• Civilizational Clash! The Tyranny of the New World Order

    Counter Currents - Mar 11th 2022 11:17am EST

    3,364 words Samuel P. HuntingtonThe Clash of Civilizations & the Remaking of World Order New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996 From 1994 to 1996, the Russians waged war against the Chechens. In 1999 the war resumed, ending in 2000 with the Russians firmly in control of the ruins of Chechen cities. In 2008, the Russians […]

  • Infowars: Putin vs. NWO

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 11th 2022 11:10am EST

    Wow, that escalated. I didn’t think this was going to happen in 2022. It is what it is though. I was wrong. Russia is now in a full blown war with globalism, Atlanticism and the New World Order. George Soros is calling for regime change in Russia and China and wants us to fight World […]

  • Ukraine & Epistemic Failure Analysis

    Counter Currents - Mar 11th 2022 9:53am EST

    1,770 words Well, friends, we dun goof’d. We predicted, as a movement, as thinkers, that Russia would not invade Ukraine. We are, of course, at the time of writing, into the third week of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, so it behooves us to look into what happened and where we went wrong so that our […]

  • George Soros: Putin and Xi Must Be Removed From Power

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 11th 2022 9:24am EST

    If you find yourself on the side of George Soros and David Rothkopf, you should start retracing your steps. Project Syndicate:

  • Republican Senators Pressure Joe Biden To Defend Ukraine’s Borders

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 11th 2022 12:26am EST

    Lindsey Graham says Madison Cawthorn is an outlier “in the largest sense possible on our side” and says “there are some on the left that are outliers” pic.twitter.com/JYXbZ7GArd — Acyn (@Acyn) March 10, 2022 Tom Cotton declares Putin is on course to invade the US pic.twitter.com/3baim6u4lJ — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 10, 2022 If you […]

  • Tucker Carlson: “Journalists” Are Parroting Pentagon Disinformation About Ukraine’s Biolabs

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 9:08pm EST

    Jennifer Griffin should be on soon with the Pentagon’s latest talking points.

  • Reuters: Facebook and Instagram To Temporarily Allow Calls for Violence Against Russians

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 6:03pm EST

    EXCLUSIVE Facebook and Instagram to temporarily allow calls for violence against Russians https://t.co/dhcObdoDk6 pic.twitter.com/QVokunNzyx — Reuters (@Reuters) March 10, 2022 These are dark times. The world is closer to nuclear war that at any point in my lifetime.

  • David Rothkopf: High Gas Prices Are Necessary To Defend Freedom

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 4:50pm EST

    This is a coming turning point in American history that will make us culturally richer, stronger, and better prepared for the global era. It’s very good news. https://t.co/g6o6V7cp3k — David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) March 15, 2018 Trump is peak white male privilege. That’s why so many white males (and really primarily white males) defend him. He […]

  • Jimmy Dore: Elites Say You Need To Pay Higher Gas Prices – Cuz Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 4:31pm EST

    More sacrifices are coming.

  • Sen. Chris Murphy: Dems Need To Be On Offense Over Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 1:07pm EST

    View of the Maidan. #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/bXSlsm3dFw — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 14, 2014 Walking to the Maidan this morning. #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/GyDfC5S2FZ — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) March 14, 2014 US chauvinism & warmongering is so ingrained that @AdamSchiff can openly declare, in Jan 2020, that US uses Ukraine to “fight Russia over there,” and our elites […]

  • Peter Hitchens: “We’ve Used Ukraine As a Battering Ram Against Russia”

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 12:38pm EST

    H/T Friedrich Braun After Iraq, who could have ever predicted that neocons and neolibs would lead us into another bipartisan foreign policy disaster?

  • Putin: U.S. Tries To Blame Russia For Their Mistakes

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 12:06pm EST

    Share everywhere. The Biden Administration is responsible pic.twitter.com/mlXXAV3e60 — Michael O’Fallon – Sovereign Nations (@SovMichael) March 7, 2022 PUTIN SAYS: WE HAVE AGREEMENTS WITH FRIENDLY COUNTRIES ON FERTILIZERS — First Squawk (@FirstSquawk) March 10, 2022 The suspension of fertilizers export by Russia comes on the heels of a recommendation made by the Russian Trade and […]

