• France: “Victims of Climate Change” Want Major Energy Company on Trial for Involuntary Manslaughter

    Daily Stormer - May 23rd 2024 2:43am EDT

    Patrick Pouyanne, CEO of TotalEnergies, is among those the climate hoaxers want put in prison It’s a universe of totally retarded lies. All sorts of things are now possible. Things that make no sense at all make sense to people who do not believe a single true thing. AFP: NGOs filed a criminal complaint against […]

  • Families Looking for Religious Alternatives to Boy Scouts as Organization Focuses on Anal

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2024 11:03pm EDT

    Previously: Boy Scouts of America Announces Official New Name: “Scouting America” Maybe dads should just take their sons out in the woods to go hunting and fishing and stuff? Any of these organizations are going to be run by homosexuals at this point. Homosexuals are everywhere now, and there is no consequence for them if […]

  • Dutch Government Agrees to Kill 29-Year-Old Woman Because She Feels Sad

    Daily Stormer - May 16th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    This news fills me with immense disquiet. Dutch doctors will kill a 29-year-old woman with no terminal illness, on grounds of mental suffering. Another profound change in the evolution of what ‘doctor’ entails – & in the definition of ‘doing no harm’.https://t.co/KbnRIsmAES pic.twitter.com/KxmwHU6DVi — Dr Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) May 16, 2024 You know, population is […]

  • China’s Huawei Using Even More China-Made Parts in Latest High-End Phone

    Daily Stormer - May 16th 2024 8:00pm EDT

    THIS IS AN OLD ARTICLE FROM BEFORE THE SHUTDOWN – MAY 9 Huawei Pura 70 Ultra shutter is so fast it can grab pics of things falling in the air and the shot appears sharp. pic.twitter.com/OAvINAA7eI — ben sin (@bencsin) May 9, 2024 The speed at which China is matching the West in technological development […]

  • Boy Scouts of America Announces Official New Name: “Scouting America”

    Daily Stormer - May 8th 2024 2:06am EDT

    The Boys Scouts are changing their name to Scouting America. This is the first name change in 114 years. The organization wants to be more inclusive.pic.twitter.com/tX9myajzLe — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 7, 2024 If they wanted to gender neutralize the Boy Scouts, they should have changed it to simply “Scouts.” What does “Scouting America” […]

  • UK: Protesters Block Bus Carrying Invaders, Slash Its Tires

    Daily Stormer - May 4th 2024 8:42am EDT

    Protesters are just getting mad about everything these days. Metro: Protesters in south London have blocked a coach set to transport asylum seekers to the Bibby Stockholm barge. A large group of people, many with their faces covered, surrounded the coach outside the Best Western Hotel in Peckham on Thursday and prevented it from leaving. […]

  • Nick Fuentes Reinstated on Twitter as Bulbous Retard Elon Musk Attempts to Rectify Destroyed Reputation

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2024 6:10am EDT

    Nick Fuentes after Palestinians realize he’s been reinstated on twitter pic.twitter.com/nqdpje89wW — Nuka (@CoolNuka) May 2, 2024 Elon Musk, who is know for being gay and sucking gay dick, has agreed to reinstate the virulent antisemite Nick Fuentes on Twitter FAST FACTS: here’s the screenshot: Is this real? Apparently yes. Although I can’t find the […]

  • Louisiana: Female Teacher Arrested After Having Sex With “At Least One” Student

    Daily Stormer - May 1st 2024 8:47pm EDT

    Alexa Wingerter As the world stands on the brink of total war, and America is coming apart at the seams internally, women are focused on only one thing: the cocks of teen boys. Also, as looting, rape, murder and other crimes committed by blacks go unpunished, American law enforcement is focused exclusively on sex-crazed female […]

  • George Washington University Students Calling for a “Final Solution” to the Jewish Problem

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2024 2:00am EDT

    People on the left keep claiming that people saying certain things are plants by the Jews. That might be the case. “Final solution” seems like a bit much. It’s very bait-like. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jews from the New York Post sent someone in with this sign so they could get the photo […]

  • Appeals Court Overturns Harvey Weinstein’s “Rape” Conviction in Massive Victory for All Men

    Daily Stormer - Apr 26th 2024 5:30am EDT

    What Weinstein’s lawyer actually means is, this is a great day for misogynists who believe women lie about rape, and a very dark day for survivors and the justice system. pic.twitter.com/E778ZURXrh — Dr Charlotte Proudman (@DrProudman) April 25, 2024 See: Consent Theory on Steroids: Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to TWENTY-THREE YEARS IN PRISON Well, we didn’t […]

  • The Science Still Putting Parts of Pigs Into Humans

    Daily Stormer - Apr 25th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Surgeons at NYU Langone Health recently completed the first-ever combined heart pump and gene-edited pig kidney transplant in a living patient with heart failure and end-stage kidney disease, who otherwise had no options for a better quality of life: https://t.co/ILQcz2OU5Z pic.twitter.com/frb23zVmr2 — NYU Langone Health (@nyulangone) April 24, 2024 We’re going to have to start […]

  • Washington: School Denies Kids Prayer Club One Week After Approving Anal Club

    Daily Stormer - Apr 25th 2024 6:00am EDT

    What is Mike Johnson doing about anal clubs and banned Christian clubs? Mike Johnson is the most powerful elected Republican, and all he wants to do is spy on you and promote endless wars in your name. Meanwhile, your kids are banned from believing in God and forced to have anal sex with men. Apparently, […]

  • Dark Figure Known for Punching Women Tells Cops “You Have to Check Women Sometimes”

