• Roman Catholicism Admits Orthodox Positions…Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 18th 2023 4:23pm EDT

    Today we will cover the recent Alexandria document which, much like Chieti, admits many contentions Orthodox have leveled for centuries. Is this consistent however with Vatican 1’s claims? Snek and David join me to discuss. David is here: https://www.youtube.com/@therealMedWhite Snek is here: https://twitter.com/Real_Rye_Bread Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 […]

  • REDPILL Manosphere! Whatever, Rollo, Tate, Pearly Things: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly~! Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 14th 2023 7:08pm EDT

    Today I will begin to cover this recent frenzy of red pill / manosphere stuff as we prep for this week’s stream with COTEL on the same topic. It looks as if we may be on Pearl this summer to debate with a Muslim so it’s time inject our view into this drama sphere. From […]

  • HEATED Roman Catholics & New Ager Debates, Plus A Hebrew Roots Thing… – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 14th 2023 12:45pm EDT

    Today we open it up again since this is what the audience requests. The open forum is for anyone who wants to make their case for whatever they take issue with: The rules are you have to make arguments – you can’t just ramble or tell me how I’m a KGB sorcerer. Questions are also […]

  • Jay Dyer - Jun 11th 2023 8:15pm EDT

    Today’s Book in 10 Minutes covers the most important text of all time, the Bible. The biblical texts are a coherent narrative structured around a series of covenants made with mankind. The OT leads us to the expectation of the nations, the Messiah, the divine figure Who would establish an eternal kingdom that sees its […]

  • Debate! Roman Catholic Trad Meltdown on Stream + Evangelical Debate – Uncreated Energies & Tradition

    Jay Dyer - Jun 10th 2023 4:39pm EDT

    You asked for it, you got it! The crowd has spoken: you want debate and open theology Q n A to return. In this discussion we will cover the classics: Roman Catholicism and the papacy, the issues in Orthodoxy, the history of the Church, geopolitics and the power elite, transcendental arguments and TAG, biblical theology […]

  • Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

    Jay Dyer - Jun 9th 2023 8:52pm EDT

    Dorothy is a rockstar and joined me to discuss her wild journey and deliverance. Was a fun interview and covered a lot of theological territory, especially given the recent alien news. Dorothy is here. Her new song with Nita Strauss is here. Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 with […]

  • The Real Power Elite: The Anglo-American Establishment by Quigley – A Book in 10 Minutes – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 8th 2023 10:35pm EDT

    Just as important as Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope is his later follow up describing the actual structure of the power elite and how they infiltrated and took over the world order. This is an essential text and this functions as an introduction to the full lectures I do on this book for my members at […]

  • UFO / Alien Disclosure & “Crashed Physical Evidence” Plus UAP Clips – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 7th 2023 2:22pm EDT

    It’s back as we predicted – the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and the underground base claims are also resurfacing, but what it is really behind alien disclosure? Is it a massive deception? Live at 4 PM CST […]

  • Flannery O’Connor’s Prophetic Novel Predicted The New Atheists – Wise Blood – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Jun 6th 2023 12:32pm EDT

    Hazel Motes is a wild dude. In fact, his character is in many ways an archetype of the new atheists and the cult they head nowadays with their scientism lab coat vestments. We will do a deep literary analysis of the symbolism and philosophy of this Southern Gothic classic. This is a half analysis – […]

  • Making Moral Gains

    Western Voices World News - Jun 5th 2023 11:56pm EDT

    Fitness reflects one’s suitability for purpose, and doesn’t just refer to one’s physical conditioning, though that’s certainly a part of it. Just as with physical fitness, moral fitness is an ongoing endeavor. The good news is that, if you start off badly enough, it’s a lot easier to make improvements. It’s sort of like a […]

  • Incarnation, Icon, Old Testament & Papacy – David & Jay

    Jay Dyer - Jun 1st 2023 2:28pm EDT

    Jay Dyer joins David to talk about various different topics relating to Orthodoxy. David is here. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix HERE Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 with Jamie Kennedy! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get […]

  • The History of Orthodoxy Italy, Renaissance Florence & Our Pilgrimage! -Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - Jun 1st 2023 1:41pm EDT

    Fr Vladimir Kaydanov gives his background in Florence and his connection to Italy and how Orthodox Italy is a real thing – in fact, we will be doing a pilgrimage soon where you can sign up here. The post The History of Orthodoxy Italy, Renaissance Florence & Our Pilgrimage! -Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer appeared […]

  • Orthodox Italy Pilgrimage! Join Us!

