• Idaho: Girl Shoots Up School – Kills No One

    Daily Stormer - May 7th 2021 10:46am EDT

    I da hoe? Bitch, you da hoe. New York Post: A sixth-grade girl was identified as the person who opened fire at an Idaho middle school Thursday, wounding two students and a custodian before she was disarmed by a teacher. The victims all suffered bullet wounds to their arms and legs, and are expected to survive, officials […]

  • Documentary on Tranny High School Athletes is Called “Changing the Game”

    Daily Stormer - May 6th 2021 9:43am EDT

    I laughed aloud when I saw that in article in Variety was announcing that a new documentary about trannies in sports is called “Changing the Game.” The name of the documentary is very fitting. Trannies definitely have “changed the game” – they’ve changed every game, to make it so women have no chance of competing. […]

  • White Woman Arrested for Saying Mean Word to Black Amazon Deliveryman

    Daily Stormer - May 5th 2021 10:30pm EDT

    White people in America should start wearing bodycams all the time like cops, so you can see these videos from the beginning People can now be arrested and charged with a crime for yelling at a black person. This is going to be the new norm: whenever there is any conflict between a white and […]

  • Poll Finds the World Views America as a Much Bigger “Threat to Democracy” Than China

    Daily Stormer - May 5th 2021 8:06am EDT

    When the top US diplomats met with the top Chinese diplomats, the latter chided the former, saying they act like aggressive barbarians with an unearned right to rule the entire world. The Chinese said that America is a corrupt country, where the population does not believe in their electoral system, and people constantly riot. Secretary […]

  • Joe Biden Goes Big on Jimmy Carter’s Wife!

    Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 11:21pm EDT

    If you know me, you know that I’ve had a constant piece of advice for young people: don’t ever go big on nobody. Well, you’re not going to hear that from Joe Biden, who this week to his wife for a trip to go Voltron maximum on Jimmy Carter and his dead taxidermy wife. Joe, […]

  • Axios: “It’s Set to be a Hot, Violent Summer”

    Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 1:28pm EDT

    I have said from the beginning that if Joe Biden won the election, the summer of 2021 would be lot worse than the summer of 2020. Several people have disagreed with me. Axios’ Bryan Walsh has concurred, however, saying that this is going to be a hot, violent summer. Axios: After a year in which […]

  • Pfizer Blows Past Wall Street Expectations for First Quarter Thanks to Coronavirus Vaccine Sales

    Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 11:37am EDT

    Governments take people’s rights and money, then give the money to these companies while saying that that’s the key to give people their rights back. AP: Pfizer, buoyed by a huge jump in sales for its COVID-19 vaccine and solid performance across most of the company, is hiking its 2021 financial forecast sharply after blowing […]

  • Invasion: Moronic Messicans Wreck Their Fail Boat on California Reef

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2021 3:35pm EDT

    Did you even know that the invaders are coming by sea now too? They’re coming from every angle. RT: At least three people have been killed and over two dozen injured after an apparent migrant-smuggling vessel capsized and broke into pieces after hitting a reef off San Diego, California. The first distress call was received […]

  • Prince Harry, Jennifer Lopez, and Others Call for Worldwide in California “Vax Live” Event

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2021 11:09am EDT

    Vaccines are cool and hip and sexy. All the hottest starred are getting vaxxed up. You’re not a loser, are you goy? You want to be trendy, right? AP: President Joe Biden spoke about the COVID-19 vaccination being safe, Prince Harry urged for the vaccine distribution everywhere and Jennifer Lopez embraced her fully-vaccinated mother on […]

  • Almost Everyone Who Wants Vaxxed Has Been Vaxxed: Now Come the Hunger Games

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2021 6:00am EDT

    We are rapidly reaching the point at which the heat starts to get hot. When they give up on this artificial scarcity thing, and start compelling you to take it, it’s gonna turn into the Hunger Games. Yahoo! News: The U.S. is about to run out of adults who are ready and willing to get […]

  • Tim Scott Says He’s Working with Republicans and George Floyd’s Family to Destroy the Police

    Daily Stormer - May 2nd 2021 2:31pm EDT

    DMX once famously asked “where my dawgs at?” Well, for black Senator Tim Scott, the answer is clear: his dawgs are in the GOP, and he says that many of this “ruff ryders” are ready to support his plan to abolish the police. Scott recently gave the rebuttal to Joe Biden’s speech in Congress, announcing […]

  • Mitt Gets Booed Like a Bitch in Utah

    Daily Stormer - May 2nd 2021 7:14am EDT

    .@SenatorRomney is getting boo’d loudly at the @UtahGOP convention. @fox13 #utpol #utgop pic.twitter.com/4vMwVnh6YI — Ben Winslow (@BenWinslow) 1 мая 2021 г. Mitt Romney got majorly booed in Utah. I haven’t see someone get booed like this since the Middle Eastern Christians booed Ted Cruz for saying he wanted total Jewish domination of their homelands. With […]

  • Actress Ellen Page Says Cutting Her Breasts Off to Pretend to Be a Man Saved Her Life