  • Ukraine On Fire

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 10th 2022 8:35am EST

    Americans don’t care about Ukraine. Six months ago, Americans had zero interest in the conflict in Donbas. There was no coverage of the issue. Few Americans can identify Ukraine on a map, have ever visited Ukraine or know anything about the country aside from the fact that it used to be a part of the […]

  • Finally back in Japan and a talk from the conference

    Ryan Dawson - Mar 10th 2022 7:23am EST

  • No-Go Zone: Power Lost At Chernobyl, US Biological Labs In Ukraine, No More Oil & Gas

    Red Ice TV - Mar 10th 2022 12:02am EST

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. We cover the latest on how globohomo is using Ukraine and the Ukrainian’s in their sickening geopolitical game. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all […]

  • SHOCK CLAIM: Tucker Carlson: Ukraine Biolabs Confirmed By Victoria Nuland

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 8:26pm EST

    When I first heard about this claim, I also dismissed it as Russian disinformation. There is no way this could be real. This is like saying Saddam Hussein has WMD. This has got to be a pretext for justifying the Russian invasion. The fact checkers also all said it was misinformation.

  • John Mearsheimer: The Russia-Ukraine Disaster

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 6:59pm EST

    Exactly. This is an unambiguous disaster for the world economy, a disaster for the American worker and middle class, a disaster for Europe, a disaster for Russia, a disaster for Ukraine, a potential disaster for humanity. The only people who wanted this were the neocons and Russiagaters who instigated it.

  • MSNBC: Putin ‘United’ GOP and Dems By Igniting War Pragmatism

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 3:42pm EST

    Far-right “journalist” Patrick Howley explains why he is rooting for Putin and Russia: “They want me to care about Ukraine so much and I don’t that it just makes me happy to see when they’re sad. Their misery, their failure, their disappointment is funny and gratifying to me.” pic.twitter.com/wr61e0wJXl — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) March […]

  • Jimmy Dore: Ukraine Shuts Down Opposition News Outlets

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 10:53am EST

    Ukraine is on the side of Liberal Democracy. You know what that means. It means that the Ukrainian government is a client regime of NATO and the United States. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. The stench of Ukrainian corruption was connected to both Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign. Donald […]

  • TAC: Weapons Of Financial Destruction And New World Disorder

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 10:09am EST

    I’m extremely worried about the global economy and the stability of the petroshekel now that all that pent up moral energy on Twitter that has powered Wokeism and has been weaponized against us and which has ravaged our domestic politics for years is igniting the global financial system. TAC: “The comprehensive sanctions the United States […]

  • Republicans Push Legislation To Ban All Oil Imports From Iran

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 9:55am EST

    Who are the evil doers? Who are we going to scold and punish today with sanctions? How much inflation can we live with to punish all the wicked people who live in distant foreign countries? How much are we willing to pay in record high gas prices for more clarity? Note: The United States isn’t […]

  • Jesse Watters Presses Lindsey Graham on Ukraine Joining NATO

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 9th 2022 9:13am EST

    December 2016 – Senators Lindsey #Graham and John #McCain speak to soldiers in #Ukraine. Quote Graham:“Your fight is our fight. 2017 will be the year of offense…Enough of Russian aggression. It is time for them to pay a heavier price.” pic.twitter.com/Kc1kXTl0Kf — Dr. David Lütke (@DrLuetke) March 5, 2022 Check this out, 2017 Lindsey Graham […]

  • Biden has really stepped in it

    Ryan Dawson - Mar 9th 2022 6:22am EST

    Boy the US has really stepped in it by putting more sanctions on Russia. They already had sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. No pproblme right lets just turn to our friends the Saudis and ask them to up production right? Wrong Saudi, UAE leaders ignore Biden when he calls to talk gas prices: report “The […]

  • Tucker Carlson: You Are About To Get A Lot Poorer

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 9:51pm EST

    We need a second party.

  • Vladimir Putin Bans Exports of Russian Commodities

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 6:11pm EST

    REPORTER: What can you do about skyrocketing gas prices? BIDEN: “Can’t do much right now. Russia’s responsible.” pic.twitter.com/UZrBUEsliQ — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 8, 2022 CNN reporter: “People we’ve spoken to over the last couple weeks are okay with paying higher gas prices if it means holding Russia accountable” pic.twitter.com/WghSU4uwFE — Greg Price (@greg_price11) March […]