    Jay Dyer - May 29th 2023 5:54pm EDT

    Christ is Risen!  Dear brothers and sisters, We invite you to join a special Orthodox Pilgrimage to Italy. This spiritual journey is scheduled to take place from November 5th to the18th, 2023, and is organized with the aim of sharing many treasures of Orthodoxy that remain preserved on the Italian Peninsula. Our program contains a […]

  • Men, Women & Feminism: Traditional Living Vs Nihilism – Brittany Seller & Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 23rd 2023 11:49am EDT

    Brittany joins me to discuss the dangers and dark side of feminism and how it leads to nihilism. Far from empowerment, it seems built on the notion that there is no meaning or purpose in nature beyond what each individual creates. But created meaning is a futile enterprise for beings that are finite: we need […]

  • The True History of the Vatican: Pius IX, US Relations & More – Tim Gordon & Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 16th 2023 4:16pm EDT

    Tim Gordon rejoins me to cover the modern history of the Vatican, from the era of Pius IX and Vatican 1 and the interesting relations with the US government at the time. Tim covers the era of Lincoln, the Italian revolutionaries and more, as we dive into the era that set the stage for WW1, […]

  • Institutional Capture Explained: The State Dept, CIA & Orthodox, Roman Catholic & Protestant Churches – Jay Dyer Pt. 1

    Jay Dyer - May 11th 2023 5:46pm EDT

    By: Jay Dyer An Introduction to the historical and geopolitical factors of state and private interference in ecclesial and religious affairs The notion of state interference in the life of the Church is well known to students of Church history: Arian Emperors, Imperial support for iconoclasm, the Frankish and Germanic control of the papacy, as […]

  • Mass Produced HUmAnOIDS – Quite Frankly & Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 11th 2023 1:31pm EDT

    Frank invited me on to discuss the overlap between our recent coverage of Brave New World, Tavistock and the 1976 film Network, which predicts mass produced “humanoids.” Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix HERE Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles – July 6 […]

  • The Real Story of the Intelligence Agencies: OSS, CIA, MI6, & KGB – Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 8th 2023 4:58pm EDT

    Today we will do another breakdown of key history most are unaware of. The true story of the intelligence agencies is being the servants of of the robber barons. This removes the glitz and glamour of espionage which might be an honorable profession if it were in service to the nation, as opposed to service […]

  • War Propaganda, Tavistock & Energy Control – 21 Wire Panel

    Jay Dyer - May 6th 2023 1:26pm EDT

    Patrick Henningsen hosts a panel of academics and authors to cover modern war propaganda and psyops – making public opinion and consensus reality on war. Be sure and listen to the end with Freddie Ponton give his analysis of 5th generational warfare and energy control as the key issue in regard to Ukraine. Audio Discussion […]

  • Steve Bannon Responds To David Pakman’s Critique Of WarRooms Stance On Satanism In Schools.

    Steve Bannon's War Room - May 5th 2023 8:29pm EDT

    Steve Bannon host of War Room responds to David Pakman’s criticism of War Room condemning satanic displays and its growth within modern culture. Bannon was previously joined by Mary Beth who reacted to a viral satanic display. Pakman called the commentary crazy and “disturbing,” and goes onto say that much of the right wing’s talking […]

  • Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Vatican 2.0 Accommodates Neo-Marxism

    Steve Bannon's War Room - May 4th 2023 9:35pm EDT

    Bishop Athanasius Schneider joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the Catholic faith in 2023 and the challenges that people are presented with in today’s culture to follow religion. Bishop Schneider reports on how Neo-Marxism has infiltrated the Vatican and how the pope has used his position to venture into left-wing politics. They dive into […]

  • Braveheart, Apocalypto, Conspiracy Theory & Edge of Darkness: Mel Gibson Films – Jay & Jamie

    Jay Dyer - May 3rd 2023 3:48pm EDT

    We are finally coming to Mel Gibson films! After many requests we’ve chosen 4 that are perfect for our channel and where civilization is headed in the West. These 4 films are a perfect 4 point analysis of corporate power, government power, ideological subversion & the solution in true freedom! Enjoy! Live Friday night at […]

  • Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Apr 28th 2023 2:23pm EDT

    This evening we will cover another Huxley text I got around to reading, his well known Doors of Perception. A mystical, religious text, this syncretist work of propaganda was instrumental in the drug revolution of the 1960s, and in particular, the promotion of psychedelia and hallooocinogens. I am not advocating for any drug taking. This […]

  • This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Don’t Know It! – Jay Dyer (Half)

    Jay Dyer - Apr 24th 2023 11:16am EDT

    I managed to get through a super obscure text that is not available anywhere – Dr Coleman’s Tavistock text from 2005. This book has not been in print for many years but I made my way through it for you guys. We will cover the first half and in so doing we will see how, […]

  • Aristophanes’ Clouds, Part II

    Counter Currents - Apr 21st 2023 5:10pm EDT

    Aristophanes 6,912 words Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here) Strepsiades Flunks Out It hasn’t gone well. First Socrates bursts out of the Thinkery swearing an oath: “By Respiration, by Chaos, by the Air.” The usual places of gods in his oath are occupied by three natural forces. Socrates then rants about a particularly bad […]