• Occult Spies: The Untold Story of A Dark Marriage (Partial Talk) Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 22nd 2022 3:31pm EDT

    This is an introduction to a longer lecture that will be available for subscribers to my site or on my R0kfin channel. We will delve deep into the unknown and largely unexplored relationship between the world of espionage and that of the occult: From cult leaders and mind control to films and novels exploring this […]

  • Meta-Narratives: Essays on Philosophy & Symbolism – NEW Jay Dyer Book PRE-ORDERS!

    Jay Dyer - Jun 20th 2022 3:31pm EDT

    Images are mock-ups Images are mock-ups Images are mock-ups Meta-narratives is the revamped and restored lost essays and arcana from the old site! The 15 best essays that function as an intelligent person’s guide and introduction to philosophy and transcendental thinking. The essays cover some of the following topics: alchemy and esotericism, Darwinism & creation, Plato and platonic thinking, literary symbolism & archetypes, number theory & […]

  • “I Write About Communist Space Goths”: An Interview with Beau Albrecht

    Counter Currents - Jun 20th 2022 1:51pm EDT

    5,043 words Beau Albrecht is one of Counter-Currents’ funniest authors. I personally enjoy reading his articles on topics such as music, bizarre books, humor, and current events. I haven’t seen any interviews with Beau, so I decided to do one. Maybe you’ll read something unexpected. Beau Albrecht is the author of several books. His cheerful and subversive […]

  • The 10 Point NEW AGE Takeover Plan: The Age of the GURU!

    Jay Dyer - Jun 19th 2022 8:17pm EDT

    Today we will look at Alice Bailey’s “10 Point Plan” for new thought leaders to initiate the masses into the new aeon, who, along with Blavatsky, Crowley and others, kicked off the “new age movement” decades ahead of the 1960s counter-culture. The “new age” is really the “old age,” as we see a return to […]

  • Christopher Pankhurst’s Numinous Machines

    Counter Currents - Jun 16th 2022 9:19am EDT

    You can buy Christopher Pankhurst’s Numinous Machines here. 2,455 words Christopher Pankhurst Numinous Machines San Francisco, Calif.: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2017 Whenever I read a book with the intention of writing a review, I like to underline certain passages as well as jot notes in the margins. This quickly became an untenable approach for Christopher Pankhurst’s […]

  • Is There a Hidden Meaning to Stranger Things?

    Jay Dyer - Jun 11th 2022 1:05pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the hidden meanings in the Netflix show Stranger Things. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50 Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membershipsection to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my […]

  • Fox Promotes Trans, Humanoid Robots, A.I. Worship & J6 ‘Produced’ Sham Hearing – FF Ep172

    Red Ice TV - Jun 11th 2022 12:01am EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 172 of Flashback Friday June 10, 2022. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. […]

  • Demons & The Fallen Psyche – The Depth of Dostoyevsky – Tristan & Mark Hackard

    Jay Dyer - Jun 10th 2022 4:32pm EDT

    Tristan and Mark Hackard join me to cover the depth of Dostoyevsky in a new installment that fits well with Mark’s older podcasts on the great Russian writer, as well as Tristan’s new analyses of Notes and Demons, as well as other important texts like Crime and Punishment and Grand Inquisitor.LIVE at 830 PM CST […]

  • The Multiverse, God as First Cause, Creation & Emanationism (Jay Dyer)

    Jay Dyer - Jun 7th 2022 11:27am EDT

    Today we will have open forum via Twitter spaces covering a wide array of topics, such as Philosophical debate issues: TAG, logic, and more, as well as theological issues relating to Triad, Christology, Augustinianism and Calvinism, original sin, Protestantism & evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, as well as meta-politics, espionage and more! We ended up discussing many […]

  • Separating God From “God”

    Amerika.org - Jun 4th 2022 6:44pm EDT

    Many who identify as Christian actually believe only in God. They need a form for it, a visual imagery, so they adopt Christianity because this is the easiest vessel for their faith. They grew up with churches, hymns, the ten commandments, and Christmas so this is the path of least resistance. Their actual belief comes […]

  • The Wizard & The Lion: The True Story of the Rocky Friendship of Tolkien & CS Lewis – Dean Arnold

    Jay Dyer - May 31st 2022 10:09am EDT

    Dean Arnold joins me to cover an area in which he is an expert: The rocky relationship between two of the greatest authors of of the 20th century. Between Lewis’ theology and Tolkien’s theology, there were issues, combined with Lewis’ choices in marriage, literary preferences for allegory versus mythology, and more! Live at 630 PM […]

  • Stranger Things Season 1-4 ESOTERIC Analysis & Review – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 28th 2022 12:59pm EDT

    Recapping the earlier seasons and the newly released season 4, we will look back on the nostalgia based Netflix series that hearkens back to 80s culture. As many know, season 1 focused on MK ULTRA by name, noting the experimentation on the young, while eventually expanding to Cold War propaganda by season 3 and now […]

  • Washington Post: With the Buffalo Massacre, White Christian Nationalism Strikes Again

