• 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

    Red Ice TV - Apr 7th 2020 5:49pm EDT

    More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority. After deaths from the virus reached more than 2,500, with a 150% increase in the past week, health authorities have been combing through data to provide clues to help combat the spread […]

  • Covid-1984: “We need to drag you out of your home and remove you from your family”

    Red Ice TV - Apr 7th 2020 5:14pm EDT

    Rachel Maddow speaks with Donald McNeil, a science and health reporter for the New York Times, talks about the utterly absurd measures that they want to impose in order to “keep you safe.” They propose that you should be taken away from your family, even if you show VERY mild symptoms. We need to drag you out of […]

  • CDC Director: Coronavirus Death Toll Will Be ‘Much, Much, Much Lower’ than Projected

    Red Ice TV - Apr 7th 2020 5:06pm EDT

    Appearing Monday on AM 1030 KVOI Radio, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), predicted that the death toll from the Chinese coronavirus will be “much, much, much lower” than the models have projected due to Americans following social distancing recommendations. A transcript is as follows:  HOST: We were talking about some […]

  • Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

    Red Ice TV - Apr 7th 2020 4:55pm EDT

    This video starts out with some very interesting questions about the impact of Covid-19 but ends with a slew of horror suggestions from Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a senior fellow at both the Stanford Institute for […]

  • A Breakdown On How China Started Testing For Covid-19

    Red Ice TV - Apr 7th 2020 4:48pm EDT

    Is Covid-19 exosomes? Dr. Andrew Kauffman breakdown current testing procedures and asks some vital questions about how China started testing for Coronavirus. Watch the breakdown of this video with additional sources and theories about origin and causes.

  • How Police are taking advantage of the crisis

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 6th 2020 11:49pm EDT

    People need to take personal responsibility to protect themselves, their family and the wider community. That includes staying at home as much as possible to stop the rapid spread of Coronavirus. The Governments role is to come up with a plan of how to deal with this crisis. They have to way up economic and […]

  • Tell Mama, And It’s Guardianista Resisting Hate Nonsense

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 6th 2020 7:29pm EDT

    Police investigate UK “Far-Right” groups over anti-Muslim coronavirus claims. Tell Mama, And It’s Guardianista Resisting Hate Nonsense. Countering Terrorism? The Guardian is a propaganda tool for Fyaz Mughal’s “fake crime” reporting website. It said that counter-terrorism Police are investigating “far-right” groups using the coronavirus crisis to stoke “anti-Muslim sentiment”. Tell Mama said that it had […]

  • You Can Trust Them

    Red Ice TV - Apr 5th 2020 12:22pm EDT

    The Lock Down Won’t End. Cui bono? Watch the video on Bitchute | LBRY | VK Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive […]

  • The United Nations is now made in China

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 5th 2020 7:42am EDT

    United Nations Human Rights Council appoint China onto a special panel amid the Coronavirus pandemic. China now plays a crucial role in picking who monitors the world’s freedom of speech, health, enforced disappearances, and arbitrary detention. The UN is giving one of the most oppressive governments in the world a key role in selecting officials […]

  • What Is Covid-19? How Do They Test For It? – FF Ep70

    Red Ice TV - Apr 4th 2020 12:02am EDT

    Henrik looks into what Covid-19 is and how they test for it. Tune into episode 70 of Flashback Friday to hear about some alternative theories on Coronavirus. We also cover some recent developments.  Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | Twitter | VK | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch […]

  • What Is Covid-19? How Do They Test For It? – FF Ep70

    Red Ice TV - Apr 4th 2020 12:01am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. Henrik looks into what Covid-19 is and how they test for it. Tune into episode 70 of Flashback Friday to hear about some alternative theories on Coronavirus. We also cover some recent developments.  Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to […]

  • This is WHO helped China poison the world

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 3rd 2020 3:53am EDT

    The World Health Organisation had one job and failed. They’re supposed to track, monitor, investigate disease outbreaks and inform world governments of any findings. World governments, such as Australia, declared the Wuhan-virus as a pandemic TWO WEEKS before the WHO finally conceded on the 12th of March. But let’s rewind to the 5th of January […]

  • No-Go Zone: Coronahype, Is The Media Lying?

