• CDC Now Says 3/4 of Positive Coronavirus Tests are Among the Vaxxed, Need Masks to Save Us

    Daily Stormer - Jul 31st 2021 7:08am EDT

    It’s very frustrating to read the news every day and have it all just be things that I predicted months or over a year ago. I’m sure it’s frustrating to the reader that has been following along as well. The thing to understand here is that this was always an agenda, from the beginning, with […]

  • Sage Says Mutant Covid with 35% Death Rate Coming, Vaccines Don’t Work

    Daily Stormer - Jul 31st 2021 6:39am EDT

    Total kook freakout is back on the menu, boys! Looks like the vaxx didn’t do anything! We’ve got a new important report from Sage. – called “The Longterm Evolution of SARS-CoV-2” – giving us the details on the next phase of this hoax. RT: A British government science panel has claimed that a coronavirus variant […]

  • The Vaxxed Are the Super Spreaders – FF Ep131

    Red Ice TV - Jul 31st 2021 12:31am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover some the latest news and recent events in episode 131 of Flashback Friday. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our […]

  • Video: NHS Nurses Demand to COVID Test Newborn Baby, Claim It’s Not Mother’s Property Once Outside of Womb

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 30th 2021 1:59pm EDT

    A video out of the UK shows NHS nurses demanding to COVID test a newborn baby, claiming it’s not the mother’s property once outside the womb and then threatening to report her to social services for refusing. The shocking video, which was posted to Twitter, shows a heavily pregnant mother in a hospital bed being […]

  • Australians Who Post Anti-Lockdown Content Online Could Face $11,000 Fines

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 30th 2021 1:33pm EDT

    Australians who merely post anti-lockdown information online could face fines of up to $11,000 under a draconian new piece of legislation. Under the proposal, which is being pushed by the opposition in in New South Wales, protest organizers would be fined a whopping $20,000 and people who attend would be fined $5,500. However, the law […]

  • ‘Psychic Gym Bro’ Recognized For Predicting Lockdown Agenda

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 30th 2021 7:53am EDT

    ‘Psychic gym bro’ Chris Sky is being recognized for his stunningly accurate predictions, made early last year, during which he laid out the entire lockdown agenda, including how compulsory mask mandates would return even for vaccinated people. The clip shows Sky talking to an interviewer in the spring of 2020, mere weeks into the first […]

  • Video: House GOP Protest Dumb Mask Mandate By Walking Into Other Half Of Building Where They’re Not Mandated

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 30th 2021 3:50am EDT

    House Republicans protested against Nancy Pelosi’s idiotic mask mandate by walking maskless into the Senate half of the Capitol building, where there is no mandate. The stunt was to show how idiotic Pelosi’s rules are because half of the same building is not under a mask mandate. The Republicans, among them Chip Roy and Steve […]

  • Lockdown Advocate Now Says Official COVID Infection Rates are “Fishy” Because They’re Dropping

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 3:22pm EDT

    Lockdown advocates who have repeatedly cited rising infection rates as a reason to maintain restrictions are now saying that those same figures are “fishy,” “suspicious,” and unreliable after they started to drop. Who are the ‘conspiracy theorists’ now? Reported COVID cases in the UK have dropped by 22% since Thursday last week and cases are […]

  • Chaos Erupts in Italian Parliament Over Vaccine Passport Plans

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 2:35pm EDT

    Chaos erupted in the Italian parliament earlier over plans to introduce domestic vaccine passports, with MPs holding up protest signs that said “no green pass.” A video clip shows one MP being pursued by security officials as he attempts to hold the sign aloft before fleeing the chamber. However, he is followed by numerous other […]

  • Australia Calls in Military to Enforce Lockdown

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 2:13pm EDT

    Authorities in Australia have called in the military to occupy parts of Sydney and enforce the country’s latest draconian COVID-19 lockdown. Hundreds of military personnel will be drafted in to patrol the country’s largest city despite coronavirus cases remaining in the low hundreds per day, far lower than other developed nations like the UK that […]

  • Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist Suggests COVID-19 Restrictions Could Last For Up to 15 Years

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 12:56pm EDT

    Iceland’s chief epidemiologist has suggested that some COVID-19 lockdown restrictions may remain in place for as long as fifteen years. Yes, really. Þórólfur Guðnason, a doctor who serves as the Chief Epidemiologist of the Icelandic Directorate of Health, was quizzed by journalist Esther Hallsdóttir how long the rules should continue. Guðnason was, “Asked if there […]

  • UK Government Admits Vaccine Passports Are Intended to Coerce the Unvaxxed

    Daily Stormer - Jul 29th 2021 10:38am EDT

    Woman getting marked at a walk-in vaccine clinic at Tottenham Hotspur’s stadium. The really shocking thing about this is that no one could ever have predicted it. The Guardian: The government is using the threat of domestic vaccine passports to coax and cajole people into getting fully vaccinated, the foreign secretary has admitted. Dominic Raab said […]

  • Video: Pelosi Bizarrely Declares Reason She Called GOP Leader A “Moron” Is “Science, Science, Science, And Science”

