• Shocking Footage Inside China’s Newly-Constructed Hospitals, ‘Like Jail Cells Where You Go To Die’

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 8:45am EST

    Shocking Footage Inside China’s Newly-Constructed Hospitals, ‘Like Jail Cells Where You Go To Die’ China has gone from constructing ghost cities to now erecting hospitals to treat coronavirus patients. As we’ve reported, China could be hiding the true number of confirmed cases and deaths, and in some cases, not reporting the deaths at all, and “immediately” hauling […]

  • Brexit: The Unquenchable Fire Spanning The Globe

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 8:10am EST

    Brexit: The Unquenchable Fire Spanning The Globe Authored by Mark Angelides via LibertyNation.com, Brexit is one of the most historically significant events of recent times. It was the precursor to Trump, it heralded the populist movement across Europe, and it was the first moment that the world realized that the ideology of globalism was not a […]

  • The State Of Democracy (Is Declining) Around The World

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 7:35am EST

    The State Of Democracy (Is Declining) Around The World The Economist Democracy Index rates countries on the state of their governing system each year.  In the latest installment published today, Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes that 22 countries in the world were rated as “full democracies,” including all Scandinavian countries, several Western European nations as well as Canada, […]

  • Rewriting History Of World War II Is Ominous Warning

    ZeroHedge - Feb 2nd 2020 7:00am EST

    Rewriting History Of World War II Is Ominous Warning Via The Strategic Culture Foundation, It is astounding and deeply disturbing that 75 years after the end of World World Two the history of that event is being re-written before our very eyes. That war resulted in over 50 million dead with more than half of […]

  • On The Decline In US Strategic Thinking And The Creation Of False Stereotypes

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 11:30pm EST

    On The Decline In US Strategic Thinking And The Creation Of False Stereotypes Authored by Leonid Savin via OrientalReview.com, In early January 2020, the RAND Corporation published its latest research report on Russia entitled “Russia’s Hostile Measures. Combating Russian Gray Zone Aggression Against NATO in the Contact, Blunt, and Surge Layers of Competition”. The report is made […]

  • Japan Set To Release 1.2 Million Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Ocean, Causing “Immeasurable Damage”

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 11:00pm EST

    Japan Set To Release 1.2 Million Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water Into Ocean, Causing “Immeasurable Damage” Just in case a global viral pandemic, whose sources are still unclear and apparently now include human feces, wasn’t enough, the global outrage meter is about to go “up to eleven” with Japan now set to flood the world’s […]

  • How Government And Media Are Prepping America For A Failed 2020 Election

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 10:30pm EST

    How Government And Media Are Prepping America For A Failed 2020 Election Authored by Whitney Webb via MintPressNews.com, As World War II drew to a close in Europe, British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that “neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the […]

  • Mayor Of City With 6 Million People Next Of Wuhan Warns Of “Significant Increase” In Coronavirus Cases This Weekend

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 10:00pm EST

    Mayor Of City With 6 Million People Next Of Wuhan Warns Of “Significant Increase” In Coronavirus Cases This Weekend One month into the worst viral pandemic in decades, China appears woefully unprepared to respond appropriately and decisively to a disease that has infected over 12,000 around the globe. This became obvious after several Chinese officials […]

  • The Super Bowl Is A Grift Of Epic Proportions

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 9:30pm EST

    The Super Bowl Is A Grift Of Epic Proportions Authored by Dave Zirin via The Nation, The Super Bowl is like prom for the 1 percent. When the big game comes to town, it’s accompanied by private jets, parties, and nonstop bottle service. That should be enough, but it never is. The bacchanalia also comes […]

  • 2016 Redux: Kremlin Warns ‘Chemical Provocation’ Coming As New Fighting Erupts In Aleppo

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 9:00pm EST

    2016 Redux: Kremlin Warns ‘Chemical Provocation’ Coming As New Fighting Erupts In Aleppo Amid the ongoing Russian-Syrian military offensive to liberate Idlib province from the al-Qaeda linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, suburbs near Aleppo have been scene of intense fighting in recent days, despite government forces liberating the major northern city in December 2016, which marked […]

  • Senator Tom Cotton Shreds China’s Official Virus Story, Warns Of “Super Laboratory” Proximity

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 8:30pm EST

    Senator Tom Cotton Shreds China’s Official Virus Story, Warns Of “Super Laboratory” Proximity Authored by Jared Harris via WesternJournal.com, A United States senator is casting major doubt on the Chinese government’s official story on the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, instead hinting that a biosafety laboratory working with the deadliest pathogens in the world could be […]

  • Hillary Clinton For Vice President?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 8:00pm EST

    Hillary Clinton For Vice President? Last week, Hillary Clinton dispelled rumors that she might toss her hat in the ring in a “brokered convention” to run against President Trump – telling Variety  that while she has the “urge” to run, she’s “going to support the people who are running now and do everything I can […]

  • Social Media Networks Vow To Censor “Misinformation” About Coronavirus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 7:30pm EST

    Social Media Networks Vow To Censor “Misinformation” About Coronavirus Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog, Yesterday, social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, and search engine Google announced their intentions to censor – um, crack down on – so-called “misinformation” about the coronavirus that is spreading across the globe. Before we get started here, […]

