• UK Will Vaccinate Kids Aged 12 to 15 Against Experts’ Advise, Top Medical Officers Decide

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2021 6:15am EDT

    Not even the experts support the agenda anymore…! The Guardian: Children aged 12 to 15 can be offered Covid vaccinations, the UK’s four chief medical officers have decided, saying the likely impact in reducing disruption to schools meant such a plan could be clinically justified. All children in the age group will be offered a […]

  • Fauci Says It’s Time to Cockblock the Unvaxed from Airplanes!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2021 10:52am EDT

    Twenty years after 911, a new terror has taken to the skies over America: evil white people who refuse to take the very safe and very effective vaccine in order to protect themselves and others from the deadly coronavirus. There is one person in this country who is not afraid to stand up and push […]

  • Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 13th 2021 9:44am EDT

    Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine. “Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and […]

  • Ireland: Majority of People Hospitalized for Covid are Fully Vaxed

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2021 8:45am EDT

    This isn’t gonna end well It’s almost like this whole thing is some kind of… hoax. Free West Media: At least half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and intensive care units in Ireland have been fully vaccinated, new data showed. A high number of Covid deaths since April have been classified as “breakthrough infections” […]

  • UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral to COVID Winter Plan Day After They Were Supposedly Scrapped

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 13th 2021 7:51am EDT

    The UK government has insisted that vaccine passports will remain an integral tool in fighting the spread of COVID just a day after health secretary Sajid Javid asserted that they had been completely scrapped. Well, that didn’t take long. During his media rounds yesterday morning, Javid said that vaccine passports represented a “huge intrusion into […]

  • White House to Announce More COVID Measures This Week Despite Vaccine Mandate Backlash

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 13th 2021 6:29am EDT

    Despite the massive backlash against a federal vaccine mandate, the Biden White House is set to announce more COVID measures this week, according to the U.S. Surgeon General. Last week, the administration announced that it would mandate the vaccine via the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, meaning employers with over 100 workers would have to […]

  • Small Businesses Won’t be Able to Manage Biden Mandate (Coincidentally Beneficial to Big Business)

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2021 3:35am EDT

    The ruling elite are morally superior to the middle class. That’s why they have all the money and the middle class is being wiped out by highly moral measures to force vaccinate the population. This morning, I couldn’t open my front door, because there was a pile of bodies on the sidewalk, most of them […]

  • The Elites Are Making Their Move

    Red Ice TV - Sep 13th 2021 1:51am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover some important developments in this special Sunday live stream. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 […]

  • Atlanta: 13 Gorillas Test Positive for Coronavirus at Zoo! Gotta Vax ‘Em Up!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2021 1:45am EDT

    Is this real? We are going to vax animals? The Guardian: More than a dozen gorillas have tested positive for Covid-19 at Zoo Atlanta, probably after contracting the virus from a keeper, zoo officials said. Staff were alerted when several of the zoo’s troop of 20 western lowland gorillas began exhibiting symptoms, including runny noses, […]

  • Protests in France Again!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 12th 2021 12:45pm EDT

    VIDEO: Anti ‘vaccine pass’ protest in Paris turned extremely violent today.pic.twitter.com/yeNULdhYCh — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) September 12, 2021 I’m happy for the French, that they keep fighting. Sometimes I think I should stop explaining how hopeless this all is. But I have to tell the truth. Tensions getting high between protesters and the police in […]

  • Psaki Says Biden Might Block Interstate Travel, CNN Says No Constitutional Right to Travel

    Daily Stormer - Sep 12th 2021 12:45pm EDT

    Jen Psaki said Friday that Joe Biden might decide to block the unvaxed from interstate travel. She said that it would save lives, and they will do anything to save lives. I obviously don’t think it actually will save any lives, but that really doesn’t matter. The idea that the government can do anything to […]

  • The Coronavirus and Its Vaccine are Part of a Layered Hoax

    Daily Stormer - Sep 12th 2021 3:49am EDT

    The coronavirus hoax is a hoax within a hoax. The Biggest Hoax The mega hoax is that the whole entire thing is a gigantic sham, and there is no new virus. People try to tell me: “yeah but Anglin, I believe in the virus.” I can understand saying that a year ago, I guess – […]

  • Jen PUH-Sacky Confirms That Border Jumpers are Not Required to be Vaxed

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 9:18am EDT

    This is a pretty amazing clip. “Vaccines are required for people at a business with more than 100 people. It is not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?” Psaki: “That’s correct” WHAT?!?! pic.twitter.com/t65bi0YjPz — Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 10, 2021 Jen Psaki (PUH-Sacky) was asked by Peter Doocy why it is that Americans are […]