    Occidental Dissent - May 21st 2022 9:41pm EDT

    This is lazy. Washington Post: “White Christian nationalism can be messy to define, but it’s critical to recognize its three animating impulses: freedom, order and violence — the ideology’s holy trinity. The freedom belongs only to Americans these nationalists see as like them (White men). The order is to be imposed on all those they […]

  • Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 445 The Writers’ Bloc with Kathryn S. on Mircea Eliade

    Counter Currents - May 19th 2022 8:32am EDT

    Mircea Eliade 187 words / 2:00:22 The eclectic scholar Kathryn S. was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they discussed Mircea Eliade’s The Sacred and the Profane and answered viewer questions, and it is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include: 00:04:54 Mircea Eliade’s background […]

  • Eddie Bravo & Sam Tripoli Discuss The Weird Laurel Canyon Scenes with Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 14th 2022 3:25pm EDT

    What a wild ride! Thanks to Eddie for having me on and getting into a host of crazy topics in a hype 2.5 hour interview. The FULL interview is available here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membershipsection to access […]

  • Abortion and Atheism

    Occidental Dissent - May 13th 2022 12:28am EDT

    Today I learned … 84% of the religiously unaffiliated are pro-abortion 97% of atheists are pro-abortion 87% of agnostics are pro-abortion 80% of Americans whose religion is “nothing in particular” are pro-abortion 60% of Whites are pro-abortion 74% of White evangelicals are pro-life Among Whites, attitudes toward abortion are strongly associated with atheism at one […]

  • Memelord Dalí Remembering Salvador Dalí (May 11, 1904–January 23, 1989)

    Counter Currents - May 11th 2022 9:58am EDT

    Philippe Halsman photographs Salvador Dalí, Decline of Hair on the Face, 1954. 1,741 words It’s the most basic thing in the world: You can look at a rock, think it’s a bear, and run away. Or you can glimpse a bear, assume it’s a rock, and get eaten. Over time, evolution will select for seeing […]

  • Technomagic: Tolkien, Lewis & Arthur C. Clarke – Jay + Tristan on COTEL

    Jay Dyer - May 10th 2022 12:52pm EDT

    “In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard to discuss all things technology and it relationship to magic. We will be reflecting upon the famous quote by Arthur C. Clarke “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.” […]

  • Tucker Carlson: This Is About Attacking Christianity

    Occidental Dissent - May 10th 2022 8:27am EDT

    Identity Dixie ran some good quotes from Robert Lewis Dabney about this yesterday. As with George Fitzhugh, Dabney was fond of observing and anticipating the future course of liberalism. Identity Dixie: “We must then make up our minds in accepting Women’s Rights to surrender our Bibles, and have an atheistic Government. And especially must we […]

  • INVERSION: God, the Devil & Playa Hater YouTube Drama! Sam Tripoii + Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - May 9th 2022 2:18pm EDT

    Jay and Sam take a more serious approach and discuss the reality of spiritual warfare, subversion and the coopting of movements by the establishment. Sam discusses how canc3l culture and haters try to ruin careers but lose in the end. The full chat is available on Rokfin here at Sam’s channel discussing spirituality: https://rokfin.com/Zero Remember […]

  • Jamie’s New Podcast: Aliens From Hell & More!

    Jay Dyer - May 7th 2022 1:13pm EDT

    Jamie has a new podcast with her friend Kristen and below is a sample of a few of their episodes. Be sure to subscribe and follow her show here! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50’ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membershipsection to access the archives […]

  • Massive Talent: The 90k Chad Nerds Party Stream & More Nic Cage – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 2nd 2022 2:18pm EDT

    We are almost at 90k – and we’re almost at 100k! It took forever, but finally we are almost there. I am not sure what we’ll do for the 100k – it may be a rifftrax style riff on ROTOR, we will see. For 90k why not do another round of Nic Cage we haven’t […]

  • The Northman – The Beast, The Witch & The Hero: Pagan Symbolism Explained – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 1st 2022 1:31pm EDT

    We covered the Witch back in the old days when my podcast was just getting cranked up and director Eggers has upped his game with a gritty, brutal new film capturing the pagan / viking ethos with The Northman: an Edda style hero’s journey full of natural magic and symbolism that accommodates multiple possible readings, […]

  • Phoenix From the Ashes: From Vietnam Technowar to Technocracy (Half) – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 26th 2022 1:26pm EDT

    Tonight’s lecture will cover the real story of Vietnam as best I can tell from various academic, intelligence and historian sources. From the Jacobsen History of DARPA to Valentine’s Phoenix Program, Vietnam encompasses a psychological operation like no other. The full lecture will be available for paid subs to my site or r0kfin. Live at […]

  • Neurohacking & Greenwashing: The New Aeon of the Hivemind – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 20th 2022 7:32pm EDT

    Tonight we will be looking at some recent clips that surfaced from Klaus & Co., as well as a mini doc on Pharmakeia that is unintentionally comical with goofy presentations promoting tranzhoomanism, and then we will cover a few elements and clips of old school propaganda. Live Thursday at 830 PM CST Remember to boost […]