• Woman Who Chopped Up and Sexually Defiled Boyfriend “Deserves to be Happy”

    Daily Stormer - Oct 2nd 2023 8:05am EDT

    We talk about the white knights, but it’s really women who are wearing shields of armor. It’s like a Halo type shield, you gnome sane?   It’s actually more like a personal shield in Dune, which is a plot device that explains why future people are engaging in hand to hand combat with swords (fast […]

  • Soldier’s Mexican Wife Pours Bleach Into Husband’s Coffee

    Daily Stormer - Sep 30th 2023 12:56pm EDT

    I know it’s tempting, but don’t get a Mexican wife (unless she’s light-skinned and basically white – maybe that’s okay). They get really fat and they nag worse than white women. They will also come up with the stupidest possible ways to kill you during your divorce, paying no mind to the fact that they […]

  • Roger Waters Accused of Anti-Semitic Behavior Over Use of Word “K**e” in Brainstorming Email

    Daily Stormer - Sep 29th 2023 4:41am EDT

    “Dirty kyke” “Jew food” “Fucking Jew” Is Roger Waters antisemitic? Watch The Dark Side of Roger Waters now and decide for yourself. Then add your voice at https://t.co/7F6c6M3nk1. pic.twitter.com/eh9n15DLsn — Campaign Against Antisemitism (@antisemitism) September 27, 2023 Previously: University of Pennsylvania Bans Roger Waters from Campus Over Alleged Anti-Semitism He didn’t say “goyslop”? He said […]

  • Counter Strike 2??

    Daily Stormer - Sep 28th 2023 10:21am EDT

    Counter Strike 2 has been released by Valve. They replaced the original, classic CS:GO team shooter on the Steam store, which is maybe a strange move. This is causing some drama. No one is able to play the original game now, and the new one requires higher specs. There are several reasons why Valve would […]

  • Watch: Boebert Says She Didn’t Even Know She Wasn’t Supposed to Jack a Guy Off at the Theater

    Daily Stormer - Sep 24th 2023 1:59am EDT

    Watters: Did you have too much to drink? Boebert: Not at all. I was very excited about the musical Watters: You were so enthralled you got carried away? Boebert: It’s been 20 years since I was in the dating scene and back then, there were not infrared cameras pic.twitter.com/gBEPfIc7gN — Acyn (@Acyn) September 23, 2023 […]

  • 14-Year-Old Woman Runaway Kills Herself When Deputy Interrupts Her Partying

    Daily Stormer - Sep 23rd 2023 6:29am EDT

    Damn, this bitch is hardcore. If she can’t rock out… then it’s so over. New York Post: A 14-year-old Kansas runaway shot herself dead in front of a stunned deputy sheriff — even as the lawman was trying to convince the girl to return to her family. Jaylee Chillson was at an outdoor party in […]

  • Germany: Priests “Bless” F****t Couples to Protest Archbishop That Follows the Bible

    Daily Stormer - Sep 22nd 2023 8:10pm EDT

    Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, one of the last real Catholics in Germany I don’t know what German Catholics are supposed to do. Maybe move to Russia? Life Site News: In direct contradiction to Catholic moral teaching and sacramental discipline, several Catholic priests attempted to “bless” same-sex unions just outside the ancient Cathedral of Cologne, Germany. […]

  • Poisoned Foods Make People Feel Bad, Study Finds

    Daily Stormer - Sep 22nd 2023 8:08am EDT

    Eyyyy. Who would have thought? The Guardian: Consuming large amounts of ultra-processed food, especially drinks containing artificial sweeteners, is associated with a higher risk of depression, research has found. Despite extensive data linking ultra-processed food with physical ill health, such as strokes, heart attacks and raised blood pressure, this is the first large study to suggest that consuming […]

  • Heroic Figure Proves Society Doesn’t Exist by Walking Around Dallas-Fort Worth International in the Nude

    Daily Stormer - Sep 21st 2023 8:45am EDT

    “I’ll just have 1 beer at the airport before the flight” 17 Beers later: pic.twitter.com/kIRpuCKiGp — Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 19, 2023 There is really no society at this point. People have been walking around in pajama pants for years now, it’s sort of the obvious next step that people just wouldn’t bother to put […]

  • New York: Rando Walks Runway Dressed Like Crazy Hobo, Nobody in the Audience Notices

    Daily Stormer - Sep 20th 2023 9:09pm EDT

    “The audience appeared not to notice he was an intruder” “The art world” is the most decadent homosexual scene this side of child trannies. Of course it’s impossible to tell the difference between a man dressed in random garbage and a real “runway model.” News.com.au: They say that modelling is not just beauty and a […]

  • UK: Blacks Built Stonehenge, Children’s Book Claims

    Daily Stormer - Sep 20th 2023 4:19am EDT

    You might not want to admit it, but all of your “white history” was stolen from the blacks. They did everything that mattered, from the dawn of time. The Telegraph: Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed. The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British […]

  • UK: Racists Whine After Resurfaced BBC Song Says Blacks Were Always in Britain

    Daily Stormer - Sep 18th 2023 8:30pm EDT

    Some blacks can sing pretty well. This one ain’t one of them. There is no evidence Cheddar Man was even black. They admitted that at the time. They just came up with that out of thin air, based on nothing. In fact, the entire Cheddar Man thing could have been a hoax. It was all […]

  • Elon Sort of Sticks Up for Russell

    Daily Stormer - Sep 18th 2023 12:44pm EDT

    No more canceling. Enough is enough. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 17, 2023 Reformed neo-Nazi and former best friend of Andy Warski (who also tried to get me banned from Twitter by repeatedly tweeting directly to Elon, even though I had no problem with him), Ian Miles Chong, tweeted that Russell Brand is getting canceled. […]

  • On Twitter, You Tweet. On X, You… “Do an X”?