    Daily Stormer - May 1st 2021 2:44pm EDT

    At first I was like But then I was just like The ride never ends. BBC: Elliot Page says having transition surgery has been a “life-saving” experience. The Oscar-nominated star of Juno has opened up about coming out as a trans man in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. He told Winfrey it was “crucial and […]

  • 63% of US Companies Will Require Workers to Show Proof of Vaccination

    Daily Stormer - Apr 30th 2021 1:40pm EDT

    Pictured: SCIENCE giving public health directions. There is a war against bodily autonomy. CNBC: More than 60% of companies in the U.S. will require proof of vaccination from their employees, according to a new survey conducted by Arizona State University with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. A broad majority of U.S. employers, 65%, plan to […]

  • Rudy Giuliani Appears on Tucker Carlson After Raid

    Daily Stormer - Apr 30th 2021 12:00am EDT

    I heard that Rudy Giuliani was on Tucker Carlson. This is the first time Rudy has appeared on TV since his home was raided by the feds and all of his computers were seized. So I went to YouTube and typed “Tucker Carlson.” More than the 15 first results were anti-Tucker videos. That is something […]

  • Trump Says He’s 100% Thinking About Running for President in 2024

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 11:30pm EDT

    Joe Biden has already said that he’s ready to go again in 2024. It will be great to have a rematch and maybe next time, for no reason, the Democrats won’t cheat. Newsweek: Former President Donald Trump asserted that he’s definitely considering running for the White House again in 2024. In a Thursday phone interview […]

  • Crack Down on Jeopardy! After Realizing It’s a Hotbed of White Supremacy

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 8:49am EDT

    It is incredible that the establishment will attack people as “conspiracy theorists” for simply asking for data to be collected regarding the potential side-effects of the coronavirus vaccine (data that is collected for every other drug in history), while at the same time the establishment endorses very wild, baseless theories. Very regularly now, establishment people […]

  • Biden Speech: Attacks China, Promoting Even More Fear and Confusion, Demands $4 Trillion

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 5:30am EDT

    The Fake President Joe Biden has given a rousing speech to Congress, wherein he promoted the Chinese as a new threat on par with Adolf Hitler. This is really weird. (This is the State of the Union speech, but it isn’t called that because of some protocol which makes it so a President’s first State […]

  • Rudy Giuliani’s Home and Office Raided by Biden Fed Agents – Is Trump Going to Prison?

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 5:25am EDT

    Rudy raided! There is no clear reason they would do this unless they are attempting to put together a case against Donald Trump. Maybe they won’t indict Trump, but thinking about doing that is the only reason they would do this. AP: Federal agents raided Rudy Giuliani’s Manhattan home and office Wednesday, seizing computers and […]

  • Watch: Fauci Lashes Out Against Joe Rogan for Advising Young and Healthy Listeners to Avoid Vaccine

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 3:22am EDT

    JOE ROGAN: “I think it’s safe to get vaccinated. But if you’re 21 years old… if you are a healthy person and you’re exercising all the time and you’re young and you’re eating well, I don’t think you need to worry about this.”pic.twitter.com/SUn39qOJ0R — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 27, 2021 Joe Rogan has said that […]

  • CDC Now Says Guidelines Don’t Explicitly Recommend Pregnant Women to Take Coronavirus Vaccine

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2021 2:00am EDT

    Rochelle “Early Life” Walensky is currently the head of the CDC, and she is really into dazzling the goyim. The CDC is part of a conspiracy to confuse everyone. The CDC is working with Anthony Fauci to this end – you will notice that they often come out on the same day and say different […]

  • MAGA 2021: “Check Out What This Based Tranny is Saying About Fracking!”

    Daily Stormer - Apr 28th 2021 1:30am EDT

    Did you wonder where MAGA would go after failing to prevent the theft of the 2020 election? Well, wonder no more. That is none other than MAGA darling Jack Posobiec blatantly endorsing Bruce Jenner, who is a tranny. There is no irony here. Many prominent members of MAGA are endorsing Bruce Jenner – who, again, […]

  • Rose McGowan Looks Healthful, Calls the DEMON-RATS a Cult

    Daily Stormer - Apr 28th 2021 12:30am EDT

    Actress Rose McGowan appeared on Fox News with Tammy Bruce, looking 25 years younger than the last time I saw her. She had a facelift, but more importantly, she’s lost weight. McGowan explained that she grew up in a cult, and that the Democrats are a cult that support only weird agendas and hurt people. […]

  • Anthony Hopkins Under Attack for Beating Dead Gay Black Bastard at the Oscar Game

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2021 4:16pm EDT

    That Black Panther ain’t got no game, can’t win no award. He dead, getting beat by an old cracka. The Guardian: The family of Chadwick Boseman, the Black Panther star who had been widely expected to receive a posthumous best actor Oscar for his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, have come to the defence of […]

  • Colorado Cops Remain on Duty After Beating Up Old White Woman and Laughing About Breaking Her Arm

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2021 8:20am EDT

    Right-wingers are mostly too stupid and primitive to ever question the cops, because the cops are always going to be viewed as a symbol of authority, and in a primitive right-winger’s mind, authority is always going to be associated with order. When I say these right-wingers are “stupid and primitive,” I don’t mean that in […]