• Review: 2023 American Renaissance Conference

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 14th 2023 11:17pm EDT

    The 2023 American Renaissance conference was the fourth Amren conference (2010, 2014, 2022 and 2023) that I have attended. This was the first time that I have attended two consecutive conferences. It was the third time that I have been to the conference at Montgomery Bell State Park. As many people who were there noticed, […]

  • Compact: Against the Eugenicons

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 11th 2023 2:23pm EDT

    Briefly: 1. I’m currently on the way to Amren with my wife. I don’t have the time to respond to this rant from Michael Lind. 2. Now that we are deep in a crisis era, the old taboos are crumbling and formerly marginalized ideas are gaining rapid acceptance. Everything is becoming more fluid so to […]

  • Matt Walsh: Whites Are Trending Toward Extinction In the United States

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 10th 2023 10:58am EDT

    Matt Walsh warns: “Whites are trending towards extinction in the United States” pic.twitter.com/vsNhja9uUY — Jason S. Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) August 9, 2023 He goes on, in a shocking manner, to complain “The preservation of the hummingbird community is more important than the preservation of the white race” pic.twitter.com/XazIXwIgtt — Jason S. Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) August 9, 2023 […]

  • Montgomery Riverfront Brawl

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 9th 2023 9:04am EDT

    Naahhhhh this is my favorite one of all the Montgomery Alabama Brawl videos! The multiple angles, different POVs, the song choice, THE ENDING ? What a masterpiece. That chair made history LMAOOOO pic.twitter.com/WgnwR6l1Mj — Hanz? ? (@PapiHanzo) August 7, 2023 Family you gotta watch this the best ones so far. Montgomery brawl, this one more […]

  • Supreme Court Kills Affirmative Action

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 30th 2023 10:05am EDT

    Affirmative action is officially dead. New York Times: “The current Supreme Court has been out of step with public opinion in some of its highest-profile rulings, including on abortion and environmental protection. Yesterday’s ruling restricting race-based affirmative action at colleges and universities was different. In a 6-3 decision, the court’s six conservative justices declared that colleges’ use […]

  • Happy Juneteenth!

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 20th 2023 10:22am EDT

    Juneteenth as a federal holiday is meant to breathe new life into the essence of America — to ensure everyone feels the power of the progress we can make. It marks the long, hard night of slavery – but the promise of that brighter morning to come. Happy Juneteenth, America. pic.twitter.com/9a2QgZgHem — President Biden (@POTUS) […]

  • New York Times: Study Offers New Twist In How Humans Evolved

    Occidental Dissent - May 19th 2023 12:53pm EDT

    We are in a weird place. On the one hand, “The Science” is becoming more woke due to extreme political and cultural pressure. On the other hand, “The Science” also seems to be finding it harder to deny the existence of racial variation in the human species as the evidence from genomics accumulates. New York […]

  • We Are All Daniel Penny

    Occidental Dissent - May 13th 2023 10:14pm EDT

    There is a conspicuous indignity to the idea that dead black men whose lives amounted to nothing more than a series of felonies are paraded in front of us as though they were beloved members of the community, whose deaths we are legitimately mourning. It’s so fucking fake. — Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) May 7, 2023 […]

  • Basketball American Shoots Little White Girl and Her Family In North Carolina

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 21st 2023 11:01am EDT

    Kinsley White survived. The father who was shot in the back by this nigger while trying to protect his family is still in bad shape. You can share and donate to their fundraiser here. ABC News: “A North Carolina man allegedly shot a 6-year-old girl, her parents and an additional neighbor after a basketball rolled […]

  • Black Lives Matter Diary

    Counter Currents - Apr 11th 2023 12:29pm EDT

    1,211 words Seeing the fuss being made about the death of George Floyd in May 2020, and gathering that it was if anything being depicted as worse than it actually was on social media, I started keeping a “Black Lives Matter diary” to record subsequent events and my thoughts about them. Two years later, having […]

  • Stone Choir: The Invention of Racism

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2023 9:25pm EST

    LISTEN HERE It has been an eventful few weeks. I found out that my wife is pregnant. I found out that the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) is going woke. Corey Mahler and Woe are back with a great new episode of Stone Choir in which they explore the history of the term “racism” and when […]

  • Black Kids Beat Up White Kids and Force Them To Say “Black Lives Matter” In Ohio

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 3rd 2023 11:19am EST

    According to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), it is now evil, sinful and immoral to oppose the failed liberal experiment in forced public school integration. Daily Mail: “A criminal investigation at an Ohio elementary school has been launched after black students forced their white peers to say ‘Black Lives Matter‘ on camera and assaulted those who […]

