• Powerful Video: Rep. Jordan Exposes Democrats’ Efforts to Stifle COVID Origin Investigation

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 21st 2021 7:01am EDT

    During a hearing Wednesday in the House, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan succinctly highlighted how everyone EXCEPT House Democrats wants answers to legitimate questions regarding the possibility of the coronavirus leaking from a Chinese lab. Republican lawmakers, intelligence officials, Journalists, and even members of the Biden administration have all said that there is credible evidence behind […]

  • Politifact Forced to Pull ‘Fact-Check’ That “Debunked” Lab Leak Origin of COVID

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 21st 2021 4:38am EDT

    Politifact has been forced to pull a ‘fact check’ that claimed it had “debunked” the lab leak origin theory of COVID-19 after more prominent voices suggested the explanation was a reasonable possibility. The original ‘fact check’ was entitled ‘Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab’ and was rated […]

  • UK Government To Send Private Security To Homes Of Returning Holidaymakers To Enforce Quarantine

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 20th 2021 9:18am EDT

    The British government has claimed that it intends to send private security contractors to knock on the doors of anyone returning from holidays to make sure they are quarantining upon their return, as required by law. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced Wednesday that those returning from destinations that have not been added to the government’s ‘green […]

  • Biden’s CDC Director Says Lab Origin of COVID-19 a “Possibility”

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 20th 2021 6:54am EDT

    During a hearing on the pandemic, Joe Biden’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acknowledged that there is a “possibility” that the COVID-19 virus was leaked from the Wuhan lab. After asserting that most coronaviruses have an “animal origin,” Walensky was pressed by Senator John Kennedy into addressing “other possibilities.” “Certainly a lab-based origin is one possibility,” […]

  • Video: Rand Paul ‘Glad’ Fauci Is ‘Finally Accepting Science’

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 20th 2021 5:50am EDT

    Senator Rand Paul says he’s glad White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci is dropping the mask theater, and is finally accepting science. Paul has repeatedly clashed with Fauci, with the latter at first denying that masks are just for optics, and then admitting that is exactly the case this week. Appearing on Newsmax TV, Paul […]

  • UK: Lockdown Expert “Doctor” Promoting More Lockdowns is Actually a Race Activist

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2021 1:04pm EDT

    “Then these Bangladeshi skanks came in and then they started locking us down in a Jewish virus hoax” -British Man explaining the 2020s to his grandchildren in 2070 The Telegraph: >A member of Independent Sage who berated the Government on Tuesday for not delaying the easing of Covid-19 restrictions in Britain is a social scientist […]

  • Europe Introduces Travel for Vaxxed Out British Freaks! America Won’t Escape!

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2021 10:04am EDT

    People in America now think the Virus Mania is over. But in the UK, they’re talking about going into another lockdown, and the EU has already implemented Vaccine Passports. Metro: The EU is expected to allow fully vaccinated Brits to fly to Europe without needing to do a Covid test or quarantine, it has been […]

  • Texas Governor BANS Mask Mandates

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 19th 2021 4:49am EDT

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued an executive order banning the enforcement of mask wearing in the state, and will issue fines of up to $1000 to any official who attempts to do so. The order will come into full effect on June 4th and will apply everywhere, including in schools, with the only exceptions […]

  • Lazy Gay Shooter Yells for People to Come Out of Their Apartments So He Can Shoot Them

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2021 12:04pm EDT

    I can’t tell if this is a homo or an f-to-m trans lesbian. But this is a mug shot, so he’d been arrested before. Probably released without bail roflmao When I first saw the headline I thought it was more information about the black who set his own house on fire to lure people out […]

  • Starbucks Employees Rebel Against Company Telling Them They Don’t Have to Wear Masks

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2021 11:44am EDT

    CLEARLY MARKED FILLER Did Howard Schultz have surgery to make his face look somehow more Jewish? (I’m aware he’s no longer the CEO, but he’s still the face of the company.) Starbucks employees are raging against the machine after the machine told them they could take their muzzles off. The mask has become a symbol […]

  • The Pentagon is Behind the Fake Alien Agenda

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2021 10:02am EDT

    On Sunday, 60 Minutes aired a report about UFOs. Journalist Bill Whitaker interviewed several people from the military to discuss the allegation put forward by the Pentagon that there are ultra-advanced aircraft flying around the earth for unknown reasons. You should of course watch it and draw your own conclusions about what is going on […]

  • Video: Biden Threatens “Those Who Are Not Vaccinated Will End Up Paying The Price”

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 18th 2021 5:44am EDT

    Joe Biden issued a threat Monday that those who choose not to get vaccinated against coronavirus will “end up paying the price.” During a speech about vaccine distribution, Biden stated “If the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them. If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may […]

  • Bill Gates Divorce Propaganda: Talking to Women, Throwing Nude Parties

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2021 1:51am EDT

    “In the darkness, he became the spirit of the darkness.” Elon Musk needs to jump on this and accuse Bill Gates of creating too much carbon dioxide with his nude sex orgies. All that huffing and puffing is making the air too hot, Bill! Time to pay the price – collapse Microsoft stock to keep […]

  • Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Compares Lockdown to Solitary Confinement, Says People Will Take Years to Recover

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 17th 2021 4:32pm EDT

    Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning compared lockdowns to solitary confinement and said that it will take years for people to recover from the psychological impact. Manning is probably in a good position to make such a comparison given that she spent 11 months in solitary confinement in a maximum security facility. “And people who are in […]

  • 10% of Brits Want Lockdown to Continue FOREVER

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 17th 2021 12:45pm EDT

    Government scientists admit they made people “too scared” by using “mind control” techniques that were “unethical” and “totalitarian”. Their words not mine! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at https://www.pjwshop.com/ ALERT! In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay […]

  • There is No Reason to Attack Elon Over Bitcoin – Just Wait and See What He’s Doing!

    Daily Stormer - May 17th 2021 9:57am EDT

    Elon Musk: Hero of Earth or Internet Villain? Wait and see! I am upset at Elon Musk for his decision to crash Bitcoin. I think this was a very bad decision. However, we need to consider context, and consider that maybe attacking him is not the best course of action. We need to remember that Elon […]

  • GOP Reps Demand Intel Update From Biden On Wuhan Lab Leak Possibility

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 17th 2021 7:18am EDT

    GOP representatives on the House Intelligence Committee have demanded an update from the White House and the Director of National Intelligence on the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. In a letter, the Republicans say that despite submitting evidence to back up the theory, they have not received further information […]

  • Video: Fauci Declares Pandemic Has Highlighted How RACIST America Is

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 17th 2021 6:10am EDT

    The White House Senior Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci stated Sunday that the coronavirus pandemic has revealed that the US is a fundamentally racist country. Speaking to graduates of Emory University, Fauci declared that the virus has revealed the “undeniable effects of racism in our society.” “Covid-19 has shone a bright light on our own society’s […]

  • Fauci Admits That 40-50% of NIH and FDA Employees are Refusing His Deadly Vaxx

    Daily Stormer - May 16th 2021 11:00pm EDT

    Fauci says that to learn the effects of the vaccine, you have to get injected with it. It’s like the box in Hellraiser. Last week, “The Dominator” and Total Supreme Leader of America Anthony Fauci said that he is planning to inject 6-month-old infants with the deadly coronavirus vaccine. In the same week, Lord Fauci […]

  • WHO Tells Richer Countries Not to Vaccinate Kids, Give Vaccines to Poorer Countries Instead

    Daily Stormer - May 15th 2021 11:44pm EDT

    Vaccinating kids, at the moment, goes against the World Health Organization’s recommendation. Not because of concerns about safety, but because they want all “vulnerable groups” in the world vaccinated first. At least that’s what they say. They could be secret Hitlerists trying to kill the poor. The Guardian: The WHO has urged wealthy countries to […]

  • Rachel Maddow Says She Will Have to “Rewire” Her Brain to Not View Maskless as a “Threat”

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 14th 2021 10:44am EDT

    MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reacted to the CDC’s announcement on face coverings by saying she would have to “rewire” her brain in order to not perceive those who don’t wear masks as a “threat.” The CDC said yesterday that those who had been vaccinated could remove their masks in indoor settings (aside from a bunch […]

  • World’s Leading Scientists: WHO Has Failed To Make ‘Balanced Consideration’ On Possibility COVID Leaked From Chinese Lab

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 14th 2021 7:16am EDT

    A group of the world’s leading scientists have written an open letter urging more investigation into the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic was caused by a leak from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, saying that the World Health Organisation has dismissed the notion without proper consideration. The scientists, who all work for the globe’s leading universities […]

  • Women Forced to Wear Face Masks During Childbirth Suffered Vomiting, Panic Attacks, Breathing Difficulties

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 14th 2021 5:27am EDT

    Women were forced to wear face masks during childbirth, causing vomiting, panic attacks and breathing difficulties, despite official health guidance saying they shouldn’t be made to do so. The UK charity Pregnant Then Screwed carried out the research by asking 936 women who gave birth during December about their experiences. 160 of them, around one […]

  • Fauci: Kids Still Need To Wear Masks

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 14th 2021 4:58am EDT

    While decreeing that the fully vaccinated are now allowed to remove their face muzzles, Anthony Fauci reminded Americans that their children are still unvaccinated and therefore must remain masked. Unvaccinated children still need to wear masks when playing and particularly indoors, Dr. Anthony Fauci tells @JakeTapper. https://t.co/BT0SxTkgOs pic.twitter.com/Lz8xZhNR0J — The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) May 13, […]

  • Biden: “Get Vaccinated or Wear a Mask Until You Do”

    Paul Joseph Watson - May 13th 2021 5:46pm EDT

    Joe Biden has suggested that Americans who don’t take the COVID-19 could be forced to wear masks indefinitely. “The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do,” tweeted Biden. “The choice is yours.” The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is […]