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 8:14am EDT

    After declaring that House GOP minority leader Kevin McCarthy was a “moron” for saying he opposes the new mask mandate (even for fully vaccinated people), Nancy Pelosi just repeated the word “science” over and over again as justification. When a reporter asked “Is Kevin McCarthy a moron, and if so, why?” Pelosi responded “I said earlier […]

  • Video: Ted Cruz Calls Mask Mandate Reversal “A Virtue Signal Of Submissiveness”

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 7:44am EDT

    Texas Senator Ted Cruz responded to the CDC’s announcement this week that all Americans should wear face masks again, even fully vaccinated people, by labelling it the ultimate “virtue signal”. Speaking at a Senate hearing, Cruz said that while he believes in vaccines and has been urging people to get vaccinated, “I also believe in […]

  • Google And Facebook Announce MANDATORY Vaccines For Employees

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 29th 2021 4:58am EDT

    Anyone working for Google or Facebook will be mandated to take the COVID vaccine, in a move that will affect tens of thousands of people in more than 40 countries. Google announced the decision along with a delay until October for employees returning to offices. The company said that the policy will initially be put […]

  • No-Go Zone: January 6 Committee Farce & The Push For Forced Vaccinations

    Red Ice TV - Jul 29th 2021 4:45am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover some the latest news and recent events in episode 64 of No-Go Zone. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream […]

  • CDC Tells Fully Vaxxed to Wear Masks Indoors Because of Delta

    Daily Stormer - Jul 28th 2021 8:19pm EDT

    CDC DIRECTOR WALENSKY: “CDC recommends fully-vaccinated people wear masks in public indoor settings… This includes schools.” pic.twitter.com/GqllJ477rZ — Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 27, 2021 The single most shocking thing about this is that no one could have ever predicted it. The Guardian: The nation’s top health agency revised its mask guidance on Tuesday and now recommends […]

  • Piers Morgan Calls For Unvaccinated to be Denied Medical Treatment

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 28th 2021 12:07pm EDT

    Professional attention-seeker Piers Morgan is leading the charge for unvaccinated people to face state-sanctioned discrimination after he asserted that those who haven’t had the COVID jab should be denied medical treatment. Yes, really. “Those who refuse to be vaccinated, with no medical reason not to, should be refused NHS care if they then catch covid,” […]

  • Australia Adds Two Weeks to Brutal Total Lockdown

    Daily Stormer - Jul 28th 2021 11:03am EDT

    Daily reminder: this won’t ever end. CNN: The Australian city of Sydney extended a lockdown by four weeks on Wednesday after an already protracted stay-at-home order failed to douse a Covid-19 outbreak, with the authorities warning of tougher policing to stamp out non-compliance. Lockdown had originally been scheduled to end in three days. Instead, the […]

  • Watch: Biden Says Vaccine Mandate for All Federal Workers is Under Consideration, Blames Unvaxxed

    Daily Stormer - Jul 28th 2021 10:06am EDT

    Biden says requiring vaccination for federal employees is “under consideration right now.” “We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated, and they’re sowing enormous confusion,” he adds. “If those other 100 million people got vaccinated, we’d be in a very different world.” pic.twitter.com/8XJjQPn0SG — CBS News (@CBSNews) July 27, 2021 “If you’re not vaccinated, you’re […]

  • Trump Blasts Masks: “We Won’t Go Back!”

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 28th 2021 6:55am EDT

    Former President Donald Trump blasted mask mandates, vowing “We won’t go back!” after the CDC performed a u-turn in recommending face coverings for indoor settings and K-12 schools regardless of vaccination status. On Tuesday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that children and teachers should all be wearing face coverings when they return to school […]

  • Video: Fox Reporter Asks The One Question Every American Wants The Answer To

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 28th 2021 6:21am EDT

    Fox News reporter Peter Doocy posed the question on every American’s lips Tuesday after Joe Biden, on orders from the CDC, declared that vaccinated Americans now have to wear masks in public again – If the vaccine works, why? Doocy again was the only reporter in the White House gaggle to question the overlord’s decree, […]

  • This Hoax is Just Getting Started: Totally Vaxxed Iceland Now Discussing 15 Year Coronavirus Restrictions Plan

    Daily Stormer - Jul 27th 2021 9:16pm EDT

    Hopefully, the entire population of Iceland dies quickly, and then we, the unvaxxable, can go there and frolic. In April of 2020, after “two weeks to flatten the curve” was extended into an indefinite period of lockdown, I told you that it would not ever end. To this day, many readers still don’t seem to […]

  • Ireland and Italy Join France in Vaccine Passport Scheme

    Daily Stormer - Jul 27th 2021 9:00pm EDT

    Vaccine passport check before customers enter a restaurant in Corsica. So the um. The uh. All of these countries uh. They all decided at the same time that uh. That the um. They all have independent health authorities that all came to the same conclusion: you have to completely lock people in a permanent technological […]

  • Podcaster Says He Was Offered “Significant” Money by UK Government to Push COVID Info

    Paul Joseph Watson - Jul 27th 2021 2:23pm EDT

    A podcaster says he was offered a “significant” amount of money by the UK government to push COVID information but refused, instead asserting that people should “speak to your Doctor.” Tim Cocker is a television and radio personality who primarily fronts sports content, but he was apparently contacted by the state and offered cash to […]