    Daily Stormer - Apr 24th 2024 9:25pm EDT

    Previously: NYPD Arrests Dark Figure Who Punched Eight Random Women Yo, but a MAGA hat on this nigga, because he knows what’s up. He’s tapped in. He’s check-maxxing the woman pill. New York Post: A deranged maniac charged with slugging eight women during a misogynistic crime spree allegedly told cops he targeted the victims because […]

  • Austria: Cops Detain Germans for Laying Flowers at Hitler’s Childhood Home

    Daily Stormer - Apr 23rd 2024 4:13am EDT

    Nazism is treated as something very powerful that is able to just completely take over the bodies and minds of random people. The story of how Germans wanted to round up all the Jews and put them in camps before the US came in and “liberated” them, at which point they loved the Jews, is […]

  • Following Coronavirus Hoax, WHO Defines What Spread “Through Air” Means

    Daily Stormer - Apr 20th 2024 9:18am EDT

    WHO publishes a global technical consultation report introducing updated terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air. This report is the result of an extensive, multi-year collaborative effort and reflects shared agreement on terminology between WHO, experts and four… pic.twitter.com/ae3BpxCpbt — World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) April 18, 2024 Great news. I was wondering what […]

  • Domestic Spying Bill to Vastly Expand Access to Citizens’ Private Data Without Warrant

    Daily Stormer - Apr 18th 2024 5:47am EDT

    .@SpeakerJohnson was incredibly wrong to vote w/ Dems against the 4th amend. when he killed the FISA warrant requirement and wrong to give in to the Dems spending demands. As I see it now, I’m not so sure there’s a difference between him being in charge and Dems being in charge. pic.twitter.com/NoyRhUrvRM — Rand Paul […]

  • Nestle Putting Sugar Into Infant Formula and Products Sold in Poorer Countries

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Cereals for infants sold in Africa were found by Public Eye to contain 6g of added sugar per serving, while the same product sold in Switzerland had none. When you’re a multinational corporation, they let you do it. The Guardian: Nestlé, the world’s largest consumer goods company, adds sugar and honey to infant milk and […]

  • UK Experts Claim Men Get Away With “Rape” by Claiming to Have “Sexsomnia”

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 5:31am EDT

    I never even thought of using the excuse that I was sleepwalking to explain away rape. Usually, when women ask me why I raped them, I just say it’s because they were wearing revealing clothing and asking for it. But this sleep-raping is a good angle. The Guardian: Experts and lawyers involved in sexual offence […]

  • America Assures UK Court They Won’t Torture Julian Assange

    Daily Stormer - Apr 16th 2024 9:38pm EDT

    BREAKING: Here are the US assurances provided to the UK re Julian Assange —The first is a joke. It says Assange can TRY to ask for 1st amendment rights in court. But the US decides. So “no”. —Death penalty assurance is also a joke. 175 years in prison is a death sentence. pic.twitter.com/nSrwt3nxtA — Richard […]

  • Germany Wants to Ban Driving Cars on the Weekend to Change the Weather

    Daily Stormer - Apr 16th 2024 10:22am EDT

    Volker Wissing, Germany’s transport minister This makes a lot of sense. It’s really just very reasonable. We expect this sort of thing from the Germans. European Conservative: Germany’s transport minister has suggested banning weekend car use for the sake of meeting proposed emission quotas. The two-day-a-week ban on personal use of the car, as well […]

  • Germany Passes Law to Allow People to Legally “Change Gender” More Easily

    Daily Stormer - Apr 15th 2024 8:39am EDT

    Germany has always been in competition with France. Germany is looking at the French president’s “female wife,” and saying “it can be done gayer.” Euronews: Germany’s parliament passed a new law on Friday, easing legal procedures for changing names and gender identity. The ‘Gender Identity Act’ was widely supported by the ruling ‘traffic light’ coalition […]

  • Public Libraries All Over America Turned Into Junkie Drug and Sex Zones – No One Cares

    Daily Stormer - Apr 10th 2024 3:00am EDT

    You might not know this, but libraries are an awesome place to get high and have sex with strangers in public. That’s the nature of the transformation into a utopia: places that used to be for education for children become places for unique individuals to engage in joyful activities. New York Post: Once relied upon […]

  • Elon Musk Responds to Claims Twitter is Filled with American State Disinformation, Agrees with Assertion

    Daily Stormer - Apr 9th 2024 2:24pm EDT

    Elon Musk, who is fat and retarded, is pictured in the cramped back seat of one of his disgusting, cheaply produced cars, sweating on the plastic interior. Experts believe his sausage fingers are “completely useless.” Elon is responding to that shit I wrote yesterday about how he’s pushing “free speech” in Brazil so the US […]

  • NAIA Bans Trannies From Women’s Sports

    Daily Stormer - Apr 8th 2024 9:14pm EDT

    I didn’t know what the NAIA was. It’s some kind of hate group, like the KKK or the NRA. Reuters: The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics on Monday banned transgender women from competing in women’s sports, taking a more hardline stance than other athletic bodies that allow trans athletes to compete based on testosterone levels. […]

  • Japan: Publisher Threatened with Arson for Publishing Anti-Tranny Book

    Daily Stormer - Apr 4th 2024 8:32am EDT

    The book was initially supposed to be translated by a bigger publisher, but those guys cucked out Wait are there trannies in Japan now? Jeez. Japan is experiencing a Poland-level collapse of its social order. This happens to all of the allies of the United States. Deal with the devil and he gets his dues, […]