  • It’s Decision Time: Ride or Die or Surrender to the Beast

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 8:51am EDT

    Vaxy Joe Biden has come out hard against the unvaxed, and introduced a plan to force everyone in the country to submit to his endless regimen of deadly genetic engineering shots. Biden is saying that every company (with more than 100 employees) is going to be forced to force people to get vaxed or pay […]

  • Australia: Disgusting Fat Pig-Woman Pushing for Queensland Lockdown

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 7:09am EDT

    You can laugh at Australia. But the fact is, local officials are not making these decisions – the decisions are made by globalist entities. Australia is being used as a testing ground for a system of “zero tolerance” that the overlords plan to roll out in the rest of the West. RT: A cluster of […]

  • Vaxy Goblin Ben Shapiro Now Opposed to Vax Mandates

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 5:49am EDT

    Is this a trustworthy face? Your call. The vaxy little Jew goblin Ben Shapiro appeared on Fox News on Friday to announce that his company – the Daily Wire – will be resisting the vax mandate of vaxy Joe Biden. However, you will recall that this evil and ratty little Jew Shapiro had previously endorsed […]

  • Cops Rising Up Against Joe Biden’s Vax Mandate…!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 4:42am EDT

    It’s possible that Vaxy Joe’s people overestimated the amount of support they were going to have for this vax mandate. Yahoo! News: As the White House steps up its push to increase vaccinations, police unions across the country are protesting local mandates, despite the number of COVID-19 deaths among officers. Last month, when Mayor Lori […]

  • Coronavirus Vaccine 4 to 6 Times More Dangerous Than Covid for Boys, Researchers Find

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2021 3:53am EDT

    WRONG KIND OF SCIENCE! First, you have to realize that there is no “covid 19.” It is just the flu, the cold, and other respiratory illnesses that have been relabeled. Then, you realize that this death jab does exist, and is causing very serious problems. “The Science” itself now has to admit that the death […]

  • Biden’s Forced Covid Vaccine Program Has Begun – FF Ep137

    Red Ice TV - Sep 11th 2021 1:45am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik is joined by guest host Tim Murdock to cover some recent explosive developments in episode 137 of Flashback Friday. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen […]

  • Former FDA Commissioner: Fauci Funded Gain Of Function On EVEN DEADLIER MERS-like Coronaviruses

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 10th 2021 6:30am EDT

    Former FDA head and current Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb reacted to further revelations this week regarding the funding of dangerous gain of function research by Anthony Fauci, noting that a previously unknown fact has emerged that lab tampering was undertaken on MERS-like coronaviruses, which are even deadlier than their SARS-like relatives. Gottlieb noted that […]

  • Rand Paul: Vaccine Mandates That Ignore Natural Immunity Should Not Be Adhered To

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 10th 2021 6:02am EDT

    Senator Rand Paul responded to Joe Biden’s far reaching vaccine mandate announcement by stating that it ignores science and should be resisted by Americans. Writing on Twitter, Paul noted “Vaccine mandates that ignore natural immunity ignore the science, are unscientific, and should not be adhered to or promulgated by the government.” Vaccine mandates that ignore […]

  • Study Finds Teenage Boys Six Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems From Vaccine Than be Hospitalized by COVID

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 10th 2021 5:45am EDT

    Research conducted by the University of California has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems caused by the COVID-19 vaccine than to be hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 itself. Wow. “A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac […]

  • Vaxy Joe Gives Kook Vaxer Speech Announcing Brutal New Abuses of Power

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2021 1:18am EDT

    The fiendish beast Joe Biden is making more demands of your body. He gave a speech Thursday night expressing gross rage and announcing that he’s going to force more people to take the deadly vaccine. I’m not going to counter all of these false statements about how it’s “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” A couple […]

  • Report: College Textbook Says People Who Oppose Lockdowns Caused COVID Deaths

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 9th 2021 7:51am EDT

    A textbook assigned as required reading at a North Carolina community college is loaded with assertions that anyone opposing lockdowns and masking is directly to blame for COVID deaths and the spread of the virus. Campus Reform obtained a copy of the document, which states that the severe restrictions imposed by the Biden government “saved […]

  • Video: Rand Paul Calls For “Five Years In Jail” For Fauci Lying To Congress

    Paul Joseph Watson - Sep 9th 2021 7:18am EDT

    Appearing on Hannity Wednesday night, Senator Rand Paul responded to the emergence of yet more proof that Anthony Fauci lied to Congress regarding the funding of coronavirus gain of function research, reminding viewers that the offence is a felony punishable by five years jail time. “I find that hard to believe that we still would […]