• Whoopsie Daisy: Corona Vax “Could be to Blame” for Massive Rise in Excess Deaths, Scientists Finally Admit

    Daily Stormer - Jun 5th 2024 7:59am EDT

    Presumably, there have been a lot more than 3 million “excess deaths” since the vax. But even if that is the real number, it is more than the fake numbers given for the deaths from coronavirus. This will be a small news story and it will disappear. Eventually, someone was going to have to say […]

  • CDC Says People With Coronavirus But No Fever Can Return to Work or Regular Activities

    Daily Stormer - Mar 2nd 2024 9:55am EST

    Put every single one of these Bastards in Prison for Life. “It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now…” These Cunts forced our World to be injected with a ‘Experimental Vaccine’ for a fucking ‘Flu’? Noooooo fucking Amnesty. pic.twitter.com/fiMjyYO2e3 — Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) March 1, 2024 Oh. So it turns out […]

  • Real Headline: 1488 People Dying of Covid EVERY WEEK

    Daily Stormer - Jan 11th 2024 5:21am EST

    Sigh. ABC News: More than three years into the pandemic, hundreds of Americans are still dying from COVID-19 every week. For the week ending Dec. 9, the last week of complete data, there were 1,614 deaths from COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The last four weeks of complete data show […]

  • Trump Says Biden is Going to Bring Back the Coronavirus Hoax to Help Him Hoax the 2024 Election!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 1st 2023 6:48am EDT

    COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom. Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY. pic.twitter.com/Kql1YaxuO0 — Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 30, 2023 In a new video, Donald Trump says that Brandon is planning to bring back the coronavirus hoax to rig the 2024 election. I personally did not believe the […]

  • Father of Six Dies Suddenly While Helping Son Move Into Arkansas University Dorm

    Daily Stormer - Aug 26th 2023 9:00pm EDT

    Jeremy Tillman with his family You know, sometimes men in their 40s just die randomly for literally no reason. It’s always been very common. You just weren’t thinking about it. New York Post: A beloved father of six died suddenly after collapsing on the floor while helping move his son into a dorm at Arkansas […]

  • After Failing to Ignore RFK, Democrats Going on the Attack

    Daily Stormer - Jul 23rd 2023 10:29am EDT

      Previously: RFK Jr. Testifies Before Congress While Being Swarmed by Jews This is desperate. If they were not afraid, ignoring would be the strategy. They apparently view him as a real threat. There are some very serious question as to why Brandon is refusing to debate him, despite his very strong poll numbers. The Hill: […]

  • BASED RFK Jr. Says Covid was Genetically Engineered to Spare Jews

    Daily Stormer - Jul 15th 2023 9:26am EDT

    This guy is an antisemite and a dangerous crank. Period. RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews https://t.co/tXrMwvOTO1 via @nypost — Janet Johnson (@JJohnsonLaw) July 15, 2023 I don’t really even understand exactly what this means, but clearly, the implication is that the Jews designed the virus to spare themselves while killing […]

  • Following Virus Hoax, Economy Moves to Move Free Southern States

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2023 1:00am EDT

    Freedom is always good for the economy. It would be hard to say that the Southern States of America are “free,” because America itself is basically a gigantic communist prison camp (especially compared to anywhere else in the world, excluding edge cases like North Korea – and even North Korea arguably allows for more personal […]

  • Following Virus Hoax, Economy Moves to More Free Southern States

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2023 1:00am EDT

    Freedom is always good for the economy. It would be hard to say that the southern states of America are “free,” because America itself is basically a gigantic communist prison camp (especially compared to anywhere else in the world, excluding edge cases like North Korea – and even North Korea arguably allows for more personal […]

  • 30-Year-Old Internet Bodybuilder Dies from Brain Aneurysm

    Daily Stormer - Jul 2nd 2023 10:15am EDT

    This gentleman had very fine taste in sluts Did 30-year-olds used to die from aneurysms? I forget. Daily Beast: The girlfriend of German bodybuilder and YouTube star Jo Lindner says he tragically died in her arms at the age of 30 after a sudden aneurysm. Lindner’s girlfriend Nicha posted on Instagram that they had been cuddling after […]

  • Offensive Black Bastard Jamie Foxx is Totally Braindead From the Vax! HA!

    Daily Stormer - Jun 2nd 2023 2:05pm EDT

    You should have listened to the blacks, you black bastard! Stupid blackie! The blacks tried to tell you! Aside from QAnon and white supremacy, the blacks were the only ones saying this whole thing was a hoax and a scam! Imagine being black, but being such a stupid black that you can’t even listen to […]

  • 15-Year-Old Australian Boy Goes to Sleep, Dies Suddenly and Mysteriously

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2023 8:29pm EDT

    Balin Menzies, 15 A sudden mysterious death you say? New York Post: Mystery surrounds the sudden death of a 15-year-old Australian high school student and budding artist after he went to sleep one night and never woke up. Balin Menzies’ sudden death in Melbourne on April 21 has sent shockwaves through his community and prompted […]

  • Brandon Says the Pandemic is Over – Time to Really Start Flooding America with Brown People

    Daily Stormer - Apr 11th 2023 2:30am EDT

    There was never any evidence of a pandemic. Like, none at all. For three years. Now the feds have decided to say “yeah actually, you’re right, Anglin.” So um. Okay. Yay? RT: President Joe Biden on Monday signed the measure ending the Covid-19 pandemic emergency in the US. Though he originally planned to extend the […]

