the Democratic Party entered the slapstick phase of its self-destruction, moving from one botched scheme to the next amidst a chaos of falling […]

  • Here Are The 2 Trillion Reasons Why Stock Markets Are Soaring In The Face Of A Global Pandemic

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 3:10pm EST

    Here Are The 2 Trillion Reasons Why Stock Markets Are Soaring In The Face Of A Global Pandemic After having extended its Lunar New Year break, and with yet more cities and firms still shutting down than doing any re-opening, Rabobank notes that Beijing is starting to become cognizant of just how deep and serious […]

  • The Bull Cliff

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 2:55pm EST

    The Bull Cliff Authored by Sven Henrich via NorthmanTrader.com, Are central banks, in their desperate quest to intervene big time, pig time, all the time, to extend the business cycle at all costs, setting up bulls for a dive off of the proverbial cliff? Consider: We’re in the longest post war economic expansion, unemployment is […]

  • JPMorgan Now Expects China Q1 GDP To Drop To 1%, Crash To -4% If Coronavirus Is Not Contained

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 2:35pm EST

    JPMorgan Now Expects China Q1 GDP To Drop To 1%, Crash To -4% If Coronavirus Is Not Contained Over the past week, Wall Street’s attention has shifted away from the human toll of the Coronavirus pandemic, which according to conventional wisdom is that it “appears to be contained” and will peak some time in March […]

  • The Eternal Relationship Between Gold And Global Crisis

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 2:20pm EST

    The Eternal Relationship Between Gold And Global Crisis Authored by Brandon Smith via Birch Gold Group, Though it is often referred to by critics and elitist central bankers as a “barbarous relic”, there is no denying that gold is usually the go-to asset during times of crisis and uncertainty. And as much as they pretend […]

  • Here Is The Buying Panic: Fed Liquidity Flood Leads To Record Inflows Into Bonds, EMs And Tech

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 2:03pm EST

    Here Is The Buying Panic: Fed Liquidity Flood Leads To Record Inflows Into Bonds, EMs And Tech The world has never been as much of an Onion/Babylon Bee (insert as per your ideological preference) satire of itself, as it is now. Earlier this morning, the Fed had the temerity to lament that “asset valuations are […]

  • Rachel Maddow Blames 4Chan For Shambles In Iowa

    ZeroHedge - Feb 7th 2020 1:40pm EST

    Rachel Maddow Blames 4Chan For Shambles In Iowa Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Rachel Maddow blamed anonymous messageboard 4Chan for the debacle in Iowa, claiming that a handful of calls ‘clogged up’ the Iowa Democratic Party phone lines. The delay in reporting the results of the Iowa caucus was blames on “reporting […]