• American Intelligence Agencies Circulate DEI Newsletter Featuring a Tranny Agent

    Daily Stormer - Mar 25th 2024 3:00am EDT

    Frankly, trannies are likely to do a better job than the women and black people they’ve been hiring. New York Post: The executive arm of the U.S. intelligence community, which includes the CIA and several top military spy agencies, recently circulated a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) newsletter that features a secret agent who reveals he is […]

  • Jeff Bezos’ Ex-Wife Donating Hundreds of Millions to Groups Boosting Invaders, Trannies

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2024 6:13am EDT

      The richest woman in history made her fortune on divorce. This fact should be humiliating to women. But it’s not. If you tell them this fact, they will just start talking about the “pay gap” and claim women can only make money from divorce because of centuries of oppression and sexism in the workplace. […]

  • Elon Claims Neuralink Let Man “Tweet with His Thoughts”

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2024 6:12am EDT

    Elon is now claiming that guy with the brain implant is tweeting his thoughts using Telepathy. First ever post made just by thinking, using the @Neuralnk Telepathy device! https://t.co/mj8GfiuDcD — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 22, 2024 From what I understand, he didn’t actually just send out his thoughts, but rather, used his thoughts to use […]

  • Brandon Announces Federal Red Flag Law Gun Control Operation

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2024 5:26am EDT

    What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center; We did not authorize this. Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes. https://t.co/IkuK0aTeV8 — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) March 23, 2024 Letting the DOJ run an organized campaign to take people’s guns away might seem illegal when you hear about it. No one […]

  • Tennessee: Nashville Police Department Abandons Physical Ability Test to Recruit More Women

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2024 1:41am EDT

    Based black guy always says it like it be Yeah, everyone wants more women cops. That’s what we need right now in this perfect utopia, so it will become even more perfect: more videos of empowered white women trying to manhandle the blacks. Washington Examiner: The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has ditched its physical ability […]

  • Jeff Bezos’ Ex-Wife Donating Hundreds of Millions to Groups Boosting Migrants, Trannies

    Daily Stormer - Mar 23rd 2024 11:00pm EDT

      The richest woman in history made her fortune on divorce. This fact should be humiliating to women. But it’s not. If you tell them this fact, they will just start talking about the “pay gap” and claim women can only make money from divorce because of centuries of oppression and sexism in the workplace. […]

  • AOC Says What Israel is Doing to Gaza is a Genocide, And America Makes It Possible

    Daily Stormer - Mar 23rd 2024 12:51pm EDT

    There is no world in which the forced famine of 1.1 million people cannot be considered genocide. And that is exactly what we are watching unfold in Gaza now. We must enforce U.S. laws and halt weapons transfers to the Israeli government to stop an atrocity in the making. pic.twitter.com/N40Jk3yKc7 — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) […]

  • Venezuelan TikTok Influencer Says Work is For Slaves, Teaches How to Scam Americans

    Daily Stormer - Mar 23rd 2024 12:48pm EDT

    “How to get a high-end phone for free.” This TikTok Venezuelan crime guy seems like some kind of crisis actor, no? Isn’t he sort of… suspicious? New York Post: The TikTok influencer who encouraged “fellow Venezuelans” to squat in American homes is being probed by child services after using his baby daughter in his guides […]

  • As America Coddles Terrorists, Russia Says They Will Execute Them All Without Trials

    Daily Stormer - Mar 23rd 2024 7:52am EDT

    Russia is entertaining the idea that these are Islamic terrorists, rather than US agents. I guess they have to do that, given that the people they arrested were Moslems. RT: The perpetrators and organizers of Friday’s terrorist attack at a Moscow concert venue must be hunted down without mercy, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has […]

  • NYC: Retard Cafe Dedicated to Employing Literal Retards Opens

    Daily Stormer - Mar 22nd 2024 4:26am EDT

    Well, this is just sad. I don’t have any desire to mock or insult literal retards. But there’s a reason they don’t have jobs. This is clearly just an exploitation of the retards, as this company just bullies people into thinking they are bad people if they don’t eat at the retard cafe. New York […]

  • Poll: Over 60% of Democrats Think Covid Isn’t Over

    Daily Stormer - Mar 21st 2024 1:26pm EDT

    To be fair, on the question of “completely back to normal,” it’s sort of true that it will “never get back to normal.” That could mean different things to different people, of course, but on the basic level, things were changed during the covid hoax that are never going to change back. We still haven’t […]

  • Bibi Tells Republicans Gaza Genocide Will Continue

    Daily Stormer - Mar 21st 2024 5:41am EDT

    Senate Republicans heard from Prime Minister @Netanyahu today — he gave us an update on the war, hostage releases, and defeating Hamas.@POTUS and @SenSchumer are running scared of the extremists in their own party. Republicans continue to stand with the people of Israel. pic.twitter.com/ZX8DOO2Iov — Sen. John Barrasso (@SenJohnBarrasso) March 20, 2024 It’s unclear to […]

  • New York: Woman Arrested for Trying to Kick Out Squatters from House She Owns

    Daily Stormer - Mar 21st 2024 5:30am EDT

    You can’t just kick people out of your house. It’s against the law. The Post Millennial: A 47-year-old New York City woman was recently arrested for unlawful eviction after trying to prevent squatters from re-entering the $1 million property bequeathed to her by her family. Adele Andaloro changed the locks on the Flushing, Queens home, […]

  • Washington: State Supreme Court Rules Bar Exam Not Required to Become a Lawyer Because Racism