  • Experts Whine People Not Taking Boosters, Ignoring Coronavirus Hoax

    Daily Stormer - Jan 15th 2023 3:29pm EST

    These virus people are behind the times. Viruses are so 2021. Pfizer needs to invent a vaccine for Russian propaganda. People would eat that up and force everyone to get it in order to enter Walmart. The Guardian: In the fourth year of the pandemic, Covid-19 is once again spreading across America and being driven […]

  • SADS: 17-Year-Old Dies Suddenly While Singing Choir Solo at School

    Daily Stormer - Oct 19th 2022 11:39am EDT

    BREAKING REPORT: 17-Year-Old Naperville, Illinois High School Student Daniel Moshi DIES SUDDENLY AFTER COLLAPSING During Choir Rehearsal.. WTF… — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 18, 2022 NOW: “17-year-old boy..West suburban high school student dies after collapsing at Naperville North choir event”https://t.co/XTowD47NveNaperville vaccination clinics were widely available since May 2021:https://t.co/GJSv8Ji0lo pic.twitter.com/9aKQSZtLZY — VaccineMole (@JosefSa39957439) October 18, 2022 […]

  • Jewish Media Announces “Nightmare Covid” Finally Here

    Daily Stormer - Oct 16th 2022 9:57am EDT

    At least the Daily Beast gave us a cool gif. According to the lying Jewish media, a new version of coronavirus has emerged, and this time it’s actually deadly. People will believe this gobbledygook. People are very stupid and they love being lied to by the Jews. Daily Beast: A new subvariant of the novel-coronavirus called XBB […]

  • REAL NEWS: Video Games Can Give Your Kid Heart Attacks!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 13th 2022 6:27am EDT

    Dang. I almost had a heart attack just watching this. The list of things that don’t give you heart attacks gets shorter every day, but the safe and deadly vax will always be there. The Sun: Video games could trigger heart attacks in children with undiagnosed heart issues, new research has revealed. Some kids are […]

  • Media Announces New Coronavirus Wave Coming to Europe, Warns of “Vaccine Fatigue”

    Daily Stormer - Oct 8th 2022 7:05pm EDT

    We gotta do the ritual against the phantom menace, folks. It’s that time of the year again. Welp. We’re doing this again, I guess. CNN: A new Covid-19 wave appears to be brewing in Europe as cooler weather arrives, with public health experts warning that vaccine fatigue and confusion over types of shots available will likely limit […]

  • 33-Year-Old Actor Dies for No Reason (Coincidence)

    Daily Stormer - Sep 28th 2022 10:39am EDT

    They are not reporting the deaths of randos who are not famous, so the only thing you can do to get an idea of how many people are dying is to look at the number of celebrities dying. New York Post: Robert Cormier, who played Finn Cotter on the show “Heartland,” died on Friday. He was just […]

  • Vaxie Scum Refusing to Take Their Boosty-Boosty! Only 2% Uptake!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 25th 2022 3:19am EDT

    Get up, bitch! Time to go get your booster! It’s boosty-boosty time and the vaxies are refusing to get their medicine! NBC News: At least 4.4 million people have received an updated Covid booster since the start of the month, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number represents around […]

  • The Science: “Long Covid” is Common in People With a History of Mental Illness

    Daily Stormer - Sep 18th 2022 10:00am EDT

    It’s not a totally fake psychological illness, but it is definitely a for sure triggered by having a history of mental illness and delusions. CNN: You may have up to a 50% higher risk of developing long Covid-19 if you suffer from common psychiatric issues such as anxiety or depression, a recent study found. Signs […]

  • Thin and Healthy-Looking Sports Manager Dies at 47 for No Reason

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2022 4:21am EDT

    Trailblazer. Champion. Kind. We are heartbroken to share that Dolphins SVP of Communications and Community Affairs Jason Jenkins has passed away. pic.twitter.com/YzKGnC8S0U — Miami Dolphins (@MiamiDolphins) August 28, 2022 Do you remember fit-looking, healthy professionals with no history of cancer or chronic disease dying at 47 in the world before the vaccine? I certainly don’t. […]

  • These Jews are Sadistic Maniacs and They’re Lying About Everything for the Purpose of Separating You From God

    Daily Stormer - Aug 27th 2022 10:46am EDT

    NEW – Just Stop Oil eco-mob blockade central London petrol stations, smashing up petrol pumps.pic.twitter.com/PjkE2J6TZs — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 26, 2022 In the above video, British cold weather enthusiasts go to a gas station in London and smash up the pumps with a hammer. These people are a demented cult. I want to talk to […]

  • Fauci Says He’ll Step Down From Current Government Positions in December

    Daily Stormer - Aug 23rd 2022 12:00am EDT

    The Lord of Reality is resigning from his position as the Ultimate Creator of the Universe Itself. From Anthony Fauci’s official statement: I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, […]

  • Parents Say Coronavirus Lockdowns Skyrocketed Depression, Hopelessness and Despair in Kids

    Daily Stormer - Aug 15th 2022 9:48am EDT

    No one could have predicted this. Well, Andrew Anglin predicted it, but he hates the color of the skin, so if you believed his prediction you were evil, even though it was correct. New York Post: As a new school year starts ramping up, many children nationwide will experience their first day back to school without mask […]