• Open DEBATE! Redeemed Zoomer REFUTED, LONG Trad Cat Debate, Atheists, Etc. Vs Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 23rd 2024 7:40pm EST

    Today we will have open debate! Topics include the existence of God, Trinity, theology in general, philosophy, logos, logoi, TAG and presuppositionalism, atheism, materialism, esoteric issues and questions, natural theology, papacy and Vatican issues, and much more! Note: Sardica is covered in the Chieti document, not Alexandria, although Alexandria document refers back to Chieti http://www.christianunity.va/content/unitacristiani/en/dialoghi/sezione-orientale/chiese-ortodosse-di-tradizione-bizantina/commissione-mista-internazionale-per-il-dialogo-teologico-tra-la/documenti-di-dialogo/testo-in-inglese1.html […]

  • THE EVENT: Tucker & VP, UFOs & Intel “Warnings,” Elite Plans From Yesteryear Manifesting! -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 21st 2024 1:47pm EST

    Tonight we catch up with meta-politics as we review the recent Tucker / VP talk, the official “warnings” of the intel establishment, the recent economic chaos, the rise of BTC, the predictions of the coming “event,” as well as flashbacks to Bertrand Russell’s important plans in his scientism texts. Remember to boost that T naturally […]

  • Joe Rogan, Occult Hollywood & Demons!? Wait, Sam Tripoli Said WHAT? Sam Vs Machine Gun Kelly!

    Jay Dyer - Feb 21st 2024 1:11pm EST

    Sam Tripoli joins me to cover Rogan, spiritual warfare and the dark side of Hollywood! Enjoy! Like and Share! Sam is here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures […]

  • Jay Dyer DEBATE Vs Jake Muslim Metaphysician | Trinity Vs Tawhid -Modern Day Debate

    Jay Dyer - Feb 18th 2024 2:43am EST

    Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live. Jay Dyer versus Jake The Muslim Metaphysician on Trinity and Tawhid as well as a host of other topics. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using […]

  • Dystopia NOW! WORLD GOVERNMENT SUMMIT & Sex Bots?? Jay Dyer on OAN / Alison Steinberg

    Jay Dyer - Feb 14th 2024 1:42pm EST

    I joined Alison Steinberg for an overview of what globalization and the New World Order is really about. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books […]

  • Poll Watch: Young Evangelical Support For Israel Plummets

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 12th 2024 11:14pm EST

    Christian Zionism was a flash in the pan that was very popular among one generation in one country that was raised on the television. It is already on the way out. Jerusalem Post: “Support for Israel among young Evangelicals has plummeted by over 50% in just three years, posing a potential threat to American backing […]

  • Hollywood Conspiracy, Geopolitics, Religion & Comedy: Jamie Kennedy, Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

    Jay Dyer - Feb 8th 2024 2:07pm EST

    We’re coming back to LA / Hollywood area for weekend event of deep geopolitics, conspiracy, Hollywood occultism & COMEDY! NEW EVENT & NEW TALKS! The last LA event was a blast, so this time we have a weekend Friday night slot with opening impressions from Jay Dyer, followed by a lecture by Jamie Hanshaw, a […]

  • BOOMER TO GEN X: Behold Our New MTV Generational Overlords! -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 7th 2024 2:53pm EST

    Tonight we reflect on the 90s and the adults that came of age in the 80s and 90s that will soon become our new masters: the GEN X OVERLORDS! What will their regime be like? Will they be better than our previous boomer overlords? Will they be worse? Tonight we will look at the pros […]

  • HEATED & Hilarious Debates: Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Gnostics & More! VS Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Feb 7th 2024 2:41pm EST

    Open forum! Time to call in with your issues and questions regarding these hot topics: Logos/logoi, TAG and presupp, theological qualms and issues, metaphysics and epistemology, logic and universals, and much more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section […]

  • The Taylor Swift PsyOp: The Long History of Intelligence Created Culture -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 31st 2024 10:05pm EST

    Today’s topic relates to the long history of culture creation – a favorite topic at JaysAnalysis – and how the entertainment industry is not only corrupt, but part of a much deeper social engineering operation to alter our perceptions of all areas of life. This is partly why so many stars and celebrities have been […]

  • Steve Bannon Searches For Answers Why Christian Groups Are Helping Destroy America

    Steve Bannon's War Room - Jan 31st 2024 2:49pm EST

    Steve Bannon host of WarRoom reacts to Speaker Johnson’s tax deal that could increase the deficit dramatically bringing it to $1.5 trillion and bailing out big corporations. Bannon calls out Senator Lankford, who was a baptist minister, for putting through a codification of the invasion of the country in support of the Biden regime. He […]

  • Intellectual Self-Defense PART 3: The Chain of Responsibility

    Irida TV - Jan 30th 2024 11:47pm EST

    Learn to how stop being pushed around by sophists, bullies, and manipulators! This is PART 3 of a 3-part series on intellectual self-defense: The Chain of Responsibility. This final part of the series is where the big guns of defense against manipulation is introduced. Parts 1 and 2 are really about laying the groundwork in… […]