    Daily Stormer - Mar 20th 2024 2:57am EDT

    Washington’s Supreme Court has no fewer than three (1, 2, 3) Jews on it, despite them making up only around 1% of the state’s population “The racism of low expectations” strikes again! Right-wingers have mocked that talking point, but it is just a fact that it is ultra-condescending to say “well, actually, niggers are too […]

  • Manhattan: People Pelting Jews, Vandalizing Jewish Stores

    Daily Stormer - Mar 20th 2024 2:52am EDT

    Effy’s Cafe in the UWS in Manhattan was vandalized with pro Palestinian graffiti, only because it’s owned by an Israeli Jew. Got a lot of support from the neighbourhood. Here’s the story that aired on Israeli tv (mostly in Hebrew, sorry). pic.twitter.com/ftbpvJH4C6 — נריה קראוס Neria Kraus (@NeriaKraus) March 20, 2024 So, they’re coming for […]

  • NY Cops Take 34-Year-Old Alligator From Man Who Took Care of Him Since He Was 2 Months Old

    Daily Stormer - Mar 20th 2024 2:38am EDT

    A man is fighting to keep his pet alligator, named “Albert,” after New York state officials say it was seized from his home where it was being kept illegally. https://t.co/N33Bs0sAyc pic.twitter.com/qOKB1Oo8Zv — ABC News (@ABC) March 19, 2024 Oh, come on. Just let the guy keep his gator. Niggers are allowed to literally kill people […]

  • WaPo Says Biden Knew Israel was Purposefully Killing Kids in October, Continued to Say They Were “Defending Themselves”

    Daily Stormer - Mar 19th 2024 4:21am EDT

    Why would the WaPo print this??? Have they been infiltrated by Israeli agents pushing for a Trump win??? Find out the exciting answer this November, when America will hold a totally contrived, fake election where the winning candidate is directly selected by Jews! RT: The White House knew since late October that Israel was regularly […]

  • Heroic Twin Sister Dies Trying to Save Innocent Phone From Stabby Man She Rejected

    Daily Stormer - Mar 18th 2024 11:34am EDT

    Samyia Spain Sometimes, I don’t really understand news stories at all. I think it’s maybe because everyone is some shade of brown now, and I just can’t comprehend their various zoological patterns. New York Post: The twin sister of a 19-year-old girl who was stabbed to death outside a Brooklyn deli after she allegedly rejected […]

  • Trump Promoting Abortion (But Only Up to 16 Weeks!)

    Daily Stormer - Mar 18th 2024 2:54am EDT

    Trump confirms he is considering a proposal for a nationwide ban on abortion after 16 weeks: ”The Democrats are the radicals on this issue because it’s [okay to them] to have an abortion at 7, 8, 9 months, and even after birth.” ”You have to have the three exceptions [for… pic.twitter.com/hLYlW5kfNM — Go Vivek Go […]

  • Whoopi Goldberg Claims Trump Doesn’t Exist, Video of Him Generated by AI

    Daily Stormer - Mar 17th 2024 7:34am EDT

    Wow, Whoopi’s looking great It’s already happening. Decider: Leave it to Whoopi Goldberg to drop a bombshell on The View then slyly cut to commercial. The longtime moderator made our jaws drop this morning when she toted a peculiar theory about Donald Trump, claiming that appearances from the one-term president are products of artificial intelligence. Her bold remark came at […]

  • Kamala’s Based Jew Stepdaughter Joins Hamas…!

    Daily Stormer - Mar 17th 2024 7:03am EDT

    This is a headline from the New York Post: I didn’t read the article, because there are only so many hours in the day, and plus it’s Sunday and I’m trying to relax. You guys know I’ve been talking about taking Sundays off work, for psychological and religious reasons. Anyway, I don’t really care what […]

  • RFK to Announce Hapa Female Running Mate; Experts Claim People Want to Fuck Her

    Daily Stormer - Mar 17th 2024 7:00am EDT

    I’d like to shove my vote in her ballot box, if you catch my meaning. I actually already knew who this bitch was because she had a short marriage to and high profile divorce from Google Jew Sergei Brin which made her a lot of money. The divorce was supposedly because she had sex with […]

  • Whiny Jew Teacher Booted From Antisemitic Brooklyn High School

    Daily Stormer - Mar 17th 2024 6:08am EDT

    Previously: Brooklyn High School Students “Terrorizing” Jewish Teachers and Classmates Shut up, shut up, shut up JEW. No one cares about your stupid whining anymore. We’ve seen what you people are doing to those babies in Gaza. We know you all support it. The whining doesn’t work anymore. You have to leave, Jew. New York […]

  • Massachusetts: 8th Graders Criminally Charged for Doing Racism on Snapchat

    Daily Stormer - Mar 16th 2024 10:29am EDT

    Southwick, where this happened, is over 95% white Back in my day, we did racism in real life. Everyone said nigger on X-Box Live, constantly. ABC News: Six Massachusetts eighth graders face criminal charges in connection with “hateful and racist comments” in a group chat that allegedly included threats and a mock slave auction, officials […]

  • Trump Ordered CIA Mind Weapons Deployed Against the Chinese

    Daily Stormer - Mar 16th 2024 10:28am EDT

    Trump’s whole thing with China was that he wanted to compete with them economically. That’s what he ran on and I believe it’s what he actually wanted. Then he went ahead and surrounded himself with lunatics like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo who wanted a war with the Chinese, to push for some kind of […]