    Red Ice TV - Apr 2nd 2020 8:46pm EDT

    Henrik covers the latest Coronavirus updates & ventures into how the MSM have covered Covid-19. Citizens have been questioning the severity of the supposed “apocalyptic” conditions in hospitals the latest week and the establishment is now beginning to push back. Watch the show on: BitChute | LBRY | Dlive | Twitter | VK | RedIceMembers  There is a podcast/audio version available of this show here. Sign up for […]

  • No-Go Zone: Coronahype, Is The Media Lying?

    Red Ice TV - Apr 2nd 2020 8:46pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. Henrik covers the latest Coronavirus updates & ventures into how the MSM have covered Covid-19. Citizens have been questioning the severity of the supposed “apocalyptic” conditions in hospitals the latest week and the establishment is now beginning to […]

  • Amid COVID-19, Trump Deploys Destroyers & Aircraft to Stop Drug Cartels

    Infowars - Apr 2nd 2020 1:47pm EDT

    President Trump announced a new operation to crack down on cartels who are allegedly trying to take advantage of the coronavirus situation.

  • A Skeptical American

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 1st 2020 5:49pm EDT

    I’m enjoying this ongoing debate with Hunter Wallace. It has provided a much needed discussion on what is to be done as we go forward. Being trapped in an echo chamber where only the same things are uttered leads to an inability to formulate necessary strategies as only one possible scenario is imagined. The British […]

  • European Markets Sink as US Coronavirus Death Toll Rises

    Infowars - Apr 1st 2020 12:12pm EDT

    European stock markets have posted their worst quarter in nearly two decades…

  • What should you do with cancer?

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 1st 2020 12:07am EDT

    I have often been labelled a “racist” for my alleged “bigoted rhetoric” against China and more specifically, the Communist Party of China. Well, it’s great to see everyone get on board. People have finally realised that I was right, and the CCP is a real threat to the entire world. They’ve crashed the entire world […]

  • The Unmanly Right: part 2

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 31st 2020 10:02pm EDT

    Note: This post was originally a comment to Hunter’s response of my original piece. But it ended up being so long I decided to make it a post of it’s own. This is one of the many reasons I respect Hunter. When someone disagrees with him he doesn’t ban them, he debates them. We’ve had […]

  • The Unmanly Right

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 31st 2020 3:02pm EDT

    This post is ill-advised. I’ll be mocked in the comment section and scoffed at by those it’s directed at. I don’t care. Like when I spoke out against the Yang Gang lunacy, I can no longer silently watch the joke that former members of the Alt-Right are proving themselves to be. For years you’ve criticized […]

  • Storm Amidst The Storm: Hurricane Experts Predict Up To Four Major Storms Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

    Laura Loomer - Mar 30th 2020 12:46pm EDT

    (PALM BEACH, FL, DISTRICT 21) Many veteran Floridians have not been shocked by the panic buying, state of emergency, and business disruption the coronavirus pandemic has brought because we deal with it every year during hurricane season. But this year experts say the sunshine state, along with much of the gulf and Eastern coastal states […]

  • This is how China is PROFITING from Coronavirus

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 29th 2020 10:05pm EDT

    The entire world economy has been brought to its knees. Every country is in some sort of lockdown, except for one, China. While the rest of the world is shutting down as a consequence of China’s continuous lies. China is reopening for business as we speak. But it’s the kind of business they are engaging […]

  • Can this be right?!! Whodunit, opinion polls and the Coronavirus

    Armed With Knowledge - Mar 29th 2020 3:19pm EDT

    On the 29th of March, 2020, Germany recorded its 58247th case of the Covid-19 Coronavirus. If we were to map it out, the result would look something like this: It looks similar to this politically-incorrect rock band’s cartoonized depiction, from 2015, of what tolerant politicians were likely to let into the country: At the time, Western […]

  • My cousin just died of Coronavirus

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 28th 2020 6:44pm EDT

    My cousin, Rabbi Menachem Mordechai Nissim, died on Friday from Coronavirus. He grew up in Kfar Saba, Israel, with my mother, who as you can imagine, is devastated by the news. Don’t panic, but please take Coronavirus seriously. We need to try keeping the economy going, or suicides and violent crime will also drastically increase. […]

  • Taiwan News: there is a discrepancy in the number of reported Coronavirus deaths in China

    Armed With Knowledge - Mar 28th 2020 6:24pm EDT

    Was it really six million dead?Can people in the Europe debate the issue without risking fines and incarceration for defaming the dead? Can other Westerners debate the issue without being smeared, banned or otherwise targeted with harassment? Looks like we are about to find out: Taiwan News: Chinese media have begun questioning the official coronavirus […]