• Pagan Philosophy, Pagan Virtue, Epistemology & Natural Law – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Ananias

    Jay Dyer - Apr 18th 2022 3:40pm EDT

    Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to cover the basics of epistemology, how do we view pagan classical literature as Orthodox? How do we appreciate and utilize the notions of pagan virtue without accepting the idea of “natural theology,” given we have critiqued this idea so often from Roman Catholicism. What are the extremes we […]

  • The Philosophy of Horror: The Cellar, Last Night in Soho, Hole in the Ground & More -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 16th 2022 6:33pm EDT

    This stream ended up being entirely about the philosophy of horror, the grotesque, virtue and vices and the realm of hades . We looked at several recent horror films I thought were instructive and illustrative for various reasons and in various ways. I tied this analysis into the notions of a modern, demythologized and disenchanted […]

  • World Government is Really Not Real, And Also ALIENS & UFOS – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Apr 9th 2022 7:08pm EDT

    Today we will dive into the gaslighting and insanity out there causing people to lose it. What is leading to society breaking down? As world gubmint is announced, we are told it doesn’t exist. Mass delusion and chaos are ensuing and the system becomes more and more maniacal. Remember to boost that T naturally with […]

  • How The Scientific Elite Will Kill Everyone – 2 Videos

    Jay Dyer - Apr 9th 2022 6:51pm EDT

    Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com hosts the final hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and reveals the scientific elites’ decades old plan to dramatically reduce the world’s population through forced sterilization, poisoning of the food supply, and tainted stabbies. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50’ Subscribe […]

  • Wōden and the Serpent

    Western Voices World News - Mar 31st 2022 8:46pm EDT

    When Wōden came back to the Perennial Sophia he did so in the shape of a snake. Penetrating the grotto which is Jörð’s womb, he underwent the motions that all seekers do. Since time immemorial the deathless Gods are regenerated through the Gifts of the Goddess, her fruit, or else her womb. It is all […]

  • Pursuing the Original Proto Indo-European Faith

    Amerika.org - Mar 30th 2022 10:40pm EDT

    As part of uncovering our culture — that of us Cro-Magnids — any writer will find that everything we have now serves as a placeholder for what we once knew and need to discover again. We know that the Indo-Europeans, who ranged the steppes and forests of Europe and Asia, had a religion of their […]

  • Refuting the Pagans / Neo-Pagans: Response to Cigar Stream – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 28th 2022 1:54pm EDT

    AA has stated that he welcomes people to reply to his stream on paganism recently so I will do a livestream response. I saw most of the livestream when it happened and was in the chat. Here, I will dissect the critiques one by one and offer the Orthodox response. The original stream is here. […]

  • What is the New World Order? Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 27th 2022 7:39pm EDT

    The Next Million Years is an overlooked and forgotten elite text. It bears repeating: The plan is across the last hundred years to enact a singular techn0cratic entity that will run the world. In this video I give an overview of this important text, while the full lecture can be found at my website for […]

  • Top 10 Reasons PAGANISM is False! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 27th 2022 2:21pm EDT

    In this video I summarize the many livestreams and debates I have had with pagans to determine the clearest reasons it is not viable alternative. Paganism is not only false, it is utterly incoherent as a worldview, with no unifying principle. Be sure to like and share! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% […]

  • Fatima, Signs & Wonders & Religious Epistemology – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 23rd 2022 6:26pm EDT

    Today I will return to the saddle to cover the recent revelations of “Fatima” being done all over again by the Vatican supposedly, with the intention of healing the global conflict. I will look at this from the vantage point of revelation and how this is impossible as a realistic miraculous scenario, as well as […]

  • Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation

    Jay Dyer - Mar 17th 2022 3:46pm EDT

    Jay Dyer hosts to cover the long history of the intimate relationship between Hollywood and the CIA and secret societies in their dark attempt to manipulate and engineer culture. Jay breaks down the CIA connections to Hollywood, the music industry, postmodern art, and the satanic ideology it perpetuates. Remember to boost that T naturally with […]

  • Watching Democracy Dissolve: It is Delicious

    Amerika.org - Mar 14th 2022 12:06pm EDT

    To some degree, nature rewards the vicious because nature is the ultimate ends-over-means system of thought. You either adapt or die; you can adapt by any method (means) you want, including what humans would call theft, murder, rape, and parasitism, although each method produces its own quality of experience. That is, if you are a […]

  • DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Mar 8th 2022 1:42pm EST

    0:01 Best part 7:26 Introduction 22:00 Universalism, David Bentley hart 1:08:17 Analytic-synthetic distinction, empiricist dogmas 1:22:34 Monarchism vs Democracy 1:32:20 Schism, evangelism, apostolic succession. evidentialism. 1:57:00 Protestantism and the creation of the modern west 2:05:40 Roman Catholic inquirer 2:10:30 Created vs uncreated energies 3:06:50 Rachel Wilson, occult femenism 3:10:50 Orthodox prayer for the departed 3:21:30 […]