  • Super (Inflation) Bowl: Ticket Prices Soar To Highest In 5 Years

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 7:00pm EST

    Super (Inflation) Bowl: Ticket Prices Soar To Highest In 5 Years Tickets for this year’s installment of the Super Bowl played on Sunday in Miami are reselling at higher prices than last year. Still, as Statista’s Katharina Buchholz notes, tickets purchased on the secondary market for any Super Bowl Game come at a high premium, as data […]

  • The Global Supply & Demand Shock Of The Coronavirus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 6:30pm EST

    The Global Supply & Demand Shock Of The Coronavirus Via Global Macro Monitor, Our analysis of the impact of the Coronavirus is a work in progress and nobody knows the endgame.  It is still the early days of the epidemic, and its dynamics will take time to understand. The scale of the impact will depend […]

  • Ukrainiain ‘Son Of A Bitch Who Got Fired’ Files Criminal Complaint Against Biden For Abuse Of Power

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 6:00pm EST

    Ukrainiain ‘Son Of A Bitch Who Got Fired’ Files Criminal Complaint Against Biden For Abuse Of Power The Ukrainian prosecutor who Joe Biden bragged about getting fired, Viktor Shokin, has filed a criminal complaint in Kiev against the former Vice President for abusing his power, according to French news outlet Les Crises (confirmed by multiple […]

  • “Are You Humans Or Devils?” Chinese Woman Lashes Out At Authorities After Relatives Die From Virus

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 5:30pm EST

    “Are You Humans Or Devils?” Chinese Woman Lashes Out At Authorities After Relatives Die From Virus Authored by Olivia Li via The Epoch Times, A local from Wuhan City videotaped herself lashing out at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the way it handled the coronavirus outbreak that has killed scores of people in China, including her […]

  • Soros Goes All In Against Mark Zuckerberg With Trump-Facebook Conspiracy Theory

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 5:00pm EST

    Soros Goes All In Against Mark Zuckerberg With Trump-Facebook Conspiracy Theory Billionaire George Soros is blaming Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg for helping President Trump win the 2016 election – completely ignoring that Trump’s 2016 digital director (and 2020 campaign manager) Brad Parscale simply outmaneuvered Hillary Clinton’s team when it came to social media. “Facebook helped […]

  • What If…?

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 4:30pm EST

    What If…? Authored by Sven Henrich via NorthmanTrader.com, What if bears were right all along? What if it’s not different this time? What if this Fed liquidity inspired rally produced precisely the kind of exuberant final thrust we often see at the end of business cycles? After all, people were really bullish in 2007, people were […]

  • ‘Corpses Taken Directly To Crematorium’ – New Accounts Detail Grisly Operation At Wuhan’s Fifth Hospital

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 4:00pm EST

    ‘Corpses Taken Directly To Crematorium’ – New Accounts Detail Grisly Operation At Wuhan’s Fifth Hospital Radio Free Asia (RFA) has tweeted a disturbing video on its Twitter account on Saturday morning detailing how those who died of coronavirus in Wuhan, the outbreak area in China, were loaded up on a bus and taken “directly to […]

  • The Supers Are Back: DNC Members Planning Move To Block Sanders… Again

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 3:35pm EST

    The Supers Are Back: DNC Members Planning Move To Block Sanders… Again Authored by Jonathan Turley, In 2016, many of us objected to the concerted effect of the Democratic establishment and the Democratic National Committee to rig the primary for Hillary Clinton. Later it was revealed that the Clintons had largely taken over the DNC […]

  • “If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?”: Bridgewater’s ‘Principles’ Don’t Apply To Ray Dalio

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 3:10pm EST

    “If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?”: Bridgewater’s ‘Principles’ Don’t Apply To Ray Dalio Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio has been a fixture in the financial press for more than a year now as he has transitioned from running his firm to establishing himself as a media commentator and pseudo-prophet, loudly exhorting the public to […]

  • Fear Of The Coronavirus Is Spreading Like Wildfire All Over The Globe

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 2:45pm EST

    Fear Of The Coronavirus Is Spreading Like Wildfire All Over The Globe Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, We haven’t seen an outbreak like this in any of our lifetimes, and it is really starting to frighten a whole lot of people.  This virus has an incubation period of up […]

  • Arab League Formally Rejects Trump’s “Deal Of The Century” – Abbas Cuts Ties With US

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 2:20pm EST

    Arab League Formally Rejects Trump’s “Deal Of The Century” – Abbas Cuts Ties With US Well that didn’t take long. Despite President Trump previously touting support from some Gulf Arab states like Bahrain and United Arab Emirates for his ‘deal of the century’ Mideast peace plan unveiled at the White House Tuesday, the Arab League […]

  • Democrats Need To Break Their Cold War–Addled Impeachment Fever

    ZeroHedge - Feb 1st 2020 1:55pm EST

    Democrats Need To Break Their Cold War–Addled Impeachment Fever Authored by Aaron Maté via The Nation, When liberals start rallying around John Bolton, you know something is off… Donald Trump’s far-right administration is one of the most dangerous in US history, which makes the disappointment over the imminent failure of his impeachment case understandable. But […]