• Viking Runes

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 21st 2019 12:47pm EST

    I’m a Lutheran. I’m also a Northern European though. I have some Scandinavian ancestry. I also love learning about history. So anyway, I came across this video and thought some of the pagans here who are both giving and taking shit in the comment section would enjoy it.

  • Christianity Today: Trump Should Be Removed from Office

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 20th 2019 4:23pm EST

    Of all the things that Trump has done in office, briefly delaying foreign aid to Ukraine in support of its ongoing military conflict with Russia over Crimea and the Donbass, which is utterly none of our business, is about the last thing that makes him morally unfit to be president. Christianity Today: “The reason many […]

  • Luther and Liberalism

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 19th 2019 12:50pm EST

    This article at Patheos this morning has drawn my attention to another article on Luther and the origins of liberalism by Korey D. Maas in the July/October 2019 edition of Concordia Theological Quarterly: Concordia Theological Quarterly: “What we have on the table, then, are three interpretive and evaluative options. Characterized with gross simplicity, they are […]

  • Atheism Surges Among White Liberals

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 18th 2019 11:48pm EST

    What has gotten into White liberals? 1.) There has been a 14 point jump in self-identified atheists in the Trump era. 2.) Atheism is strongly related to wokeness. 3.) White liberal atheists are filling the spiritual void in their lives with “social justice” causes and finding meaning in fighting white privilege. 1/n Over the course […]

  • TAC: Orders of Charity

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 16th 2019 7:07pm EST

    This is a good article. I recommend that our Catholic readers read and digest it and wonder what changed. It doesn’t sound all too different from Luther’s idea of the Orders of Creation. TAC: “As a Catholic theologian, Aquinas unsurprisingly identifies God as the preeminent object of man’s love. But this hierarchy also has broad […]

  • Lutheran Orthodoxy and Pietism

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 15th 2019 3:48pm EST

    I spent much of last year studying the Reformation. I’m currently studying the period between the Peace of Augsburg and the Enlightenment and exploring how Lutheranism continued to evolve in Northern Europe in the late 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries. This period is roughly bounded by Luther’s death and Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schleiermacher […]

  • The Atlantic: The Christian Withdrawal Experiment

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 13th 2019 1:46pm EST

    St. Marys, KS is a town of 2,627 people which has been taken over by Trad Catholics. They run the town now. The Atlantic: “Half an hour down the highway from Topeka, Kansas, not far from the geographic center of the United States, sits the town of St. Marys. Like many towns in the region, […]

  • How We Learned That Slavery Is Wrong

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 12th 2019 12:30pm EST

    Alec Ryrie is the author of Protestants: The Faith That Made The Modern World. He has a new book out called Unbelievers: An Emotional History of Doubt. I will be reading and reviewing both books here in 2020. These lectures are basically chapters from his book. Is Protestant Christianity incompatible with racialism, white supremacy and […]

  • Liberal Christianity

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 11th 2019 6:17pm EST

    There are a lot of non-Christians who read this site who are alienated from Christianity for various reasons which they tend to assume are inherent to Christianity. This isn’t their fault. They weren’t raised as Christians and have likely been repeatedly told this by Christians. We’re constantly told that Christianity is incompatible with “racism” and […]

  • Liberalism and the Church

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 10th 2019 3:49pm EST

    We’re continuing our series on illiberal Protestantism. So far, we have looked at Martin Luther’s Two Kingdoms doctrine and how Lutheranism has traditionally held that God governs his earthly kingdom or “the left hand realm” of the world through the structures of the Orders of Creation – family and work, the church and the state […]

  • The Gospel of Apartheid

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 9th 2019 12:11pm EST

    Is Protestantism necessarily liberal? Is Christianity incompatible with “racism” and “white supremacy”? Yesterday, we looked at how Lutherans supported National Socialist Germany and justified it on the basis of Luther’s Two Kingdoms doctrine and even welcomed the Third Reich as a triumph over liberalism and communism. Christians were more eager to collaborate with the Nazis […]

  • Two Kingdoms In The Third Reich

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 8th 2019 1:35pm EST

    Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress. “It does not have to do with Jewish hatred – one can reach an agreement with serious Jews on this point – it does not have to do with blood, also not with the religious beliefs of Judaism. But it does involve the threat of a quite […]

  • Theologians Under Hitler

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 7th 2019 2:11am EST

    Now watching:

  • First Things: Rehabilitating The “Orders of Creation”

    Occidental Dissent - Dec 6th 2019 2:35pm EST

    I’ve been critical of the First Things crowd like Matthew Schmitz and Sohrab Ahmari and their Trad Cath version of “post-liberalism.” I was pleasantly surprised though this morning to find this old essay from thirty years ago by Carl E. Braaten, a leading American Lutheran theologian, which brings up the work of the 19th century […]

  • Catholic Populists Respond To Catholic Elitists

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 27th 2019 2:22pm EST

    The battle is on. Whose side are you on in the Catholic Right Civil War? Sohrab Ahmari and Matthew Schmitz or Nick Fuentes, Dave Reilly and E. Michael Jones? Nick Fuentes responds to Matthew Schmitz: Tonight, @NickJFuentes demonstrated that he has a better understanding of #Catholic Theology, and frankly bigger balls than 95% of supposedly […]

  • Which Way Catholic Man?

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 26th 2019 6:58pm EST

    Matthew Schmitz has a new article in First Things bellyaching about how China is tyrannical for violating the human rights of Muslims in Xinjiang. First Things: “In 2018, Archbishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview: “Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of […]

  • Rick Perry: Donald Trump Is The Moshiach

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 25th 2019 2:27pm EST

    Your favorite President is nothing if not humble, folks! And I agree with Secretary Problem Glasses Perry! I’m the CHOSEN one! God put me here to be your President and King. Only I can deliver God’s will on Earth of low minority unemployment, tax cuts, & buttsex in Botswana! pic.twitter.com/Z7v5AIUsyH— Punished BIumpf (@PunishedGodKing) November 25, […]

  • Church of England: Christianity Led To The Holocaust

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 24th 2019 9:16am EST

    Why is Christianity a dying religion in the West? I’ve thought a lot about this question over the past decade. I started out as an atheist convinced that Christianity was a weak and degenerate religion and that it had naturally evolved into its present state as a result of Christian theology. As I thought more […]

  • Pronoun Hospitality

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 22nd 2019 4:23pm EST

    For what it’s worth, I thought my friend @andrewtwalk article on pronoun usage was excellent, further clarifying some of these issues. I love his spirit & find myself in ready agreement with him—& in his longer treatment in his book ‘God and T debate’https://t.co/at3OibOnvZ— J.D. Greear (@jdgreear) November 22, 2019 H/T Rod Dreher Eric Striker […]

  • Sohrab Ahmari: Joker and Our Crisis Of Solidarity

    Occidental Dissent - Nov 20th 2019 4:49pm EST

    pic.twitter.com/ZwxbWyV1HF— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 24, 2019 We’re fully aware that Marco Rubio has been trying rebrand himself to run for president again as an “American Nationalist” and “common-good conservative.” No, we don’t believe that Marco Rubio’s rebranding as a “common-good conservative” or the Center Right trying to rebrand itself as “National Conservatism” is anything […]