  • The Great Reset = The BiIderberg IIIuminati Takeover Plan

    Jay Dyer - Mar 5th 2022 12:07pm EST

    Jay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the globalist Illuminati Bilderberg plan for The Great Reset. Topics include the historical origins of the EU, the ideological connection to the Great Reset and the World Economic Forum, the Malthusian mindset and more. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products […]

  • Liberal Imperium: Ideological Predecessors to the Present Conflict – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Mar 3rd 2022 4:25pm EST

    This evening we will cover the historical geopolitical setting for the present conflicts and crises and how they may prepare us for further implementation of the Gre@t Reset. In order to understand that scenario it is necessary to give a background via the Cold War scenario and Quigley’s analysis, as well as the sea power/land […]

  • Sam Harris, Transcendental Arguments & David Hume (Is/Ought) – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 28th 2022 2:03pm EST

    Today we will review transcendental argumentation and how it works, as well as using a sample discussion between Sam Harris and another philosopher concerning the Is / Ought question raised on the Jordan Peterson podcast. We will look to understand the process of TAG, as well as how we can apply it to various situations […]

  • Richard Dawkins Vs. John Lennox Debate REVIEW! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 23rd 2022 12:21pm EST

    Many have requested an analysis of this debate, so I am finally down to do it. Today we will review this debate and give commentary as we look for the standard Dawkins moves as well as looking for the good and bad arguments from the professing Christian, Lennox. As you know, I have not seen […]

  • Archetypes, Symbols, Dostoyevsky, Meaning & Meals – Jay Dyer & Tristan (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Feb 22nd 2022 2:32pm EST

    Beautiful TrXtXnA joins me tonight for a long anticipated reunion stream. After several months it was time our fellow E celeb diva joined us for another commentary riff session covering the journey to truth, L0G0S, the meaning of religious symbolism, Protestant and evangelical worlds, archetypes and the counter culture scene, and the hEALF journey to […]

  • Ancient Mystery Rites, Rituals & The Foundations of Space & Time – Jay Dyer & Seraphim Hamilton

    Jay Dyer - Feb 16th 2022 11:10pm EST

    Seraphim Hamilton joins me to discuss monotheism, the history of the OT, the notion of the gods of the nations, devils and the ancient pagan rites, the logos spermatikos, the Personal Logos as the fulfillment of what is lacking in the world religions, and much, much more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% […]

  • Debating Theism, Trinity, Philosophy, Catholicism, Atheism – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 8th 2022 1:51pm EST

    Today we will have open forum via twitter spaces. Preference will be given to super chats via Streamlabs but those who want to “call in” and ask questions or debate are welcomed, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, atheist, Muslim, pagan, etc. Topics can range from philosophy to apologetics and TAG to exegesis, to history, etc. Live […]

  • The Philosophical Problem of Circularity with Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 7th 2022 7:32pm EST

     In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the problem of circularity as it relates to foundationalism, worldviews, and why it is so important concerning Christian apologetics. We will be hitting on everything from induction (Hume & Kant), the work of Thomas Kuhn, Willard Quine, and Kurt Gödel, as well revelation […]

  • James White Refuted: Cosby Sweater Calvinism & Heated Debate with Protestant – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 5th 2022 12:48pm EST

    Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A concerning philosophy and theology with a opening discussion on the Trinity and an overview of James White’s significant errors. We look at his book Forgotten Trinity and the bad argumentation and acceptance of the Lombardian identity thesis view and how this ends up denying […]

  • Critique of the Calvinist Theological Errors Pt. 1 – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 2nd 2022 11:59am EST

    Sam Shamoun asked me on to discuss Calvinist philosophical assumptions.  In this first talk, I cover the errors of Calvinism relating to TULIP, and my own previous belief in this system.  We cover the Christological heresies and more, as well as how each letter to TULIP is at variance with all of church history.   […]

  • Is Jesus the Messiah? Messianic Prophecies Prove Christ: Jesus in the Psalms Pt 1 (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Feb 1st 2022 11:33am EST

    The Psalms are one of the greatest works of prophecy in Scripture. Written as the liturgical worship of Israel, the texts are, as the New Testament notes, the Spirit of Christ speaking. Like the book or Isaiah, the Psalms are another Gospel relating the death, burial, resurrection of the Messiah. Contrary to the false accusation […]

  • Top 10 Errors Everyone Makes! FUNKOPOCALYPSE METAPHYSICS! – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 31st 2022 5:45pm EST

     Today we will have open forum Q n A after I discuss some of the most common mistakes and errors made in metaphysics. Although most people aren’t aware of metaphysics or think they have evolved to be too sophisticated for such arcane, medieval speculations, we will see that most people still have numerous metaphysical […]