  • Life Coaches, Spiritual Delusions & MEAN Masculinity Open Chat -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 20th 2024 8:24pm EST

    Tonight’s discussion did not end up being about what I expected: we ended up on a totally different wavelength concerning what constitutes “meanness,” who qualifies to give spiritual advice, life coaching, becoming a guru, etc. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in […]

  • WALL STREET: Vulture Capitalism & Neo-Liberal GOONERISM -Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

    Jay Dyer - Jan 17th 2024 3:33pm EST

    Tristan joins me to cover the classic Oliver Stone film Wall Street! It will be a blast! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in […]

  • OPEN DEBATE! Brian Holdsworth, The Problem of Evil, Protestant Canon, Energies & More! VS. Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 17th 2024 3:29pm EST

    Today is another open forum! It’s time for atheists, Roman Catholics, Protestants – Lutherans, calvinists, evangelicals, etc., Muslims, pagans and more, to call in and offer their best replies and challenges! Topics include TAG, presupp, metaphysics, epistemology, skepticism, materialism, universals, logos/logoi, ethics, and more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at […]

  • Occult Government: Gateway Process & Project Stargate: Remote Viewing, Intel Agencies & SRI -DPH

    Jay Dyer - Jan 16th 2024 6:08pm EST

    COTEL joins me to cover the tie ins between the deep government establishment and everything from UFOs to the occult: SRI, ,CIA, Remote Viewing, Stargate and much more! Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives […]

  • Catholic Thomist Discussion: Diverging on TAG, ADS, Theophanies & Epistemology: AJ Barker / Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 16th 2024 6:05pm EST

    The Catholic Thomist who called in the other day, AJ Barker requested a new dialogue on the same topics from his studio. In this discussion we can hopefully come to some closer understanding of the precise differences at play in our different systems. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com […]

  • MASSIVE Catholic Debates (Lofton Vs Ybarra): Epistemology Debates (Thomism), Atheism & Much More!

    Jay Dyer - Jan 16th 2024 5:59pm EST

    Open forum for topics that includ: Triad, biblical theology, orthodoxy, papacy, schism, universals, TAG, apologetics, Logos / logoi, etc. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my […]

  • TIKTOK Witches, Feminists, Atheists, Starseeds, DINKS! NEW YEAR’S MOONBEAVERS IDIOT PARTY -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 16th 2024 5:52pm EST

    Party time! 2023 ends with a party to recap the hits and misses of the last year at JaysAnalysis. 2023 was our biggest year: we hit 100k, had our biggest shows and events, and more! We will reflect on what went down and how 2024 will be even bigger as we check in on our […]

  • The Big EVENT Coming Next Year! The Elite Plans & UFOS on Tucker: Aliens Are Fake n Gray! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jan 16th 2024 4:24pm EST

    Time to check in on our favorite WEF elites and their cohorts to see what signals they’re sending and what their big plans might be for next year. We will reflect on 2023 and see what was accomplished and what failed and what might be coming! Come tell me your theories as well. Remember to […]

  • The Stepford Wives | Femcel Feminists vs. Tradwife Fembots Struggle Session 

    Jay Dyer - Jan 2nd 2024 8:52pm EST

    Tristan Haggard and I analyze the 1974 film The Stepford Wives, based on the novel by Ira Levin (writer of Rosemary’s Baby), and the hilariously bad 2004 remake with Nicole Kidman. A fun, comedic deep dive review and analysis of he sci-fi tinged, satirical feminist suspense thriller about fembots, male-female dynamics, women’s liberation, and the […]

  • Magic Words

    Amerika.org - Jan 1st 2024 11:48am EST

    If my life has one rule, it is to avoid groupthink, which is what happens when other people want to rope you into their weird pathology so that they do not have to go down alone. Some of this is leftover from school, where one kid throwing erasers got punished but if the whole class […]

  • Confronting the Crisis of Abrahamism

    Amerika.org - Dec 30th 2023 7:32am EST

    As the West winds down into the complete collapse of democracy, which is unable to stop any of the crises it has created, we are re-evaluating all of our values. This includes religion, which from an analytical perspective must be viewed as a human symbolization of a spiritual aspect to reality, with all different flavors […]

  • Open Debate! NIGHT OF THE GNOSTICS / Marcionites Vs Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Dec 25th 2023 3:32pm EST

    Tonight ended up largely being various forms of gnostics and hermeticists who called in to offer various rebuttals and arguments against the Bible and the Notion the OT God is the same as the New (Marcionites). Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis […]

  • Ben Shapiro Vs Cosmic Skeptic REVIEW & Rollo Tomassi & James Sexton Exchange -Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Dec 25th 2023 3:26pm EST

    Tonight we return to debate reviews as we check out a key clip from the recent Ben Shapiro Vs Cosmic Skeptic debate, as well as a breakdown of the recent red pill discussion with Rollo and James Sexton on Destiny, Women and God, and more! Sign up for Richard Grove’s newest course on becoming self […]