    Daily Stormer - Sep 17th 2023 1:31am EDT

    Changing the name of Twitter to “X” is the worst branding failure of all time. It is also a direct insult and an identity theft against the single greatest rapper of all time, DMX, who went by the name “X.” Elon Musk is obsessed with this letter. Okay. Well, Google has Alphabet, Facebook has Meta. […]

  • Cops Arrest Real Madrid Players for Distributing Video of Consensual Sex Recorded Without Consent

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2023 5:01am EDT

    Spanish men have a history of getting all romancey and then being destroyed. You’d think they’d have learned by now. Related: Spanish Serial Kisser Resigns as Australian Police Vow to Investigate Illegal Peck There’s a really easy way to not be exposed as a dirty whore – don’t be a dirty whore! The Guardian: Spanish […]

  • Canada: School Board Purges Library of All Books Written Before 2008

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2023 1:12am EDT

    We’ve been saying forever that there will need to be a “year zero” for this revolution, because basically everything in history violates the current “universal morality” created by the “rules-based order.” That year is going to need to be a lot later than 2008. You could definitely still make tranny jokes, for example, long after […]

  • Iran’s New Bill to Jail Women for 10 Years If They Repeatedly Defy Mandatory Hijab Law

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2023 9:37am EDT

    In Iran, a woman arrested for alleged non-compliance with the state’s repressive forced-hijab law was subjected to violence during her arrest, reports Manoto. Iran’s forced-hijab law is not just discriminatory; it fosters violence against women and must be abolished.… pic.twitter.com/IEP9bGuZGA — IranHumanRights.org (@ICHRI) September 10, 2023 Quite frankly, sluts should just be in jail right […]

  • Danny Masterson Court Sketch is the Best Meme Face Since Smugler

    Daily Stormer - Sep 12th 2023 11:15am EDT

    ATTENTION – OFFICIAL MEME ANNOUNCEMENT I read the latest Danny Masterson news every day. There is a bit of a backlash, with people coming out and saying that sentencing a guy to live in prison for alleged date rapes that were not reported until 14 years after they allegedly occurred is a bit extreme. A […]

  • Canada: “Conservative Tranny” Quits Party After Vote Against Child Mutilation

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2023 10:39pm EDT

    How are conservatives ever going to get the tranny vote if they keep opposing the mutilation of children’s genitals? Don’t they realize that you have to play politics if you want to win??? CP24: The first openly transgender person to run for the federal Conservatives warns that a policy adopted by the party over the […]

  • Just an Average Day Living in the Society…

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2023 6:54am EDT

    Somehow, I ended up on the homepage of “Vogue” this morning. This was the top story: We are being absolutely buried with this stuff. You can’t get away from it. It is everywhere, all the time. Something related to gay anal is the top story on every news site, every day. I just checked, and […]

  • Woman in a Coma Since She Was 3 Delivers Healthy Baby After Black Takes Advantage of Unused Womb

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2023 5:04am EDT

    Previously: Good News! Woman in Vegetative State Gives Birth to Healthy Baby, We Don’t Need Them Conscious We REALLY Don’t Need Them Conscious: Experts Weigh in on Vegetative-State Pregnancy I’ve been talking for a long time about various ways to totally remove women from society while men maintain the ability to reproduce. Women – at […]

  • Drag Queen Principal Once Charged With Possession of Child Porn Still Working at Elementary School

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2023 6:02am EDT

    You can’t make this up. Shane Murnan, Principal at @wh_isd, who’s also a drag queen, has another drag queen working for him as a Kindergarten aide. They both use their drag Facebook accounts to communicate about their work in the elementary school. Disturbing! https://t.co/qFEvQvOMIx pic.twitter.com/9YX9rZr1bz — Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 7, 2023 Everyone knows […]

  • Rapper Confesses to Murder in Music Video, Gets Arrested

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2023 5:47am EDT

    Kenjuan McDaniel, 25, was arrested on August 29 after police said lyrics in one of his recent music videos included details about a murder that had not been publicly released pic.twitter.com/3YeYBTYVsm — No Jumper (@nojumper) September 8, 2023 Well. This is not the way it’s supposed to work. If niggas be get charge they song, […]

  • “That 70s Show” Actor Sentenced to 30-to-Life for “Rape” That Allegedly Occurred 20 Years Ago

    Daily Stormer - Sep 8th 2023 12:24pm EDT

    This is why they locked Danny Masterson up pic.twitter.com/JrsGQUiGRE — Alia Dax (@AliaTheReycist) September 8, 2023 I told you all in 2020, when the Harvey Weinstein sentence came down, that there was no possible thing that was impossible in terms of rape hoaxing. Since that verdict, we’ve seen exactly what I foresaw: a lunatic push […]

  • The Guardian Tells People to Shower With Feet in Bucket to Save Water

    Daily Stormer - Sep 5th 2023 11:27pm EDT

    Telling people they need to save water is a bit like telling black people they’ll become rich by saving money. It’s not going to make a difference, and it’s cruel. Water is not something you have to use less of. Water is supposed to be in a constant cycle of use and reuse. Animal feces, […]