  • Affirmative Action Nearly Killed Me

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 3rd 2023 10:11am EST

    Editor’s Note: The Supreme Court will likely officially kill affirmative action this summer, but it will probably survive and get worse in some other form. Merit based hiring and admissions will go before diversity. DEI has become the established religion of the United States. – HW By Krystal Knight It’s all fun and games until […]

  • Salon: Stop Mocking Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2023 11:58am EST

    Chauncey De Vega understands me. I want to restore the Confederacy to reenslave Black people. Salon: “So what is the world that Marjorie Taylor Greene and other Republicans want to (re)create in the 21st century? The Confederacy. America’s native form of fascism, the Confederacy offered a white supremacist terror and surveillance society where white “Christian” […]

  • Matt Walsh: Anti-White Racism Is Real

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2023 9:29pm EST

    How long has it been since the Groyper War? Three years?

  • Catholic Church In Ireland Allows Muslim Prayers

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2023 9:26am EST

    The Catholic Church in Ireland has opened its doors for Muslim prayers and will even blast the azan on loudspeakers. You don’t even see this happening in churches in Muslim-majority countries. pic.twitter.com/y9zgc1tdAq — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 28, 2023 H/T Rod Dreher These people may present themselves as Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, […]

  • Homeless Man Murdered In Broad Daylight In St. Louis While Others Watch

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2023 2:41pm EST

    A man casually shoots a homeless guy in broad daylight as others watch and do nothing. Welcome to St. Louis. pic.twitter.com/07Qmp3udZN — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 28, 2023 Do you think President Matthew Harrison of LCMS will be writing an op-ed about this crime in St. Louis? I doubt it.

  • Andrew Schulze, Concordia Publishing House and “White Supremacy” In LCMS

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2023 12:31pm EST

    Did you know LCMS Black Ministry was established more than 140 years ago? As Black History Month ends, take time to read the history of this ministry and the many ways the church serves among people of African American descent and other ethnic cultures: https://t.co/BdfabKc4Ck. — Concordia Seminary (@ConcordiaSem) February 28, 2023 This Black History […]

  • LCMS, Race and American History

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2023 1:20pm EST

    I’m already starting to make some progress on my research questions. The following excerpt comes from Kathryn Galchutt’s book The Career of Andrew Schulze: Lutherans and Race in the Civil Rights Era, 1924-1968 “In the early 1920s, while Schulze was still a seminary student and assistant at Holy Trinity in Springfield, John Behnken already made […]

  • Antifa Praise LCMS President Matthew Harrison For Bold Stance Against “Racism”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2023 9:31am EST

    Thank your for your courage!

  • “Unchristian Teachings”: Unresolved Questions About Alt-Right Beliefs In Lutheranism

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 26th 2023 11:55am EST

    I’m stuck on this. Ever since President Matthew Harrison published his condemnation of the “un-Christian teachings” of the “alt-right,” I have been thinking about this all weekend. It has raised a lot of questions about my faith and especially about my understanding of Lutheran history. Unfortunately, I don’t have many answers, but I am eager […]

  • LCMS Is Swirling Down The Woke Drain

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 25th 2023 11:49am EST

    If you think that **Matt Harrison** is a woke social justice warrior, you should maybe take a deep breath, quit sniffing glue, stop doing cocaine, etc. https://t.co/0pLdktWPp8 — Miles Smith IV (@IVMiles) February 24, 2023 It’s total idiocy. These loons are convinced that people like Harrison and myself are working with Antifa. It’s unhinged conspiracy […]

  • “Unchristian Teachings”: The History of “Alt-Right” Beliefs In Lutheranism

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2023 10:58am EST

    I realize this is a pointless exercise. Wokeism is a plague of our own times. It is a fad that is running its course. This is a contemporary leftwing social movement that has infected nearly every institution in our society due to the tireless crusading of progressive activists. The rot can be found in all […]

  • Thomas Edsall: The Forces Tearing Us Apart Are Not What They Seem

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 22nd 2023 9:38am EST

    We have heard a lot about education polarization. Over the last decade, White working class voters have generally become more Republican while White college educated suburban voters have become more Democratic, which explains why Virginia and Colorado have become Blue States while Ohio and Iowa have become Red States. New York Times: “As recently as […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden’s Equity Executive Order

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2023 12:31pm EST

    Before jetting off to Europe and ultimately to Kyiv (Keev) to Stand With Ukraine, Joe Biden signed a new executive order on “equity” which will direct the federal government to discriminate against White